View Full Version : What has happened to this board?

02-10-13, 02:34

-Obama got re-elected

-The tragic deaths of John Noveske and Chris Kyle

-before that in July a sicko-psycho let loose at a movie premier

-Obama care is here

-The horrible event at Sandy Hook

-New York's draconian new weapons ban was signed.

-Multiple other smaller scale shootings (as compared to the scale of Aurora/Sandy Hook) has happened since Dec.


-Obama.....just being Obama

-Biden's 'TaskForce'

-Wayne LaPierre not holding up our side to the liberals very well.

-The lack of ammo to train with

-The inability to say get on DSG's website and think "You know I think I'll order a Noveske Chainsaw tonight"

-The fear/dread of our fundamental rights being taken away

-For us its not just a fundamental right. It is a passion. It is a way of life. Guns KEEP many of us OUT of trouble.....well there's the fear of losing what we love.

-The media's constant and consistent vilification of the same gun most of us come together on this board to increase our knowledge of and share our knowledge with fellow members.

-This former LAPD cop going Section 8


Now I am quite sure there are quite a few more things on here that I could mention but I've got to be up early for a run but want to say this before lights out.

As a whole our passion in life is shooting and guns.

With that said in less than 2 months our lives have in one form or another been turned upside down. The events/situations I listed earlier are proof positive of that. For certain many of you could list more that I failed to include.

We are ALL stressed. We are all worried. I am SICK of worrying every time I pull the trigger. I am SICK of not being able to find a Chainsaw or Vltor lower. I am SICK of not being able to find PMC Bronze. I am SICK of the government and media trying to tear down what I view as my right and my passion just b/c they don't understand it.

But I am also SICK of the attitude and general disrespect of members to other members on M4C. B/C of listed events it's enough for any of us to blow a gasket.

But no one on here sits across from Wolf Blitzer and talks about banning 30 round; clips and AR-16s. No one on this site shot anyone at a Batman premiere. Nobody here was whispering evil things in to Biden's ear as he had his task force. I seriously doubt Grant, Paul Buffoni, Marty Daniel and others in the industry are hording parts, guns, and ammo just to see us stress out. WE did not cause any of this so don't direct your aggravations out on other members.

I've never seen so many threads closed and so many people banned, ever.

We are all stressed to the max. What in the hell good is it doing fighting amongst each other. The other day I mentioned Glenn Beck and got lambasted. Didn't sayBeck was never wrong or was the best at whatever. I just mentioned that I heard him say something on the radio. That's it.

This crap has got to stop. We all love the Second Amendment. We all want it here for the next generation to enjoy. We all have a love for wanting to be a better shooter. Why the hell are we tearing each other down so much for recently?

Before you hit submit on a post and want to start something or supposedly end something with another member-think. Think about the bigger picture. Realize we are all stressed. Realize that I guaran-freaking-t you wouldn't be acting like this if this were a face to face conversation.

I don't know what it is about the internet that turns down one's level of civility and respect for his fellow man quite a few notches but this needs to be remembered once a thread starts to go south and you are about to reply

Alot of you on here I consider friends. A few I've been to classes with or a 3Gun match. Many of you helped me through a very hard time a couple of years ago. Others I consider brothers from another motherboard. ;)

I've ranted long enough and maybe this thread will go south as well. Who knows. But come on y'all have got to see a downward spiral here of late. Let's try and make this place, and the stressful times we all live in now, a little easier for everyone.


02-10-13, 06:48
Others I consider brothers from another motherboard. ;)



I agree, it is a pretty stressful time right now. Especially for those who are struggling to find anything on the market still. I also think a lot of it has to do with new members. Not saying its their fault, but the amount of blatant repeat threads on here does get annoying. I'll just be glad when all of this blows over (hopefully).

02-10-13, 07:24
Personally, I think that the mods have been more than fair with the discipline. The people who got banned had it coming to them for a while before the hammer got dropped.

02-10-13, 07:37
The general tone of this board has always leaned toward libertarianism. Hard to imagine that we could have a government and events that it has driven that is more the polar opposite to what those folks stand for. Very little middle ground these days. Emotions are running high.

