View Full Version : .22 ammo in other regions

02-13-13, 19:54
Guys I'll be honest. My 5.56/.223/9mm ammo is on total shutdown as of late. My stash is not going to be touched.

Last weekend I purchased a M&P 22 and very soon will be buying another M&P 15/22. But .22 around here has become even more of a unicorn than 5.56.

I never ever thought that I would need to have stashed .22 Long but unbelievably that day has come and passed. Last weekend's gun show had .22 bricks at about $70 per 500 round brick. Insane considering 2 months ago that same brick cost $18.97 at Wal-Mart.

Nation wide is this the norm lately?


02-13-13, 20:00
Here in Texas .22lr is hard to come by. I scored two boxes CCI Standard Velocity # 0032 at GTs last week (two boxes was the limit). Other than that I have only found a single case at a local Wal-Mart of the CCI Mini-Mag HV # 0030. I had to leave it behind for some other lucky bastard as I was cleaning them out of a case of PPU 5.56 at the time.

02-13-13, 20:01
I haven't been able to find more than 5 packs of CCI Mini Mags at Walmart since the election. My Walmarts don't even get 5.56 though... An LGS had a ton shortly after the shooting, but a week after that it was all gone. First time I saw any since December was just today on Natchez. I got one box (limit) of 375 rounds of some Federal stuff for $16.06.

An Undocumented Worker
02-13-13, 20:06
What is that? Some new wildcat cartridge? I aint seen none of that stuff round these parts.

02-13-13, 20:12
Freaking depressing but true. My local Wal-Mart has .410 and 12 gauge. That's it.

The pawn/gun shop I frequent has a ton of overpriced .22 mag that I have no use for. I do have a Winchester lever action .22 mag but even just hunting with that gun it is way over kill in that caliber for what I hunt for around here.Not to mention a lever gun was what I hadn't had in mind for training. Just dang depressing.

Seriously frustrated that I can't train like I used too. Dry fire like a SOB lately.


02-13-13, 20:19
I have only seen .22LR four times since the election once being at a WalMart and the other times at Dicks Sporting Goods. It was Remington Golden Bullets the 525rd packs for $21.95 and they only had a few bricks on hand each time.

02-13-13, 20:19
I haven't been able to find any locally. I haven't looked that hard either.

02-13-13, 20:22
What is that? Some new wildcat cartridge? I aint seen none of that stuff round these parts.

Ha Ha. Comical but sad nonetheless.


02-13-13, 20:23
Guys, try my new past time - monitoring this website for deals:


In .22LR, I've managed to score 500 rounds of CCI at $0.07/round, and 500 rounds of Aguila for right at $0.06/round.

The site updates every 90 seconds.

I just missed some 55 grain Prvi at Ammunition2Go for less than $0.50/round. It went in about 10 minutes.

02-13-13, 20:43
.22 is almost non existence in GA. You have to play the cat and mouse game with Walmart to try to score some. Their trucks deliver late in the evening. So you show up around 9:30am the next morning and hope that they have a small shipment of ANY ammo. If you're lucky they have a few boxes of bulk .22LR. Then you're only allowed to buy three boxes.

02-13-13, 20:52
None of it even makes sense as there is simply NO contemplation behind banning .22LR or hardly any guns that use it.

I believe CCI's Lewiston, ID factory used to make over 4 million .22's per day.

02-13-13, 21:07
None where Im at. All the zombie tards keep buying everything out.

Glad I picked up some .22lr before everyone went full retard/ape shit crazy.

Even if they dont ban firearms, they dont need to. Just keep the scare going and we wont ever have ammo thanks to all the fear buyers.

02-14-13, 04:00
Just dust on the shelves here in Northern Oregon.
It did take awhile to hit the .22lr this time but once it did
EVERYTHING was gone all the way to small primers.

