View Full Version : House and Senate results in VA

02-04-13, 17:40
Senate Bill 1372, introduced on Thursday, January 31 and sponsored by Senator John Edwards (D-21), was defeated in the Senate Courts of Justice Committee by a 3-11 vote today. If passed and enacted into law, S.B. 1372 would have required the Department of State Police to be available to perform voluntary background checks for non-dealer sales at gun shows.

Two NRA-backed companion bills, of importance to Virginia gun owners, sportsmen and Second Amendment supporters, passed unanimously in their chambers of origin last week. Both bills have been referred to committee in the opposite chamber for likely consideration next week. These bills are:

Senate Bill 1363, sponsored by Senator Jill Vogel (R-27), would provide that residency for members of the armed forces shall include both the member’s permanent duty post and the nearby state in which the military personnel resides for the purposes of firearms purchases. (Passed by a 40-0 vote in the state Senate and referred to the House Militia, Police and Public Safety Committee)

House Bill 2317, sponsored by Delegate Rich Anderson (R-51), is the House companion of S.B. 1363. (Passed by a 99-0 vote in the House of Delegates and referred to the Senate Courts of Justice Committee)

Your NRA-ILA will be closely monitoring and tracking this important legislation. Please stay tuned to www.nraila.org for further updates and opportunities to get involved.

02-04-13, 22:19


02-05-13, 07:08
That is good news. Firearm owners - 1, anti-gunners - 0. Keep fighting the bastards!