View Full Version : Colorado, Magpul and the Second Amendment Need Your Help

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02-11-13, 03:41
Anybody see this over on Soldier Systems. New bills in CO, this one noted below would mean Magpul would have to cease manufacturing 30 round Pmags by July 1, 2013.

And finally, HB 1224, Prohibiting Large Capacity Ammunition Magazines–a measure that bans the possession, sale, or transfer of magazines over 10 round capacity. The measures and stipulations in this bill would deprive CO residents of the value of their private property by prohibiting the sale or transfer of all magazines over 10 rounds. This bill would also prohibit manufacture of magazines greater than 10 rounds for commercial sale out of the state, and place restrictions on the manufacture of military and law enforcement magazines that would cripple production.

02-11-13, 03:59
Texas welcomes you w/open arms :D

02-11-13, 04:05
Just read about this from Magpuls FB update. Fight like hell guys. (Plan B: move your operation to Utah, Wyoming, or Texas)

02-11-13, 04:06
Hey what about Oklahoma?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Dave L.
02-11-13, 06:05
Who is John Galt?

02-11-13, 06:24
Who is John Galt?

Ayn Rand character from "Atlas Shrugged". :D

Pork Chop
02-11-13, 06:40
Texas welcomes you w/open arms :D

Nebraska would love to have you and we're right next door. :)

02-11-13, 06:56
Magpul to my knowledge is the 1st firearm company posting on facebook or any other social media that they would pull out if the restrictions are passed.

Here in MD Beretta informed the state senate committee on AWB, that the states decision could impact x number of jobs in MD.

02-11-13, 07:40
This bill would also prohibit manufacture of magazines greater than 10 rounds for commercial sale out of the state, and place restrictions on the manufacture of military and law enforcement magazines that would cripple production.

Seems that would be a state law interfering with and inhibiting interstate commerce, which would violate the legal doctrine of the Dormant Commerce Clause.

02-11-13, 07:56
Magpul to my knowledge is the 1st firearm company posting on facebook or any other social media that they would pull out if the restrictions are passed.

Here in MD Beretta informed the state senate committee on AWB, that the states decision could impact x number of jobs in MD.

Minnesota has similar legislation pending - here's Senate testimony from DPMS...(let's look beyond the brand and focus on the concept ;) )


02-11-13, 08:57
Wyoming would love to have you.

In fact, my wife would love to write a grant for you to try and help with a building/location, depending on the size they need! Economic development is a big deal in Wyoming and the tax rates are great.

02-11-13, 08:58
Texas welcomes you w/open arms :D

I'm sure Rick Perry can offer them a sweet deal to come to Texas.

They can set up shop right by Larue :cool:

02-11-13, 09:53
Please MAGPUL, consider Tennessee!
- Republican Gov
- Republican SUPERMAJORITY House and Senate
- NO STATE INCOME TAX (6% on dividend income)
- Slowly repealing inheritance taxes
- Centrally located with good access to roads/infrastucture
- Moderate weather

02-11-13, 10:15
Texas welcomes you w/open arms :D


Trade your tofu and Chacos for brisket and boots. Take a vacation to the Broadmore once a year if you miss it that badly.

With that said, I actually applaud your efforts to keep CO free.

diving dave
02-11-13, 12:04
Montana would welcome them with open arms.

02-11-13, 13:02
Suprising to me is that Texas is only #9:

Map: http://taxfoundation.org/sites/taxfoundation.org/files/docs/index_web_large.png

The 10 best states in this year’s Index are:
2.South Dakota
7.New Hampshire

Colorado is #18. Tennessee is #15

02-11-13, 14:42
Magpul is a stand up company would love to see them in Alaska. But I understand shipping issues would be big for them being based up here.

02-11-13, 15:05
There is no shoveling snow in Texas!

Shoot outdoors year round without wrapping up like the Michelin man!

Magpul...come on down. La Rue and STI are here.

In fact, we'll take Springfield Armory from anti-gun IL and S&W from anti-gun MA while we're at it.

There is plenty of room here...great weather...low cost of living...ports rail and large airports.

Texas should steal away all the industries and businesses that the blue states find repulsive.


02-11-13, 15:12
There is no shoveling snow in Texas!

Shoot outdoors year round without wrapping up like the Michelin man!

Magpul...come on down. La Rue and STI are here.

In fact, we'll take Springfield Armory from anti-gun IL and S&W from anti-gun MA while we're at it.

There is plenty of room here...great weather...low cost of living...ports rail and large airports.

Texas should steal away all the industries and businesses that the blue states find repulsive.


I like Texas except for one thing. It gets really really hot there. Plus not fond of the snakes and spiders either. (poisons kind)

02-11-13, 15:26
It is hot in the summer but from Oct to May it is damned nice here.

Last weekend...I rode my dirt bike in shorts and short sleeves. Often hunt deer in a long sleeve t-shirt or maybe a light jacket...no gloves either.

So you put up with the summer and the fall/winter/spring is nice here.

Not a bad trade off since you have a/c in your house and car and its not as if you have to scrape a windshield or dig your drive way out in the heat.

I'll take the heat...thank you. There is pesticide for the spiders and shotgun for the snakes! LOL


02-11-13, 15:29
When I retire I want to spend May - Sept in Alaska and Oct- April in Texas or Arizona.

02-11-13, 15:31
hey magpul,
our women wear deodorant and shave here, unlike Boulder :D

Jim D
02-11-13, 15:52

02-11-13, 15:56
Other reasons for moving Magpul to Texas.

Houston is ground zero for the petrochemical industry. Most of their products are made from some form of styrene or other plasticiser. There is a never ending supply right here and you would not have to pay to truck it to CO.

There are also several spring and wire makers in this area. Another huge component to their wares and made near by.

We have the port and two major airports. Many large shipping/rail and trucking companies here and major Fed Ex and UPS hub as well.

Tons of fairly inexpensive warehouse/office spaces, mild weather and a large and diverse work force. Lower cost housing than CO.

Magpul...come on down.


02-11-13, 16:03
Fired this off to all the committee members last Friday (individualized for each member):

I would like to contact you regarding HB 1224. Much has been made about the need for stronger gun regulations in order to decrease gun violence. This bill has ostensibly been introduced with the purpose of decreasing gun violence. The truth is that we both know that this bill, if made law, would do nothing of the sort.

As a physician I practice daily what is referred to as "evidence-based medicine". That means that all my treatments have been sufficiently vetted through trials and studies that I can be reasonably sure that their application will result in the desired outcomes I am trying to achieve. What I do not do, however, is take a wild guess when treating patients with the hopes that something positive will happen. I also do not treat a patient with an unproven (or worse yet dis-proven) modality so that I can say, "well at least I did something."

Yet this is exactly what the Judiciary Committee and, if allowed out of committee, the General Assembly appears to be poised to do. There is no evidence-based reason to think that a 10 round magazine limit will do anything to decrease gun violence. History has proven that this is not the case. The previous limits on magazine capacity which sunsetted with the '94 assault weapons ban did nothing whatsoever to decrease the rate of gun violence. Why? Because criminals paid no attention to the law. Only law-abiding citizens did.

Additionally, there is a thriving business in Colorado which we will absolutely lose to a different state if HB 1224 is passed. Magpul Industries in Boulder would have no choice but to leave Colorado. That's a lot of jobs and tax-revenue which many other states would love to have but which Colorado can ill-afford to lose.

Also, and politicians do not like to make mention of this, limiting the amount of rounds a magazine holds limits the people who may need them the most: the citizens defending themselves. Consider that law enforcement officers carry multiple magazines on their duty belt in case they are involved in an altercation requiring deadly force which may require many shots from their weapon. A typical citizen carrying for self defense usually only carries the magazine in the weapon itself. Limiting the amount of rounds a single magazine can hold limits that citizen's ability to adequately defend themselves. It isn't really reasonable for a citizen to carry multiple magazines. Further, if a citizen IS involved in a self-defense scenario, having to change magazines may result in the ability of their attacker to injure or kill the citizen.

To summarize, limiting the rounds in a magazine limits only the law abiding citizen and decreases their ability to defend themselves effectively. This bill actually does infringe on the second amendment right of Colorado's citizens. The second amendment is not about hunting and sportsmanship. It's about defense of oneself. This bill limits that defense.


And yes I do realize that citizens do frequently carry more than one magazine but the point is still valid.

02-11-13, 16:04
Here is our statement on the issue. There is an attempt by non Colorado groups to force this thing through quickly and to limit debate. Tomorrow (Tuesday) is the when the abbreviated hearing will happen. Best to let your voices be heard sooner rather than later if you want to keep Colorado Free.


In addition to the national battle to protect our firearms rights, many states are currently engaged in their own fights. Here in CO, a state with a strong heritage of firearm and other personal freedoms, we are facing some extreme challenges to firearms rights. We have been engaged in dialogue with legislators here presenting our arguments to stop legislation from even being introduced, but our efforts did not deter those of extreme views.

After the NRAs visit last week, several anti-freedom bills were introduced by CO legislators, and a very aggressive timeline has been set forth in moving these bills forward.

The bills include:
HB 1229, Background checks for Gun Transfers--a measure to prohibit private sales between CO residents, and instead require a full FFL transfer, including a 4473.

HB 1228, Payment for Background Checks for Gun Transfers-- a measure that would require CO residents to pay for the back logged state-run CBI system (currently taking 3 times the federally mandated wait time for checks to occur) instead of using the free federal NICS checks.

And finally, HB 1224, Prohibiting Large Capacity Ammunition Magazines--a measure that bans the possession, sale, or transfer of magazines over 10 round capacity. The measures and stipulations in this bill would deprive CO residents of the value of their private property by prohibiting the sale or transfer of all magazines over 10 rounds. This bill would also prohibit manufacture of magazines greater than 10 rounds for commercial sale out of the state, and place restrictions on the manufacture of military and law enforcement magazines that would cripple production.

We'd like to ask all CO residents to please contact your state legislators and the members of the Judiciary Committee and urge them to kill these measures in committee, and to vote NO if they reach the floor.

We also ask you to show your support for the 2nd Amendment at the Capitol on Tuesday, Feb 12, for the magazine ban committee hearing and Wednesday,
Feb 13, for the hearing on the other measures.

Due to the highly restrictive language in HB 1224, if passed, and we remained here, this measure would require us to cease PMAG production on July 1, 2013.

In short, Magpul would be unable to remain in business as a CO company, and the over 200 jobs for direct employees and nearly 700 jobs at our subcontractors and suppliers would pick up and leave CO. Due to the structure of our operations, this would be entirely possible, hopefully without significant disruption to production.

The legislators drafting these measures do so in spite of the fact that nothing they are proposing will do anything to even marginally improve public safety in CO, and in fact, will leave law-abiding CO residents less able to defend themselves, strip away rights and property from residents who have done nothing wrong, and send nearly 1000 jobs and millions in tax revenue out of the state.

We like CO, we want to continue to operate in CO, but most of all, we want CO to remain FREE.

Please help us in this fight, and let your voices be heard!

We have included the contact information for the House Judiciary committee for your convenience:

House Judiciary Committee
Rep. Daniel Kagan, Chair: 303-866-2921, repkagan@gmail.com
Rep. Pete Lee, Vice Chair: 303-866-2932, pete.lee.house@state.co.us
Rep. John Buckner: 303-866-2944, john.buckner.house@state.co.us
Rep. Lois Court: 303-866-2967, lois.court.house@state.co.us
Rep. Bob Gardner, 303-866-2191, bob.gardner.house@state.co.us
Rep. Polly Lawrence, 303-866-2935, polly.lawrence.house@state.co.us
Rep. Mike McLachlan, 303-866-2914, mike.mclachlan.house@state.co.us
Rep. Rep Carole Murray, 303-866-2948, murrayhouse45@gmail.com
Rep. Brittany Pettersen, 303-866-2939, brittany.pettersen.house@state.co.us
Rep. Joseph Salazar, 303-866-2918, joseph.salazar.house@state.co.us
Rep. Jared Wright, 303-866-2583, jared.wright.house@state.co.us

Stand and Fight Colorado

02-11-13, 16:06
Please MAGPUL, consider Tennessee!
- Republican Gov
- Republican SUPERMAJORITY House and Senate
- NO STATE INCOME TAX (6% on dividend income)
- Slowly repealing inheritance taxes
- Centrally located with good access to roads/infrastucture
- Moderate weather


And also for future endevors, in TN the chief LEO is required by law to sign off on NFA paperwork. This is not my home state but as far as gun laws go this state rocks.

02-11-13, 16:36
Just come to Texas and screw those hairy hippies!


You can always go back there on vacation to ski if you must do that.


02-11-13, 20:02
Just come to Texas and screw those hairy hippies!


You can always go back there on vacation to ski if you must do that.


Screw that, just come to Utah. Short move and you can get better powder than you have in Colorado.

We are also proud to have a perfect Zero rating by the Brady Campaign. http://www.bradycampaign.org/stategunlaws/scorecard/UT/

I did receive a notification from the NRA today that there was pending firearm legislation in Utah as well. I believe the three items were:
1) Allow Constitutional Carry for anyone over 21 legally able to do so,
2) A new state law requiring seized firearms to be returned to owners in a timely manner
3) a bill clarifying that the possession of a firearm, visible or concealed, does not constitute disorderly conduct.



02-11-13, 20:11
Please move to Arizona. I will personally kiss Jan Brewers wrinkled ass to get you guys down here. Hell I will even start the ground breaking process with my ****ing E-tool.

02-11-13, 20:18
Hell I will even start the ground breaking process with my ****ing E-tool.

