View Full Version : Wayne LaPierre Needs To Go

02-03-13, 08:40
Just watched this guy on Fox News Sunday. I've had it with him. He cant get out a coherent thought. He has lost the ability to articulate and looks weak and scatterbrained.

David Keene has done a FAR better job and should be the guy the NRA has out in the media.

They are going snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

02-03-13, 09:13
I agree. The guy stepped on his dick with that first press conference fiasco weeks ago, the media pounced all over him, and he's been a punching bag ever since.

He's become the gun-advocates equivalent of an old man screaming, "Get off my lawn!"

LaPierre has no credibility and is an ineffective spokesman. He may be a very effective lobbyist but his public appearances are not helping the cause.

02-03-13, 09:28
Also agreed, enough has become enough at this critical stage. But there is almost no chance he will simply be pushed aside unless he does something egregious.

02-03-13, 09:38
Considering we've never heard anyone say he's doing a good job, why is he still in that role?

02-03-13, 09:41
He definitely needs to go. The next channel over they were talking about the NRA as an extremist association. There was only 1 dissenter. This garbage is all over the air and what non gun owners see and possibly believe.

02-03-13, 09:52
Agree, the media is having a field day with him.

In doing so they are successfully dividing the Republican vote. Polarize the opposition among themselves.

Between the Hunting vs. 2A rights and Background Checks vs. Private sales the left has successfully divided their opposition.

Plus they are showing WL video of him testifying to agreeing with UBC.

He is pretty much a liability all the way around.

02-03-13, 09:55
Is there even a mechanism to get him replaced? To be clear, I mean a mechanism that will actually get something done, not just a feel good thing for the peasants.

02-03-13, 10:32
What happened to this Wayne? How you can seem so nervous when you have so much data on your side is ludicrous!


02-03-13, 10:32
He doesn't need to be replaced, he just needs to stop speaking in public. I would guess that ego wouldn't allow him to do so voluntarily.

30 cal slut
02-03-13, 10:37
Considering we've never heard anyone say he's doing a good job, why is he still in that role?

look at his freakin pay check.

02-03-13, 10:48
I agree. The guy stepped on his dick with that first press conference fiasco weeks ago, the media pounced all over him, and he's been a punching bag ever since.

He's become the gun-advocates equivalent of an old man screaming, "Get off my lawn!"

LaPierre has no credibility and is an ineffective spokesman. He may be a very effective lobbyist but his public appearances are not helping the cause.

His inability to be an effective spokesmen was realized a long time ago, which is why they brought in Heston no?

Was there ever an effort to replace Heston as public face of NRA? NRA needs a revamp to catch up to 2013 and very few come across as out-of-date-out-of-touch-old-white-guy-from-the-NRA as LaPierre does.

That's not good, not what's needed, not what's going to help overall

LaPierre is as likeable as pet shark.

He comes across as even more out of touch and even less effective than ever now, and appears to do his best work behind the scenes.

Might be a great guy (no idea), but his public persona no es bueno. :nono:

02-03-13, 11:10
Why is it that our side cannot find anyone who is funny, articulate, personable AND understands the issues?

02-03-13, 11:17
Why is it that our side cannot find anyone who is funny, articulate, personable AND understands the issues?

To be fair, I don't see any such person on the "other" side either. But, we all know many people who'd do a better job for the pro 2A side that's for sure.

02-03-13, 11:26
Wayne seems to be better giving a speech/presentation, where he delivers a prepared message. He does not do well in interview situations.

This is just another reason we all need to be spokesmen for the 2A, and be able to articulate facts without emotion - something I don't find easy to do myself but am working on to improve.

02-03-13, 11:38
I nominate Mr. Ong.


02-03-13, 11:40
Wayne seems to be better giving a speech/presentation, where he delivers a prepared message. He does not do well in interview situations.

This is just another reason we all need to be spokesmen for the 2A, and be able to articulate facts without emotion - something I don't find easy to do myself but am working on to improve.

It's a complex issue that does not lend itself to quick easy sound bite responses and when you know those interviewing you have zero interest in the facts (media working in a fact free zone) that's a lot of pressure to be sharp, nimble, accurate, AND engaging/personable

Using simple emotional laden Qs that require fact driven responses, is always a losing proposition for the person trying to supply the facts.

Something I personally have to deal with all the time regarding different topic that tends to be very emotional laden.

I don't envy him that job, but I have no doubt some one better at it can be found.

