View Full Version : Soliticing a minor over the internet...you'd think people would learn...

02-15-13, 20:08
What an a sick idiot. I think these types of crimes should be eligible for the death penalty. SCOTUS ruled rape or child crimes are not punishable by death, though. 2nd....I thought after Chris Hansen these perves would know better by now. This has to be like shooting fish in a barrel.


02-15-13, 20:14
Of all the crimes that people commit, I really don't get why people pull this stuff. It's so blatantly obvious that you're going to get caught...at least if you're going to knock off a bank or something there's a sliver of a chance that you actually succeed.

Oh well...I guess it works out in the end. Of all the criminals who should be caught, these assholes should be top of the list. At least they make it easy half the time.

02-15-13, 20:23
What an a sick idiot. I think these types of crimes should be eligible for the death penalty. SCOTUS ruled rape or child crimes are not punishable by death, though. 2nd....I thought after Chris Hansen these perves would know better by now. This has to be like shooting fish in a barrel.


I honestly think pedos will be the next "protected class" to be portrayed as a "lifestyle" choice and in need of special rights of protection.

After all, they just want to love and be loved.

Give it a few more generations.

02-15-13, 20:26
"Upon his arrest, Johnson indicated he is a federal agent for U.S. Customs and Border Protection and works at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport, according to the release."

Yikes! A career buster for sure.

02-15-13, 20:47
I honestly think pedos will be the next "protected class" to be portrayed as a "lifestyle" choice and in need of special rights of protection.

After all, they just want to love and be loved.

Give it a few more generations.

I don't agree. Lifestyle is one thing when you are dealing with two consenting adults. It is a whole different thing when you have someone who can not consent to an act.

02-15-13, 22:26
I honestly think pedos will be the next "protected class" to be portrayed as a "lifestyle" choice and in need of special rights of protection.

After all, they just want to love and be loved.

Give it a few more generations.

not even a few generations I sadly think

you are not alone in thinking it will happen and in some ways it already is being a bit more accepted as long as the ages are not to far apart and seems to be let off by some judges more than others ?
often I think its cause those judges are pedos themselves !!!

02-15-13, 22:31
I hope he enjoys being someone's prison bitch...as the Father of an 11 year old girl...

02-15-13, 22:35
I honestly think pedos will be the next "protected class" to be portrayed as a "lifestyle" choice and in need of special rights of protection.

After all, they just want to love and be loved.

Give it a few more generations.

**** no. I don't give a shit if gays wanna be together. That doesn't bother me at all.

But a child cannot consent.

02-15-13, 23:19
If that was to happen, then maybe, we should push that being an AR owner, is a way of life, and should be protected too?

02-15-13, 23:22
If that was to happen, then maybe, we should push that being an AR owner, is a way of life, and should be protected too?

It is a way of life for many of us.

02-15-13, 23:28
I honestly think pedos will be the next "protected class" to be portrayed as a "lifestyle" choice and in need of special rights of protection.

After all, they just want to love and be loved.

Give it a few more generations.

I don't agree. Lifestyle is one thing when you are dealing with two consenting adults. It is a whole different thing when you have someone who can not consent to an act.


This exact point has been discussed in this thread:


FWIW, I agree with Steyr - we have already begun down the path of The Dark Side...

02-18-13, 02:38
"Upon his arrest, Johnson indicated he is a federal agent for U.S. Customs and Border Protection and works at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport, according to the release."

Yikes! A career buster for sure.

Had a recently widely regarded FBI bomb tech that was going to work at a teaching lab local to me, till he was caught with a hard drive full of child porn.


They come from all walks of life and they walk among us. :mad:

02-18-13, 02:55
remember a case a while ago where the judge did not sentence a guy for raping a child cause the guy who did it was short and fat and he thought it would be cruel to put him in prison since he knows the guy would be hurt !!!

OK chances are this guy walks or serves minimum

02-18-13, 03:13
I honestly think pedos will be the next "protected class" to be portrayed as a "lifestyle" choice and in need of special rights of protection.

After all, they just want to love and be loved.

Give it a few more generations.

As soon as I read the OP about SCOTUS and the capital punishment of rapists and child molesters this is exactly what I was going to say. As with other lighting rod issues (that get threads locked on this forum) this one will be accepted by society as just another natural progression of evolution.