Thats motivation :)

02-11-13, 21:12
My letter to all the Reps listed in Magpul's post. I know some of my facts may be off, I dont know if there are millions of magazines in circulation across CO, but I would love to believe that there were. Its lengthy and long winded, and I stole a few sentences from magpul regarding the CBI background check. I'm not a professional writer, so bear with me....

To all of my Colorado "representatives" and elected politicians,

The Constitution of the United States, Bill of Rights Amendment II, reads:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The Constitution of Colorado, Article II section 13, reads:

The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property, or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons.

Colorado Revised Statute 29-11.7-102 reads as follows:
C.R.S. 29-11.7-102 (2012)
29-11.7-102. Firearms database - prohibited
(1) A local government, including a law enforcement agency, shall not maintain a list or other form of record or database of:
(a) Persons who purchase or exchange firearms or who leave firearms for repair or sale on consignment;
(b) Persons who transfer firearms, unless the persons are federally licensed firearms dealers;
(c) The descriptions, including serial numbers, of firearms purchased, transferred, exchanged, or left for repair or sale on consignment.

I can only hope and pray that each of you were familiar with the US and Colorado Constitutions, and while I can not expect you to know C.R.S., I certainly expect you to understand it after you have read it. Four bills have been introduced on the floor recently.

HB13-1224 Prohibiting “Large Capacity” Magazines
HB13-1229 Universal Background Checks
HB13-1226 No Concealed Carry at Colleges
HB13-1228 Payment for Background Checks on Firearms Transfers

As a former Marine, current Colorado Law Enforcement Officer, tax-payer, citizen, American, and patriot, I can not support these bills, and therefore can not support any politician who does. Attempting to infringe on my rights as outlined by the Second Amendment (US) and Section 13 (CO) is a direct violation of the oath that each and everyone of you took, as well as the oath that I swore.

HB13-1229 would outlaw private transfers of firearms between two law-abiding citizens. As it stands currently, its is illegal to sell to a felon, and therefore a law-abiding citizen would follow the law and not sell to said felon. That citizen still maintains the ability to sell to his law-abiding friend, brother, father-in-law, and fellow citizen alike. If this bill is passed, the ONLY way to enforce it would be through registration, which is strictly forbidden in C.R.S. 29-11.7-102. Firearm registration has a long history of leading to confiscation, as most Coloradans understand. Because of this, many law-abiding citizens in Colorado will refuse to register their legal firearms afforded to them by the CO and US Constitution, and they will become felons. Once free and civil Americans will now be felons in the eye of the law. Where will you house these people? Our County Jail Facilities are already operating at near max capacity. Our DOC facilities are not equipped to hold mass pre-trial offenders. Where will you find the Law Enforcement Officers to enforce these unconstitutional laws? Many CO Sheriff's have already stated they will not enforce unconstitutional firearms laws, and the majority of officers across the state stand with them. I will not register my firearms, what will you do with me?

HB13-1224 would prohibit "large capacity" magazines. Thousands upon thousands of Colorado gun owners own firearms that accept 30-round magazines. Millions of these magazines are currently in circulation across the state, and millions more are on backorder, waiting to be delivered to Colorado homes. And yet, these millions of magazines for the thousands of semi-automatic firearms in Colorado have never caused problems, and have in fact been used in so few crimes that forks and hammers are a far larger danger to society than the possession and use of a standard-capacity magazine (Magazines that hold 30-rounds are considered "standard capacity", not high capacity). Magazine limits and bans have proven to only hurt and hinder the law abiding citizen, and they have not stopped criminals, case in point is the North Hollywood Bank Robbery during the 94 AWB. The Columbine Massacre is an instance where people were killed by a shooter using a firearm equipped with 10-round magazines, would this law have stopped that shooting? And why limit us to 10 rounds? Why not go for 7 like the NY State Legislature recently did? They effectively created thousands of felons in the blink of an eye out of law-abiding-citizens, do you aim to do the same to us?

HB13-1226 would prohibit the carry of concealed firearms on a college campus. This bill may be the most laughable of all four. In order to recieve my Concealed Carry Permit in Colorado, I had to show proof of extensive firearms training, as well as training in Use of Force legalities. My County Sheriff then had to review my background and history, CBI did and extensive background check and took my fingerprints, and then I was cleared to carry a concealed firearm. All permit holders in the state have proven to be responsible and upstanding citizens. A "gun free" zone only disarms the responsible citizens, a "gun free" zone only creates a virtual shooting-gallery of unarmed and defenseless victims for the evil elements in our society. Our college campus' currently have hundreds, if not thousands, of responsible permit holders as students and faculty who have done NOTHING wrong, and yet you are attempting to disarm them. What instances do you have where a permit-holder killed someone with their firearm on a college campus? As it stands right now, people have the right and ability to defend themselves and others from those who wish to kill them, and yet your goal is to rob them of that defense. That is sickening.

HB13-1228 Payment for Background Checks for Gun Transfers-- a measure that would require CO residents to pay for the back logged state-run CBI system (currently taking 3 times the federally mandated wait time for checks to occur) instead of using the free federal NICS checks.

I urge you all to consider your oath, to consider the Constitutions of the United States and Colorado, to consider the law, and to guide your votes with logic and reason, not emotion. Consider that if these bills were to pass, thousands of Colorado citizens (men and women who are veterans, police officers, doctors, scientists, teachers, bankers, hunters, fathers, mothers, etc) would not comply, and would become felons overnight. Many will leave the state, many will stay and defy unconstitutional laws, some will passively resist, and I am sure some will resist more aggressively. Jobs will be lost, not in the hundreds, but in the thousands. Industrial magnates such as Magpul will uproot and bring their business elsewhere, and gun stores/sporting goods stores across the state will close their doors for the last time. The divide that exists among Coloradans today will grow exponentially larger. And when it comes time to vote for all of you, we will not forget those who sold us down the river, we will not forget those who stood up for freedom and voted against these bills, and we will ensure that each and everyone of are held accountable for your votes. I am a Colorado citizen, and a citizen of these United States of America, you serve me, you serve the people, you serve the Constitution of our state and country, you do not serve your own special interests. Please, do the right thing.


02-12-13, 00:08
Please move to Arizona. I will personally kiss Jan Brewers wrinkled ass to get you guys down here. Hell I will even start the ground breaking process with my ****ing E-tool.

Tennesse concedes...you win :smile:

02-12-13, 00:48
You guys might as well save your breath because if anything goes down they will move to Cheyenne. Keep in mind they employ almost 1,000 people and if those employees MUST relocate Cheyenne is about 45min away and it would be the easiest relocate for them. I would hate to see them pick up and move too far because that would REALLY screw the employees who have done nothing wrong. They are the ones I'm concerned about.

But that's not going to happen anyway because despite how quite we've been, the pro-gun Coloradans are slowing stirring to action. I'll be damned if I let these hippie Kalifornian transplants take my state. :mad:

02-12-13, 10:17
Last time I looked...UT and AZ are NOT ground zero for the petrochemical industry. Magpul needs chemicals to produce plastics.

We also have major airports and a warm water port those land locked states are lacking. Doesn't Magpul have a contract to supply the British Army? You need plastics close by and a port.

Houston in for the win...come on down.


02-12-13, 10:23
This legislation is complete unconstitutional BS and they are trying to ram it home quickly before oposition can be heard/voiced. There are enough idiots in this state right now to get this passed if don't get in the game and play to win- RIGHT NOW!

The fight is not over, the pro-2A crowd is just waking up...

That being said, I am extremely worried about the pending legislation and its consequences.

It's time to organize our community like the Anti-2A dicks have theirs and make our collective voices louder than theirs could ever be.

In the Beer! thread, member Rancid Sumo suggested Colorado M4C members meet up at a brewery for some beers. I would like to second this notion and get the ball rolling with organizing a meeting of all M4C Colorado members so we can exchange contact info, get our butts organized and start working together to fight this.

We need to get a plan going and join with other pro 2A organizations and people in Colorado and kill this ****ing bullshit!

I will post this in duplicate to the Regional section as well, but wanted it here for all/more to see.

PM me if you are interested or feel free to email me directly:

Please let me know your general location, best way to contact you and availability so I can find a central location and time that works best for everyone.

Any suggestions or help is much appreciated!

Mods- If this is in violation of M4C rules please let me know and I will remove or relocate accordingly...


02-12-13, 11:42
Fighting the leftist ticks and leeches in Denver and Boulder is like those in rural NY trying to fight the leftists entrenched in NYC. Honorable...but probably futile.

Move Magpul to Texas and let the leftists have CO.

There should be leftist states and right leaning states...that way we are not forced to live amongst those that do not share our beliefs and be represented by those that do not share our vision.


02-12-13, 11:48
Fighting the leftist ticks and leeches in Denver and Boulder is like those in rural NY trying to fight the leftists entrenched in NYC. Honorable...but probably futile.

Move Magpul to Texas and let the leftists have CO.

There should be leftist states and right leaning states...that way we are not forced to live amongst those that do not share our beliefs and be represented by those that do not share our vision.


While I agree with this statement we have to stop giving them all the good states. We already gave them California and now we're going to give them Colorado too? Pretty soon we'll be left with the Dakota's, Minnesota, Texas and Arizona.

02-12-13, 12:31
Fighting the leftist ticks and leeches in Denver and Boulder is like those in rural NY trying to fight the leftists entrenched in NYC. Honorable...but probably futile.

Move Magpul to Texas and let the leftists have CO.

There should be leftist states and right leaning states...that way we are not forced to live amongst those that do not share our beliefs and be represented by those that do not share our vision.


This is the wrong attitude. Cogitate on it for a while.

Losing/giving up battleground after battleground will ensure we lose the war. Entrenching ourselves in these states where the battle is still 50/50 and not giving an inch is going to win single battles and eventually the war for our natural born/constitutional rights.

I portend that the remaining liberty minded/Pro 2A Californians come here to bolster our numbers against the antis seeking to make Colorado- California 2.0.

California is all BUT lost to a sea of ignorance, that battle is all BUT over, we might as well retain Colorado; especially if this union does fracture and we balkanize into regional state-unions- we need the manufacturing base, oil, water, lumber, etc, etc and other resources of Colorado to work for us, not against us.

Really think about this BrickBoy. The bigger picture...

If we give up Colorado; that would be a huge victory for the antis. It is NOT AN OPTION!

02-12-13, 13:53
Isn't Co already mostly run by leftists?

Look how many Congress critters are Democrats now. Its not as if there are many Tom Tancredos out there representing the state of CO...is there?

CO is much like CA or NY. the large metro and college city's poiltics run the whole state.

TX is not like that. Austin might indeed be run by liberals but that is NOT true for our Senators or governor. Nor is it true for our other leaders, either. The inner city leftists in TX do NOT set the political agenda for the whole state as they do in NY and CA. This is a huge thing that makes TX very, very different from many large populated states.

Hey, if you want to stay and fight in CO or even CA or NY...go for it. However, you are fighting a huge machine of very well entrenched leftists and it is very unlikely you will win.

Is is sad that the left is taking CO and other states? Of course, but America SHOULD have liberal states and conservative states. I fail to see the merit in living side by side and beating each other to death every election cycle and yo-yo-ing back and forth from Rs to Ds and Ds to Rs.

Let them have their states and we will have ours.

When you are living where the politics is half way sane....you'll forget all about the pretty mountains or a nice beach and chances are the liberals will screw those thing up later on anyways.

If we spread ourselves thin and fight in iffy places....we stand to lose even states like Texas. Think about it...we have a large latino population that votes Democrat and the left is trying like mad to expand it and take over Texas.

With little help, Texas COULD become a swing state like OH in a few more election cycles. THEN conservative America is truly doomed.

Honestly...it is too late for CO...lets save what we have for now or we stand to lose every state by spreading our efforts too thin.


02-12-13, 14:34
It's too late for Colorado... Says the guy from Texas.

02-12-13, 14:51
Man we got a lot of runners on this forum.

I can see maybe New York or California, but the first sign of trouble you guys start posting "Move to X"

How about stay in CO and bitchslap this legislation down. If you keep running, you will soon be out of territory. I'm too old to run. I say we stand and fight.

02-12-13, 15:35
Man we got a lot of runners on this forum.

I can see maybe New York or California, but the first sign of trouble you guys start posting "Move to X"

How about stay in CO and bitchslap this legislation down. If you keep running, you will soon be out of territory. I'm too old to run. I say we stand and fight.

****in-A TXBOB!

Isn't Co already mostly run by leftists?

Look how many Congress critters are Democrats now. Its not as if there are many Tom Tancredos out there representing the state of CO...is there?

CO is much like CA or NY. the large metro and college city's poiltics run the whole state.

TX is not like that. Austin might indeed be run by liberals but that is NOT true for our Senators or governor. Nor is it true for our other leaders, either. The inner city leftists in TX do NOT set the political agenda for the whole state as they do in NY and CA. This is a huge thing that makes TX very, very different from many large populated states.

Hey, if you want to stay and fight in CO or even CA or NY...go for it. However, you are fighting a huge machine of very well entrenched leftists and it is very unlikely you will win.

Is is sad that the left is taking CO and other states? Of course, but America SHOULD have liberal states and conservative states. I fail to see the merit in living side by side and beating each other to death every election cycle and yo-yo-ing back and forth from Rs to Ds and Ds to Rs.

Let them have their states and we will have ours.

When you are living where the politics is half way sane....you'll forget all about the pretty mountains or a nice beach and chances are the liberals will screw those thing up later on anyways.

