View Full Version : So... Obama shoots?

01-27-13, 21:31

"Up at Camp David, we do skeet shooting all the time," he said. "And I have a profound respect for the traditions of hunting that trace back in this country for generations.
"And I think those who dismiss that out of hand make a big mistake".

Never knew this. It could be common knowledge though. I for one was a bit shocked.

So he shoots... Great!

That he only mentions "traditions of hunters", "sportsman", "fathers deer rifle". Bad.

01-27-13, 21:50

Never knew this. It could be common knowledge though. I for one was a bit shocked.

So he shoots... Great!

That he only mentions "traditions of hunters", "sportsman", "fathers deer rifle". Bad.

Maybe he does or maybe he's full of shit and wants to not alienate as much of his "pro-gun" base as possible...hunters and sportsmen. Because we all know AR shooters are radical right wing extremists. Just another attempt to drive a wedge between the hunters and sportsmen group and AR/"assault rifle" shooters. He hopes if he convinces them he's not after "their" guns they won't feel as bad about throwing us under the bus.

01-27-13, 21:57
I read that he doesn't shoot, people he invites up shoot.

Kind of "I'm not racist because I have a black friend" defense.

If he actually shot , they'd post pics.

01-27-13, 22:10

01-27-13, 22:13

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

01-27-13, 22:46
I know Cheney shoots but can't aim :p, not sure about Barack...

01-27-13, 22:52
He shoots his socialist mouth off, that's about it.

01-27-13, 22:56
I'd like to fathom a guess the if Big O even saw a gun in his presence, his lip would involuntarily curl...

I call BS too. If he ever shot a gun we'd have seen pics of it as a photo op to soothe the Fudds.

01-27-13, 23:00
And it means as much as the fact that Diane Feinstein has a conceal weapons permit.


01-27-13, 23:11
I need a new BS meter as my old one just broke after reading that piece of crap.

Lies getting bolder and bolder. Hmmmmmmmm

01-27-13, 23:11
All a part of a bigger "ruse" to distract and confuse. Come on people, he is a politician......what did you think he would say???

01-27-13, 23:11
The british royal family like to shoot and hunt too while the common folk cant even buy a super soaker.

sent from mah gun,using my sights

01-28-13, 00:37
We still can't allow the "sportsman/hunter/plinking" bullshit to be a part of this argument. Totally ignores the legitimate use of arms under the constitution. Meaning being on even footing with the government to prevent tyranny.

01-28-13, 01:00
We still can't allow the "sportsman/hunter/plinking" bullshit to be a part of this argument. Totally ignores the legitimate use of arms under the constitution. Meaning being on even footing with the government to prevent tyranny.

It's like the 'musket' argument that they like so much.

01-28-13, 01:06
Obama isn't against guns, he is against people he disagrees with having guns.

01-28-13, 02:39

Other elitist hypocrites:



01-28-13, 03:01
My God in heaven I hate Chuck Schummer.

01-28-13, 03:12

Other elitist hypocrites:



Elitists need no eye or hearing protection.

01-28-13, 05:01
Wow, he's just like one of us! I feel so much better now, he understands me and values my family traditions the ****ing fascist bastard narcissist.

He is parsing words like most liberal elite politicians. "We shoot skeet often...people who come up with me to Camp David shoot a lot...".

The achievements of others he claims for himself. That makes him authentic in his own twisted mind.

I love duck hunting and shotgun sports, but really, any politician who claims he knows about shooting and knows the issues of the gun culture because he duck hunts or shoots skeet is full of shit. They went to a blind or a range ONCE for a photo op, they held a nasty old over/under, and heard shots fired (you know, just like Hillary was practically in a war zone at the airport...).

When a politician pulls out a Ted Nugent signed Glock from his waistband holster, or goes on a week long elk hunting pack trip with no photo ops, then I will believe he knows something about shooting and hunting.

This is as close to NOT lying as Obama gets and it is still a lie.

