View Full Version : Superdome security fail (when the lights went out)

02-08-13, 07:33
Apparently, you can walk into the Superdome, during Super Bowl no less, as an ex employee, and shut of all the lights as a tribute to Black History month. Security was clearly top notch that day. :rolleyes:

New Orleans, LA — The mysterious blackout during Sunday’s Super Bowl at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans is not a mystery any longer. SMG, the Superdome’s management company, told reporters this evening that after careful review of their tapes, the culprit has been found.


02-08-13, 07:45
Not that it makes it much better but he was an employee when he did it.

SMG Says Super Bowl Blackout Was Prank Played By Employee

one of our now ex-employees Now he's and ex-employee.

02-08-13, 07:50
Not that it makes it much better but he was an employee when he did it.

Now he's and ex-employee.

"We thoroughly reviewed the security videos from Sunday and during this time witnessed 34-year-old Paul Horner, one of our now ex-employees,"

I missed that one word. Doh!

I bet when they dig into it, he had serious $$$ on SF and was hoping that would kill the momentum for Balt. Playing the race card to get out of it/sympathy, = dooshbag.

02-08-13, 08:06
Follow up: I blame myself for lack O due diligence on the source, but I'm now thinking that very report a fake. Take this one with a grain of salt 'till confirmed.

02-08-13, 08:20
Something odd here....

All quotes sourced from SuperOfficialNews and linked on each page.

Paul Covington of SMG explained the situation and how they were able to determine who was responsible for the power outage. “We thoroughly reviewed the security videos from Sunday and during this time witnessed 34-year-old Paul Horner, one of our now ex-employees, setting a timer on the lights,” Covington said. “At first Horner denied the accusations but after viewing footage from the video has since confessed. He claimed to have done it as a tribute to Black History Month.”

34-year-old American Paul Horner who is in Tokyo on business was at the bank when the robbery happened. “I was just standing behind this guy waiting for my turn. Then suddenly he starts waving around a knife demanding money I think, my Japanese is mediocre at best. So they fill this man’s bag with whatever was in one of the registers and then he runs out the door,” Horner said.

His quick thinking saved the day according to restaurant manager Ted Barkins. “He just started quoting movie lines from Pulp Fiction. The robbers kind of went berserk and then they just left.” Local hero, Paul Horner, who thwarted the would-be robbers said, “It was really lucky that I had my wallet with me that said ‘bad motherf*cker’ on it.

Paul Horner from Laveen, Arizona is one of the top three finalists. He explained to reporters today about his potato chip entry and what his thought process was behind creating it. “My three ingredients for my ‘Mitt Romney Hates You’ potato chip was ‘Poor People’, ‘Blacks & Latinos’ and the ‘LGBT Community’,” Horner said.

Paul Horner who is the Superintendent for the school district in DeQuincy spoke with reporters this afternoon to explain the new gun policies. “We won’t let a tragedy like Sandy Hook happen in DeQuincy,” said Horner. “We understand it’s a big step putting guns in the hands of school children but drastic times call for drastic measures.”

Either Paul Horner is a very popular name these days or this one guy really travels around an awful lot.

02-08-13, 19:15
And it's a gun free zone! :sarcastic:

Will, thanks for sharing as I have not heard the back story on this before now.

02-08-13, 19:21
Ya, so this isnt the official story...and it is most likely some pot-stirring bullshit...

02-08-13, 19:25

02-08-13, 19:40
Paul Horner also stopped an AZ restaurant robbery by quoting Pulp Fiction...


Bill Murray also caught a bank robber in Tokyo by accident...


02-08-13, 19:42
Paul Horner also stopped an AZ restaurant robbery by quoting Pulp Fiction...


Bill Murray also caught a bank robber in Tokyo by accident...


The best explanation is clearly that Paul Horner is a government actor, or possibly under the influence of mind control. They just keep reusing the same name hoping all the sheep won't notice.

02-08-13, 19:46
The best explanation is clearly that Paul Horner is a government actor, or possibly under the influence of mind control. They just keep reusing the same name hoping all the sheep won't notice.

I agree. He also masterminded the fabrication of the Discovery Shuttle landing on the moon of Endor....


02-08-13, 19:54
Some tough critics here, doubting the Super Official News and all.

02-08-13, 22:17
Hahah, my sentiments exactly, SafetyHit ;)

02-08-13, 23:03
The best explanation is clearly that Paul Horner is a government actor, or possibly under the influence of mind control. They just keep reusing the same name hoping all the sheep won't notice.


This story isn't any less silly than the "Beyonce did it with her trillion watt halftime show"

02-08-13, 23:18
I heard that Beyonce lost here vocal track and it took them that long to find it:cool:

02-09-13, 07:27
The stadium wasn't ready for that jelly.