If we spread ourselves thin and fight in iffy places....we stand to lose even states like Texas. Think about it...we have a large latino population that votes Democrat and the left is trying like mad to expand it and take over Texas.

With little help, Texas COULD become a swing state like OH in a few more election cycles. THEN conservative America is truly doomed.

Honestly...it is too late for CO...lets save what we have for now or we stand to lose every state by spreading our efforts too thin.


Brickboy- you don't get it. They will take and move on and take and move on until America is a map of ure blue and only Texas being red- what then when they invade Texas? We need to fight, Period. Swing the scales the other direction and bitchslap the shit out of them so it isn't so easy for them to take our states away from us!

The liberals know they can just move in and we will leave to greener pastures, then they can have their BS ways implemented, then when they are done with that State they'll just move to the same places you moved to get away from them and **** them up.

Haven't you been noticing this pattern? Running is never going to help our cause; only standing and fighting right here right now. Period.

If they continue to take states and we continue to leave for other states, they'll continue to follow along to the next state turn it blue and it is already over. Think about it.

We've been needing to drop the socks pick up our cocks and fight these battles for a while- so lets get the collective sand out of our vaginas; take a page out of the liberal handbook and organize the shit out of our pro-2A community and take the fight to them instead of running and sitting back on our heels. Time to get our asses in the game and take back our liberty. Piece by piece, state by state.

It is much easier to stop BS anti-2A legislation than it is to get it off the books once it is implemented. WE HAVE TO FIGHT!

02-12-13, 15:56
Not sure if you picked up on it, but some of the comments are tongue and cheek. No one wants to see them leave, but if the idiot politicians pass stupid laws they will have to do what they have to do.

Either that or PMAG's become as valuable as gold and we all go back to using aluminum magazines or HK mags. :rolleyes:

Man we got a lot of runners on this forum.

I can see maybe New York or California, but the first sign of trouble you guys start posting "Move to X"

How about stay in CO and bitchslap this legislation down. If you keep running, you will soon be out of territory. I'm too old to run. I say we stand and fight.

02-12-13, 16:32
Brickboy- you don't get it. They will take and move on and take and move on until America is a map of ure blue and only Texas being red- what then when they invade Texas? We need to fight, Period.

THCDDM4 - you don't get it! Texas is being taken over by the libs who left Ca and have invaded Texas.

CSCOPE is a perfect example of what is happening in the state of Texas, thanks to the libs from CA.



02-12-13, 16:59
Well then dig in and fight.

It would be nice to see other "swing" states go red and stay red. Maybe CO and OH.

However, they have a mountain of nonsense to fight and the only conservative leaning party in American politics has lost its backbone.

I am coming to the conclusion that the "we need a third party' and the Libertarians are not kooks...but our last hope. The GOP is on life support and it does not look good for them going forward.


02-12-13, 17:29
Seems that would be a state law interfering with and inhibiting interstate commerce, which would violate the legal doctrine of the Dormant Commerce Clause.

Now now, the Interstate Commerce Clause is for official use only! As in, only the elite may officially say what it does and does not apply to! ;)

Not sure if you picked up on it, but some of the comments are tongue and cheek. No one wants to see them leave, but if the idiot politicians pass stupid laws they will have to do what they have to do.

Either that or PMAG's become as valuable as gold and we all go back to using aluminum magazines or HK mags. :rolleyes:


02-12-13, 17:50
Hopefully Magpul & others will follow LaRue:

LaRue Tactical to restrict law enforcement sales in response to gun control laws


I don't have facebook, but Olympic Arms stated: In short, Olympic Arms will no longer be doing business with the State of New York or any governmental entity or employee of such governmental entity within the State of New York - henceforth and until such legislation is repealed, and an apology made to the good people of the State of New York and the American people.

For those of you who have facebook, pls verify:

02-12-13, 17:53
Hopefully Magpul & others will follow LaRue:

LaRue Tactical to restrict law enforcement sales in response to gun control laws


Magpul is a stand up company that would not leave cops hanging in the wind like Larue did and that is all I am saying about that.

02-12-13, 17:58
Magpul is a stand up company that would not leave cops hanging in the wind like Larue did and that is all I am saying about that.

Cops are civilians despite those who try to convince people otherwise.

02-12-13, 19:35
Not sure if you picked up on it, but some of the comments are tongue and cheek. No one wants to see them leave, but if the idiot politicians pass stupid laws they will have to do what they have to do.

Either that or PMAG's become as valuable as gold and we all go back to using aluminum magazines or HK mags. :rolleyes:

Yeah I got your humor---some of those other guys, not so much. They are serious--comments like how Colorado is run by the leftists in Denver and Boulder. I'll admit it would be nice if Magpul or Colt or Springfield relocated next to me. But not at the expense of giving up another state. Its all to common easy way out....just move. And cede yet another piece of land.

I don't care if we do end up with Al mags. Its not worth 1 company, 1 product, 1 individual. People around here need to grow a backbone. Its easy to be tough on the internet. Out in public in front of the state house....not so much.

And let's stop the cops vs civies b.s.

02-13-13, 08:32
I know there is a thread buried down somewhere else on the looming AWB in Colorado, but specifically, this bill has currently passed.

In my understanding, this bill would cease Magpuls production of 30 round magazines, correct? Are there any other specifics that one might need to know as far as future production rates/availability of PMAGS?

02-13-13, 08:36
I haven't read the bill, and if possible, I'm sure this will go to the courts, but if it does indeed restrict Magpul's production, I WELCOME THEM TO IDAHO!

02-13-13, 08:38
I thought it had only passed out of committee so far?

02-13-13, 08:39
Taken from a random news source on what HB1224 is:

Colorado HB 1224
Here is the text of the Colorado House Bill 13-1224, which will limit the capacity of rifle or pistol magazines to ten rounds. Shotguns would be limited to five rounds.

The bill prohibits the sale, transfer, or possession of an ammunition feeding device that is capable of accepting, or that can be readily converted to accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition or more than 5 shotgun shells (large-capacity magazine). A person may possess a large-capacity magazine if he or she owns the large-capacity magazine on the effective date of the bill and maintains continuous possession of the large-capacity magazine.

A person who sells, transfers, or possesses a large-capacity magazine in violation of the new provision commits a class 2 misdemeanor.

A large-capacity magazine that is manufactured in Colorado on or after the effective date of the bill must include a serial number and the date upon which the large-capacity magazine was manufactured or assembled. The serial number and date must be legibly and conspicuously engraved or cast upon the outer surface of the large-capacity magazine.

The Colorado bureau of investigation may promulgate rules that may require a large-capacity magazine that is manufactured on or after the effective date of the bill to bear identifying information in addition to the serial number and date of assembly.

A person who manufactures a large-capacity magazine in Colorado in violation of the new provision commits a class 2 misdemeanor.

It would seem that this language not only limits the rights of most of us, but really singles out Magpul as a company. Magpul wouldn’t even be able to make magazines for sale in other states without complying to Colorado’s new restrictions.

So it seems like it would effect Magpul...

(I'm guessing this will get shut down, as it's not in GD...)

02-13-13, 08:43
Magpul, come to Virginia!

02-13-13, 08:43
Manufacturers are typically exempt from these sorts of schenanigans. I mean, Centurian Arms and SureFire (think suppressors and "high capacity" magazines) are located in the belly of CA!

02-13-13, 08:44
Search term: Colorado

02-13-13, 08:45
Its time for manufacturers to move their business to Free States

02-13-13, 08:45

02-13-13, 08:45
Manufacturers are typically exempt from these sorts of schenanigans. I mean, Centurian Arms and SureFire (think suppressors and extremely "hi capacity" magazines) are located in the belly of CA!

I believe it was established in another thread that it would effect Magpul, and limit them to making 10 round mags only.

02-13-13, 08:47
I know there was another thread on ALL the proposed legislation, but was more interested in the specifics of this particular piece as it would affect other non Colorado residents.

Mods, if you feel that no good dialogue can come from this, axe it I guess....

02-13-13, 08:49
There will be a lot of down time for them to move and set up else where.

I would expect this to drastically effect filling back orders.

Sucks this prevents them from manufacturing, I can only imagine this clause of the bill was aimed directly at magpul.

02-13-13, 08:50
And specifics to the above post is the kind of info I'm looking for.

02-13-13, 08:52
Checking the CO news stations this morning, this is still in flux. It is out of committee, but not passed. Also, the limit has apparently been increased on what came out of committee from 10 to something higher. I checked for the actual revisions to the bill, but they have not been posted yet to the state legislative web site.

02-13-13, 08:58
You would think a place like Colorado would be the last state to try shit like this. All that open country and people can't worry about themselves.

02-13-13, 08:59
Magpul, come to Virginia!


Bring your ass to Texas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dallas is a good place to set up shop

02-13-13, 08:59
So it's for sure not passed?

We should all push back. Even those of us not in CO.

02-13-13, 08:59
Last I heard it was increased from 10 to 15 and Magpul said they'll move if necessary, possibly with only little disruption in manufacturing (not sure how though). They also said though that it'd cost a lot of jobs in CO obviously.

02-13-13, 09:00
You would think a place like Colorado would be the last state to try shit like this. All that open country and people can't worry about themselves.

Drive the highway from Colorado Springs to the state line near Cheyenne, look around, and it will be clear that the Front Range and the rest of CO are two different places.

02-13-13, 09:01
So it's for sure not passed?

We should all push back. Even those of us not in CO.

One of the best ways to show pushback is to keep ordering Magpul equipment I suppose.

It's too bad a few lawmakers with an ideology complex are going to put so many people out of work.

02-13-13, 09:07
I haven't read the bill, and if possible, I'm sure this will go to the courts, but if it does indeed restrict Magpul's production, I WELCOME THEM TO IDAHO!

Magpul, come to Virginia!


Bring your ass to Texas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dallas is a good place to set up shop

No no no...Louisiana is where you should move too...Monroe or even Shreveport. :p

02-13-13, 09:22
Wyoming is the easy choice for Magpul. 4 hours north, wildly different political climate.

02-13-13, 09:24
that easy to close down a factory and move, the cost of a new building, transporting equipment and hiring and training new people. And the impact to the people left behind. Texas is telling California business's to move Texas to avoid taxes and all the other crap being forced on business's. I guess they will do what they have to do to stay in the game.

02-13-13, 09:30

South Carolina... come to South Carolina!

On a serious note. I've been reading a lot on this forum and others. Some people are saying it won't happen to my state, move to a non-blue state etc... That's all well and good but at the rate states are tossing up laws it's going to be the South & TX vs The rest of the country... and that didn't go well last time around.

This is death by a thousand cuts and WE ARE LOSING. :suicide:

02-13-13, 09:34

.... it's going to be the South & TX vs The rest of the country...

I believe you've forgotten about the inland NW. MT.. ID.. I can't speak for the Dakotas as I've never lived there, but from my understanding, they're pretty common sense states as well. WY is a pretty free state, but I don't appreciate the landscape and the weather much...

02-13-13, 09:41
Screw moving. Dig in, and fight your asses off.

You guys can't give them a ****ing inch.

02-13-13, 09:43
I want them in Kansas, but my bet is they move to Texas and form a super-company with Larue :D :p

02-13-13, 09:49
I say Indiana. Very Pro Gun and we are much more business friendly than the other states mentioned. :D

02-13-13, 09:50
The way I'm reading the bill, it clearly allows magpul to continue manufacturing hi-cap mags in Colorado, providing they date them or put a traceable serial number cast on the mags. Obviously they won't be allowed to sell them in state, but could continue to offer them to saner states.

02-13-13, 09:53
Please don't get me wrong on this... fight fight fight these folks.

That being said, money talks and bullshit walks. That's a lot of tax revenue that CO. will be losing should they chose to cut Magpul off at the knees. So, sure... fight them but if that fails, cut 'em loose and move to a free state, taking your tax money with you.

I think California is the test run of a situation like this. Make it so hard to do business there, and guess what... businesses leave.

02-13-13, 09:53
Wherever you are in the country, you better be fighting for your gun rights. It's not enough to just say your support the 2AMD. You have to make it known to your politicians constantly. Send them emails, it's easy. I live in Virginia which has decent gun laws, but that doesn't stop me from sending an email daily to my elected officials - letting them know where I stand on the subject. You should too, it only takes 5 minutes. Every day that passes that you aren't sending emails to your elected officials, they're getting emails from the anti-gun people, so do your part or you're going to lose your rights.

Back to Magpul, it sucks what's happening in Colorado. I hope that things get turned around quickly. Worst case scenario, their PMAG production is done in another state and they still make the rest of their products right there in Colorado. (They do make more than just PMAGs you know...)

02-13-13, 09:54
You can follow exactly how Magpul is fighting this bill on their Facebook page. They had a big effort in the attempt the bill from passing committee last night.


02-13-13, 10:02
California was a great place to grow up in the 60's & 70's. But back in the 70's there were terrible blizzards on the east coast which drove people from states like Taxachussets to California. They used their money to choke our rights & freedoms and cause strife. Then, when they couldn't stand the toxic waste dump they created, the overflow moved to Colorado and other free states, drove up property values and started their garbage again.

That's what happened to Colorado

02-13-13, 10:04
Worst case scenario, their PMAG production is done in another state and they still make the rest of their products right there in Colorado. (They do make more than just PMAGs you know...)

Screw that. If CO is going to pass laws that prohibit them from doing their job, then they should take their business elsewhere.

02-13-13, 10:04
Keep fighting Colorado. Fight this tooth and nail. Running to other states doesn't work because the liberals will follow you. It happened to California, it's happening to Virginia, and as impossible as it may seem, they could get a strong of the cities in Texas and take that state as well. People might say, "never in Texas!" Well, we would have said "never in Colorado!" a few years back...time to stand and fight!