Same thing happened the first time he was elected and took a few YEARS to get it back on shelves.
Those "mega" and "bulk packs" had just started to drop below $9
again. Now i'm hearing being sold at "gun shows" for $40-$50. :confused:

Last time "they" blamed it on the war in Iraq and Afgan but not sure
what "they" are saying why no one can keep up production of .22LR

02-14-13, 04:35
I am glad that I bought 5K rounds of it a few months back. There is none to be found anywhere.

02-14-13, 06:16
I got lucky a couple weeks ago while playing waiting for the Walmart trucks. I scored 3 bulk boxes from one store and 1 from another store. Add those to the 1000 rounds I had left, I have a total of 3000. I need more.

02-14-13, 08:08
I bought 22LR during the 08/09 ammo craze. Must have 10k from then, maybe more. MP-15/22 on the way as well...

02-14-13, 08:14
Just shot up my last few boxes of stinky, filthy Aguila. Other than that I just have match stuff. I don't sweat the rimfire too much.

That whole thing proves gun owners are basically retards. Rimfire would be the last ammo the tyrants would go after.

02-14-13, 08:45
I got lucky a couple weeks ago while playing waiting for the Walmart trucks. I scored 3 bulk boxes from one store and 1 from another store. Add those to the 1000 rounds I had left, I have a total of 3000. I need more.

Yesterday I bid on a fixer-upper shack of a house across from local Wallmart to be on top of truck deliveries. 18 wheelers literally shake the ****ing walls of this dump so I know I'll never miss a ammo restocking...location, location, location...:sarcastic:

02-14-13, 08:48
Tampa Bay is wiped out of .22lr.. just .22 mag.....

02-14-13, 09:00
I wonder if idiots are actually shooting the rimfire or hoarding for some insane reason. :confused:

I can see piling up your .223 inventories... but rimfire?

02-14-13, 09:19

I have tried in three different states, no dice. I have no clue what the hell is going on. Training, cheaper than centerfire... whatever. It's dried up and the usual suspects who wait for the trucks at Walmart are defiantly in play.

Glad I have a decent supply, but it ain't much

Why on earth would you hoard .22lr?

02-14-13, 09:20
I wonder if idiots are actually shooting the rimfire or hoarding for some insane reason. :confused:

I can see piling up your .223 inventories... but rimfire?

Exactly. This is what mystifies me. I can kinda see and understand the disappearance of military calibers. But .22L?????

Don't understand it.


02-14-13, 09:22
Happened last panic too. I can remember being happy to find that dog shit Remington bulk rimfire just so my kid could shoot the ruger pistol a little. And that crap was like 5 percent failure to fire. More frustration than it was worth.

02-14-13, 09:31
I think part of it is because it was available after 5.56/7.62/9/40/45 etc were sold out.

Also ammo manufacturers might be prioritizing centerfire production over rimfire, making the problem worse.

In the end, you need to buy it cheap and stack it deep. I have a good amount of 22LR as previously mentioned, good in my bolt gun and several semi 22 rifles / pistols.

Last craze in 08/09 it was available so every time I went to Wally World to scout ammo, I'd grab bulk 333/550 packs if there wasn't anything else to buy. I've been carting it around on my moves the last couple of years and rarely touched it, as I normally shoot Aguilla subsonics and standard in my 452 suppressed and bought that when I needed more.

02-14-13, 09:36
Also ammo manufacturers might be prioritizing centerfire production over rimfire, making the problem worse.

Winchester has a dedicated plant for rimfire in Georgia I think. I'm sure all the manufacturers are running normal capacity....

It's the lunatic consumer population that's creating this.

D. Christopher
02-14-13, 10:42
Why is everybody so surprised that .22 has disappeared from their local shelves? We've been through this many times before, and human nature doesn't change. Sheep have 2 speeds, graze, and STAMPEDE! Have you ever seen a weather forecaster predict snow, and then gone to the grocery to find there isn't a single loaf of bread or gallon of milk? These are the sheeple you're competing with!

