View Full Version : Official Apple "iWatch" Thread

02-14-13, 00:54

It is simply a matter of time. (bad pun :D)

I wouldn't replace my Citizen EcoDrive with one unless it had a huge list of functions. We'll see. The idea has potential. How awesome would it be to have a video-chat wrist watch? The future is nigh.

If it worked as an iPhone bluetooth accessory, in that you could respond to texts, use FaceTime, use speakerphone, use Siri to look stuff up, etc. it might be worth $150 or so. You could leave your iPhone on your waist or in your bag, and access the 6-10 most frequently used functions on your wrist instead. They'd need to make battery replacement cheap though.

02-14-13, 03:32
Just give me an Apple iPhased Plasma Rifle in 40 watt range already!

Ammo and mag shortage what?! ;)

02-14-13, 05:27
Just give me an Apple iPhased Plasma Rifle in 40 watt range already!

Ammo and mag shortage what?! ;)


Apple isn't weapon friendly. I'm shocked that they even approved any ballistic calculator apps for sale.

02-14-13, 05:43
I refuse to buy Apple on principle. Mac OS-Whatever has always sucked and it seems like the minute you buy one of their products, the latest version comes out rendering your new $500 toy obsolete.

lethal dose
02-14-13, 05:49
I refuse to buy Apple on principle. Mac OS-Whatever has always sucked and it seems like the minute you buy one of their products, the latest version comes out rendering your new $500 toy obsolete.

I disagree with Mac OS sucking. Also, what makes any other OS different from Mac when it comes to newer stuff coming out making prior stuff obsolete?

02-14-13, 06:38

If it worked as an iPhone bluetooth accessory, in that you could respond to texts, use FaceTime, use speakerphone, use Siri to look stuff up, etc. it might be worth $150 or so. You could leave your iPhone on your waist or in your bag, and access the 6-10 most frequently used functions on your wrist instead. They'd need to make battery replacement cheap though.

There is a new phone that does that, bluetooth connection to your cell phone..... http://getpebble.com/

02-14-13, 06:44
I refuse to buy Apple on principle. Mac OS-Whatever has always sucked and it seems like the minute you buy one of their products, the latest version comes out rendering your new $500 toy obsolete.

PCs have always been that way. They're obsolete before you purchase them.

02-14-13, 08:16
Anyone who buys this stupid thing should leap off a bridge. Humanity is devolving rapidly. :(

02-14-13, 08:22
I disagree with Mac OS sucking. Also, what makes any other OS different from Mac when it comes to newer stuff coming out making prior stuff obsolete?

I've never liked any Mac OS... I still run DOS programs on my Windows 7 machine...

PCs have always been that way. They're obsolete before you purchase them.

One could argue that, but you can upgrade a computer, you can't upgrade your i(phone/pad/pod/mac)...

02-14-13, 08:51
Anyone who buys this stupid thing should leap off a bridge. Humanity is devolving rapidly. :(

Or wear a Fedora and a long overcoat.:D Dick Tracy would be proud.

02-14-13, 11:17
Anyone who buys this stupid thing should leap off a bridge. Humanity is devolving rapidly. :(

Dude, there's nothing wrong with folks whose hobby is collecting the latest gadgets and tech stuff. Everyones hobbies are different.

02-14-13, 11:26
PCs have always been that way. They're obsolete before you purchase them.

Yep...I used to be adamantly anti-Apple for absolutely no good reason. I thought they were trendy and not really better. No, they're just better and I was a dipshit. Having been an Apple user for a couple of years now I'm very impressed.

It's also worth pointing out that the Apple products don't go obsolete nearly as fast as any PC/Windows based products do. Apple does a great job of continuing to provide software updates for their older products and operating systems...while Microsoft basically tells you to go screw yourself the moment the next comes out.

And phones? My iPhone is three years old, still gets updates, and only two phones have come out since then. Android? Six new ones would have come out the first month.

02-14-13, 11:29
And phones? My iPhone is three years old, still gets updates, and only two phones have come out since then. Android? Six new ones would have come out the first month.

