View Full Version : SC Sen. Asking Remington to move to SC

01-30-13, 09:43
Republican Jeff Duncan is asking Remington Arms to move to SC as the state is more gun friendly than NY.

This would be a great move for SC.


01-30-13, 10:01
Republican Jeff Duncan is asking Remington Arms to move to SC as the state is more gun friendly than NY.

This would be a great move for SC.


Nice. They should really consider moving out of NY. Though their factory is steeped in history and is the original location, so I understand their desire to stay put.

NC would make more sense considering Remington already has corporate offices in Madison, NC.

01-30-13, 10:11
Remington should have left New York long ago.

Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2

lethal dose
01-30-13, 10:20
Wonder if it would create many jobs or if most of the already established employees would relocate.

01-30-13, 10:23
It would be a good move for both NC and Remington.

01-30-13, 14:20
Nice. They should really consider moving out of NY. Though their factory is steeped in history and is the original location, so I understand their desire to stay put.

NC would make more sense considering Remington already has corporate offices in Madison, NC.

You beat me to it. I would think if they moved it would be to NC. Same as SC, Right to Work state, and HQ is here now

01-30-13, 16:17
They should all move to Texas:D

01-30-13, 21:45
They should all move to Texas:D

The junior Senator from Texas agrees with you.


He just poked the mayor of Chicago in the eye with that. Nice.

01-30-13, 21:58
They should all move to Texas:D

or to Florida! We already have KAC and soon to be Colt factory!

01-30-13, 22:45
or to Florida! We already have KAC and soon to be Colt factory!
Yep. I'd love to see them and others move here.

Now let me be a downer, none of these states should give any company looking to move tax breaks or what not. Sorry but enough of our cash is being blown as it is. A company like Remington can afford to move on their own if it really is that important to them.

01-31-13, 02:23
Remington should have left New York long ago.

Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2

Yes they should have.

Anyway I'm all for any MFG in a state like NY to move out of it. Move them to Va, NC, SC, Texas, etc.

01-31-13, 07:56
The junior Senator from Texas agrees with you.


He just poked the mayor of Chicago in the eye with that. Nice.

And I agree with the Senator. Wonder who "The Godfather" is going to rule over when Chicago is a ghost town?

01-31-13, 16:02
The junior Senator from Texas agrees with you.


He just poked the mayor of Chicago in the eye with that. Nice.
More and more I'm coming to the conclusion that I got to find a way to get to TEXAS. You guys have a lot of lg. trees down their?

01-31-13, 17:25
More and more I'm coming to the conclusion that I got to find a way to get to TEXAS. You guys have a lot of lg. trees down their?

Do you want pine trees or oak trees? The answer is yes we have large trees here. East Texas has the tall pines, central(North San Antonio to Austin) has tons of oaks and rolling hills.

01-31-13, 22:46
...... You guys have a lot of lg. trees down their?

Yes, we do. We use them to cook BBQ, run smokers, and lately we even make whiskey barrels.

Come on down.

3 AE
02-01-13, 16:17
The downside to the migration of business and people to a better "promised land" is the accelerated downward spiral of the standard of living in the State whose government has directly or indirectly forced the migration. When more people and businesses move out, the tax base dwindles and government just increases the tax/fees rate on the remaining residents and businesses to try and make up the difference to maintain the cost of infrastructures and social programs. Things go from bad to worse in a short amount of time.

The States that have enticed businesses and people who can contribute to improving the standard of living within the State, don't get off "Scott free' either. Over time as the standard of living improves, more and more people move to that State, especially people that need more "financial assistance". The "Word" gets out! The cost of maintaining infrastructures and social programs starts to increase. The cycle starts to repeat itself. This happens a lot from State to State, region to region, and country to country.

Remember when our social/economic standing was represented by the shape of the diamond? The upper third represented the rich and very rich. The middle third being the widest, represented the middle class, the largest portion of the population. The lower third represented the lesser well off and the few very poor at the bottom. The work done by the middle class helped generate the profits for the upper class to maintain a strong economy and at the same time through taxation helped the very needy. There was an incentive to strive and "move up the ladder",so to speak. To be better than the generation before.

Now, through the very nature of a democratic government in itself and human nature being what it is, that "diamond" is slowly becoming a "triangle". More and more people have gravitated to the bottom. As our government and politicians have done an outstanding job of catering to the lowest common denominator, the incentive to strive to be better is slowly disappearing. The "Doers" are becoming the endangered and the "Takers" are becoming the dominant species. The "I" as in individual is slowly being stripped of it's identity to be forced into the "We" as in the collective. Democracy evolves into Socialism and from there to Communism. We all know what happens to Communism in the real world. The cycle starts to repeat itself.

