View Full Version : Things are lookingnup.

02-05-13, 11:26
The nra posted an article on their facebook page about the gun bans. It has this quote in it from a democrat.
When the assault weapons ban comes to the floor, proponents including us will have to contend with the fact that very few assault weapons are actually used in a crime," Jim Kessler, a former director of policy and research at Americans for Gun Safety and co-founder of the centrist-Democratic organization Third Way. "That’s the challenge with passing this law. On the one hand, it seems that in a civil society we should draw a line on what kind of weapon a person can own. And weapons designed for warfare belong on the other side of that line. On the other hand, if you are going to die at the hands of a criminal with a gun, it’s going to be a handgun."

From here http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mobileweb/2013/02/04/assault-weapons-ban_n_2617091.html?1360009978

Doc Safari
02-05-13, 11:38
I understand Harry Reid won't even allow it to be approved out of committee, instead forcing Fineswine to introduce it as an amendment. On some TV interview Reid stopped short of saying he won't support it, but he hinted that his attitude is "been there, done that."

02-05-13, 11:44
The mag ban could be included but I'm wondering if it could be taken out in the amendment process.

I don't think either ban will pass the House, but if the Senate passes a mag ban then they can appeal to their base by blaming the GOP House.

Then again, there is a part of me that thinks these guys are going to get hurt in the mid terms just for considering it.

02-05-13, 11:51
Then again, there is a part of me that thinks these guys are going to get hurt in the mid terms just for considering it.

As they should be. When we get there if the NRA doesn't make it readily available, I'll make a list of those that voted for/supported it. We then need to do everything in our power to make it hurt. Donate money to house candidates running in their districts and to senate races across the country. Perhaps the ILA or another PAC will do the same for us and simplify things.

There are those who this won't hurt(Feinstein and her billions) but there are many that it will. We cannot let this fall to the wayside when it's defeated.

02-05-13, 13:42
As they should be. When we get there if the NRA doesn't make it readily available, I'll make a list of those that voted for/supported it. We then need to do everything in our power to make it hurt. Donate money to house candidates running in their districts and to senate races across the country. Perhaps the ILA or another PAC will do the same for us and simplify things.

There are those who this won't hurt(Feinstein and her billions) but there are many that it will. We cannot let this fall to the wayside when it's defeated.

Exactly. This is a no-win for many Dems and all Repubs that don't stand tall.

Gun control is NOT a hot topic for the Dem base, this is a top down driven issue for them. They vote Dem for other reasons. A Dem voting for or against gun control is not going to make a difference to their left wing base. A vote for gun control does not improve anyone's chance for re-election except the most left wing activists.

However, gun control is a HOT issue for many conservative voters in both D and R camps. Any hesitation standing up to this will be remembered. Right now a lot of Repubs are looking mighty weak-kneed. I am not hearing much stand up boldness from the Libertarian Party on this either.