View Full Version : Jessie Ventura vs Chris Kyle ???

02-06-13, 10:36
I just heard something on Glenn Beck show but had to get out of truck so couldn't hear the whole story.

I may have some of this wrong but what I thought I heard was that JV is/has been trying to sue CK for something that happened in a bar or something back a few years. JV denies it happened SEALS present say it did... anyway.... apparently JV is now going to continue suit against CKs estate.

That is the most screwed up thing I have ever heard.

Also it sounded like maybe Glenn was going to announce a charity for CKs family but again I could hear it.

Anyway if this really is all happening with JV that is pretty much the lowest thing I have ever heard. I mean I would rank that right up there with the Westboro Baptist Church.

Anyone got any better details?

02-06-13, 10:39
A simple Google search will give you more than you'd ever want to read. Unless someone from this board was actually in the bar with Kyle and Ventura, it's all here-say.

02-06-13, 12:16
Hmm well first off Glenn blindcockfacemountaindewcheeto Beck is a jackass.

Jesse Ventura is more than likely currently out in the Baja of Mexico at his summer home. I highly doubt he's told anyone that he is going to continue the suit against Chris Kyle's family.

My guess would be that Beck is trying to stir the pot for ratings. I'll believe it when it comes from Ventura's mouth.

Here a link to some actual legal stuffs, such as affidavits of witnesses for Ventura....


02-06-13, 12:41
Hmm well first off Glenn blindcockfacemountaindewcheeto Beck is a jackass.

Jesse Ventura is more than likely currently out in the Baja of Mexico at his summer home. I highly doubt he's told anyone that he is going to continue the suit against Chris Kyle's family.

My guess would be that Beck is trying to stir the pot for ratings. I'll believe it when it comes from Ventura's mouth.

Here a link to some actual legal stuffs, such as affidavits of witnesses for Ventura....


DUDE! easy on the Mt Dew hating!:sarcastic:

02-06-13, 12:48
Hmm well first off Glenn blindcockfacemountaindewcheeto Beck is a jackass.

I wonder why Marcus Luttrell can't see through that? They seem to be pretty good friends. He's staying at Beck's home prior to the funeral they will all attend together.

...at any rate,, I had never heard the old story behind this. Never paid much attention to JV. I suppose time will tell.

02-06-13, 13:54
I've been rather conflicted over this issue. On one hand, I have no real use for JV after he went off the deep end with his 9/11 truther stories. The guy really comes across as an ass at times. However, I'm having a hard time finding any evidence to support Kyle's claim in the book. In fact, all of the evidence that I've seen supports JV's claim that it never happened. I'm not aware of a single person who can verify this supposedly very public event.

Thus, it appears at this point that Kyle lied about the whole story to market his book. Making matters worse, he did this knowing JV would have a hard time defending his reputation since most people see 9/11 Truthers as unstable, America-hating, wackos who would say the type of venom that Kyle alledges. I'll be the first to admit that I believed the story when I first saw Kyle on FNC.

Well, what do we do with a guy who appears to have served his country with distinction, but is also likely to have been a compulsive liar? Do we over look this rather glaring flaw and continue to tout him as a modern hero? Damn, this is a hard one.

02-06-13, 14:17
Heck it could be his publisher or editor thought it would sell books. Which it did. I mean reading what was in the book, ya he didnt name ventura, but he damn sure did a good job describing him lol.

Everyone does dumb stuff. Everyone does things they look back and think "damn did i really do that?". Its called life.

If it was a lie, that doesnt even bother me. What bothers me is the fact that the "9/11 truther" bullshit was thrown around. Once again questioning a outrageous story is unpatriotic and evil.....and you're a kook if you do so....

02-06-13, 14:21
That's the part I didn't hear well. I thought Beck was saying there were SEAL members in defensive of CK. JVs story says the opposite.

Also Beck did mention that CK's book proceeds went to charity. For me, what these guys do when they are alive is their business. If they choose to cross that line then they must do so expecting to have to answer to it. Regarding JV, if he does indeed continue to go after the estate that would seem to me to hurt his reputation more than a lie. I can't believe he needs the money.

I had no idea this was such a convoluted ordeal. At any rate, JV needs to let bygones be bygones. I don't think his character is any less for the wear.

02-06-13, 14:26
JV is a flaming douche who lost all his credibility years ago... He is irrelevant and will do anything to stay in the spotlight, even if it means leaching off a true American heroes widow. **** YOU JV.

02-06-13, 14:26
[QUOTE=J-Dub;1537119]Hmm well first off Glenn blindcockfacemountaindewcheeto Beck is a jackass.

This, along with many of your statements is 'Spot On'.

02-06-13, 14:28
I've been rather conflicted over this issue. On one hand, I have no real use for JV after he went off the deep end with his 9/11 truther stories. The guy really comes across as an ass at times. However, I'm having a hard time finding any evidence to support Kyle's claim in the book. In fact, all of the evidence that I've seen supports JV's claim that it never happened. I'm not aware of a single person who can verify this supposedly very public event.

