View Full Version : He Nails It. Right On The Head. Newtown Gun Violence Hearings

30 cal slut
01-29-13, 07:17
I had the pleasure of shaking his hand after he testified last night.

He nails it.


01-29-13, 07:31
dang, for sure!

01-29-13, 07:33
that dude is badass.

funny how so many LEGAL, LAW ABIDING immigrants understand just how good us lazy ass Americans really have it and recognize that we're trending downward at a rapid clip.

i'd like to buy that dude a beer.

good shit.

01-29-13, 07:34
He did a great job.

01-29-13, 07:34
Excellent oratory supported by facts. I would have shaken his hand had I been present.

Mr.Ong should run for public office.

30 cal slut
01-29-13, 08:24

specifically, top of page two of this doc:



01-29-13, 08:31
Wow!! Nice job.

01-29-13, 08:43
Mr.Ong should run for public office.

He's smart and honest. He'd never consider it, and if he did he'd never win. :(

01-29-13, 08:59
Very well stated, all the way around.

01-29-13, 09:24
Very well stated, all the way around.

Absolutely. And it clarifies not only what is possible, but also the power of the well spoken word as opposed to paranoid, emotional rants.

01-29-13, 09:27
He's right, its a mistake that we can only afford once.

Better to have it and not need it, then need it and not have it.

01-29-13, 09:27
I felt like clapping after he spoke.

01-29-13, 09:31
This guy is a great advocate for the second amendment.

01-29-13, 09:37
Guy was on point, but is not enough. As you can hear the the gentleman in the back telling him to wrap it up basically telling him "hurry up dude you wasting my time"

01-29-13, 09:53
Guy was on point, but is not enough. As you can hear the the gentleman in the back telling him to wrap it up basically telling him "hurry up dude you wasting my time"

I got that impression as well.

01-29-13, 10:00
Wow... That guy is my hero... It needs to be spread around Facebook and all other sights where the sheeple gather. It makes me angry that they rushed and kept interrupting him, I wanted to hear more. It's refreshing that a Korean-born naturalized citizen knows and cares about the issues at hand than so many so-called "politicians and experts" Thanks for posting this vid.

I felt like clapping after he spoke.

I did clap... my wife, not paying attention to what I was doing (as usual), looked at me like I was crazy...

01-29-13, 10:05
I did clap... my wife, not paying attention to what I was doing (as usual), looked at me like I was crazy...

Lol, been there.

01-29-13, 10:07
Wow... That guy is my hero... It needs to be spread around Facebook and all other sights where the sheeple gather. It makes me angry that they rushed and kept interrupting him, I wanted to hear more. It's refreshing that a Korean-born naturalized citizen knows and cares about the issues at hand than so many so-called "politicians and experts" Thanks for posting this vid.

I did clap... my wife, not paying attention to what I was doing (as usual), looked at me like I was crazy...

I believe it is making the rounds on FB. The hard part is getting those not interested to watch it. As the saying goes "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink...no matter how long you hold their head underwater."

01-29-13, 21:24
This is awesome, and I'm proud to say I duped it.

01-29-13, 21:41
'MERICA!! For now atleast still the home of the brave...

01-30-13, 02:33
Mr. Ong knocked that one out of the f**king park.

01-30-13, 06:39
I wish I had one tenth of his ability to compile useful facts, arrange them in the proper order, and make a thoughtful, well reasoned argument.

I agree with everything he said, and wish more people would not only hear what he said, but actually listen.

01-30-13, 07:35
I just clapped out loud in my office. Amazing.

01-30-13, 08:09
very well stated. I would've loved to hear the whole argument he had written

Larry Vickers
01-30-13, 08:34
Ben - if you can contact him and tell him he is comped for my class this year in CT; outstanding !!

01-30-13, 08:39
I just clapped out loud in my office. Amazing.

Same here. My wife came in from the other room wondering wtf I was doing. So I had her watch it as well.

01-30-13, 08:44
Incredibly well spoken and thought out.

Still, it amazes me that something like this can fall on deaf ears as a result of people choosing not to listen to historical, fact based reason.

01-30-13, 09:00
hope i didn't step on anybody's toes; however, i was so stunned by the man's resolve, strength of character, overall honesty and outright bravery that i looked him up and gave him a call.

i told him that i thought he was a true patriot.....much more than even most "Americans" born here on on our soil.

i thanked him for addressing the issue head-on and fighting a seemingly losing battle.

Mr. Vickers, I advised him of your generosity and I think he was a bit overwhelmed by the offer. He wasn't quite sure what to say other than that he had my number and would reach back out to me if he was interested.

Again, cheers to Mr. Henson Ong, a TRUE American citizen.

01-30-13, 09:03
I'm on the hook for money towards ammo for Mr. Ong.

