View Full Version : Piers Morgan @ Tactical Firearms in Houston

02-04-13, 22:44
So Piers Morgan came down to Tactical Firearms today to do his show. Lot of material.

Anti-2A Piers Morgan Tries Multiple 'Assault Weapons' At Texas Tactical Firearms Shooting Range (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDuGvmDQGxc)

TX Senator Dan Patrick And Radio Host Ben Ferguson Heated Argument with Piers Morgan (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUJ71HRgZRc)

Texas Atty.Gen. Greg Abbot_ 2nd Amendment Is To Defend From Tyrannical Government Or External Forces (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhckUxa7ydI)

Ted Nugent Vs. Piers Morgan_ 2nd Amendment, Firearms And Gun Ban Control Agenda (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hR7dxZJbBcc)

02-04-13, 23:06
I've never once seen a first time shooter handle an AR like he did in that first video.

02-04-13, 23:20
The guy talking to Piers and handing him all the guns in the shooting lane is a total douche. Walked right into Piers ' anti 2A questions. Piers asked to see a gun used for home defense and that douche handed him a pistol grip shotgun! Then he told Piers a class 3 machine gun is only needed for an investment whenPiers asked why a person needs a machine gun!

02-04-13, 23:22
The owner wasn't exactly the most knowledgeable on firearms either.
His response on using a shotgun was one of the dumbest things I have heard in a long time "With a shotgun, you don't have to worry about missing":blink:

02-04-13, 23:24
We need to get LAV to take Piers Morgan to the range.

02-04-13, 23:42
The nugnet clip was not bad, however a just keep praying to see morgan kicked in nut.

02-04-13, 23:42
I've never once seen a first time shooter handle an AR like he did in that first video.

How so?

02-05-13, 00:00
I swear he cracked a grin shooting the MG

02-05-13, 00:07
I'm sure that guy from the first video was nervous about being on tv which would, I hope, explain all his stupid comments like

-"you don't have to worry about missing with a shotgun"

-"people with mental retardation don't deserve any rights"

Every time a pro 2A person is on tv it's an opportunity to make a reasonable, calm, positive argument for our rights, we should strive to take advantage of as many oppurtunities as possible.

02-05-13, 00:12
lol, no worries the shotgun wont miss, and it wont go through walls and harm anyone. Also.. don't aim it, use it at your hip so you don't break your teeth. Would have preferred to see him use buckshot without a warning :D I need to stop watching anything with piers in it.. makes my blood pressure go up :sarcastic:

also, retards should not have any rights... jeeeze..... I wonder if piers crew was searching the net for easy to flip and use dialect, from very vocal gun shop owners.

02-05-13, 00:14
I swear he cracked a grin shooting the MG

Piers admitted to enjoying shooting the mg and smiling after. That was in the Nugent interview after the fact.

02-05-13, 00:36
I am sure that he picked that location for a reason. How many of you have been to gun stores and found REALLY knowledgeable people and staff? Not many and I have been more to a few.

02-05-13, 00:38
I am sure that he picked that location for a reason. How many of you have been to gun stores and found REALLY knowledgeable people and staff? Not many and I have been more to a few.

What I was wondering was how were all those guns still on the wall?!?!

Maybe they were owned by the store staff and put up there for show.

But yeah, we used to have a long running thread about gun store employee incompetence didn't we?

02-05-13, 01:00
Why would that guy invite him there, and answer his questions like a cold hearted docuhe? 'Yeah buddy we've been doing millions in sales since the MASSACRE! Business has been BOOMING!' Really guy? :rolleyes:

02-05-13, 01:04
Wow. That shop should be boycotted. Way to play right into his hands...a guy (Piers) who has said before he wants to line conservatives up and machine gun them down. Yeah lets let him in there and play right into every talking point he has...geez what a POS.

