View Full Version : Could this be the last nail in the coffin?

01-31-13, 13:56
Another school shooting. This time at a middle school in georgia.

01-31-13, 14:26
Just heard, this is not good. I've noticed that all news outlets are pushing shooting stories to the top, local and national. The media is not letting this issue fade.

01-31-13, 14:30
What's up with the young kids trying to kill everyone?

01-31-13, 14:33
I'm sure Piers Morgan will harp on it for a couple days but I doubt it'll change the outcome of anything. Not to be insensitive but it's just one person, not 30 or 40.

01-31-13, 14:46
What's up with the young kids trying to kill everyone?
Bad parenting.

01-31-13, 14:59
Bad parenting.

Bad parenting and a shit society content to allow damaging filth to prosper in the name of freedom.

01-31-13, 14:59
What's up with the young kids trying to kill everyone?

Usually prescription antidepressants.


01-31-13, 15:00
Not good. When is this crap ever going to end??

01-31-13, 15:13
Shitty parents. Killing is trivialized by video games, movies, tv shows. Kids are doped up on the serotonin reuptake inhibitors. The media hyping these shootings and turning the killers into rockstars...

Im sure there are more but I just woke up.

01-31-13, 15:14
What coffin?

01-31-13, 15:19
They will push these stories and get everyone desensitized to gun violence. The local "shooting" stories are Domestic Violence or Gang Violence nothing that "gun laws" have stopped before now.

An Undocumented Worker
01-31-13, 15:24
Given that part of Atlanta, and the names of one of the suspects, it was more than likely a gang killing of sorts.

Nothing to see here everybody, move along.

01-31-13, 16:08
I'm sure Piers Morgan will harp on it for a couple days but I doubt it'll change the outcome of anything. Not to be insensitive but it's just one person, not 30 or 40.

It's all this ****in pick talks about. If it wasn't for the gun debate, he'd have no show and be out of a job...

01-31-13, 16:13
Bad parenting and a shit society content to allow damaging filth to prosper in the name of freedom.

Careful now. By damaging filth, I hope you don't mean video games, music, or other media which contains violent content, because blaming anything guarded under free speech isn't helping us. We can believe that such free speech is damaging, but attacking free speech is exactly what we don't need. We must defend ALL our rights. There is not conclusive evidence showing such cultural influences lead to violence. While they may have some effect, I hold that, assuming proper morals are enforced alongside violent video games/movies/shows, they won't damage the mental health of the viewer(s). Attacking entertainment and media is just diverting the mental health problem we have as a nation.

01-31-13, 16:18
When I was younger, there were still violent games and movies. We weren't going out and hurting folks because of them. Maybe ppl were but the news didn't cover every single thing having to do with guns and turning it into a brain numbing reality TV show.

01-31-13, 16:21
Careful now. By damaging filth, I hope you don't mean video games, music, or other media which contains violent content, because blaming anything guarded under free speech isn't helping us. We can believe that such free speech is damaging, but attacking free speech is exactly what we don't need. We must defend ALL our rights. There is not conclusive evidence showing such cultural influences lead to violence. While they may have some effect, I hold that, assuming proper morals are enforced alongside violent video games/movies/shows, they won't damage the mental health of the viewer(s). Attacking entertainment and media is just diverting the mental health problem we have as a nation.

Well and that our violent crime rate is as it's lowest since WWII, I'm not totally convinced that the speech has anything to do with it.

Sensationalism on the other hand has everything to do with it. There has literally never been a safer time to be alive on this planet. Video games and violent movies and music be damned.

01-31-13, 16:24
Sounds like typical gang banger activity, but you're right that the media won't let it slide and neither will the administration allow the media inlet it slide. They have an agenda and they will get it done. The other day I watched a tear jerker story on some libtard news station @ the gym telling of how some poor single mother lost her 4 kids to random acts of gun violence. Made it out to be some tragic day, but it turned out to be over the spam of years in the in Chicago inner city. HMMMMM 4 acts of random violence visited upon one family. Right. But they were all good kids about to go off to da college. If it involves a gun it's going to be sensationalized to keep the libtard frenzy up.

01-31-13, 16:32
Sounds like typical gang banger activity, but you're right that the media won't let it slide and neither will the administration allow the media inlet it slide. .

Unless it's black on black violence, then it will be ignored.

01-31-13, 16:37
Careful now...Attacking entertainment and media is just diverting the mental health problem we have as a nation.

Ok, but help me out. What do you believe is the root of the collective mental health problem you clearly refer to?

