View Full Version : Equality of rights vs equality of results

01-24-13, 18:48
Obama has hijacked the American Revolution
Pat Buchanan: Speech about equality was 'nice prose – and transparent nonsense'

“Second Term Begins With a Sweeping Agenda for Equality,” ran the eight-column banner in which the Washington Post captured the essence of Obama’s second inaugural. There he declared:

“What binds this nation together … what makes us exceptional – what makes us American – is our allegiance to an idea, articulated in a declaration made more than two centuries ago.”

Obama then quoted our Declaration of Independence:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

Our “union,” Obama went on, was “founded on the principles of liberty and equality.”

Nice prose – and transparent nonsense.

How could the American Union have been founded on the principle of equality, when “equality” is not mentioned in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights or the Federalist Papers? How could equality be a founding principle of a nation, six of whose 13 original states had legalized slavery, and five of whose first seven presidents owned slaves all their lives?

What Obama preached in his inaugural was not historical truth but progressive propaganda, an Orwellian rewrite of American history.
Click through for the rest.

01-24-13, 21:42
I always think about what the Founding Fathers considered "All Men". All white land owning men who of course at the time was the only ones able to vote or hold office. Kinda puts a different spin on the equality idea ya know.

01-24-13, 21:47
I always think about what the Founding Fathers considered "All Men". All white land owning men who of course at the time was the only ones able to vote or hold office. Kinda puts a different spin on the equality idea ya know.
No, not really. And you appear to be completely missing the point. The founding fathers indeed expressed an equality of rights for all men, but not an equality of results, i.e., what you actually take the initiative and energy to do with yourself vs the marxist idea of a central authority taking from the successful to give to the slackers until everyone is equally dependent on the government's dole. (In so many words.)

01-24-13, 22:00
I always think about what the Founding Fathers considered "All Men". All white land owning men who of course at the time was the only ones able to vote or hold office. Kinda puts a different spin on the equality idea ya know.

Yeah kinda does. No SS, no 45% of the population relying on tax payer dollars to put food on the table, no Obunga socialists in office....man had to be pretty hard to rely on yourself and your family to put a roof over your head.

How are are those female 11B's going to do? And bunking up with a gay is something I can luckily only imagine since I got out before they forced me to shower with another male who likes to put penises in their mouth.

01-24-13, 22:01
I would LOVE to see equality happen.

Of course that would mean getting rid of affirmative action, welfare, most social programs, tax payer required public schools and a lot of other things.

And if you did any of those things they'd call you a National Socialist.


01-25-13, 06:55
I would LOVE to see equality happen.

Of course that would mean getting rid of affirmative action, welfare, most social programs, tax payer required public schools and a lot of other things.

And if you did any of those things they'd call you a National Socialist.


YUP! We will never be equal as long as we have a law that says we are.

01-25-13, 07:10
YUP! We will never be equal as long as we have a law that says we aren't.
Fixed that for you. AA is about some being more "equal" than others, which is to say unequal.