View Full Version : Chicago Chief calls law-abiding citizens corrupt!

02-18-13, 09:27
Talk about hypocrisy!!

ISRA: Chicago Police Chief Garry McCarthy says lawful firearm owners are corrupt (http://www.examiner.com/article/isra-chicago-police-chief-garry-mccarthy-says-lawful-firearm-owners-are-corrupt)

On Sunday, the Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA) is reacting severely and swiftly to comments made by Chicago’s Superintendent of Police Garry McCarthy who stated on a talk show that lawful firearm owners are simply agents of political corruption. McCarthy, who has been continually on the hot seat alongside Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel for the continual murders by guns in Chicago, spoke on a Sunday morning talk show.

Chicago area girl killed after Obama spoke about guns on South Side

McCarthy maintains a firm believe that firearm owners who lobby elected officials or who donate money to political campaigns are engaging in a type of corruption that endangers public safety. Also disturbing to the ISRA is its assertion that Superintendent McCarthy believes that judges and lawmakers ought to rely on public opinion polls when interpreting the United States Constitution.

Responding to McCarthy’s comments, including his comments regarding the United States Constitution’s 2nd Amendment, ISRAQ Executive Director Richard Pearson harshly stated:

Garry McCarthy’s understanding of our Constitution barely qualifies him as a meter maid, never mind the chief of the nation’s third largest police department. What on earth would possess McCarthy to assert that constitutional rights should be meted out based on public opinion polls? Let’s not forget that public opinion polls once opposed a woman’s right to vote…

Chicago has been the verbal target of continual scorn and ridicule for its ongoing gun violence. Last year, the count of deaths by guns topped 500, and the new year began with an incredible 42 murders in the first month of 2013.

On Friday, President Barack Obama came to his hometown of Chicago to talk about guns and poverty at Hyde Park Academy on the city’s South Side. Within a few hours, there were four more wounded in the city with one woman dying from her gunshot. As the weekend continued, another round of shootings happened on Saturday resulting in the death of a 17-year-old boy in the city’s Little Village neighborhood on a busy Chicago street at 6:15 in the evening.

02-18-13, 09:46
..................McCarthy believes that judges and lawmakers ought to rely on public opinion polls when interpreting the United States Constitution.
Oh yeah, that'll work out just great!

02-18-13, 09:47
That fool and the scumbag mayor are about to implode because the murders continue at a relentless pace and they can't find enough scapegoats to cover up for the horrendous state of many inner city blacks.

It is they that are corrupt to the very fullest extent.

02-18-13, 10:46
These ****s are sitting on a powder-keg of urban blight perpetuated by poverty, illiteracy, drug-addiction, crime, etc., etc., etc., and the only thing keeping the whole ****ing shebang from going up in smoke is to keep shoveling money at it hoping if the natives can still buy some food and pay for cable TV they won't light a match.

We've got the same problems out west with indian reservations. They're just government-sponsored gulags/ghettos whose sole purpose is to contain the problem to whatever degree possible.

It's ****ing tragic and such a waste. A waste of public funds and a waste of human lives.

02-18-13, 12:23
Now this is truly funny. Is this ****ing guy a comedian?

This is a state that is three for three of their last three governers going to prison for some sort of politcal corruption.

Chicago is reching record highs for gunshot wounds and gun homicides, yet has the some of the strictest gun laws in the nation.

Why don't you clean up your yard and let the honest and non corrupt have their rights back instead of trying to blame everyone else who owns a gun(legally) of "politcal corruption", you sorry bag of assholes.

3 AE
02-18-13, 14:05
I lived in Chicago for the first twenty four years of my life. Had a wonderful time growing up there, BUT when I got into my adult years, it was "Who you know, not What you know". The political corruption, the hypocrisy of the City Govt., and the increase of social welfare programs went off the charts. The City became a Leftist delight and a Libertarian's nightmare.

The statements made by their CoP is just deplorable, but then I'm preaching to the choir. I'm sure every CoP of any large city police dept. is beholden to the mayor and is "Channeling" the thoughts and wishes of their boss. Still, I'm glad he said what he said in public. He didn't keep his/Mayor's views private. A hidden agenda so to speak. It's out there in mainstream media for the entire country to see. They just totally screwed the pooch. Can you imagine what most of the judges sitting on the benches of all of the States and the U.S. Supreme Courts must be thinking? They sure as hell didn't endear themselves to the Judicial branches.

Three cheers and a toast to Mr. Pearson. "Garry McCarthy’s understanding of our Constitution barely qualifies him as a meter maid, never mind the chief of the nation’s third largest police department." That right there made my day.

