View Full Version : Chanting USA is RACIST !!

02-14-13, 15:45
Yeah our country and education system is screwed !

Saw it on Megyn Kelly show

Wearing patriotic bandanas and chanting USA is racist !!!!!


Its now a "teachable moment"

02-14-13, 16:10
Yeah our country and education system is screwed !

Saw it on Megyn Kelly show

Wearing patriotic bandanas and chanting USA is racist !!!!!


Its now a "teachable moment"

Gabe Soumakian, the superintendent of the Oxnard Union School District, told Fox News' Todd Starnes that the USA chants had "racial overtones" and this could be a "teachable moment" for the school. He also said the "USA" chant did not comply with California state athletic guidelines and noted, "it has to do with the fact that they are making a chant regarding that we are from the USA and you’re not. Whether that’s the implied intent, that’s the way it comes across."

I would not hestitate to call Mr. Soumakian "stupid". If he thinks "USA" is racist, his head isn't in the right place to be doing anything involving kids. His teaching certificate should be revoked! :mad:

02-14-13, 16:26
It's CA.

This is not only to be expected but they breed this type of thing.

02-14-13, 16:26
I guess old Gabe thinks Hispanic folks are not US folks ! Talk about racist

I am so sick of this Black American Hispanic American etc..
Either you are American or not !

Whats funny is one of my South African friends who is white lives here now and got in trouble for putting down he is African American on some form one time :) hahhaahah
He was told it only applies to Black people !

Proving those terms are just to racially divide

02-14-13, 17:16
Send in the drones! :eek:

02-14-13, 17:38
I think everyone here needs to stop being so jittery and actually think this out a bit more.

These kids are from a high school in CA, which undoubtedly has a large hispanic population. They are at a athletic sporting even and they are supposed to cheering for their school and/or team. They clearly have little reason to cheer for the "USA" in this context, which makes me agree Mr. Soukmain that the chant probably does indeed have racial/nationality overtones. We're talking about high school boys for Pete's sake.

Now does this call for actual disciplinary action? Personally I would say no, because they are not actually explicitly saying racial things and are not causing a disturbance, and their speech is protected under the 1A as decided in Tinker v. Des Moines.

In fact, my main problem with them is violating the flag code by wearing the flag as bandannas.

02-14-13, 17:58
So in your eyes hispanics are not US citizens ?
Or Hispanics should now be offended by Americans chanting USA ?
Yeah folks who agree with this stuff want a divided country then !

You are a US citizen and proud of this country or not ? Your color or race or religion should not matter and is not supposed to !

Its idiocy like this that is screwing the country
When someone cant have a flag outside their home of the country they are in or chant their country at a sporting event without being called racist !
Now even the pledge of allegiance in School was said as one nation under alajha so as not to offend the one muslim in the school ?

Our education system and country is going down the toilet and folks like this are the ones flushing it !

And they did not wear flags ? unless I missed that ?
they had bandanas that had star stripes just like shirts that have flags on them etc...

I think everyone here needs to stop being so jittery and actually think this out a bit more.

These kids are from a high school in CA, which undoubtedly has a large hispanic population. They are at a athletic sporting even and they are supposed to cheering for their school and/or team. They clearly have little reason to cheer for the "USA" in this context, which makes me agree Mr. Soukmain that the chant probably does indeed have racial/nationality overtones. We're talking about high school boys for Pete's sake.

Now does this call for actual disciplinary action? Personally I would say no, because they are not actually explicitly saying racial things and are not causing a disturbance, and their speech is protected under the 1A as decided in Tinker v. Des Moines.

In fact, my main problem with them is violating the flag code by wearing the flag as bandannas.

02-14-13, 18:29
So in your eyes hispanics are not US citizens ? Some are, some aren't. California has a very large population of undocumented hispanic immigrants. Do you disagree?

Or Hispanics should now be offended by Americans chanting USA ? I'm not hispanic so I do not know.

Yeah folks who agree with this stuff want a divided country then !

Why are they chanting "USA" at a sporting event that has little to nothing to do with said sporting event? The administration obviously knows something we don't.

You are a US citizen and proud of this country or not ? Your color or race or religion should not matter and is not supposed to ! Is this a question to me, or is it a question in general? I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to say. And who said religion or race should matter? What point are you trying to make with this, and are you directing this at me?

Its idiocy like this that is screwing the country
When someone cant have a flag outside their home of the country they are in or chant their country at a sporting event without being called racist !

Again, the administration most likely knows something we don't about these students. There is no logical reason to be chanting "USA" while at a sporting event. You wouldn't generally chant for your favorite sports team at a Presidential event, and you wouldn't generally chant for "USA" at a high school sports game.
Now even the pledge of allegiance in School was said as one nation under alajha so as not to offend the one muslim in the school ?