02-05-13, 01:13
I have business meetings all week with a Brit that doesn't think we should have "Assault Weapons". He was tellling me a story about how a police officer had to get a background check every two or three years for a home kept shotgun......

I love Brits who tell us about gun control and how we they would be useless against tyranny....

02-05-13, 01:13
The nugnet clip was not bad, however a just keep praying to see morgan kicked in nut.

I second this post.

I sure wish Piers would give me an interview. I would promptly tell him his LIMEY REDCOAT opinion is irrelevant and he needs to exit my country asap......a heel palm strike and/or elbow might be mixed in there somewhere.

It makes my blood boil to know this turd was in my homeland of Texas.

02-05-13, 01:28
I have business meetings all week with a Brit that doesn't think we should have "Assault Weapons". He was tellling me a story about how a police officer had to get a background check every two or three years for a home kept shotgun......

I love Brits who tell us about gun control and how we they would be useless against tyranny....

Yeah you can debate people to a point but some just don't get that they are the type our Founder's shot in face.

02-05-13, 01:31
I sure wish Piers would give me an interview. I would promptly tell him his LIMEY REDCOAT opinion is irrelevant and he needs to exit my country asap......a heel palm strike and/or elbow might be mixed in there somewhere.

That's right! You show 'em!

02-05-13, 02:05
While I know the MSM doesn't have a reason to actually air a relevant piece on gun control, it would be nice if there was at least one demonstration and disucssion that is rational and relevant.

M2 brownings and pistol gripped shot guns are not relevant to the discussion. There are plenty of videos out there correcting the overpenetration issue.

Have Piers Morgan with an Airsoft AR walk to the front of of a movie theater and get plugged by a lone CCW carrier with an airsoft pistol.

Have him shoot at moving targets where he has to transition from target to target.

02-05-13, 02:07
While I know the MSM doesn't have a reason to actually air a relevant piece on gun control, it would be nice if there was at least one demonstration and disucssion that is rational and relevant.

M2 brownings and pistol gripped shot guns are not relevant to the discussion. There are plenty of videos out there correcting the overpenetration issue.

Have Piers Morgan with an Airsoft AR walk to the front of of a movie theater and get plugged by a lone CCW carrier with an airsoft pistol.

Have him shoot at moving targets where he has to transition from target to target.

You are assuming he had even an ounce of integrity going there in the first place. Nothing but a hit job this dumbass gun store owner played right into.

02-05-13, 02:09
All it takes is someone armed with facts and common sense. But, Piers doesn't want that which is why he continues to get people on the show are are only partially informed.

1. U.S history is replete with the government turning on citizens and being out of control. The Civil War (depends on which side you were on), suspension of Habeas Corpus by Lincoln. American Indians being disarmed and forced off their lands and all treaties violated. Japanese Americans sent to internment camps, etc...Let us not forget the racial issues and the fact that minorities were barred from having firearms because they know that firearms are a means to fight back against corruption and injustice.

2. Machine Guns are still legal under federal law (albeit regulated) and it is up to the states to determine if NFA weapons are allowed. Why did the NFA come around? Because of violence that escalated after another stupid idea called "Prohibition". Typical knee-jerk reaction just like the Switchblade Act of 1958.

3. 20,000 plus gun laws and they are not being enforced. Federal and local prosecutors cut deals. Then we can look at the most recent example of California stating that they know there are almost 20,000 prohibited persons but can't seem to do anything. Really? Let's not forget Fast and Furious.

4. Overall crime continues to decline and has done so for the last 40 years. In spite of numerous states now allowing concealed carry and the record numbers of gun sales for the last several years.

5. People have the right to defend themselves and do so every year. We see numerous examples of the news all the time across the country.

6. So-called "assault weapons" account for very little of the crimes committed and are being attacked simply because of their looks.

7. Numerous court decisions reaffirming what most of us know. The 2nd Amendment is an individual right. Full stop.

The problem is that Piers doesn't want to hear this. He doesn't want to talk about Hollywood actors who glorify guns and violence and then scream to ban guns. Because after all "it's just entertainment".