The proverbial writing is on the wall . . .

02-18-13, 03:20
As soon as I read the OP about SCOTUS and the capital punishment of rapists and child molesters this is exactly what I was going to say. As with other lighting rod issues (that get threads locked on this forum) this one will be accepted by society as just another natural progression of evolution.

The proverbial writing is on the wall . . .

It never will be accepted by society. Being a pedophile isn't a choice and so the person won't be imprisoned for thinking things... We don't have thought crimes here. But acting on certain things will always be illegal and punishable, just not by death. And people will always be concerned about their children, it's part of our biology, so no one will trust a pedophile.

If anything, the age of consent has been trending up, not down. We're more likely to see the minimum driving age go to 21 than we are to see the age of consent drop to 14.

02-18-13, 03:47
It never will be accepted by society.

People use to say the same about interracial relationships, abortion, homosexuality, and smoking cannabis.

*disclaimer: for our left leaning progressive members spare me your tirades as I AM NOT equating those who have an interracial marriage, or homosexuals, or those who partake in the ganja to child rapists. Merely I am comparing acceptance of perceived social taboos.*

"The times they are a changin" - Bob Dylan

02-18-13, 07:16
Heavens to Betsy, whatever happened to just putting the moves on the babysitter while driving her home?

02-18-13, 11:26
in my Little town we just had a 27 year old get busted for meeting up with a 13 year old girl who he talked to on facebook she walked over 30 miles to met him and her grandmother found out he is in the county jail Now .

And another sickening story a guy i have known for well over 20 years ( he is 42)started to ask another friend of mine daughter who is 14 for nude pictures and sent very very sexual content in text messages and on facebook the Sheriffs got word of this through her father who is also friends with this guy and a now dude has dropped of the face of the earth dont know if he is on the run or what .

it is really sick to think this guy has a 14 year old daughter himself and it make you wonder if anything has happen to her .
Such a sick world we live in I would Kill a son of a bitch that messed with my daughter she is only 12 an it scares the hell out of me

02-18-13, 12:02
People use to say the same about interracial relationships, abortion, homosexuality, and smoking cannabis.

*disclaimer: for our left leaning progressive members spare me your tirades as I AM NOT equating those who have an interracial marriage, or homosexuals, or those who partake in the ganja to child rapists. Merely I am comparing acceptance of perceived social taboos.*

But the difference is I'm right and they're wrong :p

02-18-13, 12:26
in my Little town we just had a 27 year old get busted for meeting up with a 13 year old girl who he talked to on facebook she walked over 30 miles to met him and her grandmother found out he is in the county jail Now .

And another sickening story a guy i have known for well over 20 years ( he is 42)started to ask another friend of mine daughter who is 14 for nude pictures and sent very very sexual content in text messages and on facebook the Sheriffs got word of this through her father who is also friends with this guy and a now dude has dropped of the face of the earth dont know if he is on the run or what .

it is really sick to think this guy has a 14 year old daughter himself and it make you wonder if anything has happen to her .
Such a sick world we live in I would Kill a son of a bitch that messed with my daughter she is only 12 an it scares the hell out of me

I'm with Warpig; mine is 11 and this is what keeps me up at night. I say give 'em to the Dads....btw I was a tanker too :)

02-18-13, 12:30
Here's one that just happened in MN involving a Minneapolis police officer:


My wife and I always DVR the "To Catch a Predator" shows when they come on for the entertainment factor. She can never watch when Chris Hansen walks out, it's usually my favorite part. It's amazing how many people still get caught doing it.

02-18-13, 12:33
Pedophiles have one of the highest rates of recidivism of all criminals for a reason. This is why I wonder why they aren't just executed or just get throw on some isolated volcanic island where they can live out the rest of their perverted lives. :mad:

02-18-13, 15:20
I don't agree. Lifestyle is one thing when you are dealing with two consenting adults. It is a whole different thing when you have someone who can not consent to an act.

And homosexuality used to be considered a psychological disorder. Definitions change over time. Of course it seems absurd to us now, just as everyday things would have been absurd 40 years ago.

Can you imagine a majority of the population advocating for homosexual boyscout leaders in 1973? Encouraging same sex couples to adopt and raise children?

02-18-13, 15:24
**** no. I don't give a shit if gays wanna be together. That doesn't bother me at all.

