View Full Version : Stop Bitching about Gun Control and do something about it!

01-14-13, 08:30
I'm writing this post because many gun owners myself included have spent alot of time in the past month bitching about gun control. Most however haven't done one productive thing to stop it. If everyone did these simple steps, gun owners can form a unified front and defeat the gun-grabber element.

1) Write you elected representatives and encourage other to do the same. With this simple link shared by another M4carbine.net member it takes less than 2 minutes to do. http://www.ruger.com/micros/advocacy/

Furthermore it should be a goal of yours to influence as many people possible to do this simple step.

2) Contribute to the NRA or at least renew your membership early. Although some will disagree with the NRA's stand on some issues, they are the only dog in the fight that has the ability to launch a sustained national campaign to pressure lawmakers to protect our second amendment rights.

3) Learn about your 2A rights and be able to calmly and rationally argue them to undecided non-gun people. Find common ground and educate people how the 2A protects other rights that they may find more important such as 1A rights.

4) Encourage others to follow steps 1-3

Extra Credit

Stop buying $50 PMAGS and other overpriced items and instead use some of those funds to contribute to the NRA.

01-14-13, 08:55
I'm writing this post because many gun owners myself included have spent alot of time in the past month bitching about gun control. Most however haven't done one productive thing to stop it. If everyone did these simple steps, gun owners can form a unified front and defeat the gun-grabber element.

1) Write you elected representatives and encourage other to do the same. With this simple link shared by another M4carbine.net member it takes less than 2 minutes to do. http://www.ruger.com/micros/advocacy/

Furthermore it should be a goal of yours to influence as many people possible to do this simple step.

2) Contribute to the NRA or at least renew your membership early. Although some will disagree with the NRA's stand on some issues, they are the only dog in the fight that has the ability to launch a sustained national campaign to pressure lawmakers to protect our second amendment rights.

3) Learn about your 2A rights and be able to calmly and rationally argue them to undecided non-gun people. Find common ground and educate people how the 2A protects other rights that they may find more important such as 1A rights.

4) Encourage others to follow steps 1-3

Extra Credit

Stop buying $50 PMAGS and other overpriced items and instead use some of those funds to contribute to the NRA.

Love these threads. Most people have done these things, and wasted their time. I did them myself and the whole time I knew I was wasting my time. If you are in the right state it MAY have some bearing, If you are in say CALI, or NY or NJ. you are ****ed. I'm able to just move to PA full time. For now it is a solution, not for long though it will come here soon too. I see forced confrontation leading to nationwide registration.If this is found to be legal in NY. you all have at maximum 10 years left. WE fight back now together or we fall state by state over the next decade or so. Write all the letters you want nobody is reading them. We all see the same computer generated responses. So **** it, by all means keep writing meaningless letters to Santa asking him for your rights back. Cuomo can kiss my ass along with anyone else who thinks they are in the position to tell me what I can have for my own protection.

01-14-13, 08:56
Just a heads up on my results.

I wrote an email to the Police chief of Petersburg, VA as he was invited to the Biden panel and he is anti 2A. He responded to me from his iPhone and said thanks for your thoughts.

I sent through NRA emails to all my representatives. I pretty much heard nothing from that except a thank you form the NRA.

I'm beginning to think that written letters, phone calls and social media such as YouTube are going to be the most effective. I'm getting the feeling emails are simply being stored and not read.

I have also sent links to important videos to a local Conservative 2A supporting radio station and thus far they never even acknowledged the emails. It was the holiday season though so who knows.

At any rate... whatever you decide to do, you might want to verify that your voice is actually being heard by some means.

01-14-13, 09:21
For expanded info on this topic, see my signature.

01-14-13, 09:28
Nobody's mind will ever be changed with a letter or e-mail. There are only two weapons available in this fight. The ballot box and cash. We lost the ballot box last November. The only thing left is cash.

01-14-13, 09:58
I can tell you that you are factually wrong. After working for a Senator, I saw many of his decisions swayed by constituent correspondence.

It's incredibly important to write/email/call.

01-14-13, 11:32
This is a different post than the last thread that I posted because this one is focused on action. I decided today to take a more active role in doing my part to defeat people going after my second amendment rights. Besides the usual donating to the NRA and writing letters to representatives, this is what I accomplished in 5 minutes.

I had closed two separate sales on Armslist for one for magazines and one for ammunition. Instead of making a huge profit, I sold them at a much lower price provided that the buyers joined the NRA. Basically I forgo my profit on these two sales and got two people to join the NRA instead.

