View Full Version : State of the Union...

02-12-13, 22:04
Rubio summed it up pretty good:

Washington wants to tax more, spend more, and borrow more..:mad:

Obama said this about gun control:

Gabby Giffords deserves a vote. The families of Newtown deserve a vote. The families of Aurora deserve a vote,” Obama said

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/02/12/obama-tackles-economy-in-state-union/#ixzz2KkTAdkuS

If the NRA does not respond to this they are finished. Wayne needs to come out and start citing all the cases where guns have saved people from and attack, they deserve a vote too Mr. President.

02-12-13, 22:21
Meh. They are both big government people. I see Rubio as a return to the 2000ish 'compassionate conservative' movement. Guess what that does? Increased spending and more government.

Don't fall for their ruse.

02-12-13, 22:23
Obama also cited the young girl who came to the White House and was recently shot and killed. Somehow he managed to not mention that Chicago, where she was killed, already has some of the strictest gun control laws in the country...shocking that he left that part out

02-12-13, 22:28
Meh. They are both big government people. I see Rubio as a return to the 2000ish 'compassionate conservative' movement. Guess what that does? Increased spending and more government.

Don't fall for their ruse.

Not saying I'm a Rubio fan, I just felt what he said summed it up well.

02-12-13, 22:30
Not saying I'm a Rubio fan, I just felt what he said summed it up well.

They are part of the problem, too. Don't kid yourself.

02-12-13, 22:33
Obama also cited the young girl who came to the White House and was recently shot and killed. Somehow he managed to not mention that Chicago, where she was killed, already has some of the strictest gun control laws in the country...shocking that he left that part out

In his mind that clearly indicates they need MORE gun control in Chicago. Trust me this is actually how they think.

02-12-13, 22:34
They are part of the problem, too. Don't kid yourself.

Yes. All spending originates in the House, which has been under Republican control for 16 of the last 20 years. They deserve plenty of scorn.

Obama also cited the young girl who came to the White House and was recently shot and killed. Somehow he managed to not mention that Chicago, where she was killed, already has some of the strictest gun control laws in the country...shocking that he left that part out

Exactly. If gun control worked as advertised, then Chicago would be the safest city in America.

02-12-13, 22:36
Obama also cited the young girl who came to the White House and was recently shot and killed. Somehow he managed to not mention that Chicago, where she was killed, already has some of the strictest gun control laws in the country...shocking that he left that part outFamiliar with the case, I was very suprised he mention Chicago being the location.

02-12-13, 22:36
Rubio did NOT, NOT, support big spending. he nailed EVERYTHING on the head! The Govt. ONLY, ONLY, gets it's money from TAXES! We don't need higher taxes, he said we need more tax payers, and that comes from more/better jobs. Not, more people on govt. assistance, welfare, unemployment, or GOVT jobs. NOT taxing the middle class more and more.

02-12-13, 22:37
My one single strongest underlying thought listening to the SOTU: "This man is very dangerous"

02-12-13, 22:39
They are part of the problem, too. Don't kid yourself.

I completely understand that they had it all for 8 years (Presidency, House and Senate) and did nothing more meaningful than increase their own wealth, waste time on shit like homosexual marriage and vote an amendment to reauthorize the Clinton ban on a firearm industry protection bill while passing blatantly unconstitutional things like the Patriot Act and while SCOTUS claimed ED can be used for PRIVATE USE despite very specific wording to the contrary in the Constitution.

But it was still better than things are under Obama. Nobodies perfect and I don't think anyone even close to what you, I or the majority of this forum would want in a President will be showing up in our lifetimes. Ron Paul is about as close as anyone can get to sorta representing my views and he's a ****ing nutjob who says completely asshole things about people better than him.

02-12-13, 22:40
Seeing this made it all worth it. Like him, hate him, whatever; this is hilarious:


02-12-13, 22:40
I was pleasantly surprised when CNN had a segment where it outlined only 4% of all homicides were dealt by long rifles, another 4% by shotgun and 72% by handguns. It's commonly traded knowledge amongst us but I think it informed a lot of new people who just finished the SOTU.

02-12-13, 22:43
Seeing this made it all worth it. Like him, hate him, whatever; this is hilarious:


Hah! Cotton mouth . . . .

02-12-13, 22:46
My one single strongest underlying thought listening to the SOTU: "This man is very dangerous"

Most dictators are.

02-12-13, 22:50
Hah! Cotton mouth . . . ."pass the dutchie on the left hand side"...

02-12-13, 22:50
I completely understand that they had it all for 8 years (Presidency, House and Senate) and did nothing more meaningful than increase their own wealth, waste time on shit like homosexual marriage and vote an amendment to reauthorize the Clinton ban on a firearm industry protection bill while passing blatantly unconstitutional things like the Patriot Act and while SCOTUS claimed ED can be used for PRIVATE USE despite very specific wording to the contrary in the Constitution.

