View Full Version : DHS purchases 22 million MORE rounds???

02-07-13, 11:22

Interesting...Good to know that per the Geneva Convention, hollowpoints are NOT permitted in wartime; however, apparently, the department founded to "protect" the people feels that they'll be perfectly warranted in using said ammo AGAINST the very population they were formed to care for.


Good to go Comrade Hussein.


02-07-13, 11:22
Now that I think of it, they're probably blowing OUR money on purchasing up as much ammo as they can find in order to keep it out of OUR hands and/or driving up prices.


02-07-13, 11:31
Now that I think of it, they're probably blowing OUR money on purchasing up as much ammo as they can find in order to keep it out of OUR hands and/or driving up prices.


This was my first though after their first large order. I'm willing to bet that those with .gov contracts have first dibs on delivery.

02-07-13, 11:45
1- Hague peace conference/accords/convention, not the Geneva convention. We're not a signatory. Doesn't apply to DHS. JHP is in common use even in DOD.
2- Lots of agencies in DHS that use ammo.
3- Lots of folks are ordering ammo many purchasing cycles ahead of schedule due to the unpredictable flows in the market.
4- Easy on the tinfoil.

02-07-13, 12:32
1- Hague peace conference/accords/convention, not the Geneva convention. We're not a signatory. Doesn't apply to DHS. JHP is in common use even in DOD.

:) The other night on the daily show they mentioned how hollow-points should only be used in the military..... I mean, you can not possibly make a more incorrect statement than that. Right, the only group that should have hollow-points is the one group prohibited to use them. Unreal.

02-07-13, 14:07
Wonder whom they are planning on going to war with?

Read somewhere, where they are authorized 30K drones.

Edit: located the article: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2012-10-09/uncle-sam-prepares-unleash-30000-drones-over-america-public-safety

02-07-13, 14:14
Meh, a drop in the bucket.

02-07-13, 14:16
Now that I think of it, they're probably blowing OUR money on purchasing up as much ammo as they can find in order to keep it out of OUR hands and/or driving up prices.


you are not alone !

02-07-13, 14:47
uh yeah, okay......

hmmmm....not sure there's any "tinfoil caps" being worn on my part.




Yeah, I'd say that's SEVERAL thousand "purchasing cycles" ahead of schedule.

there's no rational need for that other than to keep it from falling into the "wrong" hands.....IE - The general populace.

02-07-13, 14:54
You don't know what you don't know, either from procurement or production perspective. 21.6 million rounds sounds like a lot more than it is.

02-07-13, 14:57
Wonder whom they are planning on going to war with?

Read somewhere, where they are authorized 30K drones.

Edit: located the article: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2012-10-09/uncle-sam-prepares-unleash-30000-drones-over-america-public-safety

Where does that article say drones were authorized? I see what looks like an agency (probably whatever individual the press got a hold of) speculating about what the future will be like in 7 years.

DHS is a huge umbrella, and they source a lot of ammo.

This isn't proof. This sounds exactly like the stuff a0cake was talking about in another thread recently posted, no?

02-07-13, 14:58
I like how they can purchase "Fully Automatic Weapons", and DEFINE them as "Personal Defense Weapons", yet the public has "Semi Automatic Weapons", and are DEFINED as "Assault Weapons". What the hell is wrong with this picture?

02-07-13, 14:59
yeah, i know.

you're right.

02-07-13, 15:29
Where does that article say drones were authorized? I see what looks like an agency (probably whatever individual the press got a hold of) speculating about what the future will be like in 7 years.

DHS is a huge umbrella, and they source a lot of ammo.

This isn't proof. This sounds exactly like the stuff a0cake was talking about in another thread recently posted, no?

Check out HR 658, the FAA Air Transportation Modernization and Safety Improvement Act, passed both the House and the Senate that authorizes the use of 30,000 spy drones over America.

Like the anti-Posse Comitatus NDAA legislation that passed in November, this bill was not widely reported by the mainstream media.