View Full Version : Gun Show Attendance Way Up

01-19-13, 15:36
I thought about going to the local gun show this morning but then thought better of it. Given the current state of affairs I figured the crowd would be huge. And I wasn't really in the mood to be nuts to butts with people who take personal hygiene as an afterthought. After reading some of the posts on local board I am very glad I didn't. It's only gonna get worse.....

Went with a buddy to walk around, got in the parking lot and turned around. Probably about a thousand people in line out the door, no joke. Al the way wrapped around the perimeter of the parking lot.

Was there at 9am. There were people lined up 5-6 deep around 3 sides of a LARGE parking lot. Well over a thousand people outside waiting to get in. If there were NO tables in the building, all the people in the parking lot could not fit inside the building.

My brother and I got there at about 9:40 or so. We waited (and froze) in the line for about an hour to get in. They had two policemen at the front door, and would shut and lock the entrance periodically, and count people leaving. After 20 people left, they'd unlock the doors and let 20 in. If you were inside and walked out for a smoke, forget getting back in, even with a hand stamp!

Every Tom, Dick, and Harry was there walking around with their AR's, all asking in the 2500-3000 range for them. The cheapest AR I saw at a dealer's table was a plain-jane bushmaster for $1600... and it sold a couple minutes after I saw it. I saw a guy sell a 3rd gen Glock 17 in the parking lot for $800!

01-19-13, 15:45
Now I'm REALLY glad I didn't go.......


01-19-13, 16:13
My buddy and I took the 2 hr drive to the Indy 1500 gun show today. We got there around 10:30 and the line was still around a quarter of a mile long by 4 or 5 people wide. Another friend went Friday and I asked him about prices. He said Pmags were around $40 and 5.56 ammo was $700 on up per 1000. We decided not to wait the 1-1.5 hrs.to get in and went to Hoosier Park Casino instead.

01-19-13, 18:18
Went to one today, it was abysmal. It was primarily a bunch of pre-94 AWB types walking around with their SKS's with selling signs taped to their backs, along with the usual mall ninjas with their frakengun AR's slung over their shoulders. A bunch of opportunistic sellers were there with 100-round Federal Wally-world packs of .223 for $100 (plus tax).

The dealer tables were all using craze-pricing. I didn't see a new AR under $2100. They were selling PMags for $45-50 and S&W M&P 15's for $700.

Some guy tried to sell me his used FN 5.7 for $1400. :rolleyes:

Really a waste of my time and money.

01-19-13, 19:03
So three shootings at gun shows today...
I am starting to believe its a conspiracy.




01-19-13, 19:10
There are at least three in my AO this month alone. The big one DACA (Dallas Arms Collectors Assoc.) and then some smaller ones in the burbs. No thanks, the lines are too long, the prices are hyper uber, and I really don't "need" anything as I am very prudent and invested my money wisely over the last eight years. ;)