02-10-13, 07:45
We are all stressed to the max. What in the hell good is it doing fighting amongst each other. The other day I mentioned Glenn Beck and got lambasted. Didn't sayBeck was never wrong or was the best at whatever. I just mentioned that I heard him say something on the radio. That's it.

I think this in reference to a post I had made, and for the record, my intention was not to attack you. Sorry if that's how it sounded anyways.

I agree with your post. We're all being "separated" and turned against each other over the little things that we may disagree on. If you look at the bigger picture, we're all on the same page in regards to the 2nd amendment and the constitution.

Like many of you, I have not been able to do any shooting/training in a long time. I believe the last time I took my AR out was a couple of weeks before Sandy Hook.

At a time where we (as firearm owners) are constantly being attacked by the media and Obamadrones alike, we should try and remember that we're all on the same side and just because someone may not believe the official story of recent happenings does not mean that they are somehow dangerous or the enemy, visa versa for the people who do choose to believe the official story.

I think a lot of these political differences on the forum have led to animosity, but it's still safe to say we are mostly all "right wingers" .. so why does it really matter how far right we are, or how moderate of a "right winger" we are?

Just as the recent thread saying that all "conspiracy theorists" should be ridiculed, banned, whatever. This is messed up. Just because you have a different opinion than somebody does not make them any less of a person or somehow unimportant, unintelligent, etc. I think if anything we need to promote intelligent discussion amongst each other instead of chasing each other off the forum with torches and pitchforks.

The real problem lies in the fact that most of us are not even talking shooting on here anymore because we are not doing any shooting recently! Instead we're discussing politics and our small differences as conservatives and libertarians.

02-10-13, 09:30

Before you hit submit on a post and want to start something or supposedly end something with another member-think. Think about the bigger picture. Realize we are all stressed. Realize that I guaran-freaking-t you wouldn't be acting like this if this were a face to face conversation.

I don't know what it is about the internet that turns down one's level of civility and respect for his fellow man quite a few notches but this needs to be remembered once a thread starts to go south and you are about to reply


Consider it as a different type of "muzzle discipline". There is an option called "Preview Post" just to the right of "Submit Reply". Good way to insure a "waiting period" before taking possession of a post.

Good post and I have to agree with you. So much heated rhetoric and thin skinned reaction to someone expressing, perhaps poorly, a thought. These are stressful times for 2A supporters simply because the world around us is spinning out of our control. Our fate is in the hands of others on both sides of the issue. Yes, we can speak out to our elected representation, but in the end they will vote in their best interests. No, we can't predict when someone next "snaps" and misuses an "AR-16 with a high capacity clip" that looks oddly like a S&W Model 29 "full auto assault pistol" as "reported" (more like editorialized) in the media.
The members of the military, police and sheriffs departments, and average civilians all have individuals amongst their ranks who do stupid acts outside of regulations and the standards expected from them. I don't think anyone on here believes that those who act or react outside their training reflect the entire organization any more than an individual shooting at unarmed children reflect all gun owners.

02-10-13, 09:42
The general tone of this board has always leaned toward libertarianism. Hard to imagine that we could have a government and events that it has driven that is more the polar opposite to what those folks stand for. Very little middle ground these days. Emotions are running high.


That's why, when someone claims to be all pro-2nd Amendment but then spouts off other comments that clearly imply otherwise, people are calling them on their inconsistency which is fine, but since emotions are high it comes across as trolling or attacking the person. The person should be called on it, but it should be done politely. That said, nobody should be going around claiming to be all pro-2nd Amendment but then turn around and make statements to the effect that some are more equal than others. There's nothing wrong with calling that out as inconsistent and wrong.

02-10-13, 09:46
Good job pointing this out!!

I've only been a member here since this past summer, and I have seen it go down hill. To the point I've started ignoring certain threads.

I've seen this board as a great great place to learn and from time to time get a little silly :jester: . Not only about AR types, but many other platforms. I've also bought a lot of the parts and pieces that are on my carbine on this site.

Thanks Jax and Thank You M4C.

02-10-13, 09:52
-The inability to say get on DSG's website and think "You know I think I'll order a Noveske Chainsaw tonight"


I am SICK of not being able to find a Chainsaw or Vltor lower. I am SICK of not being able to find PMC Bronze.

I think it's kind of funny that I have actually gone to dsg looking for a chainsaw upper multiple times and have not found one. And I can't find any pmc bronze anywhere :(

02-10-13, 09:54
Close the GD for 30 days.