More Americans probably own .22 than any other caliber, wouldn't you think? I'm just guessing but it seems likely. The majority of civilians I know only have .22 rifles, and many of those are family heirlooms. And since the 2008 elections I've seen a lot of people stop shooting their larger calibers and buy .22 pistols and rifles and .22 conversion kits due to cost. Add to that the millions who only shoot .22 because its cheap, quiet, and has no recoil, so their kids and grandma can shoot it.

And most of us who have the larger calibers also have at least one .22, some of us have many. If you go to the store and they don't have your calibers AGAIN, what are you going to fall back on? It's simple supply and demand, and if you don't factor in the current political climate, panic buyers, and hoarders then you're not being realistic about life in America today. 2010 and 2011 were great years to buy ammo of all calibers. If you didn't stock up then, and I mean long-term then you are going to have to work very hard to find it now and pay panic prices. Every time there is a shooting, more people will panic buy whatever crap is left on the shelves, and you'll have even more competition for a dwindling supply. It's going to get worse. Much worse.

02-14-13, 11:01
Since the availability and price of everything center fire is absurd just like in 2008 everyone remembered the lesson and switched over to .22LR for this shortage. With all the dedicated AR style .22's and conversion kits its the only way many can continue to shoot without depleting the center fire stores.

There for awhile in late 2010 Federal 510's were selling for 99.99 per case of 5000rds when Federal had a warehouse surplus and many gun clubs were snapping up the deal. I even think CMP had a really good .22LR deal there for awhile that the clubs scored on so it was out there cheap for some time before the current situation.

Now we just have to live with the current market conditions.

02-14-13, 11:31
Unable to find any .22LR in most places here in Miami/Ft Lauderdale

02-14-13, 11:37
Here in the Houston area...I have not seen ANY 22LR in a store in 2 months. Not the 550rd bulk packs...not even rat shot. Nothing.

I too have an M&P15-22 (love it, BTW) and have very little left to run through it or my other 4 22 rifles.

However, I see 17HMR everywhere and have given serious thought to selling 2 of my 22 rifles and grabbing a cheap Savage or Marlin 17HMR rifle to plink with.

Seriously....22LR ammo is nowhere to be found around here. Ditto for fmj 9mm ammo.


02-14-13, 11:43
This scenario is so screwed up that people are suggesting guys buy G22 police trade ins to train with since 9mm is too hard to find! :sarcastic:

02-14-13, 11:51
Well...you do what you have to do! LOL

Around here...there is NO fmj practice 9mm to be found. None...zero...zippo.

You can practice with 20rd boxes of hps that run 28-35 bucks a box...or grab a cheap police trade 40 and practice with that. Your choice. Glad I kept my ratty old G22...because at least I can practice with it and no deplete my stashes.

I have always wanted a rifle in 17HMR and now...since there is no 22LR ammo and I have spare rifles in 22LR...I might trade 1-2 for a 17 rifle.

The other odd thing I have noticed is that as of last week..I am seeing 223 come back in numbers at most of our stores.

I think the ammo makers shut down their 22LR lines to concentrate on the more profitable center-fire stuff...but that is just a guess.


02-14-13, 11:55
Well...you do what you have to do! LOL

I understand that! It's true too! 40 is a cheaper and easier solution.

It's just insane. I have to laugh.

Pretty soon people will be shooting .223 because their M&P 22 rifle is too expensive to feed! :sarcastic:

02-14-13, 12:10
I wonder if idiots are actually shooting the rimfire or hoarding for some insane reason. :confused:

I can see piling up your .223 inventories... but rimfire?

I doubt any of them actually shoot. They just sit there and drool on it/show it off to their friends.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

02-14-13, 12:18
If I was in command at HORNADY, I'd make .22 LR TAP and become a billionaire!!! :sarcastic:

02-14-13, 12:42
I never really stockpiled 22LR. Always grabbed a 550rd box when shopping at Wal Mart...1 or 2 at a time and never thought about it.

