View Full Version : Bruce Willis: Gun Control Laws Could Lead To Government Taking Away More Rights

02-06-13, 10:19
Bruce Willis: Gun Control Laws Could Lead To Government Taking Away More Rights

"I think that you can't start to pick apart anything out of the Bill of Rights without thinking that it's all going to become undone," Willis told The Associated Press in a recent interview while promoting his latest film, "A Good Day To Die Hard." "If you take one out or change one law, then why wouldn't they take all your rights away from you?"


02-06-13, 10:28
Willis added that he doesn't see how additional legislation could prevent future mass shootings.

"It's a difficult thing and I really feel bad for those families," he said. "I'm a father and it's just a tragedy. But I don't know how you legislate insanity. I don't know what you do about it. I don't even know how you begin to stop that."

OMG!!! A Hollywood star who isn't a self-righteous hypocrite AND admits that he isn't a subject matter expert on the problem! Is this a sign of The Apocalypse?

Seriously, kudos to Willis on that statement. I'll see his new movie, I'll NOT see Stallone's.

Doc Safari
02-06-13, 10:30
Seriously, kudos to Willis on that statement. I'll see his new movie, I'll NOT see Stallone's.

I won't see Stallone's simply because I hate movies where the man's tits are bigger than the woman's....

Having said that: way to go, Bruce. The courage to deviate from the Hollywood liberal machine is no small thing.

02-06-13, 10:48
OMG... I'll NOT see Stallone's.

So is he anti-2A/ I've always wonder where he stood.

02-06-13, 10:50
So is he anti-2A/ I've always wonder where he stood.

Hugely anti-2A and as hypocritical as they come. A Douchebag several magnitudes of order greater than average. :mad:

02-06-13, 10:51
I've always liked Bruce Willis... ever since Moonlighting even... Seems like a down-to-earth guy...

02-06-13, 11:08
People are already accusing him of being biased because his movies are all violent. But does that make people who don't own guns or never made an action movie biased as well?

02-06-13, 11:24
I've always liked Bruce Willis... ever since Moonlighting even...
(Off topic)It didn't hurt that Cybill Shepherd was in it also.(Back on topic)

02-06-13, 11:25
People still watch Willis's movies? I never donate my hard earned cash to these idiots...:sarcastic:

02-06-13, 11:28
People are already accusing him of being biased because his movies are all violent. But does that make people who don't own guns or never made an action movie biased as well?

Well I've read that Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Travolta, Kurt Russel, Denzel Washington and Woody Harrelson are are pro-2A as well...

People still watch Willis's movies? I never donate my hard earned cash to these idiots...:sarcastic:

I don't have time to watch movies! Not to mention I blow $60+ every time I take my wife and kid to the movies...

02-06-13, 11:31
Woody Harrelson

Not so sure about that. He's pretty granola on a lot of issues. I'd be surprised if he's pro 2A in the sense that we are.

02-06-13, 11:43
Not so sure about that. He's pretty granola on a lot of issues. I'd be surprised if he's pro 2A in the sense that we are.

True, but he doesn't seem like a dyed-in-the-wool liberal - he seems like a constitutionalist from what I've read of him. Plus, isn't he from Texas? Anyway, here's a clip from Colbert Report that shows that he at least supports the troops:


02-06-13, 11:46
Not so sure about that. He's pretty granola on a lot of issues. I'd be surprised if he's pro 2A in the sense that we are.

Woody is what most of you people on this forum would refer to as a "conspiracy theorist" right along aside the likes of Alex Jones and Jesse Ventura. Pretty sure he's pro-constitution and pro-2A although he "used to be" a raging liberal, if my memory serves me correctly. Check out a documentary from last year or so that he narrates called Ethos. It's essentially about the decline of this country and a New World Order attempting to rise from the ashes.

02-06-13, 12:06
So is he anti-2A/ I've always wonder where he stood.

I guess he's finally seen the light.

02-06-13, 12:26
I don't have time to watch movies! Not to mention I blow $60+ every time I take my wife and kid to the movies...

That's why you wait until it's out on DVD and spend $1 at Redbox.

02-06-13, 12:43
Well I've read that Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Travolta, Kurt Russel, Denzel Washington and Woody Harrelson are are pro-2A as well...

I don't have time to watch movies! Not to mention I blow $60+ every time I take my wife and kid to the movies...

I don't know about Brad but Angie is very self defense friendly, specially worse now that she's got kids. She told some reporter if someone broke in her house she'd kill em to protect her kids.

I think some of the more established Actors just don't care what people think one way or the other so they can let their true feelings out, Good or Bad.

02-06-13, 13:40
Well I've read that Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Travolta, Kurt Russel, Denzel Washington and Woody Harrelson are are pro-2A as well...
Looks like Jim Carrey isn't one of them:

Jim Carrey 'Assault Rifle' Tweet Angers Right

02-06-13, 15:15
There are pro gun celebs like Tom Selleck. Frankly people put way to much value into what their favorite celebs think.

02-06-13, 16:54
Looks like Jim Carrey isn't one of them:

Jim Carrey 'Assault Rifle' Tweet Angers Right

I'm sorry, Jim who???