What are you doing?

01-14-13, 11:43
Wrote and emailed my senators and rep. Had my mom do the same since she votes in NC

01-14-13, 12:04
Now I'm up to influencing three people who I have never met before to actually join the NRA.

01-14-13, 12:39
For expanded info on this topic, see my signature.

That is awesome! Thank you for sharing.

01-14-13, 12:59
Now up to influencing and encouraging four people to become New NRA members in which three I have never met. Also, 10+ of my friends are using the Ruger link to contact their representatives.

01-14-13, 13:02
I am helping other NRA instructors teach women's handgun classes and recruiting the women to become NRA members.

01-14-13, 13:19
Wrote my Senators and Congressmen today (again).

Over the past few weeks, I've donated to the NRA-ILA, joined the Second Amendment Foundation as well as Gun Owners of America. Got a few more people to join the NRA too.

I'm seriously considering going to my State's Capitol on the 19th--what's the consensus on the purposed march on State Capitols this month?

01-14-13, 13:43
I find the level of defeatism amoung gun owners deeply distrubing. Although all over the internet you can find thousands of listings for Pmags for $50+ or $300 BCGs+ yet most people are not contributing anything to organizations like the NRA or Gun Owners of America. The membership fees for these organizations are $35 and $20 respectively. Although the NRA had a record month for new members, only 100,000 people joined the 4 million member organization. That means on average it took 40 NRA members to influence 1 new member joining. Actually the number is probably 100+ to 1 because many new people may have joined despite any help.

I think this is absolutely pathetic that people are focusing in on a losing hording mentality instead of a winning strategy of fighting for our 2A rights.

01-14-13, 13:44
Awesome lets keep up the fight.

01-14-13, 13:46
Alienating all of my FB friends by having a constant pro-gun newsfeed.
Became an NRA lifemember, made a separate donation.
Wrote anyone who "represents me" from mayor to pres. numerous times.
Bought more gun stuff.

01-14-13, 13:57
Already a endowment life NRA member but just joined GOA.

01-14-13, 14:02
e-mailed my Congress critters and keep on buying so the grabbers will be busy grabbing until the cows come home! LOL


01-14-13, 14:15
This is a different post than the last thread

Not different enough to rate it's own thread. Merged; one is plenty, three is hubris.

01-14-13, 14:31
Make sure you stress that the Republicans will lose the House (and no hope of getting the Senate) if any of this crapola passes. But if nothing passes, there will be no political downside. 2014 is a long way away for the libs to be pushing this and the general populace is not too keen on gun control as it is according to general polling.


01-14-13, 15:38
wrote my Senators and Governor Also this is about the 3rd for the Senators and the first to the Governor .

I have not heard anything back this time But I always get a letter supporting the 2nd amendment

01-15-13, 09:54
Just upgraded NRA membership to a lifetime member.

01-15-13, 10:34
I will be donating to the NRA-ILA tonight.

Mauser KAR98K
01-15-13, 10:58
A past friend and classmate on facebook wrote this today:

This weekend, millions of African-Americans will descend of Washington to celebrate the life of a great man and the re-election of a great president. Meanwhile, millions of gun-totting rednecks will descend of Washington with firearms for a fictional holiday. What could possibly go wrong?

This was my response:

What an arrogant, bigoted, ignorant statement and view of the world around you, [sir]. If it is your prerogative to be a victim, go right ahead, but please do not hamper my civil and natural right to arm myself to protect me, my family, or others in my immediate area.

I live in a rural area now, not because I go for the redneck lifestyle, or have hell-bent ill will towards the government (I fear my government but I vote for change, not doing so through violence...because it is wrong). I live here because it is quiet, natural walks are right out my back door, and I enjoy a bit more freedom away from city councils and homeowners associations. I traded security for freedom...the opposite of apparently you want to force others to do.

Since I traded security for freedom, I have to accept that the nearest Sheriff's Deputy is 20 minutes away. I have to accept (and it has happened) that a responding deputy will miss my house at night. I have to accept I have to police my own property if something is out of synch so I don't have to call waste the very limited and valuable Law Enforcement resources that my large rural county can afford because I didn't shut a door correctly. I also accept that there is more of a risk of a home invasion because I am out of the way and again, Law Enforcement could be at best 20 minutes away. I am not in denial of the world around me.