02-13-13, 10:11
Haley Strategic is based out CO. and I believe Mr. Haley lives there......wonder if he'll pull stakes and go elsewhere if this passes?

02-13-13, 10:13
Screw that. If CO is going to pass laws that prohibit them from doing their job, then they should take their business elsewhere.

And that's probably what they'll do, but how much are they going to spend to get a new operation going? Are they going to spend the money to get PMAGS in production in a new building, with some new people, transporting machines, materials and etc along with all the legal information to a new state? Then magnify that moving cost by doing it with all of their products? Unless the cost of them consolidating their operations and only having one production facility is better than multiple production facilities, I would expect them to move their PMAG production and keep the rest where it is.

Political statements only go so far as they are affordable.

02-13-13, 10:20
And that's probably what they'll do, but how much are they going to spend to get a new operation going? Are they going to spend the money to get PMAGS in production in a new building, with some new people, transporting machines, materials and etc along with all the legal information to a new state? Then magnify that moving cost by doing it with all of their products? Unless the cost of them consolidating their operations and only having one production facility is better than multiple production facilities, I would expect them to move their PMAG production and keep the rest where it is.

Political statements only go so far as they are affordable.

If you think that Magpul wouldn't invest a small (and I do mean small) portion of their profits to make good an their threats to leave (and consolidate operations to a single location) if Colorado passes unconstitutional laws then you don't know the men & women of Magpul very well.

02-13-13, 10:48
I don't claim to know the people at Magpul personally but I imagine they are patriotic and strong willed, and won't let themselves be pushed around.

That being said, I do claim to know business acumen and it would be financially irresponsible for seniors at Magpul not to perform an in depth cost/benefit analysis about what production divisions they should move if this law sticks, and what it would cost them up front and during sustained operations to run their company like that.

It is true that they will gain political capital with the shooting community if they made it known that they're moving because of this law, but really, it will bring them no more business than they already have. Everyone already wants Magpul products and there's something like 1 million PMAGs backordered? If making and selling products wasn't a profitable business then they wouldn't be in it, so like I said, political statements only go so far as being affordable.

If they want to take some cash out of their budget to finance a move then I think it is a great thing, but I wouldn't expect them to close up the whole company and relocate - unless the in depth cost/benefit analysis says that it would be better in the long run to have a consolidated production plant instead of maintaining multiple production plants.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens, but don't kid yourself to think that money isn't driving the Magpul train...

02-13-13, 10:57
Well, it's not like they'd pack up everything in the shop and move. I'm sure there would be a stepped/structured move to ensure that some products are still in production during a transition. That being said, I'd wager that their magazines are probably their best sellers, so it would be prudent to move that portion of the operation to a better state while maintaining movable product production and then phase it out once they are established in a new location.

Even then, unless they moved to a building that happened to fit their needs, building a new facility would take a bit longer than the July time frame for ceasing production.

Either way, I hope cooler heads prevail and the law is struck down.

02-13-13, 11:08
Despite my dislike of any Chamber of Commerce, Magpul would do well to pitch their case to them on the odd chance they'd go to bat in their defense. Assistance from any quarter would be helpful at this point. :(

D. Christopher
02-13-13, 11:23
This is what happens when you allow a large portion of California's population to move into your state. (Not that Colorado could have prevented it.) They bring their politics with them. I wish all the good people at Magpul the best. They are a great company that stands behind their products and has excellent customer service. There are dozens of states that will be proud to call them residents, neighbors, and friends. It's a shame so many will be forced to decide between relocating their homes and families or giving up a good job with a good company. Many of those people will not be able to uproot their children and move, and the prospects for finding a comparable job in this economy are not good.

I'm pretty sure that AR mag production is the biggest part of Magpul's business but I wonder if it would be possible to only move magazine production JUST ACROSS THE STATE LINE? Keep everything else and all employees where they are so as not to disrupt their lives and that of their families. It may not be economically feasible.

It's not over yet and I hope the good people of Magpul won't be forced to leave. If they end up near me, I'll be glad to do anything I can to help welcome their employees to the area. I hope it doesn't come to that.

02-13-13, 11:30
We have 2 large airports, lots of rail and truck terminals, a warm water port, the petrochemical industry (you will need that for plastics) and a large and diverse workforce. Low cost of living and a gun-friendly culture.

Magpul...you need to come to Houston!

Right now...it is 65 degrees outside...you will never scrape ice or shovel snow and can shoot year round.

Houston, Texas for the win! LOL

02-13-13, 11:44
It doesn't seem like this will effect magpul in any way only the citizens of Colorado.

Magpul will be able to continue making and selling standard capacity magazines but the residents of Colorado will be limited to 15 round capacity.

The state will most likely not risk turning away millions of dollars in taxes from a big company like Magpul.

02-13-13, 11:46
Either way, I hope cooler heads prevail and the law is struck down.

It would be full retard to have a state with a magazine ban, that allows NFA items.

Why neuter a gun?

02-13-13, 11:53
Magpul has already stated on their FB page that they're ready to leave the state entirely if these bills pass. They also said there would be minimal disruption of manufacturing due to their operating structure.

Obviously they're playing hardball, but all we can so at this point is judge them by what they've said.

EDIT: Here are the relevant portions of Magpul's Facebook post, found here (https://www.facebook.com/magpul/posts/557882927557394):

Due to the highly restrictive language in HB 1224, if passed, and we remained here, this measure would require us to cease PMAG production on July 1, 2013.

In short, Magpul would be unable to remain in business as a CO company, and the over 200 jobs for direct employees and nearly 700 jobs at our subcontractors and suppliers would pick up and leave CO. Due to the structure of our operations, this would be entirely possible, hopefully without significant disruption to production.

The legislators drafting these measures do so in spite of the fact that nothing they are proposing will do anything to even marginally improve public safety in CO, and in fact, will leave law-abiding CO residents less able to defend themselves, strip away rights and property from residents who have done nothing wrong, and send nearly 1000 jobs and millions in tax revenue out of the state.

We like CO, we want to continue to operate in CO, but most of all, we want CO to remain FREE.

02-13-13, 11:59
If they follow through on it, more power to them. It'd be nice for companies to stand up for what's right.

Heavy Metal
02-13-13, 12:11
The way I'm reading the bill, it clearly allows magpul to continue manufacturing hi-cap mags in Colorado, providing they date them or put a traceable serial number cast on the mags. Obviously they won't be allowed to sell them in state, but could continue to offer them to saner states.

They could easily get around this requirement simply by taking the parts out of state and assembling the magazines there.

Heavy Metal
02-13-13, 12:13
Keep fighting Colorado. Fight this tooth and nail. Running to other states doesn't work because the liberals will follow you. It happened to California, it's happening to Virginia, and as impossible as it may seem, they could get a strong of the cities in Texas and take that state as well. People might say, "never in Texas!" Well, we would have said "never in Colorado!" a few years back...time to stand and fight!

Virginia has a very pro-active gun rights orginazation, perhaps the best in the nation, the VCDL. In spite of its purple proclivities of late, the pro-gunners strongly have the initative there.

There are several states much bluer than VA that still has strong protection for gun owners due to pro-active local communities. Washington, Michigan and Oregon for example.

Colorado needed something like the VCDL 5 years ago.

02-13-13, 12:14
This is bad news. Not law yet so there is hope to fight. I say fight it and moving facilities out of state as last resort.

Haley Strategic is based out CO. and I believe Mr. Haley lives there......wonder if he'll pull stakes and go elsewhere if this passes?

How does this effect his business? Thought it was for those that manufacturer magazines

02-13-13, 12:20
There are several states much bluer than VA that still has strong protection for gun owners due to pro-active local communities. Washington, Michigan and Oregon for example.

That's weird. I haven't heard of a local group?

Then again, I don't get out much. Except to shoot.

02-13-13, 12:20
WY is a pretty free state, but I don't appreciate the landscape and the weather much...

Yup, keeps the liberals out (except for Jackson Hole) :D

Heavy Metal
02-13-13, 12:22
Yup, keeps the liberals out (except for Jackson Hole) :D

Obviously, assholes relate to another hole.

Heavy Metal
02-13-13, 12:24
That's weird. I haven't heard of a local group?

Then again, I don't get out much. Except to shoot.

There is that Ro-cky M-ountain G-u-n O-wners group that is ran by Dud-ley whats-his-name(don't say it, Beetlejuice el al) that also runs N-AG-R's. I am not impressed by this guy.

02-13-13, 13:02
There is that Rocky Mountain Gun Owners group that is ran by Dudley whats-his-name(don't say it, Beetlejuice el al) that also runs NAGR's. I am not impressed by this guy.

... Huh. Got a link?

02-13-13, 13:25
As a nation we have been screwed by both republicans and democrats. I fully support VCDL in Virginia and consider their non-partisan organization to be the premier pro-gun organization in my state. I'd like to see other states get such hard charging, well organized, grassroots organizations going in their states too.

Heavy Metal
02-13-13, 13:27
... Huh. Got a link?

You can easily google it. I don't want to put this thread on his feeds by documenting too much..

02-13-13, 13:57
One of the best ways to show pushback is to keep ordering Magpul equipment I suppose.

It's too bad a few lawmakers with an ideology complex are going to put so many people out of work.

Good idea. That way you put more money into the state of colorado via taxes and regulation.

I am at the point where I will only buy from free states, and that includes manufactures.

02-13-13, 14:02
Good idea. That way you put more money into the state of colorado via taxes and regulation.

I am at the point where I will only buy from free states, and that includes manufactures.

Is that to say that you're going to boycott Magpul if they remain in Colorado?

02-13-13, 14:10
The irony of all of this is that if Magpul leaves CO, just about 1000 people will be out of a job, if they don't relocate with the company.
I thought this administration was about making new jobs and lowering unemployment rates? Oh yeah, only if it fits into their model of how to make this country more passive. :suicide: Their agenda is paramount. What do they care about the tens of thousands of business owners are worried about loosing their jobs because of a bunch of idiots in government that don't have a clue about guns and could give two shits about the Constitution. Sorry for the rant, I just woke up and I'm quite grumpy...

02-13-13, 14:13
The irony of all of this is that if Magpul leaves CO, just about 1000 people will be out of a job, if they don't relocate with the company.
I thought this administration was about making new jobs and lowering unemployment rates? Oh yeah, only if it fits into their model of how to make this country more passive. :suicide: Their agenda is paramount. What do they care about the tens of thousands of business owners are worried about loosing their jobs because of a bunch of idiots in government that don't have a clue about guns and could give two shits about the Constitution. Sorry for the rant, I just woke up and I'm quite grumpy...

It could help create jobs in conservative states, and create unemployment in liberal states. Which would bankrupt them, and maybe cause them to lose the next elections, and get republicans in. Which would probably mean more business, and get the anti-2A laws overturned.

3 AE
02-13-13, 14:13
California was a great place to grow up in the 60's & 70's. But back in the 70's there were terrible blizzards on the east coast which drove people from states like Taxachussets to California. They used their money to choke our rights & freedoms and cause strife. Then, when they couldn't stand the toxic waste dump they created, the overflow moved to Colorado and other free states, drove up property values and started their garbage again.

That's what happened to Colorado

I can tell you that sure as hell it's happening here in Oregon. The Portland metro area along with Eugene, Corvallis, Medford, Ashland, and Bend have pretty much dictated in what direction the State has and will head in the future. We have been overrun by "them" for the last ten to fifteen years. The future as a free state here is bleak indeed.

02-13-13, 14:16
I can tell you that sure as hell it's happening here in Oregon. The Portland metro area along with Eugene, Corvallis, Medford, Ashland, and Bend have pretty much dictated in what direction the State has and will head in the future. We have been overrun by "them" for the last ten to fifteen years. The future as a free state here is bleak indeed.

Ever since the mall shooting they won't shut the **** up. :rolleyes:

02-13-13, 14:17
It could help create jobs in conservative states, and create unemployment in liberal states. Which would bankrupt them, and maybe cause them to lose the next elections, and get republicans in. Which would probably mean more business, and get the anti-2A laws overturned.

Very true, but, the people that would be loosing their job at Magpul are the ones who have taken care of us for several years. As a whole, your argument is very good. As an individual that is currently supporting their family with a paycheck from Magpul, your argument is not so good.
I'm not starting an argument, I am just looking at the smaller picture I suppose.

02-13-13, 14:20
Very true, but, the people that would be loosing their job at Magpul are the ones who have taken care of us for several years. As a whole, your argument is very good. As an individual that is currently supporting their family with a paycheck from Magpul, your argument is not so good.
I'm not starting an argument, I am just looking at the smaller picture I suppose.

I'm in 100% agreement. They are the people who've taken care of us for years, but sadly, if Magpul moves then there's not much they can do except move with them. I'm sure the employees understand that, and are behind it 100%. I am also sure that they knew the company's stance when they were hired. If I was working at Magpul right now, I'd start submitting my applications the day it passed. (If it does.)

02-13-13, 14:27
I'm in 100% agreement. They are the people who've taken care of us for years, but sadly, if Magpul moves then there's not much they can do except move with them. I'm sure the employees understand that, and are behind it 100%. I am also sure that they knew the company's stance when they were hired. If I was working at Magpul right now, I'd start submitting my applications the day it passed. (If it does.)

This hits home with me because a very good friend of mine owns a company called Precision Firearms in MD. He runs the company with his wife. He is a very family minded man and is very religious. This political agenda can all but put this guy and his wife and two beautiful girls out on the street. Every time I hear about a company going under or not being legally able to operate due to anti second amendment idiots, I cringe in anger.