During the 08 ammo scare...it was mostly center fire stuff that became scarce...not 22LR.

Lesson learned...I WILL stockpile 22LR like I have 9, 40, 45 and 223 when it comes back. IF it ever comes back. I have a small stash of 22LR at home but I don't want to burn it all up. No telling when 22LR is coming back.


02-14-13, 12:49
No telling when 22LR is coming back.

Oh that stuff will be back. People are just nuts right now. But even being retarded gets old and people will move their attention to their Iphones or some shit.

02-14-13, 13:54
If I was in command at HORNADY, I'd make .22 LR TAP and become a billionaire!!! :sarcastic:

Or "zombie max operator" 22LR

02-14-13, 14:00

I have tried in three different states, no dice. I have no clue what the hell is going on. Training, cheaper than centerfire... whatever. It's dried up and the usual suspects who wait for the trucks at Walmart are defiantly in play.

Glad I have a decent supply, but it ain't much

Why on earth would you hoard .22lr?

I can guarantee you it's overwhelmingly not for training at least not around here. Well 'here' may be fitting for the both of us. :D


02-14-13, 14:07
Let me tell you what's going on in my area (southeast Kansas) and, I suspect, everywhere else.

People have bought it up, are continuing to buy it up, and then turning around and selling it on local ad boards. Those 550 round count boxes of Federal? Those SELL FOR $50 on local facebook forums.

Moving past that. I saw two boxes of Blazer brass case 9mm. 50 round boxes apiece. SELL FOR $100 for the both of them. And there were people posting on the thread asking the guy if he had any more to sell.

That's a dollar a round for 9mm ball ammo. And they are having no problem getting that for it.

02-14-13, 14:38
Around here, people are buying up the 550rd 22LR packs and putting them on message boards (like Craigslist) for 40-50 bucks a pop.

No thank you! I will sell 2 of my 22 rifles and buy a 17 before I pay 50 bucks for 22LR ammo.

I have gotten on several online seller's wait lists but no hits yet.

Honestly...I don't think the makers are making the stuff anymore.


02-14-13, 15:51
Wanted to get my girl a 22 soon and was hoping to get a few bricks figured would not be a issue ?
Bummer to hear might have to head out around some places like cabelas and such

02-14-13, 16:26
550rd bricks are selling for 50-60 bucks a pop on local for sale boards.



02-14-13, 16:36
This is why I have hit at least three Wal-Mart stores EVERY night as they stage freight. I have been cleaning house on .223/5.56 55gr FMJ and 9mm 115 FMJ. I'll actually use it or give it out to family friends who need it and don't charge them anything over retail. Even have a buddy give me money so I can get him .40 S&W value packs as they come in. I will not pay the crazy prices on the secondary market and or gun shows because I'm lazy and can't get my ass to a store. It's slim pickens but you get lucky every now then. I've also seen the Federal AutoMatch bulk packs at Wally world over the last few weeks.

02-14-13, 17:02
...but no 22LR at Wal Marts.

02-14-13, 17:08
This is why I have hit at least three Wal-Mart stores EVERY night as they stage freight..

3 Walmarts? It could take me 2hrs just to get to 3 walmarts lol...

02-14-13, 17:09
22lr is actually pretty easy to find around here. That said, there are still retards on Armslist selling the bulk packs for $50...

02-14-13, 17:12
3 Walmarts? It could take me 2hrs just to get to 3 walmarts lol...

They are all on my commute home that way I'm not going out of my way and burning gas. There are a total of seven WMs in my town and the next one over. I guess living in an ant hill has it's perks. :(

D. Christopher
02-14-13, 19:04
Come to Tennessee boys, life is still good here. I just heard Wayne LaPierre speak a few minutes ago about 5 miles from where I live. Just a few minutes later I heard that the Tennessee Senate had voted in favor of a proposed constitutional amendment to ban state income tax. It passed 26 to 4 and if it passes the House it will be placed before voters in next year's general election. We don't have a state income tax now, but this measure will make sure that those sneaky bastards don't ever saddle us with one. And the "Guns in Trunks" bill is on its way to becoming law. (Allows you to lock your CCW in your car at work even if your employer posts their property as "No Guns Allowed")

And ammo is still available here though it does come and go in waves. This is all 9mm right after a new shipment arrived. And while .22 is not ever fully stocked, there's always a few boxes and bricks of the usual stuff. At WalMart prices.