Dave L.
02-03-13, 11:43
So is everyone going to bitch or actually send the NRA emails about this?

I've been missing his interviews, but it sounds like everyone is on the same page.

Turn this thread into a poll and email the NRA with the link...

02-03-13, 11:43
Why is it that our side cannot find anyone who is funny, articulate, personable AND understands the issues?

From LaPierre sweating and stammering in front of every camera on the planet, repeating the same old shop-worn lines, to Ted Nugent* waving machine guns around and telling folks to "suck my muzzle" to the recent YouTube genius who decided to tell folks he was "going to start shooting people," the pro-gun rights movement is providing ample "ammunition" for the gun-control crowd to characterize the lot of us as out-of-touch, deranged (and dangerous) sociopaths.

It's like one of those clown cars. The hits just keep coming. Admittedly, there is an overwhelming media bias pushing gun-control and taking EVERY possible advantage to portray the gun-rights advocates as an extremist fringe, but we're making it way too ****ing easy for them.

The NRA needs to spend some of all that dough pouring in to hire a decent PR firm, rebrand the message, and find the spokesperson Armati describes above. There's a generational gap opening up right now with gun advocates taking on an image (ala LaPierre) as nothing but a bunch of old, angry white guys. As the GOP is rapidly figuring out, that's a losing strategy. We may dodge the bullet (pun intended) this time around vis-a-vis another AWB, but the sand is shifting beneath our feet and in another 10-15 years we could easily lose the votes in Congress to retain a solid foundation of private gun ownership unless we start dictating the terms of the debate rather than always adopting a reactive, defensive posture.

Seeing as how today is the Super Bowl, let's use a football analogy. Gun-rights advocates are playing a "prevent defense" and, as most folks that watch a little ball know, that generally tends to bite ya in the ass. It's time for a new game plan.

*I will give Nugent props for the more recent letter he sent to Biden's task force. It was a much more measured, well-articulated advocacy of gun rights.

02-03-13, 13:21
The entire NRA response has been dismal.

Suzanna Hupp did a great job on CNN, and as a woman doesn't come across the same way as a male. Maybe ask some younger actor who is pro gun and already has face recognition to be the media image.

Heartland Hawk
02-03-13, 13:39
You know, I just watched both segments of the Fox interview with Chris Wallace. And while I agree, LaPierre could be more polished, I am totally pissed at how Wallace played him. When Gifford's husband spoke, Wallace NEVER interrupted him, let him talk, and even asked supporting questions to lead him into his next point. When he interviewed LaPierre; he was CONSTANTLY interrupting him, arguing with him, and repeating a few of the anti-gunners talking points. I am exremely disapointed at how Chris Wallace conducted the interview, and how he glad handed the anti-gun line, while being hostile to the pro-gun side. And you can bet your ass Fox news will receive my comments (not that they'll listen).

02-03-13, 13:50
You know, I just watched both segments of the Fox interview with Chris Wallace. And while I agree, LaPierre could be more polished, I am totally pissed at how Wallace played him. When Gifford's husband spoke, Wallace NEVER interrupted him, let him talk, and even asked supporting questions to lead him into his next point. When he interviewed LaPierre; he was CONSTANTLY interrupting him, arguing with him, and repeating a few of the anti-gunners talking points. I am exremely disapointed at how Chris Wallace conducted the interview, and how he glad handed the anti-gun line, while being hostile to the pro-gun side. And you can bet your ass Fox news will receive my comments (not that they'll listen).

Never liked Wallace, and always thought he has a bit of a leftist streak in him.

And who cares about what Mark Kelly has to say? Nothing in his background gives his opinion any more credence than anyone else off the street.

Oh and Fox News is not 'conservative news'. They got rid of Beck, and issued a directive for everyone to be 'less harsh' to Obama. Look at their prime time lineup, and Hannity is the only one who is semi-conservative. O'Reilly has long been anti-gun and even said after Katrina that he agreed with the gun confiscations that took place.

Doc Safari
02-03-13, 13:53
LaPierre is Clark Kent at a time when we need Superman.

The more he talks, the more I think we're in 1994 all over again.:(

02-03-13, 14:01
The NRA needs to spend some of all that dough pouring in to hire a decent PR firm, rebrand the message, and find the spokesperson Armati describes above. There's a generational gap opening up right now with gun advocates taking on an image (ala LaPierre) as nothing but a bunch of old, angry white guys. As the GOP is rapidly figuring out, that's a losing strategy. We may dodge the bullet (pun intended) this time around vis-a-vis another AWB, but the sand is shifting beneath our feet and in another 10-15 years we could easily lose the votes in Congress to retain a solid foundation of private gun ownership unless we start dictating the terms of the debate rather than always adopting a reactive, defensive posture.