02-13-13, 14:28
Magpul doesn't write the law. I suggest they take their unemployment problems up with the traitors that wrote the law and their liberal douchebag friends that gave aid and comfort to the traitors.

02-13-13, 14:39
Amendments to HB1224: Mag limits increased to 15, allow in-state companies to manufacture, just not for sale in Colorado.


02-13-13, 14:50

Bring your ass to Texas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dallas is a good place to set up shop

I second that and I'm glad I'm getting out of this shithole state I'm in now. I feel bad for decent, honest gun owners and magpul employees.

3 AE
02-13-13, 15:09
It would be interesting to know what percentage of employees in the firearms related industry are members of the NRA. If every employer emphasized the importance of being a member could and would help secure and sustain their employment, that would really help get the membership enrollment up. I don't know if it would be legal as a condition of employment but peer pressure could be brought to bear.

02-13-13, 15:21
Just talked to my guy in the know about CO state politics. He forwarded me on the latest on how he sees it and who we need to pressure on the Dem side to stop it.

They just cleared the first committee last night. I think they will be on the floor Friday. Universal background checks is probably a done deal and will pass. The mag limit however is still very much in play. Magpul testified yesterday that if the bill passes they will leave Colorado. The three swing votes are:

Joseph Salazar (D-Thornton)
(303) 866-2918

Mike McLachlan (D-Durango)
(303) 866-2914

Dave Young (D-Greeley)
(303) 866-2929

02-13-13, 15:22
Posted this in the other thread, thought I should put it here too:

Just talked to my guy in the know about CO state politics. He forwarded me on the latest on how he sees it and who we need to pressure on the Dem side to stop it.

They just cleared the first committee last night. I think they will be on the floor Friday. Universal background checks is probably a done deal and will pass. The mag limit however is still very much in play. Magpul testified yesterday that if the bill passes they will leave Colorado. The three swing votes are:

Joseph Salazar (D-Thornton)
(303) 866-2918

Mike McLachlan (D-Durango)
(303) 866-2914

Dave Young (D-Greeley)
(303) 866-2929

02-13-13, 15:25
Just talked to my guy in the know about CO state politics. He forwarded me on the latest on how he sees it and who we need to pressure on the Dem side to stop it.

They just cleared the first committee last night. I think they will be on the floor Friday. Universal background checks is probably a done deal and will pass. The mag limit however is still very much in play. Magpul testified yesterday that if the bill passes they will leave Colorado. The three swing votes are:

Joseph Salazar (D-Thornton)
(303) 866-2918

Mike McLachlan (D-Durango)
(303) 866-2914

Dave Young (D-Greeley)
(303) 866-2929

All Ds? Shit. It's screwed. I'll look up their NRA ratings and see what I find though.

David Young - 50%

Mike McLachlan - 17%

Joseph Salazar - I can't find a rating for him, but he doesn't seem like a big bag o' dicks. A google search says that the NRA endorses him. So....

... Maybe it won't pass?


02-13-13, 15:26
It would be interesting to know what percentage of employees in the firearms related industry are members of the NRA. If every employer emphasized the importance of being a member could and would help secure and sustain their employment, that would really help get the membership enrollment up. I don't know if it would be legal as a condition of employment but peer pressure could be brought to bear.

"The National Rifle Association has been in support of workable, enforceable gun control legislation since its very inception in 1871."

—NRA Executive Vice President Franklin L. Orth
NRA's American Rifleman Magazine, March 1968, P. 22

02-13-13, 15:41
Posted this in the other thread, thought I should put it here too:

Just talked to my guy in the know about CO state politics. He forwarded me on the latest on how he sees it and who we need to pressure on the Dem side to stop it.

They just cleared the first committee last night. I think they will be on the floor Friday. Universal background checks is probably a done deal and will pass. The mag limit however is still very much in play. Magpul testified yesterday that if the bill passes they will leave Colorado. The three swing votes are:

Joseph Salazar (D-Thornton)
(303) 866-2918

Mike McLachlan (D-Durango)
(303) 866-2914

Dave Young (D-Greeley)
(303) 866-2929

Then I'll put this here too. NRA ratings.

David Young - 50%

Mike McLachlan - 17%

Joseph Salazar - I can't find a rating for him. But...


02-13-13, 15:47
I don't live there, but I attend school there. I emailed all three "swing votes".

02-13-13, 15:55
Amendments to HB1224: Mag limits increased to 15, allow in-state companies to manufacture, just not for sale in Colorado.


IMO, Magpul should leave CO principle even if the version of that law that potentially passes allows them to continue to sell standard capacity mags (30) out-of-state.
At this point Magpul has some cards to play (taking a good sized business to another state, CO losing tax revenue, and jobs) that could potentially save the rights of gun owners and 2A supporters in CO.

Now is not the time to compromise.. 10 vs 15.. lol... it's laughable.
Would magpuls biz carry on if manufacturing is still allowed in Co, and out of state sales are allowed?.. absolutely... would it be at the cost of their fellow citizens rights? absolutely again.

Stand firm magpul... if CO passes laws banning citizen from owning YOUR products.. Move it somewhere else.. TX is awesome.. Idaho... Utah... Magpul is surrounded by great states.. it's unfortunate CO is trying to no longer be one.

02-13-13, 16:20
Chattanooga Baby! Thats where they need to set-up shop. We have a great "new" industrial area called enterprise south with its own exit off I-75. Chattanooga will do whatever it takes to get new buisness here, just look at Volkswagen and their tax free status.
My brother lives in Boulder so he can help you pack, and I'll help you un-pack.;)

02-13-13, 16:21
IMO, Magpul should leave CO principle even if the version of that law that potentially passes allows them to continue to sell standard capacity mags (30) out-of-state.
At this point Magpul has some cards to play (taking a good sized business to another state, CO losing tax revenue, and jobs) that could potentially save the rights of gun owners and 2A supporters in CO.

Now is not the time to compromise.. 10 vs 15.. lol... it's laughable.
Would magpuls biz carry on if manufacturing is still allowed in Co, and out of state sales are allowed?.. absolutely... would it be at the cost of their fellow citizens rights? absolutely again.

Stand firm magpul... if CO passes laws banning citizen from owning YOUR products.. Move it somewhere else.. TX is awesome.. Idaho... Utah... Magpul is surrounded by great states.. it's unfortunate CO is trying to no longer be one.

Yea I agree. If this passes but the fire calms at the federal level I'd hope they leave the state and move to a better one. Personally I'd put "**** Colorado" on my standard product for a few years after moving just to be an ass.

02-13-13, 16:38
Is the last bit over the top? I feel it is the only thing that politicians really understand?

Mr. McLachlan,
I don't know what to think of politicians these days. Do you guys actually want to make a difference or do you just want to pass laws that don't really fix problems?
We have a drug violence problem. We have a suicide problem. We have a psychopath problem. For some reason people want to take the easiest road and try to ban and limit inanimate objects. As if that will stop drug turf wars or psychos from walking into our lives and taking them away.
I applaud your desire to stop these problems, I just wonder if you have the strength and intelligence to pass over these knee jerk legislation to address real problems.
The magazine limit ban is the ultimate in mislaid intentions. Oddly enough, in many recent mass shootings it is the high capacity magazines that have jammed that lead to less deaths. (The movie theatre shooting and the Washington State mall shooting.) There are literally tens of millions of these standard capacity (20-30rnd) magazines in circulation yet they are involved in very few shootings, even by FBI crime stats. We are basing these new laws on Sandy Hook tragedy, but we still don’t' even have the details from that shooting. Perhaps that is because leaked reports say that while the shooter used standard capacity magazines, he kept inserting new magazines and discarding half full magazines- a common 'tactic' used in video games.
Listen, I don't want to bore you or your email reader with facts. You should know that every single argument put forth by the gun grabbers can easily be refuted.
Let's talk about reality. If you pass the mag limit ban in the name of stopping psychos with guns, what are you going to tell the next group of victims’ families when it all happens again? That you should of gone for a 10 round, or a 7 round or a 5 round limit? Work for real changes to keep guns out of the hands of psychos.
The other reality is that if I have to sell all the mags for my sporting rifles and self-defense handguns because of the 15 round limit, I am going to sell them at the currently inflated prices and all that money, and I'm talking thousands of dollars, will be used to finance your opponents. In primary and in the general election. That and you can bet that I'll show up at a few of your events with signs like "McLachlan voted away my civil rights". Don't tell me about grandfathering- that should be called 'prove-your-innocent" clause. They'll arrest us and confiscate our civil rights and make us pay a lawyer to get them back.
Please, sir. Make a difference. Thank you for your consideration.
Best Regards,

02-13-13, 16:40
Yea I agree. If this passes but the fire calms at the federal level I'd hope they leave the state and move to a better one. Personally I'd put "**** Colorado" on my standard product for a few years after moving just to be an ass.

I think a more subtle "FCO" on the products would be appreciated by most. ;)

02-13-13, 16:41
I haven't read the bill, and if possible, I'm sure this will go to the courts, but if it does indeed restrict Magpul's production, I WELCOME THEM TO IDAHO!

Better yet - TENNESSEE! "The patron state of shooting stuff."

02-13-13, 16:50
Is the last bit over the top? I feel it is the only thing that politicians really understand?

I like it.

02-13-13, 16:52
If this shit sticks I will no longer be spending any money in that beautiful state on vacations there. There are plenty of other outdoor playgrounds that don't hinder my rights.

02-13-13, 17:05
We're holding firm to the stance that if our employees, neighbors, and other responsible Citizens of CO can't own our products, we're not going to enrich the state by making them here.

We're continuing to make our appeals on the economic argument, since all others fall on deaf ears. We're in the 2-Minute drill phase, gents.

02-13-13, 17:10
I like it.

02-13-13, 17:15
Rock on. Stick to your guns. (Or in this case, mags.)

D. Christopher
02-13-13, 17:19
Colorado doesn't have anything I can't live without. I'll miss going to The Buckhorn Exchange in Denver but I usually only get to go about once a year anyway. No big deal. With the exception of the thousands of dollars I've spent on Magpul products, I can't think of any CO. companies that I do business with on a regular basis. I'll continue to support Magpul and make a point to not spend any money in their state when I'm passing through.

On a related note, the Tennessee "Guns in Trunks" bill just passed subcommittee in a very quick vote and appears to be headed to a positive conclusion. They seem to be headed in the right direction with regards to individual rights.

02-13-13, 17:30
We're holding firm to the stance that if our employees, neighbors, and other responsible Citizens of CO can't own our products, we're not going to enrich the state by making them here.

We're continuing to make our appeals on the economic argument, since all others fall on deaf ears. We're in the 2-Minute drill phase, gents.

Standup. Looks like Magpul is the kind of company I always assumed them to be.

02-13-13, 17:38
Don't waste your time making elaborate arguments, guys. Simply state your opposition, CITING THE BILL NUMBER, and let your vote be counted.

These guys have interns counting the votes. Your passionate defense of the RKBA is a hash mark in the "NO" column. The whiny gun-grabbing pantywaist in the next email is a hash mark in the "YES" column. The weight of your argument is irrelevant, but your attitude can reflect negatively on our cause.

So keep it short, to the point, and don't fantasize that you'll change their mind with your articulate and rousing analysis of the Federalist Papers.

02-13-13, 17:40
If I were in charge of magpul, I would move regardless of the outcome of this legislation. I would begin preparations to move to Laramie or Cheyenne now.

02-13-13, 17:52
Yep...put your opposition and the bill number in the subject line or in the first 5 seconds of the call. They are so overwhelmed with calls and e-mails that it's out of control...it appears that most don't care about the wishes of their constituents, however. A healthy dose of Bloomburg money is most likely bolstering their "convictions".

02-13-13, 17:53
We're holding firm to the stance that if our employees, neighbors, and other responsible Citizens of CO can't own our products, we're not going to enrich the state by making them here.

We're continuing to make our appeals on the economic argument, since all others fall on deaf ears. We're in the 2-Minute drill phase, gents.

Good to hear this from the source. Dig your heels in boys and give'em hell.

02-13-13, 18:13
We're holding firm to the stance that if our employees, neighbors, and other responsible Citizens of CO can't own our products, we're not going to enrich the state by making them here.

We're continuing to make our appeals on the economic argument, since all others fall on deaf ears. We're in the 2-Minute drill phase, gents.

We'll fight until we can't


02-13-13, 18:15
We're holding firm to the stance that if our employees, neighbors, and other responsible Citizens of CO can't own our products, we're not going to enrich the state by making them here.

We're continuing to make our appeals on the economic argument, since all others fall on deaf ears. We're in the 2-Minute drill phase, gents.

Fantastic!!! And thank you!! I grew up in CO and now live in TX... My wife and I have been planning to move back to CO this summer.. But obviously if these thing passes, I'm not leaving TX (nor my AR's).

At this point, how can we help you and our brothers and sisters in CO?

02-13-13, 18:54
I'm beginning to think about moving across the Fort Collins border into WY. My work commute would be 45 minutes, but I would be in a free state at least...**** this shit.

02-13-13, 19:11
I'm thinking or moving now too.


02-13-13, 19:16
We're holding firm to the stance that if our employees, neighbors, and other responsible Citizens of CO can't own our products, we're not going to enrich the state by making them here.

We're continuing to make our appeals on the economic argument, since all others fall on deaf ears. We're in the 2-Minute drill phase, gents.

Excellent! This is what it's going to take and I hope other manufacturer's in states like CO do the same.