But a child cannot consent.

Woody's Affair With His Wife/Step Daughter began when she was 14, He is 35 yrs older than her.

02-18-13, 16:34
I actually do contravention and interdiction of child pornography and online grooming of children for a living. I realize that the fashionable thing to say is that society is going to hell in a hand cart and we are becoming more tolerant. My experience doesn't support that assertion. The Federal Protection Act of 2008 has mandated reporting to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Federal code has been expanded to include simulated images (CGI) of child pornography. There is a tech coalition out of DC made up of large tech companies that are normally seen as competitors are collaborating. Take a look at this:
This is an example of Microsoft and Facebook working together to make the internet safer by driving images and offenders of the internet. For the record, this is rewarding, excruciating work, and we catch lots of bad guys. And yes, some of the individuals are stupid and some of the rings use national security level encryption. Its a very mixed bag.

02-18-13, 16:54
got a buddy who is a Psychologist and does porn intervention stuff like you do down here
he says its has gotten worse and often online things make it easier to learn how to skirt laws and not be found out and have others hide it and the support of private clubs pat each others back and make sure they realize its OK and lots of others like you out their that just love little kids !!
he says its sick beyond belief when you get behind the scenes

and yes some are making it tougher but a huge amount exists that is hidden and sadly the internet has made it much easier for them and seems to enable them even more ?

as I say balance and karma all the good the internet brings has a balance and I am one of those things are balanced in our world of good and bad

I just wish anyone caught in the act or for sure is guilty is put to death given a age spread so no 18 year old kid dies for having a 16 year old girl friend thing ! anyone under 14 death anyone 15 maybe 2 years older and 16 3 years and 17 4 years and up to 18 6 years or something

and to those that say kids cant consent when courts try kids as adults for crimes it makes it easier to say well since they know a crime at 13 or 14 they know enough to interact with me and give consent

just the fact the schools are doing to grade school giving out condoms promoting sex education to explore with same sex in schools now and many other things is proof IMHO of what is happening

02-18-13, 19:09
Yeah, I seem to recall a few years ago there was a detailed online resource (originally hosted on NAMBLA I think) that basically instructed people on how to find kids for sex and not get caught or implicate themselves.

I started trying to look for it then realized I don't actually want to do that search on my computer.

02-18-13, 20:33
Yeah, I seem to recall a few years ago there was a detailed online resource (originally hosted on NAMBLA I think) that basically instructed people on how to find kids for sex and not get caught or implicate themselves.

I started trying to look for it then realized I don't actually want to do that search on my computer.

yup agree dont want that even to educate myself on my puter !

they moved nambla to Canada I believe cause they were more tolerant of certain laws ? or something

02-18-13, 20:51
Woody's Affair With His Wife/Step Daughter began when she was 14, He is 35 yrs older than her.

That was the sound of me throwing up in my mouth. A lot.

I hope you're happy.

02-18-13, 21:48
and to those that say kids cant consent when courts try kids as adults for crimes it makes it easier to say well since they know a crime at 13 or 14 they know enough to interact with me and give consent

It doesn't matter what people say. The way most states work, if you are over 18 and your partner is 14, you just raped your partner if you had sex. It doesn't matter if your partner had a blood test to determine sobriety, a psychological examination to determine mental state and lack of mental illness, a signed and notarized statement saying she wanted to have sex, and the consent of all her friends and family.

It's also true about lying about age. If you meet someone who's drinking at a bar, you can probably assume that person is over 21. Even if you ask for drivers license, birth certificate, passport, and a signed statement that she is over 18 and you make it clear you have no intention of having sex with someone under 18, then you have sex and find out later that everything was a forgery, you still raped her by law and go to jail as a sex offender.

Society isn't getting lenient, it's getting stricter. No amount of consent and no honest mistake of fact can get you out of statutory rape because by definition, it's statutory.

02-18-13, 22:23
That was the sound of me throwing up in my mouth. A lot.

I hope you're happy.

And he isn't in jail is he? If you ask him the important thing is they found love. Don't even get me started on the white kids Michael Jackson bought. There are still people dumb enough to believe he is genetically related to those kids.

02-18-13, 22:28
I honestly think pedos will be the next "protected class" to be portrayed as a "lifestyle" choice and in need of special rights of protection.

