View Full Version : Newt Vs Piers Morgan

01-24-13, 20:29
Newt just spanked the shit out of Piers Morgan on a debate about gun control.

For Once a intelligent pro 2A speaker totally destroyed Piers at his own game.

How sweet it was!

01-24-13, 20:32
Damn where can I watch this? Youtube?

01-24-13, 20:39
Damn where can I watch this? Youtube?

If it was on tonight's episode, it usually reairs around 12 or 1 AM EST on CNN.

01-24-13, 20:42
I don't think newt spanked piers. He did better than most, but hardly a spanking.

01-24-13, 20:43

I think he is a pill popper.

01-24-13, 20:45
Two very attractive Blonde's on the same show identified as "Girls with Guns" just put a minor smack down on Piers also.

I love how when Piers gets into a jam during the debate he tries to talk over the person or asked the same dumb lame question.

01-24-13, 21:38
Two very attractive Blonde's on the same show identified as "Girls with Guns" just put a minor smack down on Piers also.

I love how when Piers gets into a jam during the debate he tries to talk over the person or asked the same dumb lame question.

Why does a Civilian "need"....... ? I just wanna see someone stab him in the face at times when he says that shit over and over. :sarcastic:

01-24-13, 22:00
It's not about "need" it's about "shall not be infringed". But if they want to play emotional games, let them ask the victims of violent crime why they might "need" more than 7 rounds.

01-24-13, 22:04

I'm blowing up his FB page with my love for him

"Piers you don't get a say your not an AMERICAN get the hell out of my country!"

01-24-13, 22:20

Both idiots on this matter. Newt doesn't know the laws, and went on a show with a guy who advocated lining up British conservatives and machine gunning them down.

I feel cheated. Like the Clinton testimony no one is willing to destroy someone else. I'd ask that **** about his getting fired from the BBC, about his desire to line up and mass murder conservatives, and how my 'musket' is there to kill totalitarian limeys. **** him and I'd bring up every Revolutionary victory I could.

01-24-13, 22:24
Not bad, Newt. Next time also call Piers out on that BS about acting like the mass shootings are a big deal or a significant percentage of the gun deaths. The AR they're so hard up about isn't even a blip on the radar of gun deaths. Also, the Virginia Tech shooter didn't seem to have a problem doing his evil deed without a rifle.
Also, when he brings up the founding fathers and acts like they wouldn't have dreamed of ARs in civilian hands, remind him that the common weapon of the military in that day, the musket, was precisely what the civilians were also armed with. Also, the semi-auto action of arifle pre-dates the 1930s legislation, so even then it wasn't considered a problem.

01-24-13, 22:31
He did better than most but I don't think he spanked him. Someone needs to come in there with the British crime statistics and expose his disingenuous selective "facts".

Like when he says gun suicides went down dramatically. Of course they did, but total suicide went up. Also, England had very few gun deaths BEFORE they banned guns. Banning guns didn't reduce the murder rate, just those killed by guns.

This dude needs to truly be smacked.

01-24-13, 22:35
This dude needs to truly be smacked.

No he needs to go back to his shitty country where he can make up stuff about his country's soldiers torturing prisoners. Just shows how ****ed up CNN is when they hire fired BBC reporters who they fired for making up stuff about British troops.

Piers is just an extension of the Obama press room.

01-24-13, 22:44
I don't think newt spanked piers. He did better than most, but hardly a spanking.

Not by a long shot.... in fact I would say a draw at best.

He left Piers tie him up on automatic being illegal. Who didn't see that one coming.

01-24-13, 22:49
Spanked? If you're referring to the video clip posted above, he did anything but spank.

Gingrich fell into the exact same trap as everyone else when going up against a blow-hard on his own TV show. They let him steamroll over them. Guests put forward a question or make a point, and the "host" will basically ignore them while refusing to concede the point or answer the question.

Said host will then proceed to toss out two or three other things, and then talk over you as you make feeble attempts to mop up the deluge of bullshit. Granted, Newt did pull it together bit towards the end there.

You can't really make much progress in these little 10 minute "mini-debates" that are so popular on TV, and I find most of them just irritating to watch.

01-24-13, 23:23
Piers says the kid who shot his family in NM used a "two two" rifle and an AR 15. I guess two two sounds scarier.

01-24-13, 23:42
TBH, I'm thinking maybe we not share these videos all the time...seems this socialist buffoon is getting way more coverage than he deserves or would ever get on CNN alone. Seems the gun community is actually making him somewhat of a celebrity.

01-24-13, 23:46
TBH, I'm thinking maybe we not share these videos all the time...seems this socialist buffoon is getting way more coverage than he deserves or would ever get on CNN alone. Seems the gun community is actually making him somewhat of a celebrity.

Hey if you want to get your point across you're going to have to stage photos of American soldiers torturing people then present them as real combat photos, talk about lining socialists up and executing them, and then go get a get a job at some European news agency because you can't get a job in your home country. We don't have time for your BS here.

01-24-13, 23:55
TBH, I'm thinking maybe we not share these videos all the time...seems this socialist buffoon is getting way more coverage than he deserves or would ever get on CNN alone. Seems the gun community is actually making him somewhat of a celebrity.

I'm not sure how much truth there is to that, as there is no way to completely know.

However, lets not forget that Piers is FAR from any sort of major news voice.. his show has the lowest ratings for a CNN primetime spot in over 2 decades, averaging just 300K viewers per episode. Compare that with the timeslot it replaced, Larry King Live, who averaged over a million viewers per episode.

I don't even think most liberals like the guy.

01-25-13, 02:03

I think three minutes in I had to stop watching. The Newt as the spokes nerd for the 2nd Amendment? Give me a break.