Is he still alive??? :D

02-06-13, 17:11
Looks like Jim Carrey isn't one of them:

Jim Carrey 'Assault Rifle' Tweet Angers Right

Curse that pet detective bastard! :mad:

Larry Vickers
02-06-13, 18:24
Tom Cruise is reportedly a big 1911 guy - he saw an article in a gun magazine on the Novak NEXT custom 1911, called the shop, talked to Wayne personally and paid in full up front

After the gun was delivered he called and thanked them for a job well done - he told Wayne he has a big 1911 collection

This was all reported to me via Ken Hackathorn

Also word is Jay Leno is a big gun guy and may be the Hollywood type that bought Hitler's pistol for a half million dollars - that is rumor mill however

Thought I would add this stuff to the conversation

02-06-13, 18:37
Since Tom Cruise was mentioned, collateral is still one of my favorite movies that he is in. I think he does the "gun scene" well and the TTPs are portrayed accurately IMHO.

Although not a 1911 in the scene it was an Hk45...:)


02-06-13, 19:32
Yippee Kiyay Mother F$%ker! Oh thank moses! I love the Die Hard movies, glad to hear John McClane isnt a douche.

02-06-13, 19:37
He's always been very pro-U.S. troops too. It appears he's a heckuvaguy.

02-06-13, 19:41
Since Tom Cruise was mentioned, collateral is still one of my favorite movies that he is in. I think he does the "gun scene" well and the TTPs are portrayed accurately IMHO.

Although not a 1911 in the scene it was an Hk45...:)


Micheal Mann, was the producer and director of Collateral. He is a gun guy and is shows in his films; Heat, Public Enemies, Miami Vice, The Kingdom (he produced), ect.

02-06-13, 20:09
Also worth pointing out he(Willis) did a movie locally and a guy I worked with met him and played a game of baseball with him/crew/extras and has nothing but good things to say about him. My co-workers opinions is basically that Willis was a fun, naturally funny, aproachable(considering the circumstances) kind of guy with a good sense of humor.

02-06-13, 21:17
Also worth pointing out he(Willis) did a movie locally and a guy I worked with met him and played a game of baseball with him/crew/extras and has nothing but good things to say about him. My co-workers opinions is basically that Willis was a fun, naturally funny, aproachable(considering the circumstances) kind of guy with a good sense of humor.

Can't see him complaining to laymen...

02-06-13, 22:37
There are pro gun celebs like Tom Selleck. Frankly people put way to much value into what their favorite celebs think.

I agree and this is one of the reasons why I like Willis. I have seen him quoted several times to the effect of "WTF are you asking me about politics, I'm just a movie star so why does my opinion matter?"

I like that attitude but the left does not have it. We need these high profile actors to jump on soap boxes and help defend our rights. Like it or not, we are competing with Beyonce and JayZ to get people's attention.

02-06-13, 22:40
Tom Cruise is reportedly a big 1911 guy - he saw an article in a gun magazine on the Novak NEXT custom 1911, called the shop, talked to Wayne personally and paid in full up front

After the gun was delivered he called and thanked them for a job well done - he told Wayne he has a big 1911 collection

This was all reported to me via Ken Hackathorn

Also word is Jay Leno is a big gun guy and may be the Hollywood type that bought Hitler's pistol for a half million dollars - that is rumor mill however

Thought I would add this stuff to the conversation

Thank you for sharing that. Pretty cool bit of information.

02-06-13, 22:45
I agree and this is one of the reasons why I like Willis. I have seen him quoted several times to the effect of "WTF are you asking me about politics, I'm just a movie star so why does my opinion matter?"

I like that attitude but the left does not have it. We need these high profile actors to jump on soap boxes and help defend our rights. Like it or not, we are competing with Beyonce and JayZ to get people's attention.

You're right but personally I have no more respect for celebraties opinions than I do from my plumber or mechanic.

02-06-13, 23:07
You're right but personally I have no more respect for celebraties opinions than I do from my plumber or mechanic.

Actually I have more respect for my plumbers and mechanics opinions. Most of the time they are better informed and don't make a living pretending to be something other than what they are.

02-06-13, 23:44
I've always liked Bruce Willis.

I approve of this thread.

02-07-13, 01:59
The punchy sounds like an okay guy.

02-07-13, 04:03
Tom Cruise is reportedly a big 1911 guy - he saw an article in a gun magazine on the Novak NEXT custom 1911, called the shop, talked to Wayne personally and paid in full up front

After the gun was delivered he called and thanked them for a job well done - he told Wayne he has a big 1911 collection

This was all reported to me via Ken Hackathorn

Also word is Jay Leno is a big gun guy and may be the Hollywood type that bought Hitler's pistol for a half million dollars - that is rumor mill however

Thought I would add this stuff to the conversation

That's very good to hear. I recall watching the making of Collateral and I got the impression he really enjoyed the firearms training.


02-07-13, 04:51
Actually I have more respect for my plumbers and mechanics opinions. Most of the time they are better informed and don't make a living pretending to be something other than what they are.

Very true plus they don't feel that you should take their word over anyone elses. I hate it when people think we need to listen to Reese Witherspoon because she is a celeb. Who the hell cares what she has to say.