View Full Version : Message from Midway USA

01-23-13, 13:24
I received this e-mail today. Must be a pain in the ass to lose business due to no fault of your own.
Thanks for Your Business!

Dear Valued Customer,
I'm sure you're well aware that on January 15, 2013, New York passed and the Governor signed into law the Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act. Now, I'm no politician, but it looks like all this law does is keep law abiding New Yorkers from purchasing or owning certain products, many of which we sell. While, I've always been against bad people doing bad things, I've also always been against honest folks being deprived of their 2nd Amendment rights. It pains me that New Yorkers are going to suffer for the acts of the wicked who don't obey laws.
When this law went into effect last week, MidwayUSA rushed to comply and keep our Customers and our company from doing anything illegal. Since this 39-page law was written and approved by people who don't know what a gun is or the difference between bullets and ammunition, we had to spend a lot of time sorting through the legalese to fully understand the details. To say the least, the law was confusing, so we erred on the side of caution. It looks like we jumped the gun a little and we are truly sorry for that.
Now that we've had time to read through the law several times and have received some answers from the NY State Police, we can fix our mistakes. Effective immediately, we've lifted our newly imposed New York restrictions on ammunition, reloading components and magazines with a capacity of 8 to 10-rounds. Now, unfortunately, we'll have to reinstate these when each portion of the law goes into effect (April 15, 2013 for magazines and January 15, 2014 for ammo). And, we'll have to reinstate these restrictions about 2-weeks prior to the effective dates to make sure Customers have these products prior to those dates (clarified by an attorney for the NY State Police).
One last thing, if you had a backorder for these products and we cancelled it, we're in the process of contacting you to see if you want this backorder recreated.
Again, we're sorry for any inconvenience we've caused you. Please understand, everything we do is intended to be in the best interest of our Customers.
Thanks for Your Business!

Pork Chop
01-23-13, 13:45
Midway is a good company that does a lot for the shooting community and treats their customers the way they should be treated. I can only imagine the cluster**** it must be to be inundated with orders while trying to figure out the asinine restrictions being passed out of pure ignorant emotion.

Good on them for trying to get those in NY what they want before the bans take effect.

01-23-13, 13:46
Midway USA...always great service and a giant ally for 2A rights.

01-23-13, 13:50
Larry Potterfield of Midway USA is a stand up guy who runs a good company. He donates a lot of money to the NRA every year.

When you place an order with him, round up your total for the NRA fund. The NRA needs help more now than ever.

01-23-13, 15:44
Their sponsorship for shooting sports and stocking of reloading supplies is why I shop with them. The owner larry always seems to be hunting or shooting something in all their promo's and catalogs too. Dude is legit.

sent from mah gun,using my sights