02-14-13, 19:17
I think I'd crap a .22 brick if I walked in my local Wal-Mart and saw all that ammo.


ETA: This was taken weeks ago (its actually even more bare now) and filled with useless ammo to me. It did have a few boxes of Federal .40 FMJ but I don't own a 40 cal.


02-14-13, 19:57
I hate to say it but buying ammo is buying ammo, and if you are buying ammo right now you are only contributing to the shortage that we have.

I'm sure that "actual shooters" are playing a significant role in the shortage along with the "hoarders". Hopefully soon enough the hoarders will start running out of money or run out of space to store their stash.

D. Christopher
02-14-13, 20:50
I hate to say it but buying ammo is buying ammo, and if you are buying ammo right now you are only contributing to the shortage that we have.

Huh? Not sure I follow you on that one. Do you mean the shortage that YOU have?

Disclaimer: I haven't bought a single round of ammo this year. It was sometime last June or July that I actually purchased any, so I'm not your problem. (I am hoarding what I legally purchased with my own money over the last 2 years though.)

02-14-13, 21:07
Huh? Not sure I follow you on that one. Do you mean the shortage that YOU have?

Do you dispute that a a nation-wide shortage of ammunition that is readily available exists?

Do you dispute that the cause of this is panic buying of ammunition?

02-14-13, 21:30
Nothing on the shelves in my area and 500 count bricks were priced at $50.00 at a show last weekend.


02-14-13, 22:35
I was at a older K-Mart today and they had Remington Thunderbolt bricks for $14.95 a pop. Now I had some decent cases of Thunderbolts 12 years back but I heard since then the Q/C went to crap.

I just was standing there not knowing if I should take a chance on them not knowing if recent Q/C has improved or they were a waste of funds.

The brick boxes looked a bit battered but when the girl scanned them they priced out at $13.95 a brick which was lower then the tag price.

I left them sitting but maybe I should have grabbed the 15 bricks they had since even if we had a 2 to 5% failure rate it would still be good enough for the kids to waste on jumpers and paper.

I will stop back there tomorrow and if its still there maybe I'll pick it up. Has anybody had any recent shooting experience was the Thurderturds and how did it go?

D. Christopher
02-15-13, 00:01
Do you dispute that a a nation-wide shortage of ammunition that is readily available exists?

Do you dispute that the cause of this is panic buying of ammunition?

Yes I agree that there clearly is and has been a shortage of all popular calibers in most areas of the country for some time now. And I would say that panic buying is a large part of that but not THE cause. Increased firearms ownership and use is also playing a big part in that. The current POTUS has been called "firearms salesman of the year" every year since he was elected because firearms sales are up. Way up. In my state and many others we've had substantial increases in issued CCW permits for each of the last 5 or 6 years. Gun ownership is at an all time high and so with that we're seeing a huge increase in ammo consumption. And that's not all panic, it's increased interest and gun ownership AND panic buying.

Between BHO's inauguration in January 2009 and the close of trading on December 17th, 2012 the stock value of Sturm Ruger & Co. increased more than 700%. Smith & Wesson's increased by more than 250% in that same period. Ruger's performance was nine time better than the broader market index during that period. We've never seen numbers like these.

And the more recent problem of scarcity of .22 ammo is caused by a combination of many more gun owners, an increased interest in guns in general, more people shooting .22 because they can't afford to shoot larger calibers due to the poor economy, as well as those who've gone back to shooting more .22 because they can't get the larger calibers or don't want to buy them at the current high prices. Then add to that the speculators and unscrupulous dealers who are profiteering from the current panic regarding possible increases in gun regulations.