He doesn't want to talk about the political hypocrites, liberal elitists and others who would disarm us, yet they would still have their armed guards, protected properties and gated communities.

02-05-13, 02:26
Didn't Haley say he was invited to Piers Morgan's show but turned it down?

02-05-13, 02:30
Didn't Haley say he was invited to Piers Morgan's show but turned it down?

Yes. Smart move. If he doesn't get his way he will just bully you or throw his papers at you. Refer to my above comment.

02-05-13, 03:21

Boycott the **** out of that douchenozzles store. Run him out of business.

02-05-13, 03:34
Didn't Haley say he was invited to Piers Morgan's show but turned it down?

Good. Maybe if people will stop watching the idiots show, it will go away.

02-05-13, 04:00
I submit the idea that we try to get one of our own M4Cers on the show.

LAV, Kyle Defoor, or Jason Falla (who's from a country with an almost total gun ban.).

02-05-13, 04:19
The owner wasn't exactly the most knowledgeable on firearms either.
His response on using a shotgun was one of the dumbest things I have heard in a long time "With a shotgun, you don't have to worry about missing":blink:

Yeah I cringed when I saw that, couldn't help but picture Joe Biden coming up behind the guy and saying . . . "I told you so!" :rolleyes:

That's right! You show 'em!

Well Jeremy Clarkson did, his only mistake is he didn't keep hitting the son-of-a-bitch.

02-05-13, 04:29
Oh Jeez . . .


02-05-13, 04:43
Weird. I started a thread on this at the exact moment this one was posted.

Anyway, same guy, the first time he fellated the anti-gun people:


02-05-13, 05:06
I'm sure that guy from the first video was nervous about being on tv which would, I hope, explain all his stupid comments like

-"you don't have to worry about missing with a shotgun"

-"people with mental retardation don't deserve any rights"

Every time a pro 2A person is on tv it's an opportunity to make a reasonable, calm, positive argument for our rights, we should strive to take advantage of as many oppurtunities as possible.

Apparantly he has said these things before and that is why MSNBC went to see him, I hope his business suffers.

02-05-13, 05:18
Weird. I started a thread on this at the exact moment this one was posted.

Anyway, same guy, the first time he fellated the anti-gun people:


Yeah. Douche canoe

02-05-13, 06:06
Come on where the **** does he find these guys "I like the shot gun cause you cant miss". LAV please invite this douche to NC and give him the real info!

02-05-13, 06:10
We need to get LAV to take Piers Morgan to the range.

This. We need a level headed SME as an advocate. Although I suspect that's not what CNN is looking for :rolleyes:

02-05-13, 06:13
I have also decided the peirs has shot these before. Where does this douche get his bullet penetration info?

02-05-13, 07:29
And not everyone is capable of handling a shotgun.

I hate that anyone gives Piers the time of day, let alone an interview.

02-05-13, 08:07
This. We need a level headed SME as an advocate. Although I suspect that's not what CNN is looking for :rolleyes:

We're not here to give CNN what they're looking for. We deserve to be represented properly.

02-05-13, 08:08
A marine must have taught him how to handle an AR at some point. Didn't learn much about trigger discipline.

Sure bud :rolleyes:

02-05-13, 08:21
Piers Morgan couldn't give two shits about guns. All he's lookin' at is viewer shares and ratings.

And as long as the network keeps giving him the high sign, he's going to keep pounding this drum. Whether people are calling him a messiah or a ****in' douche bag, it makes zero difference because ANY attention is good attention. Because attention is money.

He's just one more media whore who has inserted himself into a contentious debate and struck a ratings gold mine. As they say in cyberspace, "quit feeding the troll."

02-05-13, 08:34
He's just one more media whore who has inserted himself into a contentious debate and struck a ratings gold mine. As they say in cyberspace, "quit feeding the troll."