I 100% agree with your statement. There has to be better representation from the NRA all around. I've said it before and I'll say it again Wayne LaPierre needs step down,aside,or away!!

02-03-13, 14:12

02-03-13, 14:17
Why is it that our side cannot find anyone who is funny, articulate, personable AND understands the issues?

They come out of Hollywood. That thins the herd rather drastically.

Before they hire a PR team they should hire this guy...

02-03-13, 14:19
They come out of Hollywood. That thins the herd rather drastically.

Before they hire a PR team they should hire this guy...

NRA has been at odds with Cato/Levy for a while...in fact the NRA didn't even want them to push the Heller case.

02-03-13, 14:38
NRA has been at odds with Cato/Levy for a while...in fact the NRA didn't even want them to push the Heller case.

I'm a lifetime member and the NRA is the big dog on the block so I send them cash, particularly in times like these.

BUT, the NRA is to Republicans as EMILY's List is to the Democrats. It's a way of funneling money and time from politically active single issue voters into the party. Of course they don't play well with CATO...not too many Republicans identify as libertarian even if they really are.

As a libertarian I support CATO too.

02-03-13, 14:44
As a libertarian I support CATO too.

I follow them on Twitter and listen to their podcasts. Agree with the rest of what you wrote. ;)

Larry Vickers
02-03-13, 16:45
Guys - I am in total agreement on this

I have contacted some friends of mine in key positions in the NRA to let them know - I would urge you to email the NRA or call and log a formal complaint

I have also sent this thread to the same people - LaPierre needs to go

JBecker 72
02-03-13, 17:00
As someone who wants to support the NRA, I haven't because of some of its leadership and spokesperson. Sad really the best organization to protect our rights is just as inept as those they face in government.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2

02-03-13, 18:35
I was never high on him. Haven't been ever since he was in his position.

Too much bumbling and stumbling while on TV.

02-03-13, 19:54
LaPierre acts like he is the NRA. And he doesn't inspire confidence at all. He has almost single handedly convinced me to not renew my membership.

02-03-13, 20:01
I nominate Mr. Ong.



02-03-13, 20:21
NRA just needs a new Heston now more than ever.

Arnold maybe

02-03-13, 20:24
NRA just needs a new Heston now more than ever.

Arnold maybe
You're joking, right? Arnold?

02-03-13, 20:29
I think the NRA has a few well know actors either on their board or who are financial backers, its time to promote one to be the official NRA speaker.

02-03-13, 20:33
Maybe the membership could start an emailing campaign? LaPierre seems out of touch.

02-03-13, 20:38
Guys - I am in total agreement on this

I have contacted some friends of mine in key positions in the NRA to let them know - I would urge you to email the NRA or call and log a formal complaint

I have also sent this thread to the same people - LaPierre needs to go

You are good on camera.

You could replace him.

02-03-13, 20:40
I think the NRA has a few well know actors either on their board or who are financial backers, its time to promote one to be the official NRA speaker.

Seeing as how celebrities influence the popular opinion on the anti-gun front, this would be a good strategy for getting the word out for pro-2A groups.

02-03-13, 20:43
Well who would be a good choice? I mean I can do it, but no one knows me, do we need a new face of some one who is already established? I would think someone established and pro gun, like Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Miranda Lambert, James Earl Jones, Clint Eastwood, Ice-T, Tom Selleck, Joe Mantegna(who does more for vets), Chuck Norris(he is my cousin by marriage), Penn Gillette, Steven Seagal.

It has to be some one willing, someone with out a past, and someone we can trust.

By the way e-mails have been sent to the NRA, its time for change. But what will change say at a time like this? Do we have a strong, dominant figure already embroiled in the debate who can just take over? If so WHO?

02-03-13, 20:46
Shit...how about a Tom Selleck?

02-03-13, 21:08
James Earl Jones does have 'the Voice of God'.

Or Darth Vader, at least.

Otherwise, Depp and Brangelina get my vote.

Basically, trying to avoid an 'angry old white guy'. Depp would be a coup, I think. He's rather liberal and everybody loves him.