02-13-13, 19:19
Amendments to HB1224: Mag limits increased to 15, allow in-state companies to manufacture, just not for sale in Colorado.


No doubt the manufacturing exception was added for fear of losing the tax revenue.

02-13-13, 19:19
We're holding firm to the stance that if our employees, neighbors, and other responsible Citizens of CO can't own our products, we're not going to enrich the state by making them here.

We're continuing to make our appeals on the economic argument, since all others fall on deaf ears. We're in the 2-Minute drill phase, gents.
Its a sad state of affairs. Good for you guys for sticking to your principles and seeking alternate plans. I heard Gov. Perry of Texas is looking for successful, innovative companies to move to Texas.

3 AE
02-13-13, 19:29
We're holding firm to the stance that if our employees, neighbors, and other responsible Citizens of CO can't own our products, we're not going to enrich the state by making them here.

We're continuing to make our appeals on the economic argument, since all others fall on deaf ears. We're in the 2-Minute drill phase, gents.

YES!!! Screw "them" if they don't care. I've purchased many Magpul products in the last two years for these simple reasons,

1) Made in the USA.
2) Quality products that enhance functionality and durability.
3) Affordable price points.

Your stance on this Bill and the consequence should it pass has pushed my respect for Magpul right off the charts! Continued success no matter where you're situated. Thanks for taking the "High Road". 3 AE

02-13-13, 19:35
"Fight the power!"

02-13-13, 20:11
Virginia has a very pro-active gun rights orginazation, perhaps the best in the nation, the VCDL. In spite of its purple proclivities of late, the pro-gunners strongly have the initative there.

There are several states much bluer than VA that still has strong protection for gun owners due to pro-active local communities. Washington, Michigan and Oregon for example.

Colorado needed something like the VCDL 5 years ago.

Yeah, but they eat freedom piece by piece. Guns may not be on the "shit to destroy/regulate/call racist" list in VA now. But give it five years, ten years, thirty years. The statists and leftists and authoritarians are always among us. They're willing to take their time, as long as they can keep moving forward on some destructive front. It is happening in my beloved home state of New Hampshire. ****ing Masshole communists...

02-13-13, 20:56
I'm thinking or moving now too.


For me, its not just gun rights anymore. Its the fact that this ship is sinking in so many ways, and its time to jump ship. I dont plan to comply, so I might as well go somewhere that I wont be considered an enemy of the state.

02-13-13, 21:16
We're holding firm to the stance that if our employees, neighbors, and other responsible Citizens of CO can't own our products, we're not going to enrich the state by making them here.

We're continuing to make our appeals on the economic argument, since all others fall on deaf ears. We're in the 2-Minute drill phase, gents.


Also, to me, it's rather sad to see the further (or potential) Californication of the Free States. It's sad.

Larry Vickers
02-13-13, 21:43
Magpul you have my support - stay in the fight and know your not alone

02-13-13, 22:28
Thanks Larry, and to the rest of you we are fighting for and with.

02-13-13, 22:53
We're holding firm to the stance that if our employees, neighbors, and other responsible Citizens of CO can't own our products, we're not going to enrich the state by making them here.

We're continuing to make our appeals on the economic argument, since all others fall on deaf ears. We're in the 2-Minute drill phase, gents.

Thoroughly impressed! Hats off to you and everyone else at Magpul.

02-13-13, 23:41
I applaud Magpul for doing whatever they can to make the politicians see the light. Unfortunately some of our politicians are idiots and couldn't find their ass if it was on their face.

Regardless of what you guys decide (and I am sure that it will be a difficult choice regardless) you will have the support of many of us in the industry.

3 AE
02-13-13, 23:47
I'm hoping that Magpul, and all the other manufacturers of weapons, magazines, optics, ammo, and parts, join the boycott of restricting or banning sales to city, county, and state govt. agencies of states that restrict or ban sales to their own law abiding citizens. When agencies can't get what they need, they'll bitch to their respective agency heads , who will bitch to their mayors, who will bitch to their governor who will be pressured to veto bills that only make their citizens less safe and more prone to arrests and prosecution.

Any sales lost to those government agencies will be more than made up for by the civilian populace in the rest of the country. This would help alleviate the shortage to civilians that we are experiencing at the present. We have the money, we just need the products. I know this is a very simplistic attitude on my part, but it's mine and I'm sticking with it! ;)

02-14-13, 00:28
How many different threads about this do we need?

02-14-13, 01:38
I emailed them all last week. CO has great gun laws (excluding Denver) and it would really be sad if the all the Kalifornians no trying to rule CO get this passed.

02-14-13, 01:46
I emailed them all last week. CO has great gun laws (excluding Denver) and it would really be sad if the all the Kalifornians no trying to rule CO get this passed.

Wonder how it would affect the major 3gun matches that we have now. Isn't the one at CRC sponsored by Noveske?

02-14-13, 09:07
I've started looking for property in Wyoming and Texas...

02-14-13, 17:22
I've started looking for property in Wyoming and Texas...

Us too Cam. Still interested in that idea of going in on a 'compound' in Texas? ;)

02-14-13, 18:18
Us too Cam. Still interested in that idea of going in on a 'compound' in Texas? ;)

Jer and Cam, if you are seriously thinking about moving to Wy, shoot me a PM as I would like to move after my lease ends in April-June. Cheyenne is what I have my sights on, so I can continue to work in Greeley, I think my commute would be about 45 minutes.

02-14-13, 20:28
I've started looking for property in Wyoming and Texas...

Kiwi's are absolutely welcome in Texas. My dentist is originally from Wellington, and a terrific guy.

If you want to move here, let me know, and I'll help.

02-14-13, 23:32
Jer and Cam, if you are seriously thinking about moving to Wy, shoot me a PM as I would like to move after my lease ends in April-June. Cheyenne is what I have my sights on, so I can continue to work in Greeley, I think my commute would be about 45 minutes.

Cheyenne would be nice since it's about 30min from where we live now. It would also put us 30min closer to where my wife and I are both from. If I could find a good paying job in IT with a proven company who cares about their employees would would consider a move. I'm afraid this one is all over at this point as the agenda doesn't seem to care that 2x the amount of residents are against these bills as those who support it. It's a blue state and I have a feeling it's all over other than the ink to dry. I refuse to live in a state run by a bunch of idiots who lack the common sense that god gave a door knob. My future and my safety are not to be mucked with. You want to smoke pot? That's fine. Have at it. You want to keep me from protecting the life of my wife and I? Eat shit and die in a fire.

02-14-13, 23:33
Kiwi's are absolutely welcome in Texas. My dentist is originally from Wellington, and a terrific guy.

If you want to move here, let me know, and I'll help.

We live Texas too and just spent some time between the DFW area, San Antonio and everywhere in between in May. It may be a little too hot and humid for me but my wife loved it. I really liked Texas other than that. I would like if it wasn't in such close proximity to the Mexico's but whatever.

02-15-13, 06:36
The liberals have infected Va. They have seeped in from DC and MD and other northern states. It is only a matter of time before they do this to the home state of the NRA. There is a chance that this could happen in Texas as well eventually.

02-15-13, 08:16
The liberals have infected Va. They have seeped in from DC and MD and other northern states. It is only a matter of time before they do this to the home state of the NRA. There is a chance that this could happen in Texas as well eventually.
They already have and continue to do so. Austin has long been known as liberal city, well before the the 20 years I have lived here. Austin, Dallas, Houston and the Rio Grande Valley are majority liberal cities based on how they voted in 2012:

Rick Perry is actively courting California businesses. I wish he would stop.

The City of Austin is already way too Californicated for me.

02-15-13, 08:17
All VA needs to do is cede NoVA over to DC/MD.

02-15-13, 08:40
All VA needs to do is cede NoVA over to DC/MD.

Not to MD, to DC, along with Montgomery & PG County!

02-15-13, 10:17
"As of now, I'm encouraging anyone, regardless of their state of residence, to email these people and let them know they oppose these bills. My thought is that they don't have to be a resident here to disagree with them, and right now, the more the better. I put some instructions for some folks at the bottom of this email list. Please use freely as you'd like:

john.buckner.house@state.co.us, perrybuck49@gmail.com, kathleen.conti.house@state.co.us, don.coram.house@state.co.us, lois.court.house@state.co.us, brian@briandelgrosso.com, tim.dore.house@state.co.us, crisanta.duran.house@state.co.us, justin.everett.house@state.co.us, thomas.exum.house@state.co.us, mferrandino@yahoo.com, rhonda.fields.house@state.co.us, randyfischer@frii.com, mike.foote.house@state.co.us, leroy.garcia.house@state.co.us, bob.gardner.house@state.co.us, cheri.gerou@gmail.com, joann.ginal.house@state.co.us, millie.hamner.house@state.co.us, chris.holbert.house@state.co.us, chris.holbert.house@state.co.us, dl.hullinghorst.house@state.co.us, rephumphrey48@yahoo.com, janak.joshi.house@state.co.us, repkagan@gmail.com, reptracy29@gmail.com, jeanne.labuda.house@state.co.us, lois.landgraf.house@state.co.us, polly.lawrence.house@state.co.us, steve.lebsock.house@state.co.us, pete.lee.house@state.co.us, claire.levy.house@state.co.us, jenise.may.house@state.co.us, beth.mccann.house@state.co.us, mike.mclachlan.house@state.co.us, jovan.melton.house@state.co.us, diane.mitschbush.house@state.co.us, dominick.moreno.house@state.co.us, murrayhouse45@gmail.com, clarice.navarro.house@state.co.us, dan.nordberg.house@state.co.us, dan.pabon.house@state.co.us, cherylin.peniston.house@state.co.us, brittany.pettersen.house@state.co.us, dianne.primavera.house@state.co.us, kpriola@gmail.com, bob.rankin.house@state.co.us, paul.rosenthal.house@state.co.us, su.ryden.house@state.co.us, lori.saine.house@state.co.us, joseph.salazar.house@state.co.us, sue.schafer.house@state.co.us, ray.scott.house@state.co.us, jonathan.singer.house@state.co.us, jerry@repsonnenberg.com, amy.stephens.house@state.co.us, spencer.swalm.house@state.co.us, libby.szabo.house@state.co.us, max@maxtyler.us, edvigil1@gmail.com, mark.waller.house@state.co.us, angela.williams.house@state.co.us, james.wilson.house@state.co.us, jared.wright.house@state.co.us, dave.young.house@state.co.us

You can email them several times if you'd like, or even every hour.

Quick tip: keep the email as short as possible. Put something like "I oppose gun control bills HB-1224, HB-1226, HB-1228, and HB-1229" in the subject line and something similar in the email body. "

Please anyone and everyone- regardless of the state you live in; contact these people and be clear/concise/quick to the point. Tell them to vote NO on the above legislation!

Thank you for your help and time. Many/most of you don't live in Colorado, but the infection will come to you; let's stop it here and now- kill this shit before it comes to a legislature near you. Please- anyone and everyone who has a moment to voice their opinions CALL THESE PEOPLE and do so.

Just think of how empowered the left will be if they can take Free Colorado and turn it into Kommiefornia 2.0. They will push into your states with the same BS!

Let's not allow what our forefathers fought and died for to be killed off by spineless politicians and hollow men/women who don't get or have forgotten what America is and should be.

They are trying to put HB1224 (Magazine capacity limit) on the floor for a vote on Monday 2/18/2013- PLEASE reach out and help your brothers/sisters in Colorado defeat this bullshit power grab!


96 SS
02-15-13, 10:31
Great list!
Starting now.

02-15-13, 11:05
Great list!
Starting now.

Thank you for your time and effort Sir- IT IS GREATLY APPRECIATED!

Colorado thanks you!

02-15-13, 12:07

Watch the house session live if you cannot make it to the Capital building in Denver.

02-15-13, 15:06
Did they pass it? I've been absent for a day or two.

02-15-13, 15:18
There is a chance that this could happen in Texas as well eventually.

This is exactly why POTUS and his ilk are pushing for the legalization of millions of illegals.

02-15-13, 15:50
Did they pass it? I've been absent for a day or two.

They're discussing it now. Nothing but concise, factual and analytic statements from the group against these bills. One after the other and far more than those who are speaking in support of the bills. The pro group is a bunch of ****ing morons.

Mauser KAR98K
02-15-13, 16:27
Just passed the house from what I heard with a yell vote, no record vote. What an absolute crock of crap. Representation is no longer valid anymore.

Whoever thought the jeopardy of our rights are over, think again. This just gave Dems in D.C. the green light once more coming from a "swing" state. Folks in CO, mobilize and kick those Kalifornians out of your state legislature.

(Correction: Must have a third reading before the final vote. Then on to the Senate).

02-15-13, 16:29
Just passed the house from what I heard with a yell vote, no record vote. What an absolute crock of crap. Representation is no longer valid anymore.

Whoever thought the jeopardy of our rights are over, think again. This just gave Dems in D.C. the green light once more coming from a "swing" state. Folks in CO, mobilize and kick those Kalifornians out of your state legislature.

So it passed?...

02-15-13, 16:29
Just passed the house from what I heard with a yell vote, no record vote. What an absolute crock of crap. Representation is no longer valid anymore.

Whoever thought the jeopardy of our rights are over, think again. This just gave Dems in D.C. the green light once more coming from a "swing" state. Folks in CO, mobilize and kick those Kalifornians out of your state legislature.

It was a voice vote only. The official vote will come next week but it doesn't look good for freedom at this point.

02-15-13, 17:28
I just received a response from Tim Kaine about a letter I sent. He basically stated he is going to defend our rights to hunt and is open to reasonable restrictions on magazine capacity and assault weapons.