I'd rather make him look like an idiot, and ruin his career.

02-05-13, 08:51
I'd rather make him look like an idiot, and ruin his career.

Good luck ruining one of these ****s' careers.

Not sure of your age so you might not recall Geraldo Rivera's primetime special about Al Capone's vault. Two hours of hype by that blithering twit which culminated in unsealing the vault ... and finding a couple of empty beer bottles.

Rivera was a laughingstock ... all the way to the bank. And now there are some people speculating he might even run for the U.S. Senate.

These people feed on attention and ratings. And the only way to get rid of them is to starve them to death.

02-05-13, 11:53
The Gun Advocates need to quit going on his show. If he has no one to argue with people will ignore him and he will go away.

02-05-13, 11:58
The Gun Advocates need to quit going on his show. If he has no one to argue with people will ignore him and he will go away.

Yep. Nobody watches his show...it's only getting a buzz right now 'cause it pisses us off.

Look at his ratings(or the ratings of the network in general.) Nobody watches this guy, not even liberals. He's off to the dumpster of CurrentTV soon, if he doesn't live up to his word and move back to England when we don't pass the AWB. Or perhaps that's long enough for the English to have forgotten his illegal/unethical dealings as a journalist there....

02-05-13, 12:11
You all act like Morgan is a popular guy that everyone watches.

Before this incident....how many of you had even SEEN this guy at all? I am betting almost nobody.

Almost nobody watches CNN...let alone this guy.


02-05-13, 12:26
The Gun Advocates need to quit going on his show. If he has no one to argue with people will ignore him and he will go away.

Now that I think about it this is the best idea of all, just a flat out boycott of him.

02-05-13, 12:41
Now that I think about it this is the best idea of all, just a flat out boycott of him.
There will always be some assclown farther down the chain of knowledge that be willing to become a "star" and go on TV. Better to have the best and brightest on, which hasn't been happening so far, IMO.

02-05-13, 12:43
There will always be some assclown father down the chain of knowledge that be willing to become a "star" and go on TV. Better to have the best and brightest on, which hasn't been happening so far, IMO.

Maybe so, this is why I don't get paid to think but speculate....

02-05-13, 13:59
The Gun Advocates need to quit going on his show. If he has no one to argue with people will ignore him and he will go away.

He'll always find someone to go on, I just want more Ben Shapiro's and less Alex Jones's. I wish Travis Haley had gone on when asked...

02-05-13, 14:08
I somehow missed this one from 10 days ago. Looks like CNN may be looking to boot Mr Morgan


Can't believe the guy actually claimed he would be O'Reilly in the ratings! What a joke this dope is.

02-05-13, 14:13
Going on his show is a loose loose proposition. Why waste your time doing so. You won't change his opinion and anyone idiotic enough to watch this deuche is a lost cause. You're basically wasting your time and offering yourself up for creatively edited sound bites that aren't going to be in your favor.

02-05-13, 16:17
That's a nicely tailored jacket... I wonder who his tailor is?

02-05-13, 16:49
Going on his show is a loose loose proposition. Why waste your time doing so. You won't change his opinion and anyone idiotic enough to watch this deuche is a lost cause. You're basically wasting your time and offering yourself up for creatively edited sound bites that aren't going to be in your favor.


Even if we put up someone who would clearly dominate Piers, it's still his show and he can edit out or cut to commercial whenever he starts taking a beating.

02-05-13, 18:36
Dealer is a **** of the highest order.

02-05-13, 18:42
I swear he cracked a grin shooting the MG

He was doing everything he could not to, that's for sure. When he finished and told that guy thanks, he was thinking,,, Damn! I want to do that again!!

02-05-13, 18:44
You all act like Morgan is a popular guy that everyone watches.

Before this incident....how many of you had even SEEN this guy at all? I am betting almost nobody.