Those that are here to talk about guns, ammo, shooting, tactics, and the like will continue uninterrupted. Those that are here for other purposes will expose themselves as such, but will have opportunity to get some rest. If the leadership is not willing to close GD altogether, perhaps a temporary moratorium is more palatable.

02-10-13, 10:00
Things are getting weird lately, but I think we'll be okay if we can be civil, and stick together.

02-10-13, 10:01
Close the GD for 30 days.

Those that are here to talk about guns, ammo, shooting, tactics, and the like will continue uninterrupted. Those that are here for other purposes will expose themselves as such, but will have opportunity to get some rest. If the leadership is not willing to close GD altogether, perhaps a temporary moratorium is more palatable.

As long as it was only for 30 days or less, I'd agree.

(Except Army Chief's thread.)

02-10-13, 10:02
Nice, Jax. I read way more then I post. It's been something I've enjoyed for the last few years. But, the last few months has been brutal, especially with the LEO sentiament. I'm hoping it is just the stress and it will eventually subside. If not, and we're any indicater of the rest of the population, divide and conquer should be a piece of cake for the anti's.

02-10-13, 10:05
Nice, Jax. I read way more then I post. It's been something I've enjoyed for the last few years. But, the last few months has been brutal, especially with the LEO sentiament. I'm hoping it is just the stress and it will eventually subside. If not, and we're any indicater of the rest of the population, divide and conquer should be a piece of cake for the anti's.

If you go on Democratic Underground you can actually find threads on how they are intentionally planning, and trying to polarize and dismantle gun owners, so that they can paint black rifle owners as extremists.

02-10-13, 10:12
Close the GD for 30 days.

Those that are here to talk about guns, ammo, shooting, tactics, and the like will continue uninterrupted. Those that are here for other purposes will expose themselves as such, but will have opportunity to get some rest. If the leadership is not willing to close GD altogether, perhaps a temporary moratorium is more palatable.

Not a bad idea. Not bad at all.

02-10-13, 10:23
It is the internet.

People take things way too seriously and there is no sarcasm or emphasis font, the internet simply lacks that simple emotional aspect that you get from face to face conversation.

Do not take it too seriously as it is very pointless. People have internet muscles and talk the biggest trash online, good or bad. 9/10 of those same people will never say the same thing to another person in the real world, it just does not happen and many have seen it occur in person.

Again, it is the internet, do not take it so personally.

02-10-13, 10:49
M4C's primary purpose is as a forum for sharing and discussing technical information related to firearms, shooting, training etc. While many of us can get emotionally charged up in technical discussions some of the time, it's just about guaranteed that GD topics involving politics, religion, LE and current events will go downhill.

The one thing that everyone has in common on this forum is firearms. Beyond that, we may share very similar lives and opinions, or be completely diverse. It's that non-technical diversity that means that we'll always differ on opinions, on subjects have been debated for years with no clear-cut resolution.

That's why the staff and mods have wanted to get rid of or shut down the GD section, because the majority of divisive discussion happens there. In the past, we reluctantly decided to leave it open because there are subjects worth discussing that don't fall under any of the other technical sections, like 2A information.

But everyone's on edge here, because of the current political climate, and emotions are running high.
Whatever happens to GD, I think it's a good time to urge everyone to re-read AC's guide and take it to heart:

Dave L.
02-10-13, 11:00
That's why the staff and mods have wanted to get rid of or shut down the GD section, because the majority of divisive discussion happens there. In the past, we reluctantly decided to leave it open because there are subjects worth discussing that don't fall under any of the other technical sections, like 2A information.

I wouldn't miss the GD forum. It's all the same shit I see on Drudge every day ;)

We could have forum where the threads must involve guns/shooting/2A/etc. rather than all the extra RW/Libertarian Propaganda we all read elsewhere anyway.

02-10-13, 12:43
The gun, ammo, and part shortages will subside eventually. When somebody sells premium they can ask double the normal price and get it with the high demand. Look at Calguns or AR15.com and your head will spin. Hopefully no bans will be passed then I think the market will be bigger than ever like it was after the '94 ban expired. There are already challenges to the NY legislation.