01-31-13, 17:12
When I was a kid in the 60s I remember seeing the Vietnam war on TV
My brother and I would go out play army with our GI Joe or our toy M1 or M16 and we would kick the enemies butt everytime :)

Can you imagine 6 and up year olds running around the woods pretending to shoot eachother up these days !

Those in the 50 year old range now most likely remeber the same kinda fun !

Remember stacking caps to get more bang and that great powder smell from those fun little red rolls :)

I agree with others bad parenting and meds and the culture of today
OH poor Johny did not get a participation ribbon how unfair !
Now he is crying lets bring him to a shrink !
Ohh good we got Johny meds he will be all better now
OK johny mommy and daddy are both off to work see you tonight for our half hour check in have fun with our ilegal imigrant nanny !

01-31-13, 17:21
When I was a kid in the 60s I remember seeing the Vietnam war on TV
My brother and I would go out play army with our GI Joe or our toy M1 or M16 and we would kick the enemies butt everytime :)

Can you imagine 6 and up year olds running around the woods pretending to shoot eachother up these days !

Those in the 50 year old range now most likely remeber the same kinda fun !

I grew up in the 80's and we did the same thing. Hell, I can remember playing war games with BB guns(not the best idea mind you, but then again we did have the "only" one pump rule).

We even had a few war games that involve roman candles, bottle rockets, and those little boxes that had like 25 tiny little rockets in them. Those made for some pretty bad ass battles at the farm. It was great to have a buddy who's grandfather owned like 20 firework stands. We got a shit ton of left overs.

Perfectly good idea to give 10 year old's bags full of fireworks and tell them to go down to the old gravel/sand pits and have fun.

Come to think of it maybe our parents sucked.

01-31-13, 17:25
Wife just came up with "the" answer to school shootings. No need to ban guns, ban the location that the shooting happen at. Schools.

01-31-13, 17:49
So what SSRIs was this one on?

01-31-13, 17:52
So what SSRIs was this one on?

Probably a nice blend of three or four that his Dr. was getting a little extra dough to push.

01-31-13, 18:18
Scenario 1: Jack goes duck hunting before school and then pulls into the school parking lot with his shotgun in his truck's gun rack.

1963 - Vice Principal comes over, looks at Jack's shotgun, goes to his car and gets his own shotgun to show Jack.

2013 - School goes into lock down, Police called, Jack hauled off to jail and never sees his truck or gun again. Counselors called in for traumatized students and teachers.

Scenario 2: Johnny and Mark get into a fist fight after school.

1963 - Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up buddies.

2013 - Police called and SWAT team arrives. They arrest both Johnny and Mark, and both charged with assault and both expelled even though Johnny started it.

Scenario 3: Jeffrey will not be still in class, he disrupts other students.

1963 - Jeffrey sent to the Principal's office and given the strap by the Principal. He then returns to class, sits still and does not disrupt class again.

2013 - Jeffrey is given huge doses of a tranquilizer. He becomes a zombie. He is then tested for ADD.. The school gets extra money from the state because Jeffrey has a disability.

Scenario 4: Billy breaks a window in his neighbor's car and his Dad gives him a whipping with his belt.

1963 - Billy is more careful next time, grows up normal, goes to university and becomes a successful businessman.

2013 - Billy's dad is arrested for child abuse. Billy is removed to foster care and joins a gang. The children's aid worker is told by Billy's sister that she remembers being abused herself and their dad goes to prison. Billy's mom has an affair with the aid worker.

Scenario 5: Mark gets a headache and takes some aspirin to school.

1963 - Mark shares his aspirin with one of the teachers who also has a headache.

2013 - The police are called and Mark is expelled from school for drug violations. His car is then searched for drugs and weapons.

Scenario 6: Mohammed fails high school English.

1963 - Mohammed goes to summer school, passes English and goes to university.

2013 - Mohammed's cause is taken up by the State. Newspaper articles appear nationally explaining that teaching English as a requirement for graduation is racist. Citizen's Rights Coalition files class action lawsuit against the school system and Mohammed's English teacher. English is then banned from core curriculum. Mohammed is given his diploma anyway but ends up driving a cab for a living because he cannot speak English.

Scenario 7: Johnny takes apart leftover firecrackers, puts them in a model airplane paint bottle and blows up a red ant bed.

1963 - Ants die.

2013 - DHS, the State Police and local authorities are all called. Johnny is charged with domestic terrorism. The State investigates his parents, all siblings are removed from their home and all computers are confiscated. Johnny's dad is placed on a terror watch list and is never allowed to fly again.