02-03-13, 21:14
Never liked Wallace, and always thought he has a bit of a leftist streak in him.

And who cares about what Mark Kelly has to say? Nothing in his background gives his opinion any more credence than anyone else off the street.

Oh and Fox News is not 'conservative news'. They got rid of Beck, and issued a directive for everyone to be 'less harsh' to Obama. Look at their prime time lineup, and Hannity is the only one who is semi-conservative. O'Reilly has long been anti-gun and even said after Katrina that he agreed with the gun confiscations that took place.

Right on all points. These guys are NYC Republicans who are notoriously big government, anti gun, and only fiscally conservative. O'Reilly has stated more than once he supports a National gun regsitry and continually refers to AR 15's as "heavy weapons". Not to mention how he butchers the Constitution.

Wallace's questions however, have been asked 100 times by other media hacks and La Pierre should have been able to address them without much effort.

He didn't even call out Wallace about his selective quotation of Scalia's opinion on if guns can be regulated

02-03-13, 22:02
You are good on camera.

You could replace him.

Except we'd want someone with appeal to people who are on the fence or are at least open minded. LAV is well known in the shooting community, but basically unknown outside of it. Not a hit on LAV, just that he's a great choice to motivate people already on board, but has to answer the "Who are you? Why should I listen to you?" questions while someone with more universal fame can get to the heart of the matter immediately. Someone not a part of the industry also doesn't have to contend with ulterior motive accusations. We know LAV tells it how it is and is above reproach, but the majority of people have never even heard of him.

A well known actor has recognition, speaking skills, and and isn't dragged down by firearms industry ties nor political motivation. Heston was perfect.

Someone like Brangelina would be great if they took a stand.

02-03-13, 22:14
You know, I just watched both segments of the Fox interview with Chris Wallace. And while I agree, LaPierre could be more polished, I am totally pissed at how Wallace played him. When Gifford's husband spoke, Wallace NEVER interrupted him, let him talk, and even asked supporting questions to lead him into his next point. When he interviewed LaPierre; he was CONSTANTLY interrupting him, arguing with him, and repeating a few of the anti-gunners talking points. I am exremely disapointed at how Chris Wallace conducted the interview, and how he glad handed the anti-gun line, while being hostile to the pro-gun side. And you can bet your ass Fox news will receive my comments (not that they'll listen).

You know, I've been thinking about this, if any place would be even remotely friendly on Sunday, it would be FOX. Sure, we know Wallace is squishy at best, but it wasn't the total ambush like the other networks offer. In a way, Wallace was offering a golden opportunity, intentional or not, to knock down all the leftist gun grabber talking points one by one and be seen by millions of viewers.

02-03-13, 22:37
I nominate Mr. Ong.



Him, or Merge GOA and NRA into one group headed by Larry Pratt

02-03-13, 23:42
I think Tom Selleck would be a great front man. Unfortunately, I suspect his contract with CBS (for Blue Bloods) likely prohibits him from taking a spokesperson role for an organization in such a polarizing debate.

This might prove to be the case with many "celebrities" who possess the public profile desired.

02-04-13, 01:15
I agree on Tom Selleck. Aside from being a 2A-proponent having appeared in NRA campaigns before, he also has the right broad based, likeable and trustworthy public persona the NRA needs up front.


02-04-13, 01:48

02-04-13, 02:51

02-04-13, 06:02
I think the Presdent, David Keene has done a pretty good job. They seemed to be only allowing him on TV for a while too, so I'm suspecting the NRA has its doubts about LaPierre anyway.

That being said, regardless of whoever they move forward with, they have to tighten up the messaging on why they oppose background checks because they are going to get hammered on this. They have to expose that 40% BS number and when the media cites British gun crime, etc, show them the overall violent crime numbers.

They also need to talk more our crime data and do more to show the masses that "semiautomatic guns" are the equivalent of "gasoline cars"; almost every gun is semiautomatic.

30 cal slut
02-04-13, 08:42
You are good on camera.

You could replace him.

Noooo! LAV is busy enough as it is - he'd have no time for training. :p

02-04-13, 08:52
..and when the media cites British gun crime, etc, show them the overall violent crime numbers.
As well as showing gun crime pre- and post the UK ban. Whenever Piers Morgan compares UK and US stats he compares post-ban stats only - which prove shit. If you can show that the UK ban had little or no positive effect then you've nullified whatever else comes out of that clown's ass.

