View Full Version : Adobe.... meet the Internet

01-08-13, 08:24
Yesterday Forbes ( and many others ) ran a web page stating that Adobe was giving away it's entire CS2 range of products.

On Dec 13th Adobe retired it's authentication server for CS2 products. In an effort to allow people to continue to be able to install those outdated products they placed them on a web page with serial numbers.

This led Forbes and many web sites / groups across the Internet(world) to download, share, etc all those files.

Adobe officials on the Adobe forums indicated it was no big deal, that the programs are old and probably won't run on most modern systems anyway.

By mid day the Adobe web page was unavailable for unknown reasons. By that time there were many substitute links. By the afternoon Adobe issued a message stating that the files were not free, that they were intended for registered Adobe users for those products and that one needed to log in with their account.

Now today Adobe has reinstated the web page, no login required, all of CS2 available and all serial numbers posted.

So if you use use Adobe products and feel you need a guaranteed backup for any CS2 product, they have them available. This is a change from anything I have every seen them do and I have have had two issues trying to keep older software running. Once they bought a company and would no longer support my software unless I bought a very expensive piece of their software. Another I was required to keep very old (floppies) to prove upgrade when I needed to re-install CS products after a hardware failure.

I'm not exactly sure what they are doing, nor am I sure they do either. At any rate if you go to Adobe main page and type "CS2 download" in the search box. The first link will take you to this page.


01-08-13, 08:52
I think I can decode that for you. At mid-day lawyer got involved and quashed the sites. The original decision-maker appealed to HQ. The lawyer was over-ruled by a senior executive later in the afternoon. I think they operate on PST, also, which is 3 hours behind EST. That's my take on it.

Happens all the time, bro.


01-08-13, 10:03
CS2 is 4 generations old I believe. They're publishing CS6 as of now so they may just be being generous with their old software. Still though, Photoshop for free legitimately? Yes please :)