And they did not wear flags ? unless I missed that ?
they had bandanas that had star stripes just like shirts that have flags on them etc...

They wore bandanas, and bandanas are included in the wearing of clothing/garments.

I don't know why I'm actually responding to your post in detail because I said in my original post I did not feel the students need reprimanding and were exercising their rights in the process. :confused:

02-14-13, 19:04
California has a very large population of undocumented hispanic immigrants. Do you disagree?

Oh you mean criminals, i.e. illegal aliens. And we're supposed to give a shit that they are offended because?

02-14-13, 19:16
Oh you mean criminals, i.e. illegal aliens. And we're supposed to give a shit that they are offended because?

How multiculturally insensitive of you.. :D

Afterall they are not minorities they are emerging majorities. :rolleyes:

02-14-13, 20:39
Oh you mean criminals, i.e. illegal aliens. And we're supposed to give a shit that they are offended because?

Ditto !

All the countries I have visited I have no problem if I went to a game and they chanted for their country :)

When I lived in Honduras I thought it was nice to hear some folks say how proud they were to be Honduranos as they called themselves :)

02-14-13, 20:48
This whole notion is bullshit. This guy should be bitch slapped with a red, white and blue dildo on national tv.

02-14-13, 20:51
California has a very large population of undocumented hispanic immigrants.

Again, the administration most likely knows something we don't about these students. There is no logical reason to be chanting "USA" while at a sporting event.

which makes me agree Mr. Soukmain that the chant probably does indeed have racial/nationality overtones. We're talking about high school boys for Pete's sake.

So being in HS and proud of your country makes you racist !

And if ilegals are around we better be careful and not show pride for our country !

Don Robison
02-14-13, 20:56
I thinking even a crappy lawyer could give him a "teachable moment" while taking cash from his pocket as well as the school district.
I'm not generally in favor of lawsuits, but I would make an exception for this asshat.

02-14-13, 22:26
From the local newspaper.

The chants arose loud and clear, just as they had at thousands of sporting events through the years.

“USA! USA!” the spectators yelled. Usually it sounds as sweet and strong as the peel of a later-day Liberty Bell, evoking feelings of unity, good cheer and pride.

This time, not so much.

This time, it happened at a high school basketball game, of all places, and it carried nefarious undertones.

At best, it was naïve and insensitive. At worst, it was — Shall we say it? — ugly, vindictive racism.

It occurred last Wednesday inside the Camarillo High gymnasium, with the Scorpions playing host to arch rival Rio Mesa. On the line was the Pacific View League boys basketball championship...........

Read more: http://www.vcstar.com/news/2013/feb/11/camarillo-chants-toward-rio-mesa-anything-but/#ixzz2KwGDEOBq
- vcstar.com

white spaniard
02-14-13, 22:46
This has happened here in TX last year also.

02-14-13, 23:04
Send in the drones! :eek:

That's the problem! Cali has too many drones already! :D

From the local newspaper.

The chants arose loud and clear, just as they had at thousands of sporting events through the years.

“USA! USA!” the spectators yelled. Usually it sounds as sweet and strong as the peel of a later-day Liberty Bell, evoking feelings of unity, good cheer and pride.

This time, not so much.

This time, it happened at a high school basketball game, of all places, and it carried nefarious undertones.

At best, it was naïve and insensitive. At worst, it was — Shall we say it? — ugly, vindictive racism.

It occurred last Wednesday inside the Camarillo High gymnasium, with the Scorpions playing host to arch rival Rio Mesa. On the line was the Pacific View League boys basketball championship...........

Read more: http://www.vcstar.com/news/2013/feb/11/camarillo-chants-toward-rio-mesa-anything-but/#ixzz2KwGDEOBq
- vcstar.com

Nationalism can only be racist if the policies and practices of the nation are racist. America being a "melting pot" of diverse races and cultures is probably one of the least racist nations in the world. Our president is black. We have black and Hispanic U.S. Supreme Court Justices. We've had a black female Secretary of State as well. We have no caste system and no special laws respective to restricting specific races. No position in local, state or federal government is restricted by race.

Chanting "USA" anywhere within the United States cannot be racist, unless you are also saying that the U.S. is a racist country, which is patently absurd on the face of it. I can see where in certain areas and under certain conditions, chanting "USA" might be viewed as xenophobic, but xenophobia is not racism. Those who consider this to be racism are flat out wrong. The school superintendent of the Oxnard Union School District is either ignorant or intentionally misusing the word "racial" in this context. Either way, his position as superintendent of an educational system demands that he be held to a higher standard. For that, I consider him an idiot of the highest order.