Tensions are running high especially among gun enthusiasts and those wanting more liberty instead of more nanny state politics and really any propaganda. Some people regardless of their political affiliation need less spin and more answers instead of being fed tidbits of info and more questions or running into walls of silence. Expecting more answers doesn't automatically make you a truther who calls everything the government does a lie.

I'm sure their are racists, anarchists, truthers, or any sort of fringe people here but so many of us get lumped into that group just for hating Obama or Biden and constantly getting the racism and truther card slung. We get enough of that from the anti-gun crowd and ultra left wing. Some of us could stand to grow a thicker skin and stop getting so offended or worried what the world is going to think of us.

People are getting tired of Washington wanting two inches, we and our representatives giving ONE inch, and some of us and the NRA think we've won! They claim to want to keep us in the fold but I'm sure many of them feel guilt by association. Some of them have already thrown us under the bus and it's hard not to be frustrated especially when more psychos constantly go off the deep end. The gun grabbers know some of the blood is on their hands for causing this social and political divide.

02-10-13, 12:50
I think the GD is a good place to have, especially in this environment. It gives us a place to vent and get stuff off our chest. If it doesn't happen in GD I'm pretty sure it'll overflow into technical discussions.

02-10-13, 12:51
...Whatever happens to GD, I think it's a good time to urge everyone to re-read AC's guide and take it to heart:

I concur. Lots of good direction in that post that I have been following since I read it. It should be at the top of EVERY forum on this site.

02-10-13, 13:06

02-10-13, 13:11
Funny how people act on the internet.

How would a homeowner react if he had a large gathering and a small group of the same people at the event were constantly complaining that the party sucked, that the house was ill maintained, and that the other guests were all stupid?

We are all guests here, it would do a lot of good for more members to act accordingly.

Typos brought to you via Tapatalk and autocorrect.

3 AE
02-10-13, 13:24
There are 51 subforums covering a wide range of topics. Most are explicit in subject matter and narrow in scope. GD is different. It's a catch all for everything and anything that doesn't fit in the other 50 sub-forums. And there lies the problem. It's the "Garbage Can" of M4C.net. Like the adage says, "One bad apple spoils the whole bunch." We all have a good idea what that bad apple is. Pretty much any discussion of politics, including 2nd Amendment rights, govt. conspiracies or lack there of, law enforcement, and a few others.

Over the last couple of years you start to get a feel of who is who, and what is what. You start to notice the warning signs when things are about to go south. And there is no other place in the forum where it happens more often and with more consequences than in GD. Of all of the various topics brought in by members, most are very helpful and interesting. There are threads and links covering humor, food recipes, movie reviews, members asking for help of a personal nature, suggestions for life choices, acknowledgement of jobs well done, eulogies for a fallen comrade, daily news events, etc. Pretty much what a "family" encounters day to day. Then there are the few topics that provoke or should I say provide the few members the need to shit in their backyard. Or I should say "our" backyard. We all have been around long enough to have seen this many times. It's not funny or pretty.

As I'm sure most have noticed recently, there are a few members who just can't let it go, who need to get the last word in regardless of prior warnings to cease and desist. There are a few members whose motive is not to engage in civil discussion, but to entice others into a debate where the end result is a verbal beat down. These actions are usually dealt with swiftly by the Mods and Staff. Though maybe we should be more proactive than reactive. Why not just ban political and govt. related topics. There are plenty of forums and media outlets on the internet that will cater to these topics to your hearts desire. You say we need updates on 2nd Amendment topics in these trying times? I say go join the NRA and your State Associations. You'll get all the updates and what to actually do about it rather than come here and whine about it. There is a lot of good in GD, we just need to eliminate the few "Bads".

02-10-13, 18:16
I think the GD is a good place to have, especially in this environment. It gives us a place to vent and get stuff off our chest. If it doesn't happen in GD I'm pretty sure it'll overflow into technical discussions.

That's my biggest reason for not wanting it to be closed down. Plu it does have a lot of benefits when used properly, as 3 AE stated above me.

The Mods are very tolerant and wait a long time to close a thread in most cases. They are more patient than I would be. I tip my hat to them.

We do not have to agree with each other on every issue, sheep and lemmings do that. We do need to be respectful to each other.