Scenario 8: Johnny falls while running during recess and scrapes his knee. He is found crying by his teacher, Mary. Mary hugs him to comfort him.

1963 - In a short time, Johnny feels better and goes on playing.

2013 - Mary is accused of being a sexual predator and loses her job. She faces 3 years in prison. Johnny undergoes 5 years of therapy at the expense of the taxpayers.

01-31-13, 18:34

Nailed it!

01-31-13, 18:39
AustinN4 - Great comparison. It is funny, but true. Today all the villages are too full of idiots.

01-31-13, 18:58
1963 v. 2013 so true. And we're made fun of because we'd like to get back to the good old days.
One other thing I'd offer is this.

1963- You go swimming in a mud hole and swallow a few dozen amoeba. Amoeba die.

2013- You show a kid a mud hole that might have amoeba in it. Kid dies.

01-31-13, 19:04
Austin, you nailed it. I'm 26 so I grew up during the "playstation "generation. I listened to eminem,played "one pump" Bb gun wars, paintball, all sorts of shooter games, took apart bullets and fire works and made bigger explosives hell even dry ice bombs. And all this in Cali. My parents beat my ass when I needed it and I wasn't special. I turned out fine and dandy. Having 3 kids of my own ( I swear deployment immunizations were sperm inhancers) one in school right now I can't believe the pussy bullshit that goes on. My daughter was being bullied by some other girl and she smacked the shit out of her. It stopped, go figure right? She gets a referal and I talk with the superintendent and I get the "violence isn't the option" bullshit, I informed her that if that were true I wouldn't be saying hello but guten tag. Lol should have seen her face. I think it's the lack of expectations in our kids and they have no way to settle their differences without being suspended so they may have some pent up issues then add whatever wonder drug the doc prescribes and now you have a possible time bomb. When I was in school I knew of maybe two kids on ridelin (spelling?) and we never had issues like this.

01-31-13, 19:11
1963 v. 2013 so true. And we're made fun of because we'd like to get back to the good old days.
One other thing I'd offer is this.

1963- You go swimming in a mud hole and swallow a few dozen amoeba. Amoeba die.

2013- You show a kid a mud hole that might have amoeba in it. Kid dies.

2013- large capacity mud holes banned.

01-31-13, 19:17
Can't link right now, on my phone, but it looks like the armed security stopped this one. Guess NRA just dunked one on Obama.

01-31-13, 19:39
Can't link right now, on my phone, but it looks like the armed security stopped this one. Guess NRA just dunked one on Obama.

I heard this as well.

01-31-13, 20:31
Hahaha yeah later on in my late teens I got into bottle rocket and roman candle fights :)
My bb ok pellet :) gun was a beeman R1
So might not have been nice to be on the receiving end of that :)

Oh and I grew up with multiple wrist rockets those were great fun for a kid :)

I grew up in the 80's and we did the same thing. Hell, I can remember playing war games with BB guns(not the best idea mind you, but then again we did have the "only" one pump rule).

We even had a few war games that involve roman candles, bottle rockets, and those little boxes that had like 25 tiny little rockets in them. Those made for some pretty bad ass battles at the farm. It was great to have a buddy who's grandfather owned like 20 firework stands. We got a shit ton of left overs.

Perfectly good idea to give 10 year old's bags full of fireworks and tell them to go down to the old gravel/sand pits and have fun.

Come to think of it maybe our parents sucked.

01-31-13, 20:48
Shitty parents. Killing is trivialized by video games, movies, tv shows. Kids are doped up on the serotonin reuptake inhibitors. The media hyping these shootings and turning the killers into rockstars...

Im sure there are more but I just woke up.

+1, good post.

02-01-13, 11:07
Can't link right now, on my phone, but it looks like the armed security stopped this one. Guess NRA just dunked one on Obama.

Armed Police Officer Stops School Shooting in Georgia
February 01, 2013

Yesterday a school shooting was quickly stopped before it escalated further thanks to an armed guard being on campus.

A student opened fire at his middle school Thursday afternoon, wounding a 14-year-old in the neck before an armed officer working at the school was able to get the gun away, police said.

Multiple shots were fired in the courtyard of Price Middle School just south of downtown around 1:50 p.m. and the one boy was hit, Atlanta Police Chief George Turner said. In the aftermath, a teacher received minor cuts, he said.

The wounded boy was taken "alert, conscious and breathing" to Grady Memorial Hospital, said police spokesman Carlos Campos. He was expected to be released Thursday night.

Police swarmed the school of about 400 students after reports of the shooting while a crowd of anxious parents gathered in the streets, awaiting word on their children. Students were kept at the locked-down school for more than two hours before being dismissed.