Granted, those six phones would be produced by three different manufacturers... so, not really that far off as far as releases.

02-14-13, 11:40
Just another I-device that the "I-sheep" will line up in droves and pay crazy high prices for.



02-14-13, 13:08
One could argue that, but you can upgrade a computer, you can't upgrade your i(phone/pad/pod/mac)...

What made you think you can't upgrade an apple device. All the devices you mentioned can be upgraded. Whether it be software, hardware, cosmetically etc etc.

02-14-13, 13:53
One could argue that, but you can upgrade a computer, you can't upgrade your i(phone/pad/pod/mac)...

You can upgrade software easily on iDevices, until the software technology surpasses what the hardware can support.

You have to take in account that 95% of smart phone users, tablet users, and PC users never plan on doing anything more than software updates. They will probably never open them up to do a actual hardware upgrade. (new video card, hard drive, RAM, etc) So while PC's might be much easier to upgrade, its only for those tech savvy enough to wish to do so. The average consumer of both Apple products and xyz products will simply sell or trash their device once it is outdated and by a new one.

02-14-13, 13:57
Anyone who buys this stupid thing should leap off a bridge. Humanity is devolving rapidly. :(

Hopefully they make a Keymod version for my NSR. :runaway:

02-14-13, 17:10
Didn't they have an iWatch before? Called the iPod nano before the form factor change.

To be fair, while nifty I'm not really sure what you could do with one. The screen on a nano was so small that it couldn't be used for much. Even with the iPhone my eyes strain to do stuff that requires reading text for long periods of time. A screen the size of a comfy watch would be a PITA to accomplish much on. Plus, if it ain't waterproof and shock proof it ain't going on my wrist. My watches stay on 24/7/365 so that thing better be tough.

If they want to go the route of an enhanced Jawbone Up, Flexbit band or Nike Fuel band that's another thing. Give me one that does heart rate, can detect all sorts of exercise like swimming and biking. Can monitor sleep patterns and is built to handle being beaten up. Maybe worth a look.

02-14-13, 18:36
Didn't they have an iWatch before? Called the iPod nano before the form factor change.

To be fair, while nifty I'm not really sure what you could do with one. The screen on a nano was so small that it couldn't be used for much. Even with the iPhone my eyes strain to do stuff that requires reading text for long periods of time. A screen the size of a comfy watch would be a PITA to accomplish much on. Plus, if it ain't waterproof and shock proof it ain't going on my wrist. My watches stay on 24/7/365 so that thing better be tough.

If they want to go the route of an enhanced Jawbone Up, Flexbit band or Nike Fuel band that's another thing. Give me one that does heart rate, can detect all sorts of exercise like swimming and biking. Can monitor sleep patterns and is built to handle being beaten up. Maybe worth a look.

It has struck me odd that apple has tried to make the iphone smaller and lighter with each generation. I think what they are trying to do is condition us so that eventually the iPhone 'dissappears' by being so small that it becomes something like the watch or a pair of glasses. Siri and the talk-to-type stuff I think is to start people from being free having to use a keyboard. The talk-to-type stuff is more accurate than me tryingto tap it out on that little keyboard. Retina is just to try to get to that max data per area discirnable to the eye.

Just a theory.

02-14-13, 18:41
Anyone who buys this stupid thing should leap off a bridge. Humanity is devolving rapidly. :(

This is quite an ironic statement, actually.


02-14-13, 19:47
Yep...I used to be adamantly anti-Apple for absolutely no good reason. I thought they were trendy and not really better. No, they're just better and I was a dipshit. Having been an Apple user for a couple of years now I'm very impressed.

It's also worth pointing out that the Apple products don't go obsolete nearly as fast as any PC/Windows based products do. Apple does a great job of continuing to provide software updates for their older products and operating systems...while Microsoft basically tells you to go screw yourself the moment the next comes out.

