View Full Version : Divorce/Pet help...

01-29-13, 13:16
So my wife wants a divorce....everything is very friendly, no hard feelings at all. So far, praying it stays that way. We will still be living together for a few months but here is the problem...

I have a German Shepard that is the world to me, I want to take her with me when I go. Any ideas on how to achieve this?

So far I've considered buying a mobil home, renting a mobil home, and a pet friendly apartment.

I've just begun to start down this road but the apartment idea seems the least likely for a few reasons. Money is the biggest con, it will really slow my ability to save for a future home. Next is my GSD will probably not do well with so many noises. She would probably keep the whole complex awake barking at every noise she doesn't like.

I'm not too sure how hard it will be to find a rental mobile home that will accept pets, at least in a neighborhood where I wouldn't come home every night expecting to find her missing or dead and my place ripped off.

I'm not too sure about purchasing a mobile home either. I'm afraid it my hurt my chances of purchasing a home in the future.

I'm really stumped and worried over this one. Any ideas that I may be missing?


Oh yeah, anyone who may be interested in a Colt 6920, several thousand rounds of ammo and 50+ mags, I'll probably be posting on the EE soon.

01-29-13, 13:28
Sorry to hear about your troubles. Divorce sucks, even under the most amicable circumstances.

And it sucks to say this, but you really need to consider what is best for your pet. If that means your dog stays with your future-ex-wife for a while until you can get situated in a suitable living arrangement, that's probably the best choice (assuming your wife is agreeable).

If financially feasible, I'd look for a small house to rent which has a yard for your dog. Give yourself time to let the dust settle from the divorce and get your finances sorted out before buying anything.

01-29-13, 13:32
I'd take a longer commute for a house/mobile home with a yard.

01-29-13, 13:51
If financially feasible, I'd look for a small house to rent which has a yard for your dog. Give yourself time to let the dust settle from the divorce and get your finances sorted out before buying anything.


Do you have any friends that might be interested in splitting the rent on a house?

01-29-13, 15:38
Purchasing a mobile home is like buying a vehicle. As soon as you close on the loan it will start going down in value. Financing is about non existant and the only companies do so are Finance Companies. When it comes times to sell you will definitly be in the hole.

Listen to what Montanadave has said. Sounds like great advice.

01-29-13, 15:58
Any reason you can't keep the house and the dog? Give her a car and the furniture, you take over the debt on the house. You keep your awesome dog, because dogs are better than women anyway.

lethal dose
01-29-13, 16:03
If you can buy a double wide on an acre under foreclosure, you stand a good chance of not losing. I looked at buying one to rent out. Built in '97, 2.5 acres, etc. Sold for $16,500. Shoulda bought it.

01-29-13, 16:20
Very sorry to hear about your situation. I myself and going through a divorce and just moved the wife out my house this last Saturday. She got the dogs so my house is empty and depressing. Hopefully you get this figured out quick and don't lose your dog. Im really sorry to hear about your situation, I mean that.