Investigators believe the shooting was not random and that something occurred between the two students that may have led to it.

Schools Superintendent Erroll Davis said the school does have metal detectors.

"The obvious question is how did this get past a metal detector?" Davis asked about the gun. "That’s something we do not know yet."

A good guy with a gun, stopped a bad guy with a gun. We've been hearing anti-gunners mock the National Rifle Association for weeks after Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre suggested putting an armed guard in every school, clearly he isn't far off the mark. The fact is, armed police officers are already in many of the nation's schools and have been for a very long time. They're used at sporting functions, school dances, as a deterrent for bad behavior and more on a daily basis.

This incident in Atlanta comes just one week after Vice President Joe Biden said putting armed guards in schools would be a "terrible mistake," even though as I said above, many schools already have them. Not to mention, while the Obama administration continues to publicly slam the NRA for suggesting such a measure, which has been proven to work, they're quietly working to secure funding for...more police in schools.

02-01-13, 11:13
Ok, but help me out. What do you believe is the root of the collective mental health problem you clearly refer to?

Defend and Uphold please.

sent from mah gun,using my sights

02-01-13, 11:34
Here is one you won't hear to much about. To bad it wasn't air head Biden's house. He might have had a chance to use his shotgun:

Woman shoots 1 of 3 home invaders to defend herself & son
Video report at the link.

Home invasion suspect arrested after woman opens fire

A home invasion suspect was arrested at a hospital after a mother shot him during the crime at a Montgomery County home, deputies said Wednesday.

Erin, who asked to be identified only by her first name, told Local 2 she was putting her 6-year-old son to bed when she heard a loud noise coming from her bedroom on Mink Lake Drive Friday night.

"I threw the cover over my son and I took off running, screaming to the living room to let my dogs out," she said.

Erin said she turned around and saw three masked men, pointing a gun right at her.

"When I saw three of them, I knew I was in a lot of trouble. I said, 'The TV is the most expensive thing I own. You could take that through the front door and go with it,' and they said, 'No, the money, the money,'" said Erin.

Erin said she had to think fast as the men headed towards her son's room. The mom said she distracted the men as she rushed to get her gun.

"Somehow the way it happened, as they were going down the hallway, I told them sometimes I keep money under the mattress, which is not true. But I needed to get to where my gun was," she said.

The men followed her to her bedroom.

"I was pretending to move the mattress. It's really heavy, so I was trying to move their attention to the mattress because they wouldn't take their eyes off of me. I needed a split second for them to take their eyes off of me. I said, 'It might be under here.' They started talking to each other in Spanish and then a roll of duct tape came out," said Erin.

At this point, Erin said she prayed for something to distract them so she could grab her gun. She said her prayers were answered when her dogs ran in and started barking.

"They all turned around and looked. I grabbed my gun, cocked it, I turned and shot him right in the stomach," said Erin.

Two of the men escaped. Erin said she pointed a gun at a third suspect, but he went after her before she could shoot.

"We wrestled around in my bedroom and he came after me. I had my gun like this. He kneed me in the face. He just jerked the gun right out of my hand and took off," she said.

Next, Erin rushed to her son's room.

"I looked and saw Kaden and he had the covers up to his eyes," said Erin.

She grabbed her son, got another gun and called 911. The mother said her story would have ended much differently if she didn't have her pistol.

"Protecting yourself goes into our Second Amendment, the right to bear arms. And thousands of people died to give me the right that saved my life," said Erin.

The Montgomery County Sheriff's Office said Adrian Granados-Yepez, 27, of Tomball, was arrested at Memorial Hermann Hospital Monday night, where he was being treated for a gunshot wound.

I believe the women used a Sig P250 which uses a hi-capacity mag to protect herself from the 3 intruders. This is one of the guns/mags now banned in NY state, unless you are LE. So if you are not LE and need more than 10 rds, and there is not time for a mag change, sorry about your luck.

02-01-13, 11:38
This shooting had a specific target and it appears the two had an altercation. Then you find out that it was in Atlanta. They were hoodrats so the MSM wont talk about this much.

Hunter Rose
02-01-13, 12:23
Yep, this school is in a very low income/crappy part of Atlanta. Lakewood is not a safe place after dark.

As others have said this is most likely gang related, no mental health or SSRI issues.

Hunter Rose
02-01-13, 12:33
Got links to the source for the news stories below? I'd like to share them with others.

Armed Police Officer Stops School Shooting in Georgia
February 01, 2013

Yesterday a school shooting was quickly stopped before it escalated further thanks to an armed guard being on campus.