'Why do do you need military style weapons?' So the people themselves have a means to defend against a tyrannical govt - just like they had to do against British is 1776! And, to defend their homes and business from mobs of Obama supporters like the Korean store owners did in LA during the Rodney King riots. Next question...

'How many people have ever defended themselves with an AR15?' Don't know. Most people who own AR15s live in fairly good areas with low crime. That is because in areas with high crime it is often illegal to own 'assault weapon' and AR owners tend to be law abiding citizens so they don't live there.

'Why are machine guns banned?' Because Progressives in the 1930s saw an opportunity to curtail gun ownership. SBRs, AOWs, suppressors and machine guns had become associated with organized crime in the popular press because (like today) it sold papers. This is despite the fact that there were very few actual murders involving these guns (just like today). They were simply very dramatic murders for the time like the Valentine's Day Massacre where 7 members of organized crime were gunned down with two Thompson SMGs. Today, if 7 drug dealers were gunned down in Chicago it wouldn't make it past the local 7-o'-clock news. In any event, when challenged in the US District Court of Arkansas the 1934 NFA was found to be unconstitutional. However, Miller did not have the money to fight it in the SCOTUS. AND.... He was murdered one month before the appeal so the law stood. It is highly likely that the 1934 NFA could still be ruled unconstitutional however, most gun owners are too law abiding to find themselves in jeopardy with the NFA so we may never know.

Christ on crutch, we have got to get better spokesmen for the 2nd Amendment or we are cooked.

01-25-13, 02:45
Piers says the kid who shot his family in NM used a "two two" rifle and an AR 15. I guess two two sounds scarier.

Easy now, Morgan is a professional for sure but even the best of them get tripped up by the all mighty teleprompter.

01-25-13, 03:26
Anyone who thinks Newt or the Two Non Blondes did us any favors is smoking something. None of then knew what they were talking about.

I desperately want on the show so Piers can ask me about machine guns. Then I am going to call him an idiot because in fact machine guns are not illegal, but rather they are regulated and are legal in many states throughout the U.S as are suppressors, destructive devices, SBR's and SBS's.

Then I am going to tell him to read the National Firearms Act of 1934 to the viewers and explain that in fact that what he and others have said is in fact a total lie.

01-25-13, 06:03
This is a recurring theme. Even the guys on our side don't know what they are talking about.

01-25-13, 06:35
'Why do do you need military style weapons?'
So that no military can by force rule over a free people.

Their problem is they picture America as if it were just like their own country, which usually had some centralized authoritarian power (monarchy or similar) to which the people were beholden. If you start from that wrong perspective, you would wonder why we have so many "dangerous" rights and freedoms.

Low Drag
01-25-13, 06:43
Gents the need is irrelevant as we all know but WE NEED TO PRODUCE A NEED.

It's simple.

Post Katrina the police could not and did not protect people. Same goes for King riots. The USSC has ruled over and over that the police are not responsible for protecting individual citizens. The MSM claimed the Super Dome was a hell hole.

An AR15 is the very best tool under those conditions. Period.

You should also quiz folks on what a right it. Like: "Why did Rosa Parks 'need' to sit at the front of the bus?"

01-25-13, 06:47
However, lets not forget that Piers is FAR from any sort of major news voice.. his show has the lowest ratings for a CNN primetime spot in over 2 decades,

I never knew Piers was a news person. I thought he was just some twit on a talent show that quit and went home because no one liked him.

Only until the gun issue did I even know he actually had a show. ETA: Which actually makes it even sadder that someone like Newt couldn't even hold his ground with him.

01-26-13, 02:12
In order to get on his show, you'd have to come off as a goofy nutbag with no real intelligence on the subject.

For me, I'd pay good money to get Jeremy Clarkson on camera with Morgan again. No one's ever figured out how to handle Morgan correctly except Clarkson! :D

01-26-13, 02:24
People have figured it out....just that he's not worth the assault charge. Like I said I would spend my time on his show bringing up Revolutionary War victories and pointing out me owning a gun is so I can shoot Red Coats who want to take my guns.

He is the one who wants to line up people against a wall and machine gun them down.

01-26-13, 03:22
People have figured it out....just that he's not worth the assault charge.

Actually Jeremy Clarkson (Top Gear) decked the son-of-a-bitch back in 2004 at the British Press Awards. If you look you can see a scar above Morgan's left eyebrow, a gift from Clarkson.

01-26-13, 08:39
Actually Jeremy Clarkson (Top Gear) decked the son-of-a-bitch back in 2004 at the British Press Awards. If you look you can see a scar above Morgan's left eyebrow, a gift from Clarkson.

That's why Clarkson is awesome.

01-26-13, 09:27
Gunz, I saw this last night, had it on the dvr. You're exactly right, they did no favors at all to the shooting community. I so wish you or any of the other seasoned industry m4c members would have an appearance with this guy. The trick would be to get this moron to shut up for 10 seconds.

Anyone who thinks Newt or the Two Non Blondes did us any favors is smoking something. None of then knew what they were talking about.

I desperately want on the show so Piers can ask me about machine guns. Then I am going to call him an idiot because in fact machine guns are not illegal, but rather they are regulated and are legal in many states throughout the U.S as are suppressors, destructive devices, SBR's and SBS's.

Then I am going to tell him to read the National Firearms Act of 1934 to the viewers and explain that in fact that what he and others have said is in fact a total lie.

01-29-13, 14:33
Actually Jeremy Clarkson (Top Gear) decked the son-of-a-bitch back in 2004 at the British Press Awards. If you look you can see a scar above Morgan's left eyebrow, a gift from Clarkson.

The feud between those two is well documented and just reaffirms my love of Clarkson that much more. My sig line came from one of the last seasons of Top Gear, and Clarkson's Facebook statuses usually take a shot or two at him per week.