View Full Version : Obama vs. NRA: Clash of the Titans

Doc Safari
01-18-13, 10:59
My take: NRA's lobbying and organizing are legendary. They have ended or enhanced the careers of many politicians over the years. Obama's war machine on the other hand, actually shut down the Clinton election machine to win the Presidency, and won a second term even with a crappy economy. Mr. O's community organizing talents are not to be shrugged off.


President Obama's network across this country, grassroots individuals, who organize, volunteered with their time to get the president reelected are much more powerful than the NRA lobby. And I think that you can expect to see that network activated, very soon. And for good reason.

The NRA was always the target of the Sandy Hook-exploiting media. The NRA receives no public funding, and writes no laws. Yet the media immediately suggested that the NRA abandon its positions and those of its members or face public wrath. No such suggestion was ever made with regard to the ACLU’s defense of ultra-violent video games. That’s because the NRA is a serious opponent to the left’s public sway. And so it must be destroyed.

But Obama’s in his second term, so he sees no need to hide behind Media Matters any longer. Now he’ll just use that vast infrastructure he’s built to go after all of his enemies, the NRA included. This president has no interest in achieving policy solutions. He's interested in blowing up those who oppose him. The campaign never ends for President Obama.

This is a genuine clash between two giants, folks. This battle is nowhere near won. I am rejoining the NRA after nearly 20 years being somewhat disgusted with them, and I urge you to do the same. Just because they don't win every battle or just because they don't always fight with the vigor that we might expect, doesn't mean that we can afford not to support our fellow warriors in this time of need.

We need to not only win the fight against gun bans, magazine bans, registration, and other regulations this time around, we also need to shut down the gun banners in a way that sends them reeling from the pain we caused them. Make them never forget.


01-18-13, 11:21
Mr. O's community organizing talents are not to be shrugged off.

It was sheer brilliance on the part of whoever came up with the idea of placing him as their guy. Amen to everything you just wrote. I can't believe the many people that continue to underestimate this disease attacking our Constitution and way of life our forefathers lived and died for to leave for our inheritance. They knew they would not be able to enjoy it for long. They did it for us.

01-18-13, 11:39
Yep, here you go:

Organizing For Action: Obama Campaign Relaunching As Nonprofit To Support Second Term Agenda


This sickens me more than anything he's done to date. Seems to me like a dangerous precedent.

01-18-13, 12:14
Don't want to be a pessimist or a dick, but I don't think this is Clash of the Titans at all. This is a Giant Cyclops pummeling and crushing a little kid. BHO's Army of fanatical and loyal supporters include huge media outlets, Hollywood, entire foreign country governments, pretty much entire liberal states, etc etc.

Do you all know how much the NRA has been able to donate and raise in terms of money? A few million? Maybe 10s of millions at most? BHO raised about 2 billion dollars for his re-election campaign alone. Somebody in TX has recently donated 1 million to ban guns and support Obama. Giffords and her husband have become the new Team Sarah Brady. They have also gotten tons of tons of donations to destroy our 2nd Amendment Rights.

Make no mistake about it. The NRA is not all that powerful. The news media likes to pretend and demonize the NRA as some huge lobbying monster. It's not true. Hollywood, NFL, NBA, Wal Mart etc are way way way more powerful than the NRA. If the NRA really were so powerful, we wouldn't be hearing about how powerful it is. CNN, NBC, Hollywood are the true evil evil powerful giants. The general public is just too ignorant to see through this.

That being said, I have donated and donated to the NRA to the point where it has cut into my food and bills, renewed my membership, written all my reps multiple times already. Anyone and everyone reading this should do the same. We are in for the fight of our lives. If more gun control passes (which I think it will), it is doubtful it can ever be reversed. Folks, when we lose rights, they are almost never returned. Honestly, what is the likelihood of repealing GCA '68? Even with a very Pro-Gun Congress and Senate? Almost zero. Thus, next time you want to go have a beer with friends? Watch a movie with family? Or go on a vacation? Now's really not the time. That money should be donated to the NRA and GOA. Leisure time? Try and write your reps more. We are in the fight for our lives, and it is not looking good.

01-18-13, 12:37
About the Texas donation ... from a person with a gun range in their back yard. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-01-09/giffords-anti-gun-group-gets-1-million-texas-donation.html

Laurene Jobs ( Steve Jobs ) donated "seven figures"

01-18-13, 13:35
About the Texas donation ... from a person with a gun range in their back yard. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-01-09/giffords-anti-gun-group-gets-1-million-texas-donation.html

Steve Mostyn:
Hurricane tort king wires another $1 million to pro-Obama Super PAC

01-18-13, 14:00
This could be bad if ppl keep donating like that and he keeps spreading his lies to the blind, fact less disciples

01-18-13, 14:17
In my mind, an in-office president using a private campaign to influence citizens to pressure representatives to vote in favor of their legislation is a blatant attempt to circumvent the legislative process. Not surprising, but disconcerting at the very least.