Virginia is screwed. Ill keep writing my reps but these douchebags aren't listening.

02-15-13, 17:50
What is a reasonable mag restriction? 2 rounds is surely plenty. Plus, how much damage could 10 rounds from an SR25 (7.62) really do? Maybe 10 bodies? That's surely not enough to make Piers Morgan sob.

I like how hunters are the focus of gun rights. God forbid the hunters suffer but those of us who hunt steel and paper game don't deserve the same consideration. Those of us who hunt predators in our homes in the middle of the night don't deserve representation. Those of us who hunt would be carjackers trying to take our vehicle with our children in it don't deserve to have adequate defense. Those of us who hunt predators in a bad area because of where we work don't deserve self preservation. I'm tired of others being represented. I'm tired of only hunters having a voice with these sleaze ball politicians.

These people can't keep firearms out of the hands of criminals. Ban them all I guess. Of course they will just smuggle in guns and ammo and magazines in the bales of marijuana and buckets of methamphetamine that also happen to be outlawed.

Goodbye Colorado. You guys couldn't stop pollution in Denver, good luck stopping "high capacity" magazines.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

02-15-13, 18:21
These people can't keep firearms out of the hands of criminals.

They can't keep them out of our hands either.

02-15-13, 21:46
This is terrible. If CO can do this, I fear for our rights in many other states. I hope that this is challenged and beaten in court if it actually passes a full vote.

Are we on the verge of a mass exodus of people who believe in the 2A from newly restrictive states to Redder pastures? I suspect so.

Personally I will be boycotting any further ski trips to CO if this actually passes. I recommend others do the same.

02-15-13, 21:56
Not done yet. Sounds like they are trying to ram the counted vote/3rd reading in tomorrow. We've got a full court press going on the radio, papers, blogs, social media, etc. and are lobbying hard to get the 2 more votes we need.

02-15-13, 21:58
Not done yet. Sounds like they are trying to ram the counted vote/3rd reading in tomorrow. We've got a full court press going on the radio, papers, blogs, social media, etc. and are lobbying hard to get the 2 more votes we need.

When will we all find out for sure of the final decision? I had some people commenting on FB that it was already done for and such, but I didn't find any other info that confirmed that.

02-15-13, 22:03
They should move, and go to a free state. Guess what? Those libs don't care about Magpul's employees and I saw one of males refer to their 'husband' in LE.

Face it. CO is a blue state now, and maybe Magpul can offer people a relocation bonus to come down here (Texas) to come with them. Don't buy into a special provision because in the end they don't really care. Its just a save face thing that takes them a few minutes while Magpul will contribute millions to the local economy.

02-15-13, 22:36
They should move, and go to a free state. Guess what? Those libs don't care about Magpul's employees and I saw one of males refer to their 'husband' in LE.

Face it. CO is a blue state now, and maybe Magpul can offer people a relocation bonus to come down here (Texas) to come with them. Don't buy into a special provision because in the end they don't really care. Its just a save face thing that takes them a few minutes while Magpul will contribute millions to the local economy.

Ok, so I'm not the only one who caught that. Wants constitutional rights while he fights to take ours in the same breath. Seems a little hypocritical to me.

02-15-13, 22:40
There's a special place in Hell for gays, blacks, and illegal aliens who support gun control.

You want your rights, but want to take away (y)ours?

02-15-13, 22:41
Ok, so I'm not the only one who caught that. Wants constitutional rights while he fights to take ours in the same breath. Seems a little hypothetical to me.


02-15-13, 23:13
Move to Montana. We have perhaps the MOST friendly state for firearms ownership, CCW, firearms production/manufacture, etc.

The list of quality firearms start ups and seasoned manufacturers is growing daily in this state.

Elite Iron (suppressors), Blackops Precision, Defiance Machine, Cooper Firearms, Montana Rifleworks, SI Defense, Nemo, ...........


We would welcome and support and defend any company that moved to Montana.............I guarantee you that.

Montana - The last best place, and what America used to be.

02-15-13, 23:14
Not done yet. Sounds like they are trying to ram the counted vote/3rd reading in tomorrow. We've got a full court press going on the radio, papers, blogs, social media, etc. and are lobbying hard to get the 2 more votes we need.

If we lose this battle and Magpul ends up relocating keep me in mind. I would be glad to go wherever Magpul decides is best and work for a company that stands for something. It's rare in this day and age to see people stand for what's right and I would be proud to be associated with such a company. I've always been a big fan going years back and was equally proud that Magpul was a Colorado company. I'm even more proud today to see them stand by their word shoulder to shoulder with Colorado residents like myself fighting this injustice. I do IT but I will mop the floors if they'll have me so PM me and let me know if you can get me in front of someone for an interview or at least pass along my info. If this load of BS passes I too will be looking to relocate to a state that values it's citizen's right to defend themselves above their desire to grow government control. Thank you.


D'oh! Da Spell checka gots meh! :D

02-15-13, 23:24
Move to Montana. We have perhaps the MOST friendly state for firearms ownership, CCW, firearms production/manufacture, etc.

The list of quality firearms start ups and seasoned manufacturers is growing daily in this state.

Elite Iron (suppressors), Blackops Precision, Defiance Machine, Cooper Firearms, Montana Rifleworks, SI Defense, Nemo, ...........


We would welcome and support and defend any company that moved to Montana.............I guarantee you that.

Montana - The last best place, and what America used to be.

Is there snow/rain there?

If yes: I'm in.

Is the average temperature higher than like 60*F?

If yes: forget it.

02-15-13, 23:29
If we lose this battle and Magpul ends up relocating keep me in mind. I would be glad to go wherever Magpul decides is best and work for a company that stands for something. It's rare in this day and age to see people stand for what's right and I would be proud to be associated with such a company. I've always been a big fan going years back and was equally proud that Magpul was a Colorado company. I'm even more proud today to see them stand by their word shoulder to shoulder with Colorado residents like myself fighting this injustice. I do IT but I will mop the floors if they'll have me so PM me and let me know if you can get me in front of someone for an interview or at least pass along my info. If this load of BS passes I too will be looking to relocate to a state that values it's citizen's right to defend themselves above their desire to grow government control. Thank you.

D'oh! Da Spell checka gots meh! :D

The area surrounding Austin just became the fastest growing in the country. Would be a great place for Magpul with lots of tech expertise and LaRue is 5 minutes from my house....

02-15-13, 23:44
The area surrounding Austin just became the fastest growing in the country. Would be a great place for Magpul with lots of tech expertise and LaRue is 5 minutes from my house....

The wife and I just visited TX this May and both liked it. Only downside is I'm more of a cold weather fella so the heat and humidity was a bit much for me. She loved it. We checked out Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, San Antonio and everywhere in between. She's a dental assistant so finding a job for her would be easy. We really like our house, neighborhood and all of our friends here but we take our right to protect ourselves seriously.

02-15-13, 23:54
The wife and I just visited TX this May and both liked it. Only downside is I'm more of a cold weather fella so the heat and humidity was a bit much for me. She loved it. We checked out Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, San Antonio and everywhere in between. She's a dental assistant so finding a job for her would be easy. We really like our house, neighborhood and all of our friends here but we take our right to protect ourselves seriously.

Austin is mostly dry heat, and I'm someone who HATES humidity. I detist it, and if it was like that during the summer I would move. My wife has family in Alabama, and I have a visitation moratorium there from April-Oct. Austin isn't like that. If you do consider the area Williamson County is GTG. Travis (almost all of Austin city limits) is a NO GO.

02-15-13, 23:56
Austin is mostly dry heat, and I'm someone who HATES humidity. I detist it, and if it was like that during the summer I would move. My wife has family in Alabama, and I have a visitation moratorium there from April-Oct. Austin isn't like that. If you do consider the area Williamson County is GTG. Travis (almost all of Austin city limits) is a NO GO.

It was more dry than San Antonio that's for sure. None of it is as dry as Colorado though. I love the weather here. Thanks for the pro-tip on the Austin area though.

02-16-13, 00:20
A little something I whipped up in Publisher.


02-16-13, 01:11
A little something I whipped up in Publisher.


If you'll take constructive criticism, move the Texas a little more to the left so there's more space between it and the m. But looks great!

I'd rather them move to Vegas, but that's just me :p

3 AE
02-16-13, 01:13
Damn, that looks goood! Can you do several others using a logo to reflect the goodness of Wyoming, Tennessee, Montana, etc.?

02-16-13, 05:29
To quote Monty Python, we're not dead yet!

That said, it would be nice if magpul would give CO residents preference before the 7/1 deadline so we could buy a "lifetime" supply of 30 round magazines.

02-16-13, 08:08
That said, it would be nice if magpul would give CO residents preference before the 7/1 deadline so we could buy a "lifetime" supply of 30 round magazines.

If the law went into effect, is there a transportation clause? If MD passes the ban on > 10 it will be grandfathered, BUT illegal to transport! :mad: :mad:

02-16-13, 08:45
To quote Monty Python, we're not dead yet!

That said, it would be nice if magpul would give CO residents preference before the 7/1 deadline so we could buy a "lifetime" supply of 30 round magazines.

I've already got a lifetime supply. And then some. That's not really the point.

02-16-13, 09:08
If you'll take constructive criticism, move the Texas a little more to the left....

Aren't the illegals taking care of that? ;)

Personally I think Magpul should go for a complete change of scenery and move Virginia a little more to the right.

02-16-13, 11:55
If you'll take constructive criticism, move the Texas a little more to the left so there's more space between it and the m. But looks great!

I'd rather them move to Vegas, but that's just me :p

I knew I'd get dogged for that! I was more trying to create a visual commentary than graphic art for the new run of labels. In the spirit of free use and cooperation, the above design is, however, free to Magpul to use as needed, God knows they've given me enough free stuff over the past five years.

02-16-13, 14:05
Kmrtnsn - that's is a neat logo, thanks for posting that. You should send that to Governor Perry's office as a subtle hint. I bet he'd love it.

But honestly, the entire thought of Magpul being forced out of Colorado just makes my blood boil. They have created close to a thousand jobs, paid taxes for decades, and followed every rule. Now they get told "Tought shit, we're possibly shutting you down on a few months notice."

They have likely paid millions in taxes. It would probably boggle the mind, if you tallied up all the years of military and law enforcement service their people have.

What a crummy, crummy deal. I hope they win, and have written letters to the Colorado politicians to try and help. If that fails, I'll write checks to their political opponets in their upcoming races.

02-16-13, 17:16
You guys better work up a logo with the dark side if the moon on it. Some dems were getting soft on the proposed law and now Biden is in town and they are getting a lot of pressure from the WH. The dems see this as a way to re-boot the national debate. 'Even a western state like CO has passed these laws...."

02-16-13, 21:51
But honestly, the entire thought of Magpul being forced out of Colorado just makes my blood boil. They have created close to a thousand jobs, paid taxes for decades, and followed every rule. Now they get told "Tought shit, we're possibly shutting you down on a few months notice."

They have likely paid millions in taxes. It would probably boggle the mind, if you tallied up all the years of military and law enforcement service their people have.

What a crummy, crummy deal. I hope they win, and have written letters to the Colorado politicians to try and help. If that fails, I'll write checks to their political opponets in their upcoming races.

My sentiments exactly.

02-16-13, 21:59
If this does pass, how long before they change the name of the state to Calirado?

02-16-13, 22:06
I have been writing every Colorado senator, congressman, governor, etc. daily for the past week.

SOBs don't even have the courtesy to write back, much less vote no.

Congratulations california liberals, you killed it.

02-16-13, 22:45
Congratulations california liberals, you killed it.

I actually picked Colorado as the state I wanted to live in and start my own business, and raise a family because of the pro-freedom legislature, and I remember when I first came to Colorado in 2000, I saw a white Jeep with a Colorado "Native" bumper sticker and a huge decal on the back window that said, "Don't Californicate Colorado!" It is so incredibly sad to see the libtards absolutely destroy California and then flee to Colorado and set about doing the same here, a sort of horrible antithesis of the "Free State Project"....

I too have a lifetime supply of the items they are most likely to ban, but I am seriously considering my options for moving my primary residence to a more freedom friendly state.

I just chatted with a Colorado native and long time friend, he put forward the hypothesis that perhaps the push back against these egregious violations of our rights will swing the pendulum back in the favour of the Republican in the next elections... but I'm not going to hold my breath.


Mauser KAR98K
02-16-13, 23:18
Though if I were a resident and this (will) come to pass, my urge is to leave...but I think that is what the libs want you to do. Leave so they can have complete rein of the state. Once they screw that one up, they move off to the next.

I urge you all to give what the mid term out, or state calling for recall votes. If MAGPUL does leave and other manufactures, and dealers start shutting doors because they cannot sell products that were popular and generated money, and if hunters boycott CO and the tax money starts going down, it might turn the tide. If enough people are thrown out of work because of this, it might turn the tide. Remember what happened to the Dems and Reps who voted for the 1994 AWB.

Stick it out and fight back. If nothing changes and if rulings are not made to make these laws unconstitutional (which they are) then leave.

02-16-13, 23:50
I actually picked Colorado as the state I wanted to live in and start my own business, and raise a family because of the pro-freedom legislature, and I remember when I first came to Colorado in 2000, I saw a white Jeep with a Colorado "Native" bumper sticker and a huge decal on the back window that said, "Don't Californicate Colorado!" It is so incredibly sad to see the libtards absolutely destroy California and then flee to Colorado and set about doing the same here, a sort of horrible antithesis of the "Free State Project"....

