View Full Version : Colorado College gives some unorthodox advise to prevent rape

02-19-13, 15:53
As the Colorado house just passed a bill that prevents CCW on college campuses, the college issues a statement advising women that feel they may be raped to urinate, vomit, tell the attacker she is menstruating or that she has an STD.

The ignorance among some of the so called educated elite is astonishing.


02-19-13, 15:54
Did you see that Colorado politico who stated that there is no need for women to be able to protect themselves since they can walk around with a loud whistle and there are blue boxes all over the campuses. :rolleyes:

02-19-13, 16:07
As the Colorado house just passed a bill that prevents CCW on college campuses, the college issues a statement advising women that feel they may be raped to urinate, vomit, tell the attacker she is menstruating or that she has an STD.

FWIW I think that stupid "advice" is from a standard guideline or pamphlet used nationally, not something special to Colorado College. I remember reading it elsewhere in the past year or so, possibly for Washington DC or some institution in DC.

02-19-13, 16:12
This is similar to the advice that came from Old Dominion University in Virginia a while back. They have a violent crime problem on their campus which has resulted in dozens of attacks and robberies, and a few rapes in the past couple years. Advice has solved nothing. Next your Colorado college will probably suggest a Safe Walk Home volunteer program which will be equally ineffective, only giving an armed criminal more targets and loot.

02-19-13, 16:23
Reminds me of the days when they used to tell women to try and enjoy it.

02-19-13, 16:25
Reminds me of the days when they used to tell women to try and enjoy it.

Who was that one woman (some congresswoman) who went on about how there was no such thing was "rape" and how women brought it upon themselves because of how they acted, and dressed?

(I remember she actually got raped much later, and her attacker walked when brought to trial on the grounds of "she deserved it".)

Anybody remember her name?

02-19-13, 16:37
Funny how the media treats politicians who make dumbass comments on rape differently depending on the (R) or (D) next to their name.

02-19