But it was still better than things are under Obama. Nobodies perfect and I don't think anyone even close to what you, I or the majority of this forum would want in a President will be showing up in our lifetimes. Ron Paul is about as close as anyone can get to sorta representing my views and he's a ****ing nutjob who says completely asshole things about people better than him.

I am not saying Republicans = Obama. I am just saying things were made worse under them, and now we have Obama which is even worse than what we had.

I want to see things reversed, and not just a half as bad solution. I get tired of the 'Republicans aren't as bad' argument. We got DHS, TSA, NCLB, PA, and a bunch of other shit under Bush plus the TARP and the start of the too big to fail mantra.

In the end we got the debt doubled under Bush, and will more than double it again under Obama. Yet the Republicans keep voting for it.

02-12-13, 22:52
hahahaha now watch Rubio in slow motion. Look how bad he wants the water and how guilty he looks:


02-12-13, 22:54
hahahaha now watch Rubio in slow motion. Look how bad he wants the water and how guilty he looks:


He is a dud. A younger McCain.

02-12-13, 22:58
hahahaha now watch Rubio in slow motion. Look how bad he wants the water and how guilty he looks:

http://deadspin.com/5983866/lets-all-watch-marco-rubios-panicked-drink-of-water-in-extreme-slow-motion?utm_campaign=socialflow_deadspin_twitter&utm_source=deadspin_twitter&utm_medium=socialflow Damn he does have that deer in headlights look! Dunno I'll give him the benifit of doubt and say its his big coming out speech, and he was nervous....Speeches suck.

02-12-13, 23:06
The Govt. ONLY, ONLY, gets it's money from TAXES!

That's not really accurate, and Rubio has no intentions of questioning the other and far more destructive ways that government gets money. Although I agree that the government doesn't make any money they only steal it...they do make currency quite effectively.

The Fed only intends to devalue the dollar 33% over the next 20 years per their stated policy. But the reality is that they are spending/creating much, much more than that on mortgage backed securities in addition to your normally scheduled programming. To the tune of an extra $40,000,000,000 every single month with no end in sight.

It's lunacy.

It's not just the taxing which is bad, and the deficit which is bad. It's also the rampant creation of money which is bad and a hidden tax via your savings account. It's the debt and what strings are attached to it.

A stagnant economy is child's play compared to the risks that we're taking....

02-12-13, 23:10
I am not saying Republicans = Obama. I am just saying things were made worse under them, and now we have Obama which is even worse than what we had.

I want to see things reversed, and not just a half as bad solution. I get tired of the 'Republicans aren't as bad' argument. We got DHS, TSA, NCLB, PA, and a bunch of other shit under Bush plus the TARP and the start of the too big to fail mantra.

In the end we got the debt doubled under Bush, and will more than double it again under Obama. Yet the Republicans keep voting for it.

Trust me I know very well where you are coming from. Sadly I think there are only a few dozen of us left with such opinions.

I am equally tired of the "lesser of two evils" argument but I don't think anything will ever get reversed. We are like the one guy on survivor island who knows how to make a shelter, get water, fish the ocean and make a signal but will still be the first to get voted off because everybody on the island simply has to "play games" to get those things.

02-12-13, 23:13
He is a dud. A younger McCain.

He's the "Hispanic card" the GOP wants to play. If he wants to actually win the election he should consider coming out as gay. Then he'd be a lock.

02-12-13, 23:25
Trust me I know very well where you are coming from. Sadly I think there are only a few dozen of us left with such opinions.

I am equally tired of the "lesser of two evils" argument but I don't think anything will ever get reversed. We are like the one guy on survivor island who knows how to make a shelter, get water, fish the ocean and make a signal but will still be the first to get voted off because everybody on the island simply has to "play games" to get those things.

Won't compromise my votes, and don't mind being called a nut because I want to vote for the guy who best represents me.

I hope if Rand Paul runs people will support him. 100% less crazy yet still has the same limited government drive as his father. If nothing else if anyone reading has a YouTube account you can follow Rand there and listen to his speeches and interviews.

02-12-13, 23:40
I genuinely felt sorry for Rubio. You could tell leading up to it that he was getting worse cotton mouth and really needed a drink. Then he embarrassingly had to take an awkward drink in the middle of a speech millions of people were watching.

But he did sound a lot better afterwards.

02-12-13, 23:41
A simple "Excuse me" would have been fine, and not awkward at all. The way he did it was silly.

Although, his cotton-mouth sounded pretty acute. Might've come out as "Excxsxkssh"

02-12-13, 23:42
A simple "Excuse me" would have been fine, and not awkward at all. The way he did it was silly.