I'd have to agree. I've definitely seen it in the "Where Can I Get It Thread." That thread has been very beneficial to me and a lot of other people, especially a lot of newer members who are trying to get into the game before it gets shut down. But the amount of times a member or mod has had to post in there to keep it on track is just ridiculous. It'd be a shame to have it closed, but some people just refuse to listen which is also a shame.

02-10-13, 18:27
Read more. Post less.

No problems :)

02-10-13, 18:28
The world in general and this forum in particular would be a much better place if everyone would open their eyes and come to the realization that I have been right all along:big_boss:

02-10-13, 18:35
It's divisive issues that cause the most problems. Any type a subject comes up, there will undoubtedly be converse opinions. The internet allows a blanket of security that a face-to-face conservation/debate does not have.

I engage in face-to-face debates often with friends, peers, professors, etc. Discussion nearly unilaterally remains much more civil and professional. The internet is a different place. While we have (or at least some of us have) a natural tendency to try to keep discussions civil and unheated in person, the opposite occurs internet. We are not bound by interpersonal social boundaries. Therefore we are more likely to insult others and escalate situations, leading to nothing but mudslinging, cussing, insulting, attitudes, ego trips, etc.

Further, unlike speech, it is often harder to convey our actual opinions in written form. Therefore, it can be harder to write coherent arguments as well, leading to misunderstanding and miscommunication.

I think GD needs to be nuked for about 2 weeks for everyone to cool down and tensions to ease.

02-10-13, 18:35
This really is a great forum. Tons of great info that has saved me money, time and headaches. This is one of the few well regulated boards I regularly look at.

I honestly can't stand rude or sarcastic comments on the Internet. However I am very sarcastic in real life, it just doesn't cross over well on the boards. I like the moderators here and I like that 90% of this board is on topic. Occasionally I'll read through a topic on GD, but for the most part that's not why I'm here.

I am stressed and saddened by the out lash against my passion for shooting. It is even worse being in CA. Common sense just isn't a strong point around here.

02-10-13, 19:52
The world in general and this forum in particular would be a much better place if everyone would open their eyes and come to the realization that I have been right all along:big_boss:

I concur. If everyone would just start working "Dave's Program" the world would be a vastly improved place! :meeting:

brushy bill
02-10-13, 20:50
Read more. Post less.

No problems :)

But you are on track for a post every day you've been here??

02-10-13, 21:20
Beyond any shadow of a doubt Jaxman is one of the forum's most decent and worthy members. Smart, technically knowledgable, compassionate and sensible. What he says usually has merit on several levels, I have no reason to say this except because it's true.

As he knows I call him a friend and I'm proud to do so.

02-10-13, 21:34

That's why, when someone claims to be all pro-2nd Amendment but then spouts off other comments that clearly imply otherwise, people are calling them on their inconsistency which is fine, but since emotions are high it comes across as trolling or attacking the person. The person should be called on it, but it should be done politely.

Yes, in a market place of idea's, everyone deserves to have their crap busted on. Anyone who think's their idea's and opinions are above scrutiny dosent need to be on the internet at all. Even those in yellow

I feel a lot of the people who want the GD shut down are those who only wish to know what they know, don't want to question it,and socially only surround themselves with like minded people.

Or because they are mad the dollar they picked up has fishing lines tied to it:D

D. Christopher
02-10-13, 22:07
I think that the GD forum serves a very useful purpose. I use it to identify people from my area that I would NEVER want to spend time at the range with. People who have a habit of making personal attacks, saying crazy shit, disrespecting Mods, etc. If you can't handle the awesome responsibility of exercising your 1st Amendment rights as a guest on a private forum then I don't want to be around while you attempt to exercise your 2nd Amendment rights either. In short, if you aren't mature enough to police your mouth just because you think you're anonymous, I doubt you're mature enough to show good judgement with a firearm in stressful situations.

Most thinking beings usually become better citizens when they start to carry a gun because they realize that you have a higher responsibility and being a hothead can lead to escalations that can get someone (including you) killed. Someone insulted you? That jerk cut you off in traffic? That guy on a forum disagreed with you? Let it go! Get some perspective about what's really important in your life before you have a heart attack or end up as a road-rage statistic.

Or even worse, you might get BANNED!:D

02-10-13, 22:14
Funny how people act on the internet.