Now we have the editor of a local newspaper misusing the word, when their very job is supposed to be effective written communications. When the misuse of language by the very people expected to use it correctly in every instance possible becomes widespread, and is intended to shame or coerce others into modifying their behavior on a false premise, there is compelling evidence that it's no longer ignorance, but willful misuse. Willful misuse of words or terms in presenting a single side of an issue has a correct definition as well:
Propaganda: As opposed to impartially providing information, propaganda, in its most basic sense, presents information primarily to influence an audience. Propaganda often presents facts selectively (thus possibly lying by omission) to encourage a particular synthesis, or uses loaded messages to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information presented. The desired result is a change of the attitude toward the subject in the target audience to further a political, religious or commercial agenda. Propaganda can be used as a form of ideological or commercial warfare.:mad:

02-14-13, 23:04
This politically correct shit is bullshit. Just like Dr. Ben Carson said in his speach the other day, it is dangerous. What has this country come to? Regardless whether or not it was a highschool game and "USA" was being chanted, it is crazy to to call it racism. Why should any citizen of this or any country not be aloud to chant their home country at any event whether or not it is relevant to that particular event? And to then try and connect it to racism as to not offend an illegal or legal immigrant? That is just plain ****ing crazy. This politically correct non-sense is slowly eroding away the 1st ammendment.

02-14-13, 23:08
This politically correct shit is bullshit. Just like Dr. Ben Carson said in his speach the other day, it is dangerous. What has this country come to?

It hasn't come to anything yet, but it damn sure seems like it's falling apart at the seams.

02-14-13, 23:31
What happened to the good 'ol days where a righteous ass whipping could be delivered without threat of reprrcussions?

02-14-13, 23:50
Yeah our country and education system is screwed !

Saw it on Megyn Kelly show

Wearing patriotic bandanas and chanting USA is racist !!!!!


Its now a "teachable moment"

I'm positive that if they had been waving Mexican flags and chanting "Reconquista" there would be no "teachable moment."

CA is just ****ing LOST. Let's try and remember there was actually a Ho Chi Mihn Park during the Vietnam War, now called Willard Park.

Willard/ Ho Chi Minh Park
2730 Hillegass Ave., Berkeley, CA, 94705

02-14-13, 23:57
I think everyone here needs to stop being so jittery and actually think this out a bit more.

These kids are from a high school in CA, which undoubtedly has a large hispanic population. They are at a athletic sporting even and they are supposed to cheering for their school and/or team. They clearly have little reason to cheer for the "USA" in this context, which makes me agree Mr. Soukmain that the chant probably does indeed have racial/nationality overtones. We're talking about high school boys for Pete's sake.

Now does this call for actual disciplinary action? Personally I would say no, because they are not actually explicitly saying racial things and are not causing a disturbance, and their speech is protected under the 1A as decided in Tinker v. Des Moines.

In fact, my main problem with them is violating the flag code by wearing the flag as bandannas.

So in areas with large white communities do the hispanic kids need to watch themselves and not fly their flags or exhibit any kind of latin based nationalism? Should black kids in Utah have to watch their black pride stuff or risk it being branded as "racially overtoned" and "provocative"?

Also bandanas do NOT violate the flag code. They never were a flag. They are a US flag motif bandana.

02-15-13, 00:22
Whats funny about Georgia boy he agrees the kids are racist and thinks wearing a star stripe bandana is bad and they are bad for that ? And tries to mention the flag code which is obvious he does not understand
So doubling down on bad racist American hating kids who disrespect our flag is what he is trying to say !

Just the fact he said these two things together really shows me how radical progressives are infiltrating into groups to try to act like they are part of it but the true beliefs come out

Seems this has happened more and more here on this forum with people not standing up for our country but willing to throw it under them and their progressive beliefs and then try to make it seem they are the good guys

Truth is like the gov I truly feel quite a few of the folks on here are true progressives !

Just takes threads like this to truly bring them out !

02-15-13, 00:34
And while we are discussing CA schools with large hispanic populations, let's not forget the moment when they decided to fly the US flag upside down and BELOW the Mexican flag. And of course there were no "teachable moments" required for that incident. And only ONE student was actually punished, although nobody ever stated what that punishment was.






02-15-13, 00:55
Since the schools are ruled by radical left anti US progressives sure they were smiling watching our flag under the mexican flag and dreaming of the day they totally destroy this country

3 AE
02-15-13, 01:37
I find Teddy Roosevelt's words most inspiring even 90+ years later. Wish this could be a plaque mounted in every school, every courthouse, and every entrance point into the U.S.A.