01-28-13, 07:27
I love how Obama is always saying the 2A is about hunting. Fascist piece of crap.

01-28-13, 08:27
Another elitist with poor gun control...Hey JK, get your ****ing finger off the trigger till you are ready to shoot.

Serious BS at play here.

01-28-13, 08:51
get your ****ing finger off the trigger till you are ready to shoot

. . . and shut your trap too, frankenstein :lol:

01-28-13, 09:17
No he is just trying to back step alittle because they(he) realizes that it may have put them in a bad spot. So he is trying to make his party not seem so abrasive or extreme. But in the end he just spitting on it before he puts it in.

Ned Christiansen
01-28-13, 09:51
I saw the same article in USA Today this morning. Right.

My take, never underestimate the opposition. I would assume they have people who know our culture and attitudes. They know that there can be and has been polarization between certain segments of the shooting community-- like black rifle guys versus $20K over and under shotgun guys, for example. They would be foolish not to exploit this.... witness the VP's statement about double-barreled shotguns, like we should all dump our black rifles for doubles because they're better for defensive use anyway. These guys are simply putting an arm over the shoulder of a segment of the shooting community and saying, "It's OK buddy, you're good-- pat, pat--we're not coming after you. YOUR guns aren't the bad ones. YOU guys are just like us and we are just like you-- we need to all stand together against these black guns, ya with us, buddy?"

Some of the people we need to win over may be gun people. Don't get duped into treating gun people that own something besides black guns as anything but comrades in the struggle.

But good news, I think..... I see a fair amount of backpedaling. So, question for anyone who has not yet made their voice heard in this please check one:

____ It means it's OK now, the threat is over, enough people have spoken in my place, looks like everything's gonna be alright.

____ Go in for the finish. They are starting to crumble and stumble, thanks to other people standing up. Now is the time for me to get in on the final beat-down, to help sit on their chests and not let them back up, by joining the NRA and letting my people in DC know that I'm not putting up with any of this silliness.

I know guys that a good many M4C people have done their part-- a good many, maybe most, maybe all. Don't be offended by me repeating this-- it's just that if there are any holdouts, they need to know that their voice is needed.


01-28-13, 12:16
____ Go in for the finish. They are starting to crumble and stumble, thanks to other people standing up. Now is the time for me to get in on the final beat-down, to help sit on their chests and not let them back up, by joining the NRA and letting my people in DC know that I'm not putting up with any of this silliness.

I know guys that a good many M4C people have done their part-- a good many, maybe most, maybe all. Don't be offended by me repeating this-- it's just that if there are any holdouts, they need to know that their voice is needed.


"NRA LIFETIME Membership for $300

No waiting on hold, no sponsor needed. $300 for a life membership.

Just call 1-888-678-7894."

01-28-13, 12:24
We still can't allow the "sportsman/hunter/plinking" bullshit to be a part of this argument. Totally ignores the legitimate use of arms under the constitution. Meaning being on even footing with the government to prevent tyranny.

you mean that pesky irrelevant document?


This is our country. We live in it, and we have a right to the kind of country we want. We would not allow the French or the United Nations to rule us, and neither should we allow people who died over two centuries ago and knew nothing of our country as it exists today. If we are to take back our own country, we have to start making decisions for ourselves, and stop deferring to an ancient and outdated document.

01-28-13, 13:39
I read that he doesn't shoot, people he invites up shoot.

Kind of "I'm not racist because I have a black friend" defense.

If he actually shot , they'd post pics.

That's me I got 1 black friend!

I'd bet money it would look like those gf/wife shoots 12 gauge You Tube videos.

01-28-13, 15:52
Smart people will see through this latest silliness by Obama.


01-28-13, 16:17
Smart people will see through this latest silliness by Obama.


That must be a joke cause most people are not smart they elected him.

01-28-13, 16:30
No kidding.