After all, they just want to love and be loved.

Give it a few more generations.

There has been talk here about a line in the sand, well all I have to say is this is mine. I can put up with a lot of shit, but putting up with a pedo is not one of them. If they become the norm or acceptable I guess I will move into the "crazy" slot.

02-18-13, 22:29
A while ago some one I knew got caught in a local craigslist sting, along with like 20 other guys.

The ad was a mother wanting to whore out her 13 year old twins.

I'll be honest, I was less shocked that some one I knew got caught and more shocked that he/they fell for that

02-18-13, 22:33
There has been talk here about a line in the sand, well all I have to say is this is mine. I can put up with a lot of shit, but putting up with a pedo is not one of them. If they become the norm or acceptable I guess I will move into the "crazy" slot.

Check your local sex offender registration. I bet you have a dozen of them within walking distance of your house.

02-18-13, 22:37
I am saying things will change maybe and someone convicted will bring up other cases where minors were tried as adults and then the debate of old enough to be tried for a crime is old enough to be in control

never said it mattered what people said ?

It doesn't matter what people say. The way most states work, if you are over 18 and your partner is 14, you just raped your partner if you had sex. It doesn't matter if your partner had a blood test to determine sobriety, a psychological examination to determine mental state and lack of mental illness, a signed and notarized statement saying she wanted to have sex, and the consent of all her friends and family.

It's also true about lying about age. If you meet someone who's drinking at a bar, you can probably assume that person is over 21. Even if you ask for drivers license, birth certificate, passport, and a signed statement that she is over 18 and you make it clear you have no intention of having sex with someone under 18, then you have sex and find out later that everything was a forgery, you still raped her by law and go to jail as a sex offender.

Society isn't getting lenient, it's getting stricter. No amount of consent and no honest mistake of fact can get you out of statutory rape because by definition, it's statutory.

02-18-13, 23:01
I am saying things will change maybe and someone convicted will bring up other cases where minors were tried as adults and then the debate of old enough to be tried for a crime is old enough to be in control

They'd have to change the law, nothing short of that will get them off a conviction. A court won't strike down that law without a very good reason, and there are limited reasons to strike down a law. The argument you bring up isn't nearly convincing enough to do so in a court.

02-18-13, 23:18
Check your local sex offender registration. I bet you have a dozen of them within walking distance of your house.

Yeah...probably a good idea not to do that.

Seeing a "forcible rape of child" the next street over doesn't do anything beneficial for you. Trust me.

Of course, I personally see a difference between consensual sex with a 15 year old and the above. Everybody has their own line where it just gets to the point where they'd rather put a bullet through their head. Consensual sex with a 15 year old doesn't cross that line for me. Yes, I know, legally and technically a 15 year old cannot consent in the United States, but you know what I mean.

Just castrate 'em, put 'em in prison awhile, and move on in that case.

The forcible guys, or the younguns...I'll man the firing squad with you.

Maybe when my daughter gets older my perception will change.

Probably it will.

02-18-13, 23:21
Yeah...probably a good idea not to do that.

Seeing a "forcible rape of child" the next street over doesn't do anything beneficial for you. Trust me.

Of course, I personally see a difference between consensual sex with a 15 year old and the above. Everybody has their own line where it just gets to the point where they'd rather put a bullet through their head.

Gives me a list of beneficial things to accomplish should the bubble ever truly burst.


Right now it just pisses me off and makes me wonder how the **** they can afford to live two blocks over from me.

02-18-13, 23:23
Gives me a list of beneficial things to accomplish should the bubble ever truly burst.


Right now it just pisses me off and makes me wonder how the **** they can afford to live two blocks over from me.

That's a good point, actually.

Mental note made.

02-19-13, 00:14
Gives me a list of beneficial things to accomplish should the bubble ever truly burst.


Right now it just pisses me off and makes me wonder how the **** they can afford to live two blocks over from me.

Most likely some kinda gov money

02-19-13, 06:36
Check your local sex offender registration. I bet you have a dozen of them within walking distance of your house.

While this is true the Sex offender Registry is a terrible system. I liken it to the stupidity of gun control now.

Oh to be sure there are sexual predators out there who we want to know about. However lets not forget how badly it is misused.