I too have a lifetime supply of the items they are most likely to ban, but I am seriously considering my options for moving my primary residence to a more freedom friendly state.

I just chatted with a Colorado native and long time friend, he put forward the hypothesis that perhaps the push back against these egregious violations of our rights will swing the pendulum back in the favour of the Republican in the next elections... but I'm not going to hold my breath.


People in California said that decades ago man. I almost moved there in the mid 90's and I'm SO glad I didn't. I chose Colorado for many reasons and all it will take is a couple of my rights taken from me and all that goes down the drain. If this goes down I don't think I'll stick around to see how things pan out.

02-16-13, 23:55
Though if I were a resident and this (will) come to pass, my urge is to leave...but I think that is what the libs want you to do. Leave so they can have complete rein of the state. Once they screw that one up, they move off to the next.

I urge you all to give what the mid term out, or state calling for recall votes. If MAGPUL does leave and other manufactures, and dealers start shutting doors because they cannot sell products that were popular and generated money, and if hunters boycott CO and the tax money starts going down, it might turn the tide. If enough people are thrown out of work because of this, it might turn the tide. Remember what happened to the Dems and Reps who voted for the 1994 AWB.

Stick it out and fight back. If nothing changes and if rulings are not made to make these laws unconstitutional (which they are) then leave.

The AWB of '94 was nation wide. Where were you going to move that didn't involve moving out of country? This is different & I would rather have this as much as I love Colorado. If the state wants to bet all looney tunes then I can move to another state that more aligns with my ideals. This is how the Republic was founded although they didn't have infringing on rights in mind when the set it up this way. Sure, I can stick around years until they sort things out or I can take it as a sign that this state will just have WAY too much bullshit going on moving forward and I will be focused on that rather than living my life happily as a free man in a state that respects my rights. You can't really compare this to the AWB of '94 because it's different in just about every way.

02-17-13, 00:18
Sure, I can stick around years until they sort things out or I can take it as a sign that this state will just have WAY too much bullshit going on moving forward and I will be focused on that rather than living my life happily as a free man in a state that respects my rights.

I have made sure to mention in all of my communications with the law makers here that as a professional engineer I would much rather bring my talents to another state to practice.

ETA: My wording was unclear in this post. I meant to say that in the event of the passage of the bills in question, I would no longer choose to work, and reside in the State of Colorado.

This whole thing really sucks because I currently attend the University of Colorado Denver. To say Auraria can get sketchy is an understatement. I frequently receive announcements from the Auraria Police Department reporting violent crimes on the campus. In my 3 years at this school I have seen events of armed robbery, assault, rape, and even homicide reported by the school police department. There are many bums, homeless, etc. who are non-students and who frequent the campus. I have a Denver County CCW Permit, and I choose to conceal carry every day I attend school. Especially given the fact that as an engineer I frequently carry with me a roughly $3000 worth of laptop and other tools of the trade in my backpack. Having them pull that right out from under me makes me sick. I have now become a target, and a pawn to be sacrificed in the name of "gun-free zones".

02-17-13, 00:26
I have made sure to mention in all of my communications with the law makers here that as a professional engineer I would much rather bring my talents to another state to practice.

Exactly. Someone can pay income tax, sales tax, property tax and various other fees to a state that doesn't respect their rights but not this guy. Hell they can do it in this house for all I care because I won't need it.

02-17-13, 01:59
Looks like these have passed the House in Colorado, so the Senate is a surewin. All 4 passed.

02-17-13, 02:08
Looks like these have passed the House in Colorado, so the Senate is a surewin. All 4 passed.

This has already been discussed. Why would you link to that site of all the sites this information is on? The comments are painful.

02-17-13, 02:10
This has already been discussed. Why would you link to that site of all the sites this information is on? The comments are painful.

IDK first site I found honestly. I didnt see it had been discussed about them actually passing. Now that I read the comments.....GOOD GOD! It's been removed.

02-17-13, 03:33
The comments are painful.

Christ on a crutch! What utter ****ing stupid sheep . . .

I will never spend another dime in/on the state of CO. Get out guys, all of you and Magpul are welcome here in Texas. ;)

02-17-13, 08:41
I'm beginning to think about moving across the Fort Collins border into WY. My work commute would be 45 minutes, but I would be in a free state at least...**** this shit.

No state personal income tax in WY. No chance of this anti gun shit there, either.

Pork Chop
02-17-13, 08:54
No state personal income tax in WY. No chance of this anti gun shit there, either.

I truly wish I could tolerate the wind in Wy. I love the wide open spaces and who wouldn't love the political climate there but, F-me, that nice calm 40+mph never ending gale burns me out fast.

I suppose a guy can acclimate to anything over time, though.

02-17-13, 09:04
This has already been discussed. Why would you link to that site of all the sites this information is on? The comments are painful.

One comment said 'Magpul makes mass murdering magazines'.

No words.....


02-17-13, 09:27
I used to spend a lot of $$ in colorado, that just came to a screeching halt.

It will be interesting how magpul executes the move.

02-17-13, 10:04
One thing my girl and I were talking about this morning is the financial hit we are going to take if this thing passes with respect to the magazines I own.

Obviously I probably wouldn't be selling any of them anyway, but I currently own well over 50 standard capacity AR-15 magazines of various manufacture. Consider they are valued anywhere from $15-$30 a piece and that is a $1000 investment down the tube as I will not be able to sell, trade, shit even gift out any of the mags I own.

Small peanuts in the grand scheme, but it still sucks.

02-17-13, 10:06
Consider they are valued anywhere from $15-$30 a piece and that is a $1000 investment down the tube as I will not be able to sell, trade, shit even gift out any of the mags I own.
Ship them out now to an out of state buddy with the understanding that you can have them back on demand.

02-17-13, 10:22
Ship them out now to an out of state buddy with the understanding that you can have them back on demand.

It's not an awful idea to be honest.

The really shitty thing about HB1224 is the the proof of ownership of "grandfathered" magazines is a burden of the owner. I am totally hosed in that regard as these magazines have been purchased and collected over 20 years of shooting ARs and honestly I doubt I have a receipt for over half of those magazines, nor are they serialized items.

I suppose the best thing to do here is to perhaps photograph them all and send the photos to myself in a sealed, post marked envelope. :confused:

Dave L.
02-17-13, 10:23
After Magpul moves, I hope they stop supporting the states that shit on their business.

02-17-13, 10:40
I thought the burden was on the cops to prove that the were post? Not that Denver cops will care. They'll take them anyways, just watch.

02-17-13, 10:44
I truly wish I could tolerate the wind in Wy. I love the wide open spaces and who wouldn't love the political climate there but, F-me, that nice calm 40+mph never ending gale burns me out fast.

I suppose a guy can acclimate to anything over time, though.

The wind is the biggest issue for our move, my wife hates the wind and despises the thought of leaving N. CO for S. WY. I try to explain that the difference between CO and WY is that someday I will be a felon in CO....

02-17-13, 10:48
One thing my girl and I were talking about this morning is the financial hit we are going to take if this thing passes with respect to the magazines I own.

Obviously I probably wouldn't be selling any of them anyway, but I currently own well over 50 standard capacity AR-15 magazines of various manufacture. Consider they are valued anywhere from $15-$30 a piece and that is a $1000 investment down the tube as I will not be able to sell, trade, shit even gift out any of the mags I own.

Small peanuts in the grand scheme, but it still sucks.

Oh yeah? Try hundreds. :mad:

02-17-13, 10:49
The wind is the biggest issue for our move, my wife hates the wind and despises the thought of leaving N. CO for S. WY. I try to explain that the difference between CO and WY is that someday I will be a felon in CO....

We're having the same conversations man. That's why she prefers a southern migration... Texas, Arizona, Florida.

02-17-13, 10:58
It is quite telling of the condition of our country when many of us in this community have to consider packing up and moving to greener pastures for fear of being a criminal by performing the despicable act of.....well nothing.


02-17-13, 11:04
C'mon. Stop bitching. We all know that we joined this site to speak with like-minded mass murderers.

02-17-13, 11:08
It is quite telling of the condition of our country when many of us in this community have to consider packing up and moving to greener pastures for fear of being a criminal by performing the despicable act of.....well nothing.


Welcome to life in a Republic. I prefer that to overbearing federal laws that apply to EVERY state so that you have to ex-patriot to get away from them.

02-17-13, 11:09
I suppose the best thing to do here is to perhaps photograph them all and send the photos to myself in a sealed, post marked envelope. :confused:

Be sure to add your own serial numbers before taking the pictures...

02-17-13, 11:09
C'mon. Stop bitching. We all know that we joined this site to speak with like-minded mass murderers.

According to those ass-hats I could wipe out most of the left coast with my mag supply.

02-17-13, 11:10
According to those ass-hats I could wipe out most of the left coast with my mag supply.

It's a ****ing travesty.

02-17-13, 11:11
Take this to court. Please.

02-17-13, 11:19
Welcome to life in a Republic. I prefer that to overbearing federal laws that apply to EVERY state so that you have to ex-patriot to get away from them.


As much as I hate to see such a beautiful state (one that I once considered moving to) overrun by mindless liberal idiots, this is how it should be, and how the Founding Fathers intended it. States regulate themselves within the Union with the understanding that they will have slightly different laws and the people free will to seek out a state that suits them best.

I've lived my whole life in TX, but the day that it turns blue and makes me an outlaw for doing nothing wrong, is the day I pack up and move to a free state. Hopefully that never happens, but with a rate of 1500 new residents PER DAY here from other states where there are no jobs (many of them liberal states), who knows what is possible. Thankfully we've elected a good group of "freshmen" state reps that are pro-liberty.

02-17-13, 11:48
The wind is the biggest issue for our move, my wife hates the wind and despises the thought of leaving N. CO for S. WY. I try to explain that the difference between CO and WY is that someday I will be a felon in CO....

The wind and desolation are defensive measures. We just need Jackson Hole to become more inhospitable.

02-17-13, 11:53

As much as I hate to see such a beautiful state (one that I once considered moving to) overrun by mindless liberal idiots, this is how it should be, and how the Founding Fathers intended it. States regulate themselves within the Union with the understanding that they will have slightly different laws and the people free will to seek out a state that suits them best.

I've lived my whole life in TX, but the day that it turns blue and makes me an outlaw for doing nothing wrong, is the day I pack up and move to a free state. Hopefully that never happens, but with a rate of 1500 new residents PER DAY here from other states where there are no jobs (many of them liberal states), who knows what is possible. Thankfully we've elected a good group of "freshmen" state reps that are pro-liberty.

I give us another 10 years, then a solid blue state, another ten and we'll be worse than California.

02-17-13, 11:57
Unfortunately it seem hospitability and jobs are the open invitation for infiltration of liberals into otherwise conservative states. So then are we ultimately going to see the that the only states where the Constitution is still respected , are those states that are inhospitable or that don't have large availability of higher income/high tech jobs? Are TX, FL, VA, NC, AZ et al headed for the same fate as CO with the influx of politically liberal transplants? Even Montana seems to have had an influx of West Coast CA liberals according to a friend of mine who lives in the Bozeman area.

02-17-13, 12:35
I feel like we're losing.

02-17-13, 12:42
Based on what I've read, the bills have passed the house in Colorado. Out of curiosity, with the economy as it is, what makes those of you that live in Colorado think that more conservative Democrats and or the Governor are willing to give up the jobs provided by Magpul just to vote a magazine restriction into law? Is your economy that good that you can afford to do that? I know a great number of people would normally be unaffected by a mag restriction, but in this case jobs and lots of them are on line. To me it seems like that's a great way for an elected politician to lose his job.

Universal background checks? Yeah that's coming to every state in the union. Magazine ban in Colorado, I don't know. Again jobs talk in this economy and Magpul employs a lot of people in your state.

I give us another 10 years, then a solid blue state, another ten and we'll be worse than California.

Unfortunately it seem hospitability and jobs are the open invitation for infiltration of liberals into otherwise conservative states. So then are we ultimately going to see the that the only states where the Constitution is still respected , are those states that are inhospitable or that don't have large availability of higher income/high tech jobs? Are TX, FL, VA, NC, AZ et al headed for the same fate as CO with the influx of politically liberal transplants? Even Montana seems to have had an influx of West Coast CA liberals according to a friend of mine who lives in the Bozeman area.

Ok, the Governor Perry is inviting businesses and any pro 2A citizen to come to Texas. Actually shows some initiative to keep Texas as it is and make the state stronger in the future. More business, more jobs etc. If I may ask, what in there says a change of political climate in the future?

And I'm sure citizens with liberal political views move to places like Texas, Arizona etc, but IMO, what the west coast is exporting is citizens who want to live in a less Government restricted environment. People looking for a way to run a business without losing all of their profits to taxes and fees. And pro 2A citizens looking for a less restrictive place, such as the people in this thread that are already looking to move out of Colorado.

The truth is that as a country our political and social views run very much at the 50/50 level right now. This accounting for variations in liberal and conservative as most in the country aren't extremely liberal or extremely conservative. Look at the last Presidential election. President Obama got 53% of the popular vote, but IMO that was even with a weak Republican candidate. One btw that is favor of a more firearms laws. His VP candidate was more dynamic than he was. Former Secretary of State Rice was more dynamic than he was. Let's be honest here; if you can't get passionate about a job that you heavily pursued, what would make anyone think you would be passionate in the job.

Perfectly happy to be wrong, so tell what I missed?

02-17-13, 13:05
Honestly, I think we're doing this backwards.

Maybe we should move into CA, NY, NJ for a few years... just to see what happens...

I say that we IMPORT people into shitty states to change the laws.