That is how we wind up with morons like Obama, Kennedy, Feinstein, Schumer and other leftists....low information voters.


01-28-13, 16:31
That must be a joke cause most people are not smart they elected him.

Most people are not smart.

01-28-13, 17:19
Yea he shoots... holes in the constitution.

01-28-13, 18:59
Maybe...maybe if I saw a pic of Obama getting yelled at by LAV in a carbine class while he is holding a BCM SBR with a Glock 19 in a Raven holster on his VTAC Brokos battle belt while reloading a Lancer mag from a SKD chest rig while wearing Oakleys and some TCI electronic earpro.....I may have hope.

Not holding my breath.


01-28-13, 19:15
Maybe...maybe if I saw a pic of Obama getting yelled at by LAV in a carbine class while he is holding a BCM SBR with a Glock 19 in a Raven holster on his VTAC Brokos battle belt while reloading a Lancer mag from a SKD chest rig while wearing Oakleys and some TCI electronic earpro.....I may have hope.

Not holding my breath.


How badass would it be to take a class like that with a good president?

Like.. JFK in his prime. Or something.

01-28-13, 21:08
You either buy the story or you don't. I don't know if I believe it or not, but I'd like to give the president the benefit of the doubt.

That begin said, how does the SS allow other people with loaded shotguns be in such close proximity to the president in a skeet shoot?

01-28-13, 23:16
I love how Obama is always saying the 2A is about hunting. Fascist piece of crap.

Nicely put.

D. Christopher
01-28-13, 23:55
That lying asshole has never held a real gun in his life. If he really shot skeet at Camp David they would have "leaked" a picture by now showing his perfect form at the range (while wearing mom jeans and a bicycle crash helmet), and talked about his empathy and understanding for both victims of gun violence and "true" sportsmen. And the press and media would for the most part be just fine with that. They would have taken the pictures provided and after clearing the final draft of their story with the WH Chief of Staff they would have gone to print and air to spread the word according to their messiah.

Here are 2 more examples of elected officials showing off their muzzle and trigger finger discipline. The pic of the incompetent Ray Nagin and the former New Orleans Police Chief has always bothered me because it is a particularly stupid and childish thing to do and one hell of a bad example to set for kids.



01-29-13, 00:11
Don't you know?

It would not be a bicycle helmet.

It would be a boba fett helmet. Much safer.

01-29-13, 00:13
the only thing B. Hussien shoots is his mouth and even that thing goes off half cocked.

01-29-13, 00:52
You either buy the story or you don't. I don't know if I believe it or not, but I'd like to give the president the benefit of the doubt.

That begin said, how does the SS allow other people with loaded shotguns be in such close proximity to the president in a skeet shoot?

They let Dick Cheney go hunting.

And it really doesn't matter if Obama actually shot skeet or not. Again, Diane Feinstein and Chuck Schumer BOTH carry concealed weapons.

This doesn't make any of them in any way "pro gun" or respectful of the second amendment.

Diane Feinstein has stated flat out that she'd willingly ban ALL GUNS "Mr. and Mrs. America Turn Them In"...except of course for her gun and Chuckies. Her carry permit hardly makes her "one of us."

Ted Kennedy owns shotguns and actually DID shoot skeet because he enjoyed it. Do you honestly believe that makes him pro gun? Do you honestly believe that made him respectful of your rights?

Now there are pro gun Democrats, for example Max Baucus.

If you want to see what Obama actually stand for it's easy to find.