Almost nobody watches CNN...let alone this guy.


Yep. He has the worst ratings of a primetime news program on CNN in almost 20 years. I think its only like 300k viewers an episode.

02-05-13, 19:21
Morgan will NEVER admit it, but he enjoyed that BCM. I swear he cracked a grin firing that F/A.

02-05-13, 19:21
You all act like Morgan is a popular guy that everyone watches.

Before this incident....how many of you had even SEEN this guy at all? I am betting almost nobody.

Almost nobody watches CNN...let alone this guy.


I only knew of him as one of the hosts on "America's Got Talent" and I always thought he was a cocky bastid from his breath all the way to his arse...as they say. ;)

I've learned more about him in the past few months and quite frankly the only thing I want to see his name on is an obituary or a tombstone. I'll dance the Irish Jig that day!

02-05-13, 19:48
You all act like Morgan is a popular guy that everyone watches.

Before this incident....how many of you had even SEEN this guy at all? I am betting almost nobody.

Almost nobody watches CNN...let alone this guy.


Yup...if it were not for all the gun people posting videos all over the net, even less people would know who he is. His ratings are even worse than MSNBC for that time slot. Wish people would let this attention whore dry up.

02-05-13, 20:33
He get's more viewership on YouTube, getting his ass handed to him in this debate. I'm very surprised no one punched him out in TX. I'm very disappointed...

02-05-13, 23:00
How so?

I'm sorry, I wrote that statement with baby brain and didn't really detail how I have never seen a first time AR shooter handle a firearm like he did.

Notice how he doesn't look at the thumb safety while flipping it off. He shoulders the weapon naturally. He lines up his site picture naturally (awkward, but not like a first timer). He actually rapid fires the rifle (something a first time semi-auto shooter hardly ever does), and while rapid firing he manages to not loose complete control of the rifle.

This guy was familiar with this platform before this firing session. We can talk a lot about the idiot he was talking to, but to me the fact that he was a semi competent AR shooter prior to the interview just pisses me the hell off because it makes the rifle look even more "evil" because of how "easy" his sneaky hollywood tricks make it seem.

As for the owner of the store, he was a complete ****ing tool, and anyone in Houston or the surrounding areas should boycott his store out of principle.

02-05-13, 23:22
As for the owner of the store, he was a complete ****ing tool, and anyone in Houston or the surrounding areas should boycott his store out of principle.

I think most of us have been unknowingly boycotting him already. Maybe those from Katy know the place, but I sure as hell don't.

I wanted to go over there...but decided that it was silly. Dude was an idiot, but I doubted he meant to harm us. Fortunately it was Piers Morgan...nobody saw it.

02-06-13, 02:43
Good luck ruining one of these ****s' careers.

Not sure of your age so you might not recall Geraldo Rivera's primetime special about Al Capone's vault. Two hours of hype by that blithering twit which culminated in unsealing the vault ... and finding a couple of empty beer bottles.

Rivera was a laughingstock ... all the way to the bank. And now there are some people speculating he might even run for the U.S. Senate.

These people feed on attention and ratings. And the only way to get rid of them is to starve them to death.

26 this year.

But yeah. I've heard of that.

And yeah, it may be hard to make him look like a window lickin' 'tard. But standing idly by while he shits all over the Constitution, and thinks America is full of idiots, isn't much better.

We deserve better than this.

02-06-13, 06:17
Store owner was on the radio. His defense for looking like an idiot?

"He tricked me!"

What did you expect, you frigging dingdong?

He did say that he's going to post audio/video surveillance with Morgan's REAL reactions.

02-06-13, 08:34
I hope he posts all the video of Morgan practicing with the AR before they film the clip they featured.

02-06-13, 08:44
Store owner was on the radio. His defense for looking like an idiot?

"He tricked me!"

What did you expect, you frigging dingdong?

He did say that he's going to post audio/video surveillance with Morgan's REAL reactions.