How would a homeowner react if he had a large gathering and a small group of the same people at the event were constantly complaining that the party sucked, that the house was ill maintained, and that the other guests were all stupid?

We are all guests here, it would do a lot of good for more members to act accordingly.

Typos brought to you via Tapatalk and autocorrect.

I concur. We're all friends here.

02-10-13, 23:11
Yes, in a market place of idea's, everyone deserves to have their crap busted on. Anyone who think's their idea's and opinions are above scrutiny dosent need to be on the internet at all. Even those in yellow

I feel a lot of the people who want the GD shut down are those who only wish to know what they know, don't want to question it,and socially only surround themselves with like minded people.

I agree 100%. However, speaking personally, I'd add another color to the one you mentioned.

Now, as for as the topic of discussion, I understand my place as a member here. This is a forum with specific rules and people can't start invoking the First Amendment like a bunch of flex your right clowns who have concept of "time and place." That said, no one is above scrutiny...even in an environment where calling someone out on it means one must veer out of one's lane to do so. Now, obviously there's going to be people who are just being idiots or are clearly trying to stir shit up. But, I've seen more than one instance of someone being silenced not because they violated a rule, but because they ruffled the wrong feathers after things were heated. However, not my forum. Not my rules.

Not everyone is going to be friends on an internet forum and not everyone is going to be in agreement. I frequently hear lamentations about us losing sight of the fact "we're all on the same side." Okay? What's the point in bringing that up? There's still going to be fundamental disagreements that occur within a given "side" and that's naturally going to lead to debate. Pretending that they don't exist may help the "flow" of the forum, but the fact of the matter is they will always be present. Expecting otherwise is naivete. What is most important is a little mutual respect for the exchange of reasonable ideas, and maturity in the conveying of those ideas.

02-10-13, 23:16
What is most important is a little mutual respect for the exchange of reasonable ideas, and maturity in the conveying of those ideas.

Who determines what is reasonable? The mods?

02-10-13, 23:57
But you are on track for a post every day you've been here??

Lol I lurked for many moons before registering :) You CANNOT google anything relevant to the AR15 platform without landing here......

Honestly, I enjoy reading these boards the most.....but I'll admit there has been some extensive posting on my behalf regarding Bcmjunkie's boobalicious girls, and MarkM's forthcoming book

"Confessions of a Full Blown Tactard"

And that one thread about the beat up factory Colts........

Cant forget that thread


All in all, I've seen a bit of a tension rising here, but pretty much everyone I've engaged in correspondence has been very nice, knowledgeable, and downright hilarious at times. M4C gets a bad rap on some other BBS as the elitist forum, but I've never felt that way........and I think things will always be cyclic in nature. New members who fit in will stay and those that dont will drive the old timers nuts until they conform (contribute positively), or IG and Santoro will nuke them from orbit. Life goes on......

02-11-13, 00:23
It's a rotten time for the republic, the economy, and the future. Everybody that works for a living and cherishes their freedom is pretty stressed out these days.

That's got to be a solid 80% of the problem.

02-11-13, 00:42
A contrast is in order to maybe illustrate how civilly a GD discussion can go on a sensitive topic. Check out Lightfighter and the thread there on the Dorner situation. It's like light and day compared to the way a thread on the exact same topic went to crap here and had to be closed. The professionalism and careful thought before posting seen in the example is what our GD should try to be like.

02-11-13, 01:34
I came to the GD to look for a specific item and this topic caught my eye. I rarely visit the GD here at M4C and rarely if ever post, but that is simply because I don't visit the GD on any of the 3 or 4 forums that I might visit. I guess I miss out on a lot of the antics and maybe don't see the entire picture of the issues being discussed in this thread. I do note a large influx of new users, probably due to the mad frenzy of new owners or the surge in interest, so I do notice quite a few threads in other sub forums with topics that are more than a bit redundant with answers to questions that could easily be found with a quick bit of searching.

I however am not the thread police and really am not bothered too much by that from my point of view as I just ignore it, but then again it isn't my job to moderate along the rules or guidelines of this forum. But I must admit that I am ignoring more and more of internet forums and video stuff as putting up with the same ole, same ole, does get a bit old after awhile.