30 cal slut
01-30-13, 09:13
Ben - if you can contact him and tell him he is comped for my class this year in CT; outstanding !!



Thank you.


ETA found him.

01-30-13, 09:14
indeed......i also advised him that i was quite sure that we could scrounge up a loaner gun and some ammo so that he could participate in a class.

being that he lives in CT, i'm sure he'd have an easier time cloning a wooly mammoth in his apartment than getting hands on a carbine and more than one box of 556.

30 cal slut
01-30-13, 09:21
never mind - I found him. right under my nose lol.

30 cal slut
01-30-13, 09:32
Some background on this hearing:

CT state politicians are bypassing normal legislative processes to enact "emergency" legislation on three fronts: school security, gun violence, and mental health. Each of these tasks are being taken on by separate committees.

Last Friday was School Security, Monday was Gun Violence, and yesterday was Mental health.

The goal is to have legislation ready by the end of February. This is an expedited process like New York, but instead of two days, we get two months. The majority of this is a magazine and gun ban, and punitive measures like 50% tax on ammo, no internet gun and ammo sales, background checks on on all gun sales, including private sales, and public disclosure of carry permit info, etc. There are over 90 bills (many of them duplicative) that have been submitted in response to Sandy Hook.

So, politicians are trying to screw us on an expedited basis. The opposition wants confiscation and destruction of all black rifles and magazines, period.

Because of the expedited legislative process, Monday 1/28 may have been the only day for the public to have input on the crazy number of gun control bills.

Turnout was huge. Over 1,500 folks (some are estimating higher) showed up on a work day, dealing with freezing temps and snow. Some good idea fairy suggested metal detectors for these hearings (the legislative office building is no-guns anyways), and it took folks over an hour to get through security, and then another hour or more to get a lottery ticket to testify before the gun violence task force.

The majority were ardently pro-gun. The opposition was considerably less in number, going by my casual observation, a few dozen.

The oral testimony, which even the press described as overwhelmingly pro-gun, started at around 1:30 pm and ended at 3:00 a.m.

During the day, capitol officials had to open up 5 (?) overflow chambers to accommodate the pro-gun crowd. The hearings were simulcast on projection TV's.

What you didn't hear following Mr. Ong's testimony were the very loud cheers and applause coming from the other rooms.

30 cal slut
01-30-13, 10:52
I'm on the hook for money towards ammo for Mr. Ong.

Thanks bro, much appreciated.

30 cal slut
01-30-13, 11:17
Mr. Ong has been contacted and has accepted LAV's offer.

Thank you LAV and M4C.

01-30-13, 11:19
Mr. Ong has been contacted and has accepted LAV's offer.

Thank you LAV and M4C.

**** YEAH.

01-30-13, 11:33
Thanks bro, much appreciated.

Mr. Ong deserves my thanks.

01-30-13, 11:46
Excellent speech and excellent support from M4C members!

01-30-13, 13:21

01-30-13, 13:21
hope he becomes an M4C member

01-30-13, 13:33
And I'm sure the lead gun grabber there, Beth Bye, wasn't paying attention to this excellent testimony:


01-30-13, 15:11
And I'm sure the lead gun grabber there, Beth Bye, wasn't paying attention to this excellent testimony:


Hey, Facebook is important stuff.


Boy Scout
01-30-13, 15:20
Excellent job Mr. Ong.

Although I'm saving up for a good school myself, I'd be happy to assist the M4C community and Mr. Vickers in seeing that Mr. Ong makes it to a class. I'll be happy to donate some gear for the class and to help his collection!

01-30-13, 15:51
And I'm sure the lead gun grabber there, Beth Bye, wasn't paying attention to this excellent testimony:

Oh, it gets better:



As you can see, it's all one big ****ing joke to these people and they don't really care what we have to say. I'd get a boot in the ass if I was caught browsing Facebook on company time.

01-30-13, 15:56
Oh, it gets better:



As you can see, it's all one big ****ing joke to these people and they don't really care what we have to say. I'd get a boot in the ass if I was caught browsing Facebook on company time.

This is just disrespectful... What are the proceedings to relieve this people from their position?

01-30-13, 16:02
This is just disrespectful... What are the proceedings to relieve this people from their position?

And even worse, it wasn't just her.

There were lots of people who quite obviously didn't care about hearing all the comments from the "pro-gun" people. It's amazing how many slaps to the face "constituents" take from the people they put into office.

01-30-13, 16:12
And even worse, it wasn't just her.

There were lots of people who quite obviously didn't care about hearing all the comments from the "pro-gun" people. It's amazing how many slaps to the face "constituents" take from the people they put into office.

We're not as "enlightened" as they are, so we don't merit their solicitude. They only care about the constituents that voted them in, the rest don't matter. So much for representing everyone in the area.

