View Full Version : Who woke up Boehner?

01-24-13, 11:29

•“Given what we heard yesterday about the president’s vision for his second term, it’s pretty clear to me that he knows he can’t do any of that as long as the House is controlled by Republicans. So we’re expecting over the next 22 months to be the focus of this administration as they attempt to annihilate the Republican Party."
•“And let me just tell you, I do believe that is their goal—to just shove us into the dustbin of history.”

01-24-13, 11:33
I believe that the realization that he came so close to loosing his Speakership is what woke him up

01-24-13, 11:39
Probably..... you really have to wonder just how clueless a lot of them are..... both sides. It's scary.

01-24-13, 11:42
Boehner fully supports 2A rights for now...........I guess its getting near election time.

01-24-13, 12:21
It seems he is only concerned about loss of Republican power.

I am still waiting for the Republicans to go on offense and start actually defending the Second Amendment. Where is their counter to mag bans, AWB, ect?

01-24-13, 12:24
It seems he is only concerned about loss of Republican power.

I am still waiting for the Republicans to go on offense and start actually defending the Second Amendment. Where is their counter to mag bans, AWB, ect?

You and me both. I've seen nothing yet.

01-24-13, 12:27
You and me both. I've seen nothing yet.

Being part of the Washington Elite, they haven't done shit and in the end, I believe they will vote against 2A

01-24-13, 12:30
So in the grand scheme Obama expects gun control issues to fail so they can blame it on the Grand Ole Party and use it against them in the mid term election.

01-24-13, 13:03
So in the grand scheme Obama expects gun control issues to fail so they can blame it on the Grand Ole Party and use it against them in the mid term election.

He might find that scenario acceptable in the short term but I honestly think he is sitting in his chair say "can you believe this? We can beat them on gun control too if we just keep up the push!!" "Crazy Joe!... what would you say to a national tour... get your gun ban RockStar on!!"

Seriously they have to be absolutely giddy over this, even for them they have to be somewhat in disbelief how easy it's been for them.

Obama owns the media. He is a model others wish they could attain. Anyone that thinks he is going to throttle back now is insane. Next step legalize all the illegals... after that it's pretty much checkmate.


01-24-13, 14:38
Republican loss of power?

What POWER has this sun tanned bawler shown?

Does anyone have any faith left in the leaders of the GOP?


01-24-13, 15:11
Republican loss of power?

What POWER has this sun tanned bawler shown?

Does anyone have any faith left in the leaders of the GOP?

The idiots might act like they had some sense if millions of people wrote and told them any gun ban, or various other stupid shit, passes and it's straight to 3rd party. **** the lot of you. Every single one. We might can salvage this ship if we do it soon. Yeah, I know all you guys voting for the lesser of the evils are going to flip but you see where that got us.

01-24-13, 15:20
I USED to think that we could reform the GOP and the Tea Party movement gave me hope.

Then I saw how the RNC and GOP insiders like Karl Rove treated the Tea Party people and the movement in general. Basically...the RNC used the Tea Party as their own "useful idiots" to help win GOP spots in the 2010 mid-terms then kicked them aside when their usefulness expired.

I am beginning to think (especially after Romney) that the RNC and GOP is lead by people that are really not interested in leading or reforming a damn thing. They are either closet liberals or spine-less scared little girls that are easily scared by aggressive liberals. The rest are a bunch of out-dated Bible thumpers that lose elections because they just cannot let go of their hatred of homos or abortion.

A worthless bunch and I am sick of them.

Maybe it IS time for a third party...or the rise of the Libertarian/Tea Party/Liberty movement. This seems to be the only movement that could actually save what is left of America.

The GOP will NEVER win a major election again without the help of the Tea Party/Liberty people...no way...no how.


01-24-13, 15:28
I bet there would be a sizable number of Dems that would vote Libertarianish if a real option emerged. Of course you'll never get the Conservative hardcore types. Can't have people smoking weed at home or two guys getting hitched. Burn the Country down before we let that happen.

01-24-13, 15:40
So in the grand scheme Obama expects gun control issues to fail so they can blame it on the Grand Ole Party and use it against them in the mid term election.

Yup, right after the next big "event".

"This could have been stopped, but the GOP cares more about lobbyists than they do about your children."

Jim D
01-24-13, 16:27
I'm ready for a 3rd party to replace these useless Republacrats. I'm willing to donate to make it happen too.

The way I see it, the GOP ran McCain then Romney the past two times. :bad: We have about ~3 years (unless we can impeach this douschebag sooner) for a credible leader to emerge under a 3rd party (Libertarian)... or else I doubt we'll get anyone (of either party) to un-f*ck this mess we've made.

01-24-13, 16:28
Boehner fully supports 2A rights for now...........I guess its getting near election time.

No......someone stuffed some cash in his back pocket.