Exactly. He could have done it non-awkardly, but didn't. Which made it horrible.

The guy really should have downed a benzo before he did that speech... ;)

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8229/8470342436_1c6f2f6bb7_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/73307770@N04/8470342436/)

02-12-13, 23:44
Regardless of the awkward drink moment as I said his retort was nothing different than the early 2000's 'compassionate conservative' shit they were preaching...led by Karl Rove who is behind the latest attempt at pushing out the Tea Party from the GOP.

02-13-13, 00:02
Rubio did NOT, NOT, support big spending. he nailed EVERYTHING on the head! The Govt. ONLY, ONLY, gets it's money from TAXES! We don't need higher taxes, he said we need more tax payers, and that comes from more/better jobs. Not, more people on govt. assistance, welfare, unemployment, or GOVT jobs. NOT taxing the middle class more and more.

Well, taxes and devaluing our currency. Not sure which is worse...

02-13-13, 00:08
That's not really accurate, and Rubio has no intentions of questioning the other and far more destructive ways that government gets money. Although I agree that the government doesn't make any money they only steal it...they do make currency quite effectively.

The Fed only intends to devalue the dollar 33% over the next 20 years per their stated policy. But the reality is that they are spending/creating much, much more than that on mortgage backed securities in addition to your normally scheduled programming. To the tune of an extra $40,000,000,000 every single month with no end in sight.

It's lunacy.

It's not just the taxing which is bad, and the deficit which is bad. It's also the rampant creation of money which is bad and a hidden tax via your savings account. It's the debt and what strings are attached to it.

A stagnant economy is child's play compared to the risks that we're taking....

Looks like you and I were thinking the same thing.

02-14-13, 05:18
Meh. They are both big government people. I see Rubio as a return to the 2000ish 'compassionate conservative' movement. Guess what that does? Increased spending and more government.

Don't fall for their ruse.

Exactly. I wish more people could see outside of the "Left v Right" paradigm.

02-14-13, 06:18
Obama said this about gun control:

Gabby Giffords deserves a vote. The families of Newtown deserve a vote. The families of Aurora deserve a vote,” Obama said

ONLY one? They should join the SEIU - then they could have DOZENS of votes each. :rolleyes:

02-14-13, 08:36
Exactly. I wish more people could see outside of the "Left v Right" paradigm.

I think there are a lot of people who look at it as "The Lesser Of Two Evils". It should be look at their track record not their party/race.

02-15-13, 15:21
We need to get rid of the Fed. For sure. They keep ****ing with our currency.

What would even be the political advantage to destroying the USD?

02-15-13, 17:41
Read that MSNBC showed the Rubio 'grabbing a drink' video 155 times in a single 24hr period.

02-15-13, 18:48
Read that MSNBC showed the Rubio 'grabbing a drink' video 155 times in a single 24hr period.

It was awkward, and weird. But I'd rather see it on YouTube, instead of the station they should be talking about F&F, Benghazi, and Syria on.

02-15-13, 19:01
We need to get rid of the Fed. For sure. They keep ****ing with our currency.

What would even be the political advantage to destroying the USD?

They want to destroy the country, and rebuild it without the Constitution. They also intentionally cause crisis so the gov can come in, save the day, and implement new laws which just so happen to also cause massive growth in government and loss of freedom.

Look at the supply of actual cash dollars. Most of our 'money' is in fact just numbers on screens. Before Obama took office there was way less than a trillion physical dollars in circulation. Through QE and massive printing we now have more than 3 trillion. That makes every dollar worth less. Remember when you could buy a KIA for less than 10k?

It was awkward, and weird. But I'd rather see it on YouTube, instead of the station they should be talking about F&F, Benghazi, and Syria on.

Thats because they want to make Republicans look stupid, and if you watch a few Maddow shows its nothing but 'Republicans this and Republicans that' while barely a mention of any real Democrat politicians. Look how they burried the Senator Menendez pedophile issue. I doubt they have mentioned that even 10 times let alone 155 times in one day. Its all about how dumb Republicans are. When Bush was president is was almost nothing but how dumb he was. Remember Keith Olberman? 'Worst Person in the World', everyday, 5 days a week, for years was Bush.

02-15-13, 19:21
Remember Keith Olberman? 'Worst Person in the World', everyday, 5 days a week, for years was Bush.

No shit. What a joke.

It was (and still is) so obviously Dick Cheney. :laugh:

02-15-13, 20:11
No shit. What a joke.

It was (and still is) so obviously Dick Cheney. :laugh:

Maybe, over his deficits don't matter remark, until Obama came along and shattered what we knew a deficit is.