View Full Version : NRA: Out of step?

01-07-13, 03:14
Being in NY. I'm unfortunate enough to be constantly bombarded by Bloomberg, Mc Carthy and crew. One of their most used lines is that the" NRA is out of step with the majority of it's membership". I've been hearing this repeated more and more lately. After reading a thread about semi-autos for hunting in PA. I started thinking about the divide between gun owners. I attended a monthly meeting at a club I belong to and I noticed alot of talk centered on proposed gun legislation. Every single person there, from 16-80 years old agreed with the idea of armed resource officers in the schools. I also found out all of the school districts within at least a 100 mile radius has them. I wish the NRA was a little more proactive, I want to "occupy" Albany and Gracie Mansion. I also don't always agree with their political choices, but I wouldn't say the NRA was out of step with the membership.

01-07-13, 03:55
Split your enemies and sow FUD (fear, uncertianty and doubt) are two things the Dems try to do to the Reps on a regular basis and look how well it worked on the House of Reps.

They are just trying to marginalize the NRA, even though it isn't true- and the main stream media is more than happy to fing peope with NRA cards who can concur. Hell, Michael Moore is a lifetime member- there must be a lot of gun owners like him :rolleyes:

01-07-13, 11:28
I'm sure the NRA is.

Just not when it comes to protecting our Second Amendment rights.

01-07-13, 11:40
Being in NY. I'm unfortunate enough to be constantly bombarded by Bloomberg, Mc Carthy and crew. One of their most used lines is that the" NRA is out of step with the majority of it's membership". I've been hearing this repeated more and more lately. After reading a thread about semi-autos for hunting in PA. I started thinking about the divide between gun owners. I attended a monthly meeting at a club I belong to and I noticed alot of talk centered on proposed gun legislation. Every single person there, from 16-80 years old agreed with the idea of armed resource officers in the schools. I also found out all of the school districts within at least a 100 mile radius has them. I wish the NRA was a little more proactive, I want to "occupy" Albany and Gracie Mansion. I also don't always agree with their political choices, but I wouldn't say the NRA was out of step with the membership.

I would believe little to nothing the talking heads on TV have to say about anything . They make up their own poll numbers, etc,etc and lie out their wazoo to support their owners agendas. Best thing anyone can do is turn off the braining washing tube when it comes to most of the news.

01-07-13, 11:47
The NRA faces the same demon that the GOP does.

It does not really matter what they say or even HOW they say it. The organization faces a tsunami of distortion filters via big media.

Basically, anything they say or do...no matter now bad or good it is for gun rights...will be reported and/or shown in a bad light.

Now...how do we work around that?

Well...THAT is the 10 million dollar question.


01-07-13, 11:52
Pure propoganda. Goebbels would be proud! :rolleyes:

01-07-13, 12:05
Sure it is.

Look at what big media did with Mitt's 47% comment.

Mitt told the truth - that 47% of wage earners pay no income taxes...so the GOP message of low taxes does not resonate with that group. Big media took him to the woodshed and distorted a truthful conversation.

Yes...the media is a HUGE stumbling block in getting out any truth about gun rights and gun ownership.


01-07-13, 19:03
For an origination that is so out of step with its membership it sure is gaining a bunch of new members.