I believe in 2nd Amendment, but not war weapons on streets. (Oct 2012)
Fast-and-Furious: no prosecutions for Mexican gun/drug snafu. (Jun 2012)
Midwestern "bitter clingers" frustrated over broken promises. (Aug 2009)
Opposed bill okaying illegal gun use in home invasions. (Aug 2008)
Ok for states & cities to determine local gun laws. (Apr 2008)
FactCheck: Yes, Obama endorsed Illinois handgun ban. (Apr 2008)
April 2008: "Bittergate" labeled Obama elitist. (Apr 2008)
Respect 2nd Amendment, but local gun bans ok. (Feb 2008)
Provide some common-sense enforcement on gun licensing. (Jan 2008)
2000: cosponsored bill to limit purchases to 1 gun per month. (Oct 2007)
Concealed carry OK for retired police officers. (Aug 2007)
Stop unscrupulous gun dealers dumping guns in cities. (Jul 2007)
Keep guns out of inner cities--but also problem of morality. (Oct 2006)
Bush erred in failing to renew assault weapons ban. (Oct 2004)
Ban semi-automatics, and more possession restrictions. (Jul 1998)
Voted NO on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers. (Jul 2005)

01-29-13, 05:41
This is nothing more than typical Soviet era "dezsinformatsia".

1. Drive a wedge into the gun community by exploiting differences between "legitimate hunters and sportsmen" and those who are extremist "assault weapons owners".

2. Portray yourself as a person who respects the 2nd Amendment and supports gun rights while actively subverting the 2nd Amendment. (Your average idiot knows nothing of Fast and Furious or what really happened and of course the President is clean.

3. Use various resources to attack the 2nd Amendment like the BATFE and other agencies on the sly. This can be accomplished through enhanced regulations or pressuring the bureaucrats in the BATFE to crackdown where ever possible.

4. Exploit the deaths of children and claim that you are doing it for "our children". Use emotions to make your case, irregardless of the facts.

01-29-13, 09:35
This is nothing more than typical Soviet era "dezsinformatsia".

1. Drive a wedge into the gun community by exploiting differences between "legitimate hunters and sportsmen" and those who are extremist "assault weapons owners".

2. Portray yourself as a person who respects the 2nd Amendment and supports gun rights while actively subverting the 2nd Amendment. (Your average idiot knows nothing of Fast and Furious or what really happened and of course the President is clean.

3. Use various resources to attack the 2nd Amendment like the BATFE and other agencies on the sly. This can be accomplished through enhanced regulations or pressuring the bureaucrats in the BATFE to crackdown where ever possible.

4. Exploit the deaths of children and claim that you are doing it for "our children". Use emotions to make your case, irregardless of the facts.

Well said my friend.

01-30-13, 19:55

01-30-13, 20:09

As most suspected, and quite honestly, didn't really matter if he did or did not or with what frequency. Plenty of BLATANTLY anti gun politicians shoot skeet, own firearms and even have carry permits.

01-30-13, 20:22
As most suspected, and quite honestly, didn't really matter if he did or did not or with what frequency. Plenty of BLATANTLY anti gun politicians shoot skeet, own firearms and even have carry permits.


"All animals are created equal but some animals are more equal than others." - George Orwell Animal Farm

02-02-13, 02:54
Amid gun control debate, does 'skeet-gate' matter?


Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R) of Tennessee challenged the president to a skeet-shooting contest. Reporters pressed White House Press Secretary Jay Carney for details of the president's adventures in skeet shooting – or better yet, a photograph of Obama engaged in said activity – to no avail.

The Washington Post's Fact Checker even weighed in, saying "we searched high and low through hundreds of news reports to see if there was ever any other mention of Obama engaged in skeet shooting," but reported being unable to find a single one. It gave the matter a "verdict pending" ruling.

Eventually, Fox News tracked down one Camp David visitor who said they had, in fact, witnessed the president skeet shooting "a couple times" at most, during a traditional competition with Marine guards. The source added: "He stayed for about five minutes and couldn't leave fast enough."

02-02-13, 03:12
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
-Joseph Gobbels

02-02-13, 12:18
Source: NY Daily News (http://www.nydailynews.com)

Mauser KAR98K
02-02-13, 12:35
Source: NY Daily News (http://www.nydailynews.com)

So he shoots left handed?

02-02-13, 12:37
So he shoots left handed?

Probably because he's left-handed.