If anyone ever sees this please post.

02-06-13, 09:03
"Know-it-alls" like Piece-of-shit Morgan and his like will never see the light. It doesn't matter what facts or hands-on exposure you give them. They still think they are "superior" to us "Colonials" in every possible way and they know what is best for us.

I have noticed this same trait in a lot of Canadians as well. One who moved to my area in order to obtain an education and find a good-paying job would argue that the Canadian economy was much better than ours (he never would answer why he moved here to find a job) and that the Canadian education system was also much better (he never would answer why he moved here to attend school) and that he doesn't see why we were allowed to own guns (but he would always bug me to take him shooting).

They wasted their time with this guy and only gave him more ammunition to keep up his misguided fight against the 2A.

02-06-13, 09:05
He get's more viewership on YouTube, getting his ass handed to him in this debate. I'm very surprised no one punched him out in TX. I'm very disappointed...

Yeah. I believe breaking his jaw would be the only way to shut his pompous ass up!! :mad:

02-06-13, 09:30
During the radio interview, the store owner also said that Morgan shot just about every gun they had. On the show, though, they only showed the AR and the M2.

Apparently, they also left without paying for their ammo, including the 250 rounds of .50. :sarcastic:

I think P.T. Barnum said it best...

02-06-13, 17:22
This guy was familiar with this platform before this firing session. We can talk a lot about the idiot he was talking to, but to me the fact that he was a semi competent AR shooter prior to the interview just pisses me the hell off because it makes the rifle look even more "evil" because of how "easy" his sneaky hollywood tricks make it seem.

I am actually on the other side of this. When he keeps going on about how the AR-15 is a "killing machine"(im summarizing) and how it was so easy for him to stay on target during rapid fire. Why doesnt some say THATS THE ****ING POINT. If I get an AR-15 for self defense I am getting a tool that allows me to do what I need it to do without worring about it getting out of control. My wife can use it with less training than other tools and actually defend herself.

02-06-13, 17:25
Store owner was on the radio. His defense for looking like an idiot?

"He tricked me!"

What did you expect, you frigging dingdong?

He did say that he's going to post audio/video surveillance with Morgan's REAL reactions.

Michael Berry's show?

02-06-13, 20:02
He went on Alex Jones and Jeremy said something like Piers Morgan said the show would be filmed live and they wanted to learn about guns etc. But later they editted everything to make them look crazy and turned into a hit piece. Jeremy said they would take the CCTV footage from that day with audio and make their own video to show how much stuff they cut out

but what do you expect with a douchenheimer like Piers Morgan

02-06-13, 20:59
I would suggest the shop owner is in full damage control and is willing to do anything to protect his million dollar a week income.

He pissed off many of gun owners and once the word gets out among his customers that profit margin is going to take a hit.

02-07-13, 06:20
Michael Berry's show?

I heard him on Pags. I'm sure he's been on multiple shows, though, at this point. Trying to CYA post mortem, I think.

02-07-13, 20:42
Piers just said the semi auto AR15 has been used by the military for decades, and said he just fired one (referring to the SEMI auto).

All the more reason that shop owner is a RETARD, and I have a hard time imagining someone so stupid they would think Pierce would not edit the shit out of that segment and then continue to use it to his advantage.

You don't take a guy like that, and 'convert' them.

02-14-13, 14:35
The best part is when Piers fires that BCM Upper on FA at 6:29-6:35+

I can't believe that didn't generate more conversation. Overall, Piers is a dramatic, emotional, irrational, and completely uninformed individual who is letting his personal opinion infiltrate and cloud his already deluded Lymie mind.

02-14-13, 14:43
I blew that guy off once I heard the "you don't even have to aim it" nonsense about the shotgun.

The guy literally played into Morgan's hand with that comment.

Sorry, but we do NOT need that kind of foolery right now...the media is just waiting for crap like that to turn into a bigger deal than it is.
