View Full Version : More pro gun cop stories

01-27-13, 21:59

Someone who has too few posts to post here sent this article to me.

01-27-13, 22:14
It gives one hope to hear that a high ranking peace officer isn't an average Joe's enemy. We hear anti-gun rhetoric regularly from the big metro area brass here in Ca.

01-27-13, 22:15
I worked in 3 violent areas before I retired and I am in agreement with the Sheriff's position.

01-27-13, 23:03
Thank you for posting this. The good news and sensible mind set is needed and welcomed. I wish this guy were the "Top Cop" in my area.

01-27-13, 23:19
Too bad all the officials around him don't feel the same way. "Auditioning" for the next Dirty Harry movie?? Pathetic. People respond when the truth is spoken. (well, most of the time)

01-28-13, 18:50
I heard about that - what an awesome Sheriff! I am working on a letter to him, thanking him for take a public stand, and defending those in his care.

If I was up there, I'd buy a cup of coffee for every one of his deputies I saw.

I need to find out when he's up for re-election, and send a check to his campaign. Especially considering the flack he is taking for this.

01-28-13, 19:27
What a shame he has no support from other elected officials. "Assume the fetal position and hope for the best" seems to be all their preferred method of defending themselves.

They apparently also don't realize how heavy a sheriff is to carry around for protection.

If he can't protect us maybe he should find another job.