And phones? My iPhone is three years old, still gets updates, and only two phones have come out since then. Android? Six new ones would have come out the first month.

I have built a PC from parts before and can trouble shoot basic software and networking. However I am not able to do anything other than basic home use stuff.

I have been a Dell laptop guy for years. Once I started using my girlfriends MacBook I realized for my purposes (school, Internet, photo stuff) it is so much more user friendly.

I am not going to be over clocking processors or whatever the hardcore gamer dudes do so the Mac does everything I need it to do and never crashes.

I only have a problem with my iPad and iPhone on certain websites but pretty much enjoy all of the other aspects.

02-14-13, 20:42
I've met a ton of apple fans that are only fans because it is trendy. Same goes for Apple haters for exactly the same reason. I've not met anyone that hates Apple products for any sort of valid technical reason. Unfortunately I can't say the same for Windows based PCs...

I bought a PC when I started college and wish now that I had gone with a MacBook Pro. I've got an iPhone, I'm buying an iPad mini tomorrow and the next laptop I buy will definitely be a 13" MacBook Pro. I'd get the watch too if I could stand digital watches.

02-15-13, 15:12

02-15-13, 17:37
I will be getting a Macbook Pro Retina in a couple weeks, and excited they just did a spec bump and price reduction for some add on's.

iWatch? Have to see what it does, looks, price, ect.

The most often reason Apple stops supporting something is because the newer OS's need more modern hardware to run smoothly. As technology advanced, and computers 'do more' you need more modern hardware for it to run smoothly. At some point any company can no longer support older hardware, and the new software simply won't run smoothly. I have 16GB of RAM in my current laptop, and I remember our family buying an ACER tower when I was a kid with a 2GB HDD.

I have watched a ton of tutorials on Mountain Lion (latest Mac OS) and I think it will be a lot more functional for me as a consumer. I have always owned Windows computers, and last year built a modern gaming PC with a i7 3770k, ASUS 660ti, ASUS z77 MB, Samsung SSD, ect. I am now running Win 8 on my laptop, and it's not half as functional for me as OS X will be.

MS probably makes better stuff for enterprise, and that's fine. I am not using anything for any type of big IT support and don't care about any of that stuff. I want the best user experience possible, and Windows has basically been the same format since 1995. Only Win8 has changed the basic format, and while an improvement has a long way to go. While I liked it a lot at first, and can whatever on it, I finally realized it's nothing but a dumbed down traditional Windows desktop OS with no start button mixed with a crappy tablet OS. Like two OS's running together where you go back and forth between the two with the Windows button. Some stuff you have on on the tablet side don't even run there, and just boot you back to the desktop. Some do, and you get a stupid dumbed down verion of the desktop program.

What I think MS should have done is take W7, and expand the desktop widgets/apps. They never really did anything with that, and instead of creating the metro screen (tablet OS) should have made the desktop wall paper 'live', and even allowed 3rd party app support. While I realize the metro screen is the new start screen I quickly lost any excitement for it. Like Windows phone they don't have common 'services' apps. Some..but not enough. So I spend almost no time on the metro screen and do almost everything through the dumbed down desktop.

02-15-13, 17:50
And you guys who want to bash Apple the PC industry is copying them left and right, and being forced to put out quality form factors. Now they basically make 'MBP' clones. I took these pics myself at the Austin Domain which has both an Apple and Windows store. Apple store = packed. Windows store....might as well have had cobb webbs and tumbleweeds.




And no I am not going to get a MPB because it's trendy. A ton of people have made the switch and been way happier with OS X. I have played with them a ton at the Apple store, using the apps, ect, and think MS is way behind when it comes to whats on their OS and how functional they are for the consumer. MS still owns the enterprise market, and that is fine. I am just sick of using Windows for 2 decades and want more than what it offers.

02-15-13, 21:49
Dude, there's nothing wrong with folks whose hobby is collecting the latest gadgets and tech stuff. Everyones hobbies are different.