Personally I don't see us as a nation reversing this course. Yes, we should be able to slow it down some, but inevitably "the meek shall inherit the earth". Thankfully, I won't be around long enough to see it. Though I will strive to do my part in slowing the speed of the foreseeable "train wreck", there will be a wreck nonetheless. There will come a time when rebellion and quite possibly a violent revolution will be the only solution to reverse the course. To quote Thomas Jefferson, "I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical."

To the younger generation, my advice would be to start digging in now and prepare yourself mentally and physically for the greatest challenge that you will face in your lifetime. Our future as a sovereign nation will depend on you and the groundwork that you must start to lay today. As for me, I doubt that I will be around to accurately "Pull the trigger" so to speak, but I sure as hell can pass the ammo!" My Lord, I've gone on much too long. Now you all have a wonderful weekend, you hear? ;)

02-01-13, 17:49
Republican Jeff Duncan is asking Remington Arms to move to SC as the state is more gun friendly than NY.

This would be a great move for SC.


Outstanding and hope they follow his advice.

The junior Senator from Texas agrees with you.


He just poked the mayor of Chicago in the eye with that. Nice.

Awesome letter Bill, thanks for sharing. :cool:

02-01-13, 18:05
The reason I ask about Big Trees, is that I work for a Tree Service that specializes in lg tree removals by crane. Got to have some type of employment opportunities.

02-01-13, 18:22
Move to Oregon. We have Noveske.

3 AE
02-01-13, 22:29
Let's not rush to judgement on moving to Oregon. Being a transplant from Chicago since 1980, this wonderful State has basically followed the California dogma of what should be the blueprint of a viable State of Independence or I should say Conformity. We will only tax the hell out of your endeavors and convince you that you need to embrace the collective. The last 10-15 years has been nothing but an embarrassment for the free thinking,free acting, law abiding, individual.

We've only had a string of progressive, liberal, governorship dating back to 1988, if that suits your fancy. Which seems to be the product of choice for the last 24 years. Our debt to population ratio is the same as the so envied State of California. In the words of a decent Governor of the State of Oregon, Mr. Tom McCall, "Come visit us again and again. This is a great state of excitement.But for heaven's sake, don't come here to live."

Yes, please purchase your knives from Gerber, CRKT, and Benchmade. Your AR's from Noveske and lowers from AXTS. Your optics from Leupold. We appreciate your business, but we are not the greener pastures that I found way back in the 80's. Then again, we could sure use an influx of a sizable amount of go getters, if you know what I mean. I'm starting to look to the East, like the Great State Of Wyoming, as I near my twilight years. Just something to consider.

02-01-13, 22:58
Let's not rush to judgement on moving to Oregon. Being a transplant from Chicago since 1980, this wonderful State has basically followed the California dogma of what should be the blueprint of a viable State of Independence or I should say Conformity. We will only tax the hell out of your endeavors and convince you that you need to embrace the collective. The last 10-15 years has been nothing but an embarrassment for the free thinking,free acting, law abiding, individual.

We've only had a string of progressive, liberal, governorship dating back to 1988, if that suits your fancy. Which seems to be the product of choice for the last 24 years. Our debt to population ratio is the same as the so envied State of California. In the words of a decent Governor of the State of Oregon, Mr. Tom McCall, "Come visit us again and again. This is a great state of excitement.But for heaven's sake, don't come here to live."

Yes, please purchase your knives from Gerber, CRKT, and Benchmade. Your AR's from Noveske and lowers from AXTS. Your optics from Leupold. We appreciate your business, but we are not the greener pastures that I found way back in the 80's. Then again, we could sure use an influx of a sizable amount of go getters, if you know what I mean. I'm starting to look to the East, like the Great State Of Wyoming, as I near my twilight years. Just something to consider.

You're actually kind of right. We need more conservatives.

Anybody from Texas, or Arizona lookin' to move somewhere cold?

3 AE
02-01-13, 23:09
Cold? Being in the Mid-Willamette Valley is downright comfortable. Now NoDak, SoDak, and Thief River Falls,MN is another thing. Their cold is absolutely brass balls shrinking cold! Yeah, they say it's a dry cold, like people say it's a dry heat in the Sun Belt. :D

02-01-13, 23:20
Cold? Being in the Mid-Willamette Valley is downright comfortable. Now NoDak, SoDak, and Thief River Falls,MN is another thing. Their cold is absolutely brass balls shrinking cold! Yeah, they say it's a dry cold, like people say it's a dry heat in the Sun Belt. :D

I love it. And dry cold, my ass.