As for treating others nicely and yes this includes the internet, I believe that we should treat others as if they are standing right in front of you. Or as F2S mentions as if you are a real live guest at someones home. If the anonymity of the internet gives you brass cajones or if your always an asshole and confrontational in person and that is your style, well then it must suck to be you. It really is not hard to be kind, polite or tolerant. Of course there is a time and place to be blunt but it is also not difficult to make someone look like a jackass without acting like a jackass yourself. ;)

02-12-13, 21:33
I've recently "X'd" out more replies in GD than I send. :D

That said, it does bear keeping in mind that many of us have significant external pressures that the world of PC will not let us vent. GD is a place to do that without infecting the technical threads with BS. I appreciate a spirited debate and frequently learn something, even if it's simply a reinforcement of what I already tend to believe.

As for saying something in GD that I wouldn't say to someone's face, you'd have to ask my friends and co-workers to understand that doesn't apply to me! I remember MANY instances in the barracks or the berths on ship where a spirited debate would turn into a full on WWE grudge match! I specifically remember one with about 40 Marines that turned into a free-for-all, over a game of spades! The Master at Arms simply dogged the hatches till we ran out of steam. :)

02-12-13, 22:09
Who determines what is reasonable? The mods?
We all do as a collective. Sometimes the mods have to make judgement calls.

02-12-13, 22:26
I think the GD is also so active because the topics are always evolving. Honestly I think 97% of ar general discussion and ar tech discussion topics have been posted at some point and the info can be found via search. Now occasionally new info is posted like the AR torture test done by Vuurwapen and Lucky gunner which is solid info but that is a rarity anymore. So when you don't have that stuff to talk about people gravitate to GD. Just my opinion.

02-12-13, 22:39
I found this on the internets and thought it might help some of us:


:D :lol:

02-12-13, 22:42
I have no problem with the GD forum. There are good things discussed here as well as not so good things discussed. The easy part of it all is I get to decide what I click on and actually read.

02-12-13, 22:56
People take things to personally. I don't have a grudge against anyone here.

Of course ego's and such get in the way, and other people have long standing grudges against someone's ideology. The internet breeds ego's and cliques.

02-13-13, 03:36
The internet breeds ego's and cliques . . .

. . . AND general douchebaggery.

Glad to see you back from the land of the damned. ;)

02-13-13, 03:42
. . . AND general douchebaggery.

Glad to see you back from the land of the damned. ;)

Thanks. Won't change my opinions on things, though. Just hope, "The attitude has gotten old" isn't used against me again in the future. :rolleyes:

02-13-13, 12:55
As for treating others nicely and yes this includes the internet, I believe that we should treat others as if they are standing right in front of you. Or as F2S mentions as if you are a real live guest at someones home. If the anonymity of the internet gives you brass cajones or if your always an asshole and confrontational in person and that is your style, well then it must suck to be you.

This coming from one of the most knowledgeable and helpful people on this board....and nicest.


02-16-13, 13:23
What about a joking or kidding emoticon? People take sarcasm or facetious comments the wrong way a lot of times...
It could help ease the high tensions right now.

02-16-13, 13:31
What about a joking or kidding emoticon? People take sarcasm or facetious comments the wrong way a lot of times...
It could help ease the high tensions right now.

We have those already.

Plus, everybody on this board knows that my insults are never serious. :p

02-16-13, 13:47
We have those already.

Do tell. All I see is :sarcastic: and :lol:

Plus, everybody on this board knows that my insults are never serious. :p

Neither are mine dumbass! Still people take offense or read you the wrong way.

02-16-13, 13:50
Neither are mine, dumbass! Still people take offense or read you the wrong way.

Your lack of comma makes it sound like you're calling me your personal dumbass. Which I am not. I am for public enjoyment, and mockery. :D

02-16-13, 13:58
Your lack of comma makes it sound like you're calling me your personal dumbass. Which I am not. I am for public enjoyment, and mockery. :D

Touche :lol:

02-16-13, 17:55
An idea to save GD from inevitable decline and elevate it from squalor is this:
allow only one post per person per day (or even hour) in the GD area.
Being able to only post once in a single GD thread per day would make one more careful of one's words and more judicious with comments. It would also hobble the petty back and forth some folks get into because one would not be likely to waste one's only post per day per GD thread on a juvenile comment or recriminatory remark.