Thus, it appears at this point that Kyle lied about the whole story to market his book. Making matters worse, he did this knowing JV would have a hard time defending his reputation since most people see 9/11 Truthers as unstable, America-hating, wackos who would say the type of venom that Kyle alledges. I'll be the first to admit that I believed the story when I first saw Kyle on FNC.

Well, what do we do with a guy who appears to have served his country with distinction, but is also likely to have been a compulsive liar? Do we over look this rather glaring flaw and continue to tout him as a modern hero? Damn, this is a hard one.

Pretty much where I'm coming down on it. At this point it appears based on the legal documents I read in the link(granted that they are prepared by Ventura's lawyers) to be a lie fabricated by either Kyle or his publisher with Kyle being pushed into it.

I wouldn't be surprised if what comes out of it is the publisher making changes to future runs of the book with the chapter in question being removed.

Unfortunately it appears that both parties decided to play with pigs and got muddy. Ventura with his 9/11 bullshit, and Kyle with a possibly fabricated story.

02-06-13, 14:34
JV is a flaming douche who lost all his credibility years ago... He is irrelevant and will do anything to stay in the spotlight, even if it means leaching off a true American heroes widow. **** YOU JV.

I can not find one direct quote from Ventura stating he would continue the suit against Kyle's family.

Do you have one somewhere? I see that Ventura's lawyer stated "We COULD continue the suit" but nowhere can I find that Ventura WILL.

I could see Ventura continuing the suit against the publisher for sure.

P.S. Glenn icantseeshit Beck is a first rate turd and liar, in the same class as Piers Morgan and Rush Pillbaugh.

02-06-13, 14:47
In the end if there is a continued lawsuit the truth will come out. Until that point we all are going off of internet gossip. I read his book and to be honest barely remember that passage. It was so inconsequential it made very little impression upon me. JV does the same, makes very little if any impression upon me.

02-06-13, 14:53
I can not find one direct quote from Ventura stating he would continue the suit against Kyle's family.

Do you have one somewhere? I see that Ventura's lawyer stated "We COULD continue the suit" but nowhere can I find that Ventura WILL.

I could see Ventura continuing the suit against the publisher for sure.

P.S. Glenn icantseeshit Beck is a first rate turd and liar, in the same class as Piers Morgan and Rush Pillbaugh.

Jessie was born in 1951. He shakes uncontrollably now, watch the Piers Morgan interview. Both of these dudes deserve more than being drug into a Kardashianesque friggen tabloid fight.

02-06-13, 15:15
P.S. Glenn icantseeshit Beck is a first rate turd and liar, in the same class as Piers Morgan and Rush Pillbaugh.

Yeah, we get it, you don't like Glenn Beck. Why don't you go start your own thread on that subject.

02-06-13, 15:29
**** YOU JV.

Is this a varsity player frustrated over his playing time?

Kidding of course, but you seem a bit on edge lately. Everything ok at home?

02-06-13, 15:34
Does this involve anybody here in even the slightest way? Or does anybody here have even the slightest bit of real information worth discussing?


02-06-13, 16:05
P.S. Glenn icantseeshit Beck is a first rate turd and liar, in the same class as Piers Morgan and Rush Pillbaugh.

Interesting. I have watched GB for years and seen him in person. From what I have been told (by people that know him), he is not the douche nozzle you describe. On top of this, we see many "tip of the spear" type guys like him. While I do think it is possible that people can "mislead" folks, it is really just a matter of time before people catch onto them (especially people like Chris k, M Luttrell, etc).

What is your opinion based on? Do you know him personally? Did he screw you on a used car sale or something?

While we all have enemies and or people we hate, I can think of VERY few people that I would say what you said about them.

Just curious....


02-06-13, 16:13
Now Grant don't get ol J Dub a hollerin. He'll get mad at you boah, I done seen it.

Doc Safari
02-06-13, 16:20
My one criticism of Beck is that he jumps to conclusions about how current events lead to future ones. Case in point: he thought Occupy Wall Street was the beginning of a Communist-led revolution with a George Soros takeover or some horseshit.

Ventura, on the other hand, is beginning to be a tinfoiler on the order of Alex Jones (he has phoned in to Jones' show many times). IIRC he believes his Conspiracy Theory show was sabotaged by "them". Yeah. Maybe it was just the low ratings, Jesse?

I take either with a grain of salt.

02-06-13, 16:25
Jesse Ventura needs to replace the tin foil in his hat with a shiny new roll of tin foil and shove his head into a high voltage electrical box.

02-06-13, 16:40
Now Grant don't get ol J Dub a hollerin. He'll get mad at you boah, I done seen it.

Eh I couldnt care less really. I sent a pm voicing my opinion on Beck.

The simple matter of the fact is, unfortunately a family is without a father and husband. And Glenn Beck is using this tradgedy to spread lies about Ventura (who he obviously hates and has stated, so he has an axe to grind) and to get some more publicity/air time. I find it sad, but its on Beck's soul....not mine.

I'll wait for Ventura himself to respond before I go full retard and over-react like most here.

The man is gone....I hope Ventura lets this go, which I have faith he will.

