View Full Version : My Sincere 'Thank You' to the Gun Grabbers for Overreaching

Doc Safari
02-14-13, 11:40
Really. Sincerely. I want to thank you gun grabbers in Congress and state houses nationwide for proving that the people who fear confiscation aren't crazies after all.

You have succeeded in waking up an entire generation of new and formerly complacent gun owners that you really do want to do nothing more than remove the right to keep and bear arms from the law abiding citizens of this land.

Further, you have put money in the hands of gun and accessory dealers nationwide, while greatly accelerating interest in firearms and the right of the individual to own them.

You have proven that you will exploit any crisis to further your desires to restrict rights at any cost. We now don't have to ask ourselves if you're lying when you say you support the rights of hunters and people wanting guns for self-defense, because we know you are lying.

So, gun grabbers: I thank you. For showing who you really are with your blatant proposals to confiscate guns and otherwise make them useless in the hands of the public. Thank you for removing any doubt what your real agenda is. And you wonder why people stand in line to get into gun shows and why the NRA can't keep up with the volume of new members.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

You will fail, and you will never get back the trust of waffling gun owners who thought you "might" be trusted.

Thank you gun grabbers. Thank you for "just being you."

But most of all, thank you for proving that we cannot work with you. We must get rid of you.

02-14-13, 12:16
These mentioned gun-grabbers are proposing and in some cases passing new restrictions nationwide. Firearm owners are panic buying and have driven prices up while depleting inventory. We argue among ourselves regularly due to heightened tension.

Yes there has been a lot of galvanizing as well, but not sure an elaborate thanks is in order just yet.

Doc Safari
02-14-13, 12:55
Yes there has been a lot of galvanizing as well, but not sure an elaborate thanks is in order just yet.

I'm being partly...'sardonic'...I think is the word.

Yes they're doing a lot of damage, but the solution to that is to vote the sumbitches out of office and replace them with people who will repeal the bad laws they pass.

I think in the long run they have done themselves more harm than good.

02-14-13, 13:15
Bad thing is they created an environment where there is not much for us to "grab" at the local gun stores right now.


02-14-13, 22:23

Yes they're doing a lot of damage, but the solution to that is to vote the sumbitches out of office and replace them with people who will repeal the bad laws they pass.

I think in the long run they have done themselves more harm than good.

And vote other "sumbitches" in who will perpetuate the law? Not sure I've ever seen a law repealed in the past few years. Better to shut them down before they can pass the "bad laws". But you knew that already.
I do agree with you, I'm glad it's out in the open. Those who thought us paranoid about confiscation, now have their own doubts and fears. Don't think they'll ever consider us anything less than fringe and we'll all fall apart once this crisis passes, but at least the curtain has been drawn back a little for all to see the true nature of the beast.

02-14-13, 23:45
Out of the woods huh? Must not be in Colorado. :mad:

02-15-13, 07:37
I'm a fan of the over reach. Draw the battle lines already. I'm ready to start shooting MO FOs!!!