02-02-13, 12:47
Source says he's firing "a rifle".

WTF, over ?

D. Christopher
02-02-13, 13:06
It must be a .410 because that's all he could handle. Maybe he'll get a sweet 16 when he grows up. They've probably spent some time trying to get a picture or video of him actually hitting a clay pigeon and you know if he had ever hit anything it would have been widely circulated by the adoring throngs and media. (Sorry, that's redundant.)

They made him out to be a superman when he caught that fly with his bare hand during an interview a few years ago. (Seems like a lifetime!)

02-02-13, 13:17
Lots to nitpick in the photo...wearing sunglasses, angle of the shot, the stock not properly in shoulder, line of sight, etc....but in the end the whole thing is irrelevant and does not disprove his lie "..I go skeet shooting all the time..."

02-02-13, 13:24
Source says he's firing "a rifle".

WTF, over ?

I noticed that too. The current version of CNN home page (cnn.com @ 11:23 a.m. PST) has this link and title in the LH list of articles:

"Rifleman Obama revealed in photo"

Kind of a disconnect there. About what you'd expect from CNN, why bother getting your facts straight when you're trying to spin a story?

02-02-13, 13:26
Lots to nitpick in the photo...wearing sunglasses, angle of the shot, the stock not properly in shoulder, line of sight, etc....but in the end the whole thing is irrelevant and does not disprove his lie "..I go skeet shooting all the time..."

Of course none of this can be proved, but with this White House, it wouldn't surprise if they set this one up, knowing full well that they would use it later for a big gun control push.

02-02-13, 15:09
Although irrelevant If was POTUS I would be hard pressed to not be on my personal range all day every day. Or be touring our fine military institutions to personally function check the hardware. But I digress...

From Forbes yesterday,

The gun control debate is clearly one of the most contentious and controversial issues in America today. And the battle over gun control is now being waged through intensive media campaigns from both sides of the political spectrum to influence public opinion and to assert pressure on policy makers. So who’s winning? To find out, we turned to objective data provided exclusively to Forbes Insights by Appinions, the influence marketing platform. Keep in mind Forbes Insights has no agenda other than to shed research light on the process of measuring influence and what we can learn from it. The facts are objective, whatever your perspective on the issue may be. We certainly don’t aim to promote either side and are just stating the facts of influence and who is leading or gaining ground through the lens of influence.

Forbes Insights and Appinions looked at the data for the week prior to the Sandy Hook tragedy and trended the data over the subsequent 5 weeks to determine the ebb and flow over the gun control debate. We found that the NRA and the pro-gun rights voices are winning the influence battle and will continue to be strong and more influential if the pro gun control voice remains fragmented. On the flip side, the pro gun control voice could certainly gain influence if they establish a more united voice. Here are some other interesting observations from the data:

Republican politicians are missing from the debate. The debate is an influence battle between President Barack Obama’s Democrats and Wayne LaPierre’s NRA. Of the top 25 stakeholders in the debate, there is only 1 prominent Republican politician (Chris Christie – who is pro-gun control). Barack Obama leads the pro-gun control voice with a net influence score of 268. LaPierre leads the anti-gun control side with a net influence score of 240.

It’s a Marathon, not a sprint. It seems the NRA has the stamina to out-run the pro-gun control movement. They are persistent, un-yielding and gaining influence. It will be interesting to see how the pro-gun control voice responds and how the influence between the two groups changes as the debate persists.

The pro-gun rights voice is rapidly gaining influence while the pro-gun control voice has tapered in recent weeks. Momentum is shifting and the gun control debate is becoming a platform benefiting gun rights advocates.

The pro–gun control group is fragmented whereas the pro-gun rights voice is united and strong. Of the top influencers on the pro-gun rights side, the majority of the most prominent voices are from the NRA. The pro-gun control voice is split between Obama and several gun control advocacy groups which dilutes the message.

Below is an infographic meant to bring this data to life.


