View Full Version : What does a Peruvian Banjo Sound Like?

02-05-13, 01:24

I hate posting Drudge links, but I thought this was interesting and hadn't heard anything about it. While we don't go hiking because we have two small kids, my wife is often derisive about "The Bag" I take with when we are go on even short trips. What's so wrong with deoderant, shaving cream, toothpaste, an AR and a thousand rounds? It's just good hygiene and 'big bug' repellant.

Who was it here that said after they saw 'Deliverence' that their brother bought a crossbow and they bought an AR?

Squeel, squeeel like a cerdo!

02-05-13, 04:23
Yeah I make it habit not to go to places that won't allow me to be armed. Never ceases to amaze me the 1st worlders who travel abroad then are shocked when the world they are exploring turns to be brutal and violent. "But I'm an American?!?!?"

Mauser KAR98K
02-05-13, 10:34
Attention, Attention: The world is a dangerous place. That is all.

02-05-13, 10:43
Attention, Attention, you know how we as Americans have prejudices towards people that are not Americans (cubans, middle eastern muslims, chinese, ect).....those same people dont like us either.

If you dont want to be robbed, beaten, raped, or killed, you better be rolling deep (aka armed guards) or be Bruce Lee.

Either way, I know my place as an American. The rest of the world hates us, not because of anything most of us have done, just because we have goons/turds in the Federal Government that believe it is somehow our business to police the world.

Guess what, the world does not like that. And I cant blame them. I'll stay in the states.