02-06-13, 16:57
I thought Kyle decked Ventura in a Navy bar after Ventura ignored repeated requests to stop running his mouth in front of friends and relatives of a diver who just got killed. He has a right to his opinion, but there is a time and place for everything.

Jesse Ventura forgot that UDT stands for 'U Don't Talk, when two Navy men settle their differences. If he in fact is suing Kyle over a punch to the face, then I just lost what little respect I had left for him.

02-06-13, 17:00
I stopped paying attention to Jesse when he started his ridiculous conspiracy theory TV show.

02-06-13, 17:10
I thought Kyle decked Ventura in a Navy bar after Ventura ignored repeated requests to stop running his mouth in front of friends and relatives of a diver who just got killed. He has a right to his opinion, but there is a time and place for everything.

Jesse Ventura forgot that UDT stands for 'U Don't Talk, when two Navy men settle their differences. If he in fact is suing Kyle over a punch to the face, then I just lost what little respect I had left for him.

LOL awesome, so you dont even know what this thread is about? LOL even better....

Ventura wasnt suing Kyle over the "punch in the face". He was suing him for defamation of charactor, because Ventura states he never said what Kyle claimed. I'd suggest maybe like, I dont know, reading up on it...

02-06-13, 17:20
I'll wait for Ventura himself to respond before I go full retard and over-react like most here.


02-06-13, 19:04
I got the impression that JV's civil action was more about disproving his alleged statements, and less about the punch that likely never happened. That is to say, Kyle made some serious charges when he went on multiple TV programs with the claim that he heard JV stating that the SEALs deserved to lose more men. That is some serious shit and I'd expect a bunch of people to remember such an event if it really happened in a room full of frogmen.

If JV is really innocent of those statements, I'd have no problem with him continuing the legal action against Kyle's estate simply to clear his name. However, I'd hope that he would refuse any monetary award or donate it to charity.

02-06-13, 19:32
My one criticism of Beck is that he jumps to conclusions about how current events lead to future ones. Case in point: he thought Occupy Wall Street was the beginning of a Communist-led revolution with a George Soros takeover or some horseshit.

Ventura, on the other hand, is beginning to be a tinfoiler on the order of Alex Jones (he has phoned in to Jones' show many times). IIRC he believes his Conspiracy Theory show was sabotaged by "them". Yeah. Maybe it was just the low ratings, Jesse?

I take either with a grain of salt.

I think it is hard to recognize something when your in it (Nazi's rising to power for instance). So my guess is that GB is attempting to make people aware that there are powerful people in this country trying to change it (and not for the better). While I am sure he is wrong on lots of things, I think he is also gotten a lot of things right.


02-06-13, 19:45
Unless someone from this board was actually in the bar with Kyle and Ventura, it's all here-say.

You make a very good point. I only know what I heard Kyle state happened while watching his television interview about his new book. He stated that Ventura was running his mouth about more frogmen needed to die and so on in front of relatives of a frogman who died recently, which prompted Kyle to punch him. He said that he ran out of the bar before the police standing out in front of the bar came in to investigate.

Some of the previous posts indicate that Ventura's lawsuit was based on defamation of character. If Ventura filed a lawsuit, I am reasonably certain that the frogmen present were told by their attorneys to not make a public statement in order to protect themselves. I haven't seen any interviews of Ventura concerning the incident on television. Anything I see in print will be taken with a grain of salt.

02-06-13, 23:09
JV is a flaming douche who lost all his credibility years ago... He is irrelevant and will do anything to stay in the spotlight, even if it means leaching off a true American heroes widow. **** YOU JV.

THIS! and I can tell you that Chris indeed did put ole "fuzzy face" in sleeper mode with a single shot. Additionally there are indeed witnesses that heard ole "fuzzy face" say what he said and saw him go sleep sleep for it. And as already stated, Chris did not make any money off the sales of his book American Sniper, he donated all his share of the profits to charity. FWIW I'll stand with men like Beck Luttrell & Kyle any day. The Beck haters crack me up, for one they don't watch or listen to him regularly and two the guy just keeps on nailing the outcome of events a year or so before they unfold. For those so inclined, you can donate to Chris Kyle's family through MercuryoneDOTorg and 100% of all donations go to the Kyle family.

02-06-13, 23:16
THIS! and I can tell you that Chris indeed did put ole "fuzzy face" in sleeper mode with a single shot. Additionally there are indeed witnesses that heard ole "fuzzy face" say what he said and saw him go sleep sleep for it. And as already stated, Chris did not make any money off the sales of his book American Sniper, he donated all his share of the profits to charity. FWIW I'll stand with men like Beck Luttrell & Kyle any day. The Beck haters crack me up, for one they don't watch or listen to him regularly and two the guy just keeps on nailing the outcome of events a year or so before they unfold. For those so inclined, you can donate to Chris Kyle's family through MercuryoneDOTorg and 100% of all donations go to the Kyle family.

You were there or know someone who was? If so, that pretty much settles it.

02-07-13, 02:02

Brandon is as straight a shooter as I know - not to mention, a fellow teammate of Chris Kyle's. I also heard this story years ago locally from my friends in the Teams and before Chris had written any book.

Take it for what it's worth....