View Full Version : Future riots

01-07-13, 01:18
I was on YouTube watching a couple of riots videos and noticed The LA riots of 92, but I was wondering if something similar would happen in the future... What is this LIBERAL Gov is going to do? but in this case I think it will be the welfare system. I have noticed that year after year the welfare system all it does is go up and there is going to be a point where is either going to collapse or be cut down and the crackheads are going to start.

Also while reading I noticed this would be more probe to happen in large city areas such as NY, Chicago the same LA etc... Kinda similar to the occupy wall st Bs.

Are you ready?

01-07-13, 02:06
... What is this LIBERAL Gov is going to do?

Nothing. Planned that way.

Major cities will boil over with lawlessness, and the Governors will ask for Federal help quelling the unrest.

Problem - Reaction - Solution

01-07-13, 03:29
Bracken: When The Music Stops – How America’s Cities May Explode In Violence


01-07-13, 03:50
Riots I don't worry as much about. They are like tornados, they can cause a lot of damage but they don't last that long and they seem to hit the bad parts of town (trailer parks in this case). I'm more worried about the 'flood' of when budgets are cut and police services are reduced and bad guys figure out their chances of getting caught go down as the response time goes up. Less money for prisons means more criminals on the street.

The only real concern about riots is if the progressives riot and Obama uses that as an excuse to renege on cuts to social programs.