"In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

02-15-13, 01:39
One thing I have noticed is that people tend to get insulted when they say something about their nationality. I was born abroad and one thing I could give 2 shit about is you talking about my country/nationality. As a matter of fact I came to the USA and then took an oath to protect the Constitution of the United States and I consider myself to be American. I do actually hate when somebody comes to me and tells me that they are Puerto Rican or Dominican when they were actually born in NY, grow the **** up and understand that you are an American.

Morale of my story is. I could care less and I rather be a True American.

02-15-13, 01:41
I find Teddy Roosevelt's words most inspiring even 90+ years later. Wish this could be a plaque mounted in every school, every courthouse, and every entrance point into the U.S.A.

"In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

That is very inspiring, very nice.

02-15-13, 01:59
From the local newspaper.

The chants arose loud and clear, just as they had at thousands of sporting events through the years.

“USA! USA!” the spectators yelled. Usually it sounds as sweet and strong as the peel of a later-day Liberty Bell, evoking feelings of unity, good cheer and pride.

This time, not so much.

This time, it happened at a high school basketball game, of all places, and it carried nefarious undertones.

At best, it was naïve and insensitive. At worst, it was — Shall we say it? — ugly, vindictive racism.

It occurred last Wednesday inside the Camarillo High gymnasium, with the Scorpions playing host to arch rival Rio Mesa. On the line was the Pacific View League boys basketball championship...........

Read more: http://www.vcstar.com/news/2013/feb/11/camarillo-chants-toward-rio-mesa-anything-but/#ixzz2KwGDEOBq
- vcstar.com


From the original story posted:

"Last Wednesday, Camarillo High School administrators ordered students Austin Medeiros, Stefan Valenzuela, and their two friends to remove their American flag bandanas and suspended them after they led fellow students at a basketball game in "USA, USA" chants. Camarillo school officials felt those actions had "racial overtones."

So am I to believe that these two students who happen to be Hispanic and led the USA chant are racist against Hispanics?

02-15-13, 03:17
So I am I to believe that these two students who happen to be Hispanic and led the USA chant are racist against Hispanics?

There is no law that says racism has to make sense.

02-15-13, 06:34
Another "teachable moment", probably.

02-15-13, 09:48
Another local article with less hyperbole.


4 students ejected from basketball game
Principal isn’t convinced of teens’ patriotic motives
By Dawn Witlin

The ejection of four Adolfo Camarillo High School students from the boys’ basketball game versus Rio Mesa High School last Wednesday at Camarillo sparked a fervor of debate and rumor among students, parents and educators about the ongoing racist undertones in the heated crosstown rivalry.

Just after the national anthem, the four boys led Camarillo’s student section to chant “USA.”

Although the boys argued they were chanting USA and wearing red, white and blue bandannas to be patriotic, Camarillo High’s administrators felt the teens were feigning patriotism to taunt the students at Rio Mesa, which, based on state records, has a much larger percentage of Latino students than ACHS................

02-15-13, 11:20
Excuse me...but USA is NOT a race!

It is a country!

Then how the hell is it racist to be chanting USA?

...give me a break!


02-15-13, 11:36
Then how the hell is it racist to be chanting USA?
Especially following our national anthem. Sounds like national pride to me!

3 AE
02-15-13, 11:45
From the story in the link provided by "kmrtnsn".

“I don’t think the (Camarillo administrators) should have ever asked the students to leave because it was done in the support of the country,” Bailey said. “If we can say the national anthem and Pledge of Allegiance every day at school, why is this any different?”

There is a high school that sings the National Anthem and recites the Pledge of Allegiance every day? I'm totally and pleasantly surprised. I figured in today's PC climate, having the students do one or the other or both would be frowned upon by administrators/principals as something that promotes imperialism, capitalism, and militarism. You know we can't have any of that! :sarcastic:

02-15-13, 15:12
Excuse me...but USA is NOT a race!

It is a country!

You can't fix stupid.

I had a subject that I was booking in one day, he became angry when he noticed on his paperwork that his race was listed as “White”. He said very matter-of-factly; “I am not White, I am Mexican!” I then asked him where he was born, he replied that he was born in Texas. I then had to explain to him that “Mexican” is a nationality and not a race. Then I had to break his heart further when I explained to him that since he was born in Texas that he was in fact an American. I then proceeded to school him on the difference between ethnicity and race to no avail. I'm sure the whole time the only thing going on between his ears was BROWN PRIDE, BROWN PRIDE, BROWN PRIDE.