02-02-13, 15:25
So he shoots left handed?

he is left handed, if you watch him signing stuff

02-02-13, 15:29
So now POTUS shoots and trains with USSS. :blink:

Obama Clings to Shotgun in WH Photo


"curious timing of release" (you think! :rolleyes:)

The Associated Press reported in 2010 a second-hand reference to the activity. After a visit with the Texas Christian University rifle team, a student reportedly told the AP that Obama told her he'd practiced shooting with the Secret Service.

White House officials and some Obama supporters have compared skeet-doubters to "skeeters" or "birthers," the label fixed to those who deny Obama was born on U.S. soil in his home state of Hawaii, and therefore is ineligible for the Oval Office. "Attn skeet birthers. Make our day - let the photoshop conspiracies begin!" senior adviser David Plouffe wrote on Twitter this morning, referencing the popular photo-editing software.

Next they will be telling us he was the first guy in the stack during Neptune Spear.

02-02-13, 16:11
So now POTUS shoots and trains with USSS. :blink:

Obama Clings to Shotgun in WH Photo


"curious timing of release" (you think! :rolleyes:)

Next they will be telling us he was the first guy in the stack during Neptune Spear.

So then there must be pictures of him with an MP7.

D. Christopher
02-02-13, 16:42
Barky hits the range.


02-02-13, 16:55
So... Obama shoots?

Yes. But ONLY at Man's Country... :eek:

02-02-13, 17:36

Never knew this. It could be common knowledge though. I for one was a bit shocked.

So he shoots... Great!

That he only mentions "traditions of hunters", "sportsman", "fathers deer rifle". Bad.

If true, simply additional support for the reality he has no clue what the 2A actual stands for and he's convinced gun control makes sense for everyone but what he views as the ruling class.

I'm not encouraged in the least he (claims) to pick up a "sporting" shot gun on occasion.

Nothing here to see. :rolleyes:

02-02-13, 17:59
Photoshop? It doesn't look right to me.. The lighting, focus is sharper on forearms and face than the shotgun. I'm not 100% on this. Any high res photos circulating?

Source: NY Daily News (http://www.nydailynews.com)

02-02-13, 19:01
It looks legit to me. It's a mid-range shot, probably at f/2.8, so depth of field isn't going to be too deep. The barrel is angled slightly away from the camera and the focus point was Obama himself.

I don't doubt that he may have shot skeet before. I doubt it's a regular activity of his as the WH has been implying. I wouldn't be surprised if this is a recent photograph.

All that said, even if he is an "avid" skeet shooter, it's not like that means that he understands the 2A which, as we all know, he demonstrably does not.

02-02-13, 19:41
They call it a "photo op" for a reason.

02-02-13, 19:45
That is some low flying skeet! He must be shooting one off the top of Biden's head.

Yea! Obama has shot one shell from a shotgun!!! There is one and only one photo of him shooting!! No press allowed to photograph his "shooting skeet." Maybe there weren't any? Just one shot leveled at a target?

How incredibly stupid this admin is. That one photo, no press allowed, and he obviously is not shooting at a flying clay pigeon. If that was suppsoed it establish his Creds with gun owners it FAILED.

02-02-13, 19:50
I shot ATA trap for years, and agree his stance sucks and just like an AR the stock is not supposed to be up so high. Who cares though? The guy has the facilities there, and probably thought it'd be 'fun to try out'. Doesn't make him a 2A supporter. 'Clays' guns would be about the last to be banned being single shot or O/U break action firearms.

02-02-13, 20:22

Random thought, in regards to the whole 'staged' question... is it possible that it's a black powder blank going off with that gun?

Just seems like a lot of smoke for a smokeless powder shotgun shell going off in a 28+" barrel shotgun.