The problem is, for most people, they aren't really learning anything, or acquiring a valuable or rewarding skillset, like most hobbies. Its just the latest & greatest high price piece of perishable shit. A new "precious" to do the finger swipy retard thing and blend in with the rest of the collective. These devices promote laziness, & strip people of individuality. Not only that, but social skills as well as literacy degenerate as a result of this texting BS. Especially the younger generation utilising this garbage throughout their formative years.

I HATE these things with a passion. I have friends that I'll be socializing with, and I will lose them mid conversation. You turn around briefly, and its as if theyve been sucked back to the mothership for a hardwire. Their faces go blank. They stare intently, unblinking with hollow eyes as theyre fingers weave an ebonic tapestry of text, arms scrunched up to their face, like a humanoid with T-rex arms. For a period of time they have vanished. And I'm left standing there.... Watching. Ready to welcome them back.

Look at the world around you people. This shits a disease. Everywhere you go, pay attention to how much value people place on these devices.

I saw a feral female transient, sitting amongst garbage and a shopping cart. In her hand, an iphone....... Surrounded by her detritus.

D. Christopher
02-15-13, 22:18
Everyone should use what's best for them, it's as simple as that. There are plenty of choices and everybody is free to decide for themselves and no one is being forced to buy a product or a brand at gunpoint.

If you don't have some knowledge or experience to contribute and all you can do is attempt to insult other forum members just because they use a phone or a computer or brand that you don't like or have a different hobby than you then you're pretty ****ing pathetic. Grow up or turn in your guns.

People on this forum are probably your 2nd Amendment allies, and probably have much more in common than not, and some around here want to make enemies and divide people because they don't use the right brand of phone?

02-15-13, 23:05
Everyone should use what's best for them, it's as simple as that. There are plenty of choices and everybody is free to decide for themselves and no one is being forced to buy a product or a brand at gunpoint.

If you don't have some knowledge or experience to contribute and all you can do is attempt to insult other forum members just because they use a phone or a computer or brand that you don't like or have a different hobby than you then you're pretty ****ing pathetic. Grow up or turn in your guns.

People on this forum are probably your 2nd Amendment allies, and probably have much more in common than not, and some around here want to make enemies and divide people because they don't use the right brand of phone?

Deeply resisting the response I want to make but yes you are right.

02-15-13, 23:16
I can already see it... a picatinny Iphone mount... that way you can play Angry Birds while mowing down the enemy.

02-15-13, 23:25
I can already see it... a picatinny Iphone mount... that way you can play Angry Birds while mowing down the enemy.

There already is an M1913 iPhone mount.

02-15-13, 23:27
I can already see it... a picatinny Iphone mount... that way you can play Angry Birds while mowing down the enemy.

KAC has an ipod mount to use their ballistics program. I have their app, and it's worked really well for me. It can download current weather information, and adjusts the adjustments you see. Big difference between 30 degree days and when its 110 out here. On my short dot using a 308 at 750 yards the temp diff was the difference between using the scope dials or hold overs with the reticle.

If that sort of difference can be calculated into a solution, and it is, then I love it.

02-15-13, 23:28
KAC has an ipod mount to use their ballistics program. I have their app, and it's worked really well for me. It can download current weather information, and adjusts the adjustments you see. Big difference between 30 degree days and when its 110 out here. On my short dot using a 308 at 750 yards the temp diff was the difference between using the scope dials or hold overs with the reticle.

If that sort of difference can be calculated into a solution, and it is, then I love it.

The JBM calculator is also good. I was using it to shoot 9x19mm out to like 400m. It was great.

02-16-13, 03:51
There's already the Pebble, so I think that aside from the "it's shiny and made by Apple" crowd, they're going to have to do something either revolutionary, or so convenient, in order to do well.

Personally, if they're going to do an iWatch thingy, I want it the same size or a little bigger than the new Nano and I want it to actually be able to do something. The Pebble is cool, but you're not going to text with it. I think if the iWatch could be a usable interface for an iPhone, they'd sell pretty well. What I DON'T want, is another 6th gen Nano or an Apple branded Pebble.