01-30-13, 17:08
Oh, it gets better:



As you can see, it's all one big ****ing joke to these people and they don't really care what we have to say. I'd get a boot in the ass if I was caught browsing Facebook on company time.

This is why the pages of history are complete of people in the positions of power who ruled with such contempt for those they governed often met a very public and brutal demise.

01-30-13, 17:37
There were lots of people who quite obviously didn't care about hearing all the comments from the "pro-gun" people. It's amazing how many slaps to the face "constituents" take from the people they put into office.

Yep, I did notice that on the video. But what pisses me off is that they celebrate this type of bullshit (meaning they dont do nothing about it) like having a brunch.

01-30-13, 18:50
Wow... That guy is my hero... It needs to be spread around Facebook and all other sights where the sheeple gather. It makes me angry that they rushed and kept interrupting him, I wanted to hear more. It's refreshing that a Korean-born naturalized citizen knows and cares about the issues at hand than so many so-called "politicians and experts" Thanks for posting this vid.

I did clap... my wife, not paying attention to what I was doing (as usual), looked at me like I was crazy...

I clapped, though my wife is far beyond looking at me like I'm craqy(been married 10 years this month). I did however get her to sit on my lap and watch it with a second time.

01-30-13, 19:47
Just getting read and caught up on this thread and this is just very heartening to hear.

Between Mr. Ong's testimony, LAV's offer, and the acceptance of said offer just makes me smile.


Not sure what class you are hosting that Mr. Ong will be attending but I am there if ANY gear is needed. Electronic earpro, eyepro. PMAGS and holsters. If class involves transition work or is strictly handgun and he will be using an M&P 9/40 he is welcome to use anything I have. Kydex, mags, belt, sling for AR, whatever.

Would be glad to help in any capacity.


01-30-13, 20:43
Dude is a champ and wrecked the house.

01-31-13, 07:40
Any way that you could forward the Facebook shite to the news? I mean one would think that that would be frowned upon...

01-31-13, 21:44
This is just disrespectful... What are the proceedings to relieve this people from their position?

Stuff like that just fuels the fire to resist being neutered.

Meanwhile, Wyoming and Arizona are pushing goods bills forward:



Those of you in those states, please support your representatives!

Give them a call to share your thanks and encourage them to keep up the good fight.

01-31-13, 23:51
Well done, Mr. Ong. Thank you.

What was voted on that night, and how did it go?

02-01-13, 11:33
You guys should push Mr. Ong to run for an office at nearest opportunity. People that are "Americans by choice" sometime have clearer view what USA is (was?) all about, they have perspective.

02-02-13, 00:23
This thread makes me ****ing proud.

Mr. Ong did a fantastic job.

02-02-13, 00:26
We live in a society of victimization, where people are much more comfortable being victimized than actually standing up for themselves.

- Marilyn Manson

02-02-13, 11:20
Video kicked ass. Posted it onfacebook. Sadly I have lost friends over my pro 2A views. Its a damn shame but this fight is worth it.

This makes me proudz

02-02-13, 18:20
Lets pool our money together buy this:


and donate it to Mr. Ong.

02-02-13, 19:52
Those hearings are a joke. Sorry but ain't going to win any battles there.

02-02-13, 22:04
Those hearings are a joke. Sorry but ain't going to win any battles there.

In this one case that may not be true. Perhaps it was one or two in the room, but later he likely enlightened hundreds if not thousands via social media.

Remember that his being a well spoken immigrant surely made an impact on a liberal segment of society always looking to appease and understand such individuals. In other words all specific circumstances considered he carried some legitimate weight somewhere.

02-05-13, 09:25
Our fellow member Firepolock asked that I post the following on his behalf:

Please post this in the thread about henson ong.

We have been informed that the lawmakers of CT will more then likely pass these asinine laws. Inside sources have revealed this. They want to appease the families of newtown. They will look "good", all the while knowing new gun control laws will have no effect.



02-05-13, 16:39
One of the dads from the Sandy Hook shooting. He nails it. http://youtu.be/dhXPlCjr0Vw

02-05-13, 17:13
One of the dads from the Sandy Hook shooting. He nails it.

I don't believe that guy was a victim's father (though I do like his speech)

This is the one to watch...


I choke up when I see it.

If I could forgive anyone for being an idiot gun control advocate it would be someone whos child was killed like this.

That this man sees through his pain and comes out like this, I believe he is the bravest person to show up in this round of public debate yet. I know I would still be blubering in my closet if I lost my son.

02-05-13, 19:07
The other one posted just above yours is also excellent and should be watched and makes a much stronger case. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgizmCL4tMA

02-08-13, 07:44
This father nails it too.
