View Full Version : Great story - Release of Hammas Founder in '97

02-02-13, 13:06
This a interesting story on many levels. If the read grabs you, watch the vids. The first half is about the botched hit, the body guard that chases the two Mossad agents through the city, beats their ass and captures them - thereby unwinding the botched hit.

The second vid discusses the political side. The US claiming ignorance, the Israelis doubling down and instead of sending the antidote - sending more poison, and in the end being forced to free 50 political prisoners, including the founder of Hamas (this guy - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahmed_Yassin - who in 2004 they circle back around on, and send a missile up his ass as he is being wheeled to morning prayer

Here is the story and the vids:

Good luck