Supply WILL NOT catch up with demand this year. And every time there is a mass shooting in the U.S. it will directly affect price and availability because more people will think "This is it" or "This may be my last chance to get..." and MORE people will be willing to pay MORE money for those scarce commodities.

Everyone should also remember that the APPEARANCE of a shortage is good for business. Especially when it comes to guns & ammo. The trick for the speculator is figuring out what the market will bear. As the old saying goes, you can shear a sheep many times, but you can skin him only once!


02-15-13, 03:12
So what's your point? There are people who actually need ammo. Whether it be to replenish ammo they have expended or people going to training classes, etc..

Ammo has been hard pressed for the last few years which is exactly why I continued to buy ammo whenever I could.

There are plenty of people "you call them hoarders" who feel that they want to be prepared for whatever situation they want to prepare for. Why is that wrong? Anyone in the community who hasn't been seeing the writing on the wall isn't going to get any sympathy from me.

I hate to say it but buying ammo is buying ammo, and if you are buying ammo right now you are only contributing to the shortage that we have.

I'm sure that "actual shooters" are playing a significant role in the shortage along with the "hoarders". Hopefully soon enough the hoarders will start running out of money or run out of space to store their stash.

02-15-13, 07:09
So what's your point? There are people who actually need ammo.

BOYCOTT AMMO! (so there's plenty for Georgiaboy to buy ;))

02-15-13, 10:25
I was at a older K-Mart today and they had Remington Thunderbolt bricks for $14.95 a pop. Now I had some decent cases of Thunderbolts 12 years back but I heard since then the Q/C went to crap.

I just was standing there not knowing if I should take a chance on them not knowing if recent Q/C has improved or they were a waste of funds.

The brick boxes looked a bit battered but when the girl scanned them they priced out at $13.95 a brick which was lower then the tag price.

I left them sitting but maybe I should have grabbed the 15 bricks they had since even if we had a 2 to 5% failure rate it would still be good enough for the kids to waste on jumpers and paper.

I will stop back there tomorrow and if its still there maybe I'll pick it up. Has anybody had any recent shooting experience was the Thurderturds and how did it go?

I haven't shot it in about a year or year and a half, but the one box I did put through my 15-22 did have several malfunctions. Not enough to be a waste, but enough to make me realize that the ammo and weapon didn't gel well. I only have maybe 500 .22 though so I would've bought them if I saw them in person.

02-15-13, 11:05
I hate to say this but does it seem like MAYBE this dry spell is starting to break?

I say this because I went to three stores today and yesterday and saw 22LR in one place (granted they were only 100rd boxes) and lots of 45 and 40. All 3 places even had 223 and quite a stack of it. Ok...so you could only buy 1 box per caliber but this is the first time in 2 months I have SEEN 22LR anywhere and the shelf full of 223 was a surprise.

Anyone else feel like we might be on the brink of this shortage goign away?

(fingers crossed)


02-15-13, 11:17
Cabelas had dog balls today... I mean NOTHING. not even .38spl or 40 practice ammo.

02-15-13, 11:18
Cabelas, bAss Pro and Gander pretty much suck dog balls all the time...don't they?

I mean...have you SEEN their gun prices? Who pays those crazy prices? Not me.


02-15-13, 11:37
Cabelas, bAss Pro and Gander pretty much suck dog balls all the time...don't they?

I mean...have you SEEN their gun prices? Who pays those crazy prices? Not me.

I don't buy guns there. But Cabelas usually has a good selection of components and ammo. Components are usually priced fairly. Ammo is usually too high.

Bass Pro is ridiculously priced on everything. $29 for a lb of regular old hodgdon powder, etc.

Sportsmans Warehouse used to be the best. But they moved their powder into the back room and you have to send a slappy to check if they have each kind of powder you want. Fork that!