Hell I have a friend who is on it. A very good friend in fact. He is classified as a violent sexual predator. Why? Because he hooked up with another guy. The guy later tried to extort money out of my friend and he refused to pay up.

I also remember a few years ago a guy got put on the list for taking a piss on the side of the road. And another one where a guy was drug through the mud for pulling a small child out of traffic. The list goes on.....

02-19-13, 06:48
Yes it is two years old, but they are organized and their political clout will continue to grow resulting in pedophilia being mainstream.

The world’s largest pro-pedophilia advocacy group uses Facebook to connect with its members throughout the world; to find and exchange photos of children; to hone its members' predatory behavior; and to identify, target and reel in child victims, an investigation by FoxNews.com reveals.


02-19-13, 08:41
Pedos Make me sick to my stomach
the last place i lived we got a flyer in the mail about a sex offender Moving into our neighborhood it wasn't long after that he was spotted at a store and was jumped and had the hell beat out of him and they convicted the guy that did it .
the man was the uncle of the little girl he raped a 8 year old i wish he would have killed him .I just can't understand why someone would look at a kid that way it is sick.

the local news here did a story the other day about sexual offenders taking plea bargains to get a lesser sentence WTF I say take them out back and string them up

02-19-13, 08:53
I'm with Warpig; mine is 11 and this is what keeps me up at night. I say give 'em to the Dads....btw I was a tanker too :)

HAHA 100% Give them to the dads and we will take care of it
another sad note have ya'll noticed the rise in teachers molesting their students :mad:

02-19-13, 14:07
While this is true the Sex offender Registry is a terrible system. I liken it to the stupidity of gun control now.

Oh to be sure there are sexual predators out there who we want to know about. However lets not forget how badly it is misused.

Hell I have a friend who is on it. A very good friend in fact. He is classified as a violent sexual predator. Why? Because he hooked up with another guy. The guy later tried to extort money out of my friend and he refused to pay up.

I also remember a few years ago a guy got put on the list for taking a piss on the side of the road. And another one where a guy was drug through the mud for pulling a small child out of traffic. The list goes on.....

For a few of these I call BS ?
Chances are something else is on their record or what they did ?

Yeah sure a few are on their who might not be but usually taken care of like rescuing a child ? Something else happened !

Pissing in public ? Don't pull your junk out around others problem solved !
If you are in a area to be seen and arrested for that chances are it was avoidable or in a area full of people ?
so be careful or don't do it !
many have used that excuse for showing their junk to kids !
Saying I was just taking a leak officer !
To bad it was in front of kids on the swing set ! So they decided to put it on the list to protect that side of it !
Sickos will make excuses sadly

02-19-13, 14:30
While this is true the Sex offender Registry is a terrible system. I liken it to the stupidity of gun control now.

Oh to be sure there are sexual predators out there who we want to know about. However lets not forget how badly it is misused.

Hell I have a friend who is on it. A very good friend in fact. He is classified as a violent sexual predator. Why? Because he hooked up with another guy. The guy later tried to extort money out of my friend and he refused to pay up.

I also remember a few years ago a guy got put on the list for taking a piss on the side of the road. And another one where a guy was drug through the mud for pulling a small child out of traffic. The list goes on.....

I can understand the difference between public indecent exposure and forced sex on a minor under 13.

02-19-13, 15:28
Pedos Make me sick to my stomach
the last place i lived we got a flyer in the mail about a sex offender Moving into our neighborhood it wasn't long after that he was spotted at a store and was jumped and had the hell beat out of him and they convicted the guy that did it .
the man was the uncle of the little girl he raped a 8 year old i wish he would have killed him .I just can't understand why someone would look at a kid that way it is sick.

the local news here did a story the other day about sexual offenders taking plea bargains to get a lesser sentence WTF I say take them out back and string them up

See, this is what I really don't understand.

Somebody gets tried and convicted of this, and are then released free into society.

How about we just :stop: putting them back on the street, ever, again...?

02-19-13, 16:18
And he isn't in jail is he? If you ask him the important thing is they found love. Don't even get me started on the white kids Michael Jackson bought. There are still people dumb enough to believe he is genetically related to those kids.

I'm still of the opinion that Michael Jackson was chemically castrated as a kid, and therefore was not actually attracted to anybody most likely.