Republican politicians are missing from the debate. The debate is an influence battle between President Barack Obama’s Democrats and Wayne LaPierre’s NRA. Of the top 25 stakeholders in the debate, there is only 1 prominent Republican politician (Chris Christie – who is pro-gun control). Barack Obama leads the pro-gun control voice with a net influence score of 268. LaPierre leads the anti-gun control side with a net influence score of 240.

From what I read earlier today, it's because they're too busy admiring Obama's anti-gun gusto and trying to play the same game against abortion.

02-02-13, 20:22
That is some low flying skeet! He must be shooting one off the top of Biden's head.

Yea! Obama has shot one shell from a shotgun!!! There is one and only one photo of him shooting!! No press allowed to photograph his "shooting skeet." Maybe there weren't any? Just one shot leveled at a target?

How incredibly stupid this admin is. That one photo, no press allowed, and he obviously is not shooting at a flying clay pigeon. If that was suppsoed it establish his Creds with gun owners it FAILED.

Good point NWP... looks too low for skeet and too high for target assuming that range is level..

02-02-13, 23:14
Regarding the photo...WHO CARES.

The fact that he fired a shotgun...or didn't is irrelevant. It doesn't make him pro gun or anti gun. It is as relevant as the fact the Feinstein and Schumer both have carry permits.

What is RELEVANT is Obamas stance on gun issues, and despite his assertions that he respects the second amendment here is his actual RECORD.


I believe in 2nd Amendment, but not war weapons on streets. (Oct 2012)
Fast-and-Furious: no prosecutions for Mexican gun/drug snafu. (Jun 2012)
Midwestern "bitter clingers" frustrated over broken promises. (Aug 2009)
Opposed bill okaying illegal gun use in home invasions. (Aug 2008)
Ok for states & cities to determine local gun laws. (Apr 2008)
FactCheck: Yes, Obama endorsed Illinois handgun ban. (Apr 2008)
April 2008: "Bittergate" labeled Obama elitist. (Apr 2008)
Respect 2nd Amendment, but local gun bans ok. (Feb 2008)
Provide some common-sense enforcement on gun licensing. (Jan 2008)
2000: cosponsored bill to limit purchases to 1 gun per month. (Oct 2007)
Concealed carry OK for retired police officers. (Aug 2007)
Stop unscrupulous gun dealers dumping guns in cities. (Jul 2007)
Keep guns out of inner cities--but also problem of morality. (Oct 2006)
Bush erred in failing to renew assault weapons ban. (Oct 2004)
Ban semi-automatics, and more possession restrictions. (Jul 1998)
Voted NO on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers. (Jul 2005)

02-03-13, 00:25
What is relevant about the photo is that this sack if shit will lie about something so ridiculously obvious. It follows the same pattern of bald face lying as is demonstrated in all the other serious issues you mention. That us, he lies so much he cannot even be straight on something this trivial.

I am no psychologist but there has be a mental defect for such pathological lying .

02-03-13, 04:59
What is relevant about the photo is that this sack if shit will lie about something so ridiculously obvious. It follows the same pattern of bald face lying as is demonstrated in all the other serious issues you mention. That us, he lies so much he cannot even be straight on something this trivial.

I am no psychologist but there has be a mental defect for such pathological lying .

Its propaganda...just like the vast majority of the shit coming out of this administration. Why just the other day I read an article that unions are starting to wake up to the reality of ObamaCare, and people are finally realizing everything about that law was a bullshit lie. Uh too late dumb ****ers. :sarcastic:

Why wouldn't they lie, anyways? They have lied about everything and the media either ignores it or perpetuates the lies themselves. I have never seen Obama get a tough interview. MSNBC and other media people go to the WH to collaborate with them on the official state media narrative and works to promote Obama's agendas.

If they want Obama to suddenly be an avid shooter...he will be an avid shooter.

02-03-13, 09:04
"Drifting to the LEFT"


They call it a "photo op" for a reason.


02-03-13, 15:13
In the above photos try to find one without the queen. Hmmm.

The caption should read
"Teleprompter Reader shoots with all his unpaid friends. "