View Full Version : "Gun safety" versus "gun control"

01-24-13, 11:54

Interesting article measuring the actual influence of "Political Language"

I keep seeing poll results but they rarely show the actual question asked. When they do, the polls showing some support for more gun restrictions usually have pretty slanted wording.

This is the latest push on the anti gun propaganda front and I think our side need to fully adopt the same strategy.

"Gun Prohibition" has a nice ring to its and instills memories of other failed knee jerk policies from history.

01-24-13, 12:42
Semantic infiltration. Sen Moynihan used to talk about this technique. Various interest groups were always trying to get him to use their terminology so they could control the outcome of the debate. If you can control the language, you're probably going to win the argument.

People can be against gun CONTROL. It's hard to be against gun SAFETY.

People approve of STANDARD capacity mags. People are worried about HIGH capacity mags.

Modern Sporting Rifle vs. Assault Weapon - Which one do you think is easier to ban?