02-18-13, 14:19
I wondered when the gang/drug violence induced murders would become part of the national nightly news when they ran out of "mass killers" to talk about. Even here the local news has a shooting or 2 a week to talk about a few times a week to make it look like there are more and more shootings.

D. Christopher
02-18-13, 14:27
I can't think of anyone who would know more about what "agents of corruption" look like than Garry McCarthy and Rahm Emanuel. They didn't write the book, but it was handed down to them by their predecessors and they have added a few chapters of their own. Screw them and the world they've built on the misery and mistreatment of their own citizens. They care about nothing but power, and Rahm will "never let a crisis go to waste."

Hey Chicago, how does it feel to be the eggs in the king's omelet?

02-18-13, 15:21
This isn't the first time a CoP sets himself above the populace..... It's funny that we sheriffs on the side of gun owners and chiefs on the other. :confused:

D. Christopher
02-18-13, 18:12
CoP's like McCarthy are political animals, plain and simple. You guys serve the people and it shows. Unfortunately where I live the Sheriff's Dept. only serve papers, most don't even carry a sidearm for protection. That bothers me. They come across some very unhappy citizens in the performance of their duties. Stay safe.

This is the new McCarthyism. Get used to it folks.

02-18-13, 18:13
Mccarthy is the biggest douchebag ignorant fat **** I have ever seen, I dont even know how this dude got to be chief none the less a LEO. From his time in NYPD to going different places to be a chief, this dude does not want to accept that he has failed in ever way shape or form. don't waste your time listening to this guy, use it on something more productive.

02-18-13, 22:14
From the Chief of Police in one of the MOST corrupt cities in the US.

02-18-13, 22:19
From the Chief of Police in one of the MOST corrupt cities in the US.

It's no wonder that the recent Batman movies chose Chicago rather than NY to be Gotham. Maybe we need to wipe the slate clean and just start over?

02-19-13, 13:59
My company just pulled a grant to the CPD over this. If the chief views people like me as a criminal and culpable in his city's homicide and violence problems; though we have done nothing except exercise rights endowed upon us by our Creator and protected by the Constitution, I am not going to support his agency with my money.

Statements like this by such a high profile CLEO are irresponsible and inflammatory since they create a divide between law abiding citizens and law enforcement, rather than working to bridge any gaps and strengthen relationships. Most law abiding citizens don't have the privilege of working with the quiet professionals in law enforcement on a daily basis and witnessing their commitment, sacrifice, hard work, and professionalism.

Statements like Chief McCarthy's cast law enforcement in a very negative light. If Chicago wants to solve their violence problems, the trust and cooperation between law enforcement and citizens is paramount. Chief McCarthy just escalated a two front war - one with criminals and one with citizens; which makes effective policing nearly impossible. This is unwise and will do nothing except exacerbate already difficult problems. Alienation and demagoguery isn't productive. In any other city, this would result in a resignation.

02-19-13, 15:50
He would've gotten along well with Richie Daley.

02-19-13, 15:56
My company just pulled a grant to the CPD over this...

Kudos for this. Give the grant to an LE Agency that actually believes in and practices the Oath they took.

02-19-13, 16:14
Yeah but isn't a Chief of Police in a major metro area just a politician in a uniform?

I mean...from what I see and hear from our CoP in Houston versus cops on the street and county deputies...there is a HUGE difference in the views of these groups on gun ownership and the citizens they serve.

I would not expect any different answer from the CoP of Houston, Dallas or any other large metro area. Sad...but they are basically politicians...not real cops.


02-19-13, 16:25
Kudos for this. Give the grant to an LE Agency that actually believes in and practices the Oath they took.

We will. Integrity is important to us, and so is helping where we can.

02-19-13, 18:04
If he truly wants to deal with corruption, he should start by looking in the mirror, then resign. So should the Mayor on down.

02-19-13, 23:58
After political careers in Newark and Chicago I'd opine that McCarthy would have the first hand knowledge and experience to be a subject matter expert on the subject of corruption. Thus, the pot is libeling the kettle.

02-20-13, 06:49
That guy looks really out of place in a police uniform. If I saw him wearing an orange jumpsuit picking up trash along the highway I wouldn't think twice.

02-20-13, 09:21
That guy looks really out of place in a police uniform. If I saw him wearing an orange jumpsuit picking up trash along the highway I wouldn't think twice.

It's Chicago, just give it some time. :D

02-20-13, 09:44
In most cities, the Chief of Police is appointed by the Mayor; the Sheriff is elected...which is why you see mosts Chief's spouting the Mayor's 'party' line, while you see some serious disagreements between Mayor's and Sheriff's....i.e. Milwaukee...

02-20-13, 15:55


The practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.