View Full Version : "Someone had a full auto weapom..."

02-13-13, 05:58
Did anyone else catch the dude on CNN about 10 minutes ago saying that he listened to the audio of the Dorner shootout saying he heard fully automatic fire? He said he could tell just from listening.........

Then he said something about how it was no wonder he was able to out gun the cops...

02-13-13, 06:52
CNN I have no doubt is full of shit. Typical media fear mongering.

02-13-13, 06:59
CNN I have no doubt is full of shit. Typical media fear mongering.

There's no limit to what they'll twist to benefit their views.

I don't watch the news.... Makes my blood start to boil.....

02-13-13, 07:09
More where that came from. NBC is doing a week long "Guns in America"

02-13-13, 07:16
Well Biden/Obama just said publicly that they're counting on their propaganda machine (i believe the words used were "the legitimate media") to push gun control, so that makes sense.

02-13-13, 10:17
Did anyone else catch the dude on CNN about 10 minutes ago saying that he listened to the audio of the Dorner shootout saying he heard fully automatic fire? He said he could tell just from listening.........

Then he said something about how it was no wonder he was able to out gun the cops...

Sounds like horse shit.

02-13-13, 10:48
Update --

CNN played what they said was audio of the firefight. It does sound like there were full-autos involved...but it sounds like more than one perhaps.

This isn't the same clip I saw, but it has some of the same audio, I think -- http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/video/christopher-dorner-manhunt-lapd-cop-believed-dead-shootout-18487834

Maybe the cops had them?

Also...is this SOP for things like this?

02-13-13, 10:49
Did anyone else catch the dude on CNN about 10 minutes ago saying that he listened to the audio of the Dorner shootout saying he heard fully automatic fire? He said he could tell just from listening.........

Then he said something about how it was no wonder he was able to out gun the cops...

It always amaze me when somebody hears something and they swear to know it all, that audio they put from my point of view seems to be really hard to distinguish if it was a automatic. Is like fireworks, they hear it and they go "Those are shots fired" :rolleyes:

02-13-13, 10:49
CNN I have no doubt is full of shit. Typical media fear mongering.

This. CNN hasn't had any credibility in years. Their ratings are worse than MSNBC....

But even if they were trying to just be good reporters, they're talking about things they don't understand. Awfully easy to make mistakes in those circumstances. It would be like me covering a hockey game live.

02-13-13, 11:00
I'm not agreeing with the report but LA gang members as well as some of the drug cartels have used and I do not doubt sold on the street illegally modified full auto firearms.

Dorner had four years to gather the guns and gear he used and we all know you can buy most anything part wise on the internet. Whats to say he didn't have a receiver drilled (Some receivers its only the addition of a single auto sear pin hole) and then just added the parts?

They will have what ever guns he used and I'M sure a report will make light shortly.

02-13-13, 12:50
police may have had full auto weapons. There is a video on youtube from the shootout. Well now it says the account has been terminated.

02-13-13, 12:57
Someone probably had one of those slidefire stocks.

3 AE
02-13-13, 14:49
You have multiple people firing semi-automatic weapons simultaneously. Is that so hard to imagine?

02-13-13, 15:14
You have multiple people firing semi-automatic weapons simultaneously. Is that so hard to imagine?

Per the other thread, someone was full auto:


Later in the vid, it's very clear full auto.

02-13-13, 15:15
The only mention I heard of "automatic" weapons during all of this was in a sound byte from the on scene police units reporting automatic fire inbound which was played by the media after they recorded it from the scanner traffic.

3 AE
02-13-13, 15:45
Per the other thread, someone was full auto:


Later in the vid, it's very clear full auto.

I made my statement based on what I heard in the audio version only, that was released yesterday. After viewing and listening to the video on your link, I stand corrected. Can anyone tell if what they heard sounded like the three round burst or FA versions.

02-13-13, 15:52
One or even two of the Officers could've had full auto. Heck we JUST got rid of all of our M16's. So its very possible. And if any of those guys were on their dept's swat, its even more probable.

Who cares?

02-13-13, 16:01
Sounded like mixture of 3 shot bursts and full auto.

02-13-13, 16:30
I don't get why everyone is getting bent around the axle regarding fully automatic gun fire.

MM posted this in the other thread.

It's not hard to figure out that San Bernardino SRT/SWAT probably had selective fire carbines. Or a host of other LE that was involved in the firefight. Add to that multiple semi-automatics firing at the same time is going to sound a lot like fully automatic gun fire.

02-13-13, 16:35
I'm not bent, just stating what I heard on the video.

02-13-13, 16:46
I'm not bent, just stating what I heard on the video.

Sam, my comment was directed at you, or any one member for that matter. I just noticed that in this thread and the other it seems to be a point of contention and I'm not sure as to why.

02-13-13, 16:58
… moving to other thread …

02-13-13, 20:45
Sam, my comment was directed at you, or any one member for that matter. I just noticed that in this thread and the other it seems to be a point of contention and I'm not sure as to why.

I assume you left out a "not" somewhere in your first sentence.

If so, are we friends again? :p

02-13-13, 21:20
I assume you left out a "not" somewhere in your first sentence.

If so, are we friends again? :p

Hah! Yeah there was supposed to be a "not you" in there. Yeah we can hangout in the tree house again. :p

An Undocumented Worker
02-13-13, 22:40
Well Biden/Obama just said publicly that they're counting on their propaganda machine (i believe the words used were "the legitimate media") to push gun control, so that makes sense.

Is that like legitimate rape?