View Full Version : Panic buyers data/statistics?

Crow Hunter
01-23-13, 08:34
Anyone have any insight into the demographics of the majority of the recent panic buyers?

Even if it is only anecdotal from working a gun counter or talking to friends/relatives.

Are we actually increasing the base of gun owners or are most of these panic buys from guys/gals like us just stocking up?

Having empty store shelves and several million new gun owners is great. More guns in the hands of people who already had them and will vote isn't quite as valuable.

Just wondering if anyone had any insight.

Personally, everyone I know that have called me about getting guns/magazines are already owners of ARs or other semiautomatics that didn't take my advice and buy enough magazines.

How about you?

01-23-13, 09:05
Purely anecdotal, but my LGS guy says he has seen all races, tax brackets, education levels, and every other descriptor of people come in looking to get stuff. 'Stuff' being ARs, AKs, semi-auto pistols, parts for all of the above, mags, ammo, etc. The biggest response to 'why?' is typically along the lines of 'I always kinda wanted one, so I want to get what I can now in case we're not allowed to get them in the future.'

01-23-13, 09:13
I'd say for me a good majority of the people I have talked to are those adding to their current collection. Some are people that are just buying to get one before they are banned. While others have had an interest in the platform just never stepped up until now. So for me it's been a mixture.

01-23-13, 09:41
I work part-time at a lgs and I can say the demographics are well spread, it feels like everyone is getting a gun. Lots and lots of new/first time gun buyers.

01-23-13, 10:06
It is somewhat ironic that the folks I know whom had been on the fence about buying always cited money as the reason for not buying, but some of those same ones are not hesitating to shell out 2-3x's the amount to pick up that same item.

People are funny creatures no doubt.

01-23-13, 10:12
I try to prowl the local shops during my free time to trying to pick up some training ammo or to see who restocked what. From the people I talk to it seems to me that the demos are pretty wide. Everyone from total newbies looking for their first gun to guys like me looking to add guns or spare parts to their safes. IMO there will be a lot of safe queen Bushmaster and DPMS rifles about :).

01-23-13, 12:38
I am seeing a real mix or people here as well.

Some newbies but also many enthusiasts in there buying like normal...or trying to do so.

Some of the gun guys I talk to at our stores come in to get ammo to shoot up NOW and (like me) have a huge stash already at home. They say that they learned from 08 and stocked up but don't want to burn through it. I can understand that.

Yeah..our stores are a total mix of buyers. No one demographic stands out, really.

01-23-13, 14:42
I've had second hand info leaking back to me that people at the far ends of my network want to know if I want to sell an AR.

Hmmmm.. FUKK NO!

01-23-13, 17:36
IMHO this is the worst I've seen to date. Worse than '94 and '08. I live in gun country, in my AO we have Cabelas, Bass-Pro, Cheaper Than Dirt, Military Gun Supply, DSG Arms, Dick's, Sports Authority, Academy Sports & Outdoors, Gander Mountain, and a whole array of mom and pop LGS's. I hit stores daily, ammo is coming in at a trickle and sales out as soon as hits the shelf. Mags are no where to be found. CTD still has a wall of $2000+ Bushmasters, Windham, DPMS, and a few Colt's at $2500.

A lot of newbies are buying up the EBRs while seasoned gun owners are wading through to devour any and all stadard capacity magzines and ammunition.

01-23-13, 17:43
Its rough finding anything on the shelves these days and its only going to get leaner as more of the Ban talk hits the airwaves.

That said I see mostly white middle aged gentlemen at the counters but they are only after select items and not fishing for what ever is available.