02-04-13, 09:19
We know LAV tells it how it is and is above reproach, but the majority of people have never even heard of him.

I don't know LAV at all personally, but I get the distinct impression he does not suffer fools easily, and it's a sea of fools to deal with for anyone that took up the public spokesperson of the NRA.

02-04-13, 09:22
I don't really know who would be a good choice, I think the old white guy image might be due for an update, a woman perhaps, educated and articulate.

02-04-13, 09:35
LaPierre may be a good guy, but he's a bumbling fool at the microphone. We need an articulate spokesperson.

My vote goes to either Larry Pratt or Ben Shapiro (of breitbart.com).

Watch Shapiro emasculate Piers Morgan: http://youtu.be/G7LUf6kWC5o

02-04-13, 09:47
I would suggest a retired senator. They tend to be well spoken and good with reporters. Most of them are attorneys and are comfortable debating. Find a guy or girl with a strong 2A history and command of facts and give them LaPierre's salary. Also they will already have tons of contact and influence throughout the political world.

02-04-13, 10:32
I would suggest a retired senator. They tend to be well spoken and good with reporters. Most of them are attorneys and are comfortable debating. Find a guy or girl with a strong 2A history and command of facts and give them LaPierre's salary. Also they will already have tons of contact and influence throughout the political world.

The problem is his political party, most likely GOP, will tend to alienate Dems. And Dems are where the most potential for increase support lies.

02-04-13, 12:28
Just a thought but how's about Judge Napolitano?

02-04-13, 12:58
Just a thought but how's about Judge Napolitano?

I like the idea here. The only way we can not just win this current fight, but win future ones, is to educate enough of the people on the real reason for the 2nd Amendment.

The whole theory behind the 2nd Amend, once understood, inherently and primarily protects weapons like the AR and 30 round magazines. The Judge excels at communicating the original intent of the Constitution.

We need to take the Guns out of their argument and give them no choice but to attack the 2nd Amend itself, which for now is the path of MOST resistance. It could take the legs out of their "Death by 1000 cuts" strategy to disarm the people.

That being said, attacking the Constitution itself will be the main focus of the Left once, through the education of more of the public, the option of twisting the original intent to push their agenda is no longer an option.

02-04-13, 13:32
I nominate Mr. Ong.


That Sandy Hook dad is pretty sharp too.

Failing those two, Tom Selleck.

02-04-13, 14:31
Whoever it is also needs to be familiar with firearms; especially the ones they want to ban.

I've seen too many well spoken pro gun advocates get cross eyed when dopes like Piers Morgan talk about how lethal the 223 cartridge is compared to common hunting rounds, or how the Ar 15 can shoot hundreds of rounds per minute, etc.

PS: BTW, I would love for someone to correct Piers Morgan and let him know the 100 round mag at Aurora jammed with fewer than 30 rounds fired and that the shotgun was the first weapon used.

02-04-13, 14:38
Just a thought but how's about Judge Napolitano?
Good choice. But I'll go one better. Emily Miller (http://m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=123335)

02-04-13, 14:44
Just a thought but how's about Judge Napolitano?
I would love to see Napolitano and Morgan together, but I am not sure Napolitano has the firearms knowledge necessary to call out Morgan on his BS.

02-04-13, 14:59
Guys - I am in total agreement on this

I have contacted some friends of mine in key positions in the NRA to let them know - I would urge you to email the NRA or call and log a formal complaint

I have also sent this thread to the same people - LaPierre needs to go


He might be a great CEO, a great lobbyist, etc., but he is a terrible spokesman and debater. For past 10 years it was not very important, but it is now. They need F/T public spokesperson to do the shows, etc.

02-04-13, 15:31
I would love to see Napolitano and Morgan together, but I am not sure Napolitano has the firearms knowledge necessary to call out Morgan on his BS.

Agreed. Most can attest to the Judges constitutional knowledge but not sure if he knows his guns.

However, a few sit down visits with a consultant such as LAV, would solve that real quick.

02-04-13, 15:39
Good choice. But I'll go one better. Emily Miller (http://m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=123335)

Emily Miller would be a great choice as well. It would do a lot for the organization to have a young, intelligent, and beautiful person like her as the new face of the NRA.

02-04-13, 16:32
As I see it this is a multi front fight.
1) Lobbyist and political power -
2) Data - the data simply does not support AWB or a ban on standard cap mags.
3) Emotion - guns cause and prevent real death and pain. Its an emotional issue
4) Presentation and PR - What you say is important - how you say it is equally important.