01-24-13, 16:50
I'm ready for a 3rd party to replace these useless Republacrats.

Now why would you say that.....;)

01-24-13, 17:02
Unless the Tea Party takes over the GOP soon, I think I'm done voting R and will start voting L.

01-24-13, 17:26
Republican loss of power?

What POWER has this sun tanned bawler shown?

Does anyone have any faith left in the leaders of the GOP?


He managed to get the GOP nomination process changed so if the country club progressive Republican crew doesn't like the primary results they can simply allocate delegates to whoever they want.

He also purged the House GOP leadership positions of conservatives and Tea Party caucus members.

01-24-13, 18:09
Bad shit happens when people vote for candidates that can win (that opinion being based on information gleamed from a corrupt media) instead of candidates that represent their views. Vote for the Tea Party/libertarian/Green party guy and loose the election. Vote for the RINO the media claims has a chance and loose the election. HMMMM great idea. Tell the republicans you favor their choice by voting for him and they will never change their ways.

The difference between the Democratic party and the Republican party is the name. They both want the same thing. More POWER over your life and finances. They just go about it in different ways. For 4 bloody years the Republicans had Congress and the WH. Did we get conservative leadership, fiscal responsibility, reduction of government in our lives? We got the bloody Patriot Act and a small tax break. Wow. They deserve medals.

Understand that they are ALL from the government and they are NOT here to help us. Till we get that into our heads and figure out a way to combat it we are doomed.

01-24-13, 23:51
Compare Regan's 1981 Inaugural Address to anything said by Mittens.


Where is any Republican who still sounds like this? The Republicans simply can't find their ass with either hand. If the Republicans want to remain relevant they would do well to start channeling some Regan.

01-25-13, 21:29
The idiots might act like they had some sense if millions of people wrote and told them any gun ban, or various other stupid shit, passes and it's straight to 3rd party. **** the lot of you. Every single one. We might can salvage this ship if we do it soon. Yeah, I know all you guys voting for the lesser of the evils are going to flip but you see where that got us.

Which is EXACTLY the message I've sent to them. Perhaps I shouldn't have tipped my hand? I'm pretty sure the GOP is a losing battle these days. The sooner they're replaced, the better if you ask me. :mad:

01-25-13, 21:33
Compare Regan's 1981 Inaugural Address to anything said by Mittens.


Where is any Republican who still sounds like this? The Republicans simply can't find their ass with either hand. If the Republicans want to remain relevant they would do well to start channeling some Regan.

Rand Paul.

In before not voting for the liberal Republican that ends up getting nominated is a vote for the Democrat commie....:rolleyes:

01-25-13, 23:31
Rand Paul.

In before not voting for the liberal Republican that ends up getting nominated is a vote for the Democrat commie....:rolleyes:

Well they saw how great that worked for them this time (and in 2008). Think they'll double down on stupid in 2016? :rolleyes:

01-26-13, 00:05
Well they saw how great that worked for them this time (and in 2008). Think they'll double down on stupid in 2016? :rolleyes:

Yes. There is some sort of GOP leadership retreat going on right now, and from what I have read the conclusions so far is more of the same shit even worse.

01-26-13, 01:25
Well they saw how great that worked for them this time (and in 2008). Think they'll double down on stupid in 2016? :rolleyes:

Yes. Anyone registered republican who voted in any of the past 4 presidential primaries needs to stay home

01-26-13, 01:26
Yes. There is some sort of GOP leadership retreat going on right now, and from what I have read the conclusions so far is more of the same shit even worse.


01-26-13, 04:22

01-26-13, 11:05
Rand Paul.

In before not voting for the liberal Republican that ends up getting nominated is a vote for the Democrat commie....:rolleyes:

I have high hopes for Rand Paul. Of course, Republican Establishment is unlikely to support him.

01-26-13, 17:11
I have high hopes for Rand Paul. Of course, Republican Establishment is unlikely to support him.
I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary got the Republican nomination over any sensible choice. I'm pretty sure Bill was more Conservative than Mitt.

01-26-13, 18:23
I have high hopes for Rand Paul. Of course, Republican Establishment is unlikely to support him.

I, too, did before this:

Rand Paul: 'Any Attack On Israel Will Be Treated As An Attack On The United States' (http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-TV/2013/01/25/Rand-Paul-Any-Attack-On-Israel-Will-Be-Treated-As-An-Attack-On-The-United-States)

01-26-13, 18:38
I, too, did before this:

Rand Paul: 'Any Attack On Israel Will Be Treated As An Attack On The United States' (http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-TV/2013/01/25/Rand-Paul-Any-Attack-On-Israel-Will-Be-Treated-As-An-Attack-On-The-United-States)Agreed. Can't get everything you want. I like Rand, but remember, he's not his Dad.

01-26-13, 22:35
A pro-Israel Libertarian? Hell, he might go far.