I have an AR-15 for my home defense. Why? Because if I have to encounter someone outside of my house, my semi-automatic rifle with 30 rounds could deter them if criminal intentions are there, and if something bad does happen, I have better odds of protecting myself and winning whatever fight happens. I say if. Do I do it all the time someone comes around? No. But I do have a sidearm on my at all times, or within reach. This is because I choose not to be a victim and I accept the environment I live in.

I also compete in firearms competition that requires me to have an AR-15. These competitions keep me up on my skills, helps me evaluate situations under pressure, and makes sure I put rounds accurately on target. Every stray round is a Million Dollar Law Suit. I can't afford that, but I can afford the ammo I get in bulk so I can train and not have that happen. Part of being a responsible gun owner.

So if you think that all people who own firearms are rednecks and "gun-nuts", you are stereotyping people the way you, the progressives/liberals decry that we not do to be culturally sensitive. Whatever fear you have someone just snapping and shooting a lot of people, those are rare events, though I will admit there has been a rise in the recent years. But so the medicating of people to make them more "stable" and thus far, a lot of these shooters were on anti-depressants.

BTW: the mall shooter in Oregon stopped his rampage and shot himself after some "redneck" with a gun because he wanted to feel safe and be dominate pointed his legally and constitutional permitted firearm at the shooter...he didn't fire because there were people running behind the shooter and did not want to risk hitting a potential victim.

So if you want to be a victim, go right ahead, but please stop stereotyping me as some crazed gun in a no-sleeve shirt that only shoots at cans and trash...because I am not. I am college educated, I train for recreation and for the purpose that I might have to use force to stop someone from killing me, my family, or some one an earshot away but whatever sociopath looser that society conjures up.

Those he trade freedom for security deserve neither.

After he replies...un-friend.

01-15-13, 11:14
Last night i got a Package in the Mail thought it was My NRA membership Hootiewho got me.:D they sent a Nice Black and Gold NRA baseball cap

01-16-13, 19:05
A past friend and classmate on facebook wrote this today:

This was my response:

After he replies...un-friend.

Well said Mauser!

01-17-13, 10:45
Here is a dumb article


Could use some help in the comments section.


01-17-13, 12:08
Does anyone have information on the lifetime membership special for $300.

Donated to the NRA today as well

3 AE
02-09-13, 13:54
Was reading another thread that mentioned 100,000,000 gunowners, and 4,000,000 NRA members. My goodness, that is despicable! Only 4% of gun owners are NRA members. We should be ashamed. If we spent one fourth as much time trying to recruit members as we do posting in this forum, we would actually get something done in the fight for our rights. Letters to REPs and other public officials is a start, but we need to get those numbers up in the NRA. Politicians look at numbers, the more we have, the more they worry. That's a fact, regardless of cause.

I was able to get a neighbor of mine and his son to join the NRA by browbeating him into submission. Basically told them if they wanted to continue shooting with me using my guns, and my ammo, at my gun club, they better show up next time with their NRA cards. Told them it was a small price to pay to continue our friendship. Was this extortion, was this buying myself some friendship? You bet your sweet ass it is.

The enemy is using every trick, every lie, every distortion to justify their righteousness. We need to get down and dirty ourselves. You want to beat a no good , rotten, low down, SOB whose trying to take something from you? Then be the meaner, louder, rottenest SOB that you were born to be and get in their faces. Enough of this "Marquis of Queensbury Rules" bullshit. We are in a fight for our rights and everything and anything goes. You want to be ethical? Go join the priesthood. The ends justifies the means in this matter.

If you have a friend, neighbor, or family member that shoots but isn't a member, then do what you have to do. Threaten, cajole, humiliate, extort, even blackmail them into submission. You can discuss ethical treatment later. The gun club I belong to, and many others require NRA membership in order to join and renew. Why can't this and other gun forums do the same. You want to reap the benefits of this forum? Then pony up. I really don't care what your opinion of what the NRA should or should not do. My only focus is to get those numbers up and we could start right here at this forum. Recruit more, post less!

3 AE
02-10-13, 14:34
Went through some of the Members List last night. The number of Senior and Regular Members who weren't members of the NRA was appalling. We, no, you should be ashamed. Yes, coming up with a $1000, even over time, for a "Life Membership" can be a very difficult financial burden to bear. Yet, I just checked the NRA membership fees on their site. Here's a good deal, $125 for 5 years. That rate hasn't changed for many years. That's $25/year, that's $2/month, that's $.07/day. Give me a friggin break. If you're not a NRA member, then you're part of the problem, cause you sure as hell aren't part of the solution. Put your petty ass complaints aside and man up/woman up. You'll be hearing more from me later.