To my mind we have a split decision. Wayne fails miserably at 3 and 4. He is simply out of his depth. A harmless example: If armed guards in school is crazy then call me crazy. You never, ever issue a quote that when abridged can be redacted to "call me crazy". Its basic PR 101. He is sweaty, stumbling, and just not agile on his feet.

Like I tell my students, the 2nd amendment is not going to be saved by a bunch of center right, white males. It is going to be saved by woman, minorities, gay people. We have to broaden our reach and impact. Having a spokesperson who exists in the echo chamber of his own ideology is not going to help. I would love them to take some of my money and hire a PR firm, do some PR coaching, and find a non old white guy spokesperson.

02-04-13, 17:50
I absolutely love the Ice-T option. While maby not the best option, he seems to understand that "gun knowledge" is really not the important issue.

02-04-13, 18:04
Tucker Carlson was just on Special Report. He defended the cause with logic and passion. He called the back ground check what it is, gun registration and gun control in general an emotional issue. He was well spoken and seems to know about firearms.

02-04-13, 19:09
As I see it this is a multi front fight.
1) Lobbyist and political power -
2) Data - the data simply does not support AWB or a ban on standard cap mags.
3) Emotion - guns cause and prevent real death and pain. Its an emotional issue
4) Presentation and PR - What you say is important - how you say it is equally important.

To my mind we have a split decision. Wayne fails miserably at 3 and 4. He is simply out of his depth. A harmless example: If armed guards in school is crazy then call me crazy. You never, ever issue a quote that when abridged can be redacted to "call me crazy". Its basic PR 101. He is sweaty, stumbling, and just not agile on his feet.

Like I tell my students, the 2nd amendment is not going to be saved by a bunch of center right, white males. It is going to be saved by woman, minorities, gay people. We have to broaden our reach and impact. Having a spokesperson who exists in the echo chamber of his own ideology is not going to help. I would love them to take some of my money and hire a PR firm, do some PR coaching, and find a non old white guy spokesperson.

Absolutely spot on.

02-04-13, 20:58
Holy crap, I never thought I would say this but Ted Nugent did an awesome job on Piers Morgan tonight.

If he can control himself like that I think he could be an effective voice and would like to see more of him on TV.

On the other hand, the gun range owner where they were was pretty dopey.

02-04-13, 21:12
I absolutely love the Ice-T option. While maby not the best option, he seems to understand that "gun knowledge" is really not the important issue.

I don't believe Ice-T is necessarily Pro 2A in the way you might think. He is friend of the left. You can find him on the NBC circuit often. Today show, Leno, etc.. Never heard him say anything pro 2A beyond something Obama might say.

02-04-13, 21:17
You're not supposed to say bad things about the NRA.

02-04-13, 21:42
I don't believe Ice-T is necessarily Pro 2A in the way you might think. He is friend of the left. You can find him on the NBC circuit often. Today show, Leno, etc.. Never heard him say anything pro 2A beyond something Obama might say.

Never heard Obama say that 2A is about protecting yourself from government tyranny before. Or anything of the sort.

02-04-13, 22:15
I don't believe Ice-T is necessarily Pro 2A in the way you might think. He is friend of the left. You can find him on the NBC circuit often. Today show, Leno, etc.. Never heard him say anything pro 2A beyond something Obama might say.

Definitely not trying to be confrontational here but huh??? I honestly dont care if someone is a friend of the left and the head of the NRA as long as they are full-heartedly PRO-FIREARMS. I would honestly be fully onboard with Elton John being the head of the NRA(despite my objections to his lifestyle) if he was firmly pro 2nd amendment. I believe Ice-T "gets it". Just look him up on youtube.

Also just for clarification. I put in my original post that he might not be the best choice. That was because beyond one very positive interview, that I believe was a complete surprise to the station who happened to have him for other "pro-left" reasons, I dont know alot about him. I was pleased with the interview though.

02-04-13, 22:23
Definitely not trying to be confrontational here but huh???

Maybe he's changed his tune but all I've ever heard him say was you can have his guns when everyone else gives up theirs. Yes, I've heard him say the 2A was to prevent tyranny.

I wonder what he thinks of 30 rnd mags, background checks, willingness to "compromise ( be whittled away )"

I can't recall what I heard him say on a one of those shows but it started off sounding real good... then it went to ... oh no, another one wiling to give in.