02-16-13, 08:32
There's already the Pebble, so I think that aside from the "it's shiny and made by Apple" crowd, they're going to have to do something either revolutionary, or so convenient, in order to do well.

Personally, if they're going to do an iWatch thingy, I want it the same size or a little bigger than the new Nano and I want it to actually be able to do something. The Pebble is cool, but you're not going to text with it. I think if the iWatch could be a usable interface for an iPhone, they'd sell pretty well. What I DON'T want, is another 6th gen Nano or an Apple branded Pebble.

The Pebble has a pretty low PPI screen.

02-16-13, 12:13
I think Apple makes very good consumer products. If I were going to get a smart phone for my father, for example, I would get him an iPhone (as it is right now he can't even figure out how to use the camera on his flip phone). I prefer Android devices because I like to tweek and play with things.

02-16-13, 12:53
The Pebble has a pretty low PPI screen.

Yes but PPI and usable space are not related. The Pebble could have the resolution of an HDtv but it wouldn't be usable because of the size. You're never going to type anything on a 6th generation Nano. My point is, aside from maybe displaying basic turn-by-turn, there isn't a whole lot more that you can cram in a watch the size of a watch, and the Pebble already does a pretty good job of the type of task integration that I've heard floated so far.

My hope is that if Apple is going to throw 100 engineers at it, it's going to be more than just the basic Pebble-like functionality that's already on the market in several iterations already.

02-16-13, 13:02
I refuse to buy Apple on principle. Mac OS-Whatever has always sucked and it seems like the minute you buy one of their products, the latest version comes out rendering your new $500 toy obsolete.

You should tell that to my 6 year old Macbook pro.

02-17-13, 03:43
You should tell that to my 6 year old Macbook pro.

Almost 7yrs old here. I bought one of the first "Intel" MBPs back in 2006.

Still runs. Snow Leopard was the last OS I upgraded to, however.

02-17-13, 04:35
I don't own an "I" anything & don't plan to. The only reason I even carry my 5+ year old cell phone is for work. I look forward to the day when I can skip the ****er across the water like in the Corona commercials.

02-17-13, 07:55

It is simply a matter of time. (bad pun :D)

I wouldn't replace my Citizen EcoDrive with one unless it had a huge list of functions. We'll see. The idea has potential. How awesome would it be to have a video-chat wrist watch? The future is nigh.

If it worked as an iPhone bluetooth accessory, in that you could respond to texts, use FaceTime, use speakerphone, use Siri to look stuff up, etc. it might be worth $150 or so. You could leave your iPhone on your waist or in your bag, and access the 6-10 most frequently used functions on your wrist instead. They'd need to make battery replacement cheap though.

I love good mechanical watches and own/have owned some fine pieces, but an Iphone that goes on your wrist, count me in.

The true realization of the Dick Tracy wrist phone. Love it. :cool:

02-17-13, 08:01
And phones? My iPhone is three years old, still gets updates, and only two phones have come out since then. Android? Six new ones would have come out the first month.

Not really. There is just a different business model between iOS and Android; Apple has iOS locked down to a single current model, Android is open to several hardware manufacturers.

My phone (Galaxy Nexus on Verizon) is about a year and a half old and really a direct replacement has not come out yet. And it's among the first to get updates...

Alex F
02-17-13, 10:48
I wouldn't be able to wear it where I work.

They nearly had a coronary about my Suunto Core till I told them it wasn't the Ambit (with GPS).

The "iWatch" looks neat but just isn't practical for me.

02-17-13, 11:08
Almost 7yrs old here. I bought one of the first "Intel" MBPs back in 2006.

Still runs. Snow Leopard was the last OS I upgraded to, however.

Ive got a 09 alum macbook thats still runs great, used soo much the space bar fell off, still usable for my needs. Both our windows computers dont even turn on. They always die a slow early death too. Im not a apple head but the stuff is worth the extra money.

Btw im typing this from a android fone

sent from mah gun,using my sights