A student opened fire at his middle school Thursday afternoon, wounding a 14-year-old in the neck before an armed officer working at the school was able to get the gun away, police said.

Multiple shots were fired in the courtyard of Price Middle School just south of downtown around 1:50 p.m. and the one boy was hit, Atlanta Police Chief George Turner said. In the aftermath, a teacher received minor cuts, he said.

The wounded boy was taken "alert, conscious and breathing" to Grady Memorial Hospital, said police spokesman Carlos Campos. He was expected to be released Thursday night.

Police swarmed the school of about 400 students after reports of the shooting while a crowd of anxious parents gathered in the streets, awaiting word on their children. Students were kept at the locked-down school for more than two hours before being dismissed.

Investigators believe the shooting was not random and that something occurred between the two students that may have led to it.

Schools Superintendent Erroll Davis said the school does have metal detectors.

"The obvious question is how did this get past a metal detector?" Davis asked about the gun. "That’s something we do not know yet."

A good guy with a gun, stopped a bad guy with a gun. We've been hearing anti-gunners mock the National Rifle Association for weeks after Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre suggested putting an armed guard in every school, clearly he isn't far off the mark. The fact is, armed police officers are already in many of the nation's schools and have been for a very long time. They're used at sporting functions, school dances, as a deterrent for bad behavior and more on a daily basis.

This incident in Atlanta comes just one week after Vice President Joe Biden said putting armed guards in schools would be a "terrible mistake," even though as I said above, many schools already have them. Not to mention, while the Obama administration continues to publicly slam the NRA for suggesting such a measure, which has been proven to work, they're quietly working to secure funding for...more police in schools.

Here is one you won't hear to much about. To bad it wasn't air head Biden's house. He might have had a chance to use his shotgun:

Woman shoots 1 of 3 home invaders to defend herself & son
Video report at the link.

Home invasion suspect arrested after woman opens fire

A home invasion suspect was arrested at a hospital after a mother shot him during the crime at a Montgomery County home, deputies said Wednesday.

Erin, who asked to be identified only by her first name, told Local 2 she was putting her 6-year-old son to bed when she heard a loud noise coming from her bedroom on Mink Lake Drive Friday night.

"I threw the cover over my son and I took off running, screaming to the living room to let my dogs out," she said.

Erin said she turned around and saw three masked men, pointing a gun right at her.

"When I saw three of them, I knew I was in a lot of trouble. I said, 'The TV is the most expensive thing I own. You could take that through the front door and go with it,' and they said, 'No, the money, the money,'" said Erin.

Erin said she had to think fast as the men headed towards her son's room. The mom said she distracted the men as she rushed to get her gun.

"Somehow the way it happened, as they were going down the hallway, I told them sometimes I keep money under the mattress, which is not true. But I needed to get to where my gun was," she said.

The men followed her to her bedroom.

"I was pretending to move the mattress. It's really heavy, so I was trying to move their attention to the mattress because they wouldn't take their eyes off of me. I needed a split second for them to take their eyes off of me. I said, 'It might be under here.' They started talking to each other in Spanish and then a roll of duct tape came out," said Erin.

At this point, Erin said she prayed for something to distract them so she could grab her gun. She said her prayers were answered when her dogs ran in and started barking.

"They all turned around and looked. I grabbed my gun, cocked it, I turned and shot him right in the stomach," said Erin.

Two of the men escaped. Erin said she pointed a gun at a third suspect, but he went after her before she could shoot.

"We wrestled around in my bedroom and he came after me. I had my gun like this. He kneed me in the face. He just jerked the gun right out of my hand and took off," she said.

Next, Erin rushed to her son's room.

"I looked and saw Kaden and he had the covers up to his eyes," said Erin.

She grabbed her son, got another gun and called 911. The mother said her story would have ended much differently if she didn't have her pistol.

"Protecting yourself goes into our Second Amendment, the right to bear arms. And thousands of people died to give me the right that saved my life," said Erin.

The Montgomery County Sheriff's Office said Adrian Granados-Yepez, 27, of Tomball, was arrested at Memorial Hermann Hospital Monday night, where he was being treated for a gunshot wound.

I believe the women used a Sig P250 which uses a hi-capacity mag to protect herself from the 3 intruders. This is one of the guns/mags now banned in NY state, unless you are LE. So if you are not LE and need more than 10 rds, and there is not time for a mag change, sorry about your luck.

02-01-13, 12:44
Got links to the source for the news stories below? I'd like to share them with others.

Just do a google or yahoo search of the key words of each incident and you will find links to them.