02-19-13, 16:19
While this is true the Sex offender Registry is a terrible system. I liken it to the stupidity of gun control now.

Oh to be sure there are sexual predators out there who we want to know about. However lets not forget how badly it is misused.

Hell I have a friend who is on it. A very good friend in fact. He is classified as a violent sexual predator. Why? Because he hooked up with another guy. The guy later tried to extort money out of my friend and he refused to pay up.

I also remember a few years ago a guy got put on the list for taking a piss on the side of the road. And another one where a guy was drug through the mud for pulling a small child out of traffic. The list goes on.....

Don't forget the 18 year old kid who got stuck on the Sex Offender Registry for having nude pictures of his 17 year old girlfriend on his phone.

02-19-13, 16:36
Don't forget the 18 year old kid who got stuck on the Sex Offender Registry for having nude pictures of his 17 year old girlfriend on his phone.
There are instances where (using this situation) if the GF's picture was self-taken, she'd also be arrested for creation and distribution of child pornography and stuck on a sex offender list for the rest of her life.

02-19-13, 17:14
They come from all walks of life and they walk among us. :mad:

NYPD Sgt. in the news today (http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nypd-sgt-collared-possessing-child-porn-article-1.1267489).

An NYPD sergeant with 15 years on the force was arrested Monday and charged in connection with having child pornography on his computer, police sources said.

Alberto Randazzo, 36, was charged with use of a child in a sexual performance, promoting sexual performance by a child and possessing a sexual performance by a child, police said.

It's a lot more common than most people think. Plenty of people make jokes about priests but the fact of the matter is that predators attempt to get into positions of authority and trust so they can use that to their advantage. Unfortunately it happens way too often.

02-19-13, 17:20
There are instances where (using this situation) if the GF's picture was self-taken, she'd also be arrested for creation and distribution of child pornography and stuck on a sex offender list for the rest of her life.

Can you please PM me a case where that has happened. I've tried to search but came up empty. Thanks

02-19-13, 17:35
I'm still of the opinion that Michael Jackson was chemically castrated as a kid, and therefore was not actually attracted to anybody most likely.

What do you base that theory on?

I think Joe Jackson was just an asshole who abused his meal tickets (verbally, psychologically and perhaps sexually) in order to get maximum value out of them.

I think this made Michael Jackson afraid of adults and unable to relate to them. I think he remained a child psychologically and preferred to relate to other children in all ways.

02-19-13, 18:07
See, this is what I really don't understand.

Somebody gets tried and convicted of this, and are then released free into society.

How about we just :stop: putting them back on the street, ever, again...?

agree get life for drugs but rape a kid and get let out makes no sense to me

02-19-13, 19:01
There are instances where (using this situation) if the GF's picture was self-taken, she'd also be arrested for creation and distribution of child pornography and stuck on a sex offender list for the rest of her life.

Thanks for the PM. I sent you a reply. Fortunately, it turns out that the consequences may not have been so dire for those teens in Greensburg Salem. Still, as a parent I disagree with the DA's method of sending a message.

02-19-13, 19:42
Thanks for the PM. I sent you a reply. Fortunately, it turns out that the consequences may not have been so dire for those teens in Greensburg Salem. Still, as a parent I disagree with the DA's method of sending a message.

Sadly if you just add government and bureaucracy then sensible and good ideas, such as a list of violent sexual predators who target children, can actually be used to target those same kids it was designed to protect. All it takes is somebody who has an agenda and is stupid enough to do it.

02-19-13, 20:00
Sadly if you just add government and bureaucracy then sensible and good ideas, such as a list of violent sexual predators who target children, can actually be used to target those same kids it was designed to protect. All it takes is somebody who has an agenda and is stupid enough to do it.

In the case in question, the local DA decided to send a message to the local teens by initially filing the charges under child porn statues. It does not appear that the intent was to ever make them registered sex offenders although this is debatable since the jackass probably had to do some serious back-tracking due to public outcry. In the end, they were given community service, probation, etc. and none were required to register as sex offenders.

When it comes to sex offenders, I'm not seeing the volume of over-prosecution that would make me want to do away with registration. I hear stories of people getting the shaft, but further investigation often shows that the facts are not as egregious as first presented. In fact, the only thing that might make me want to do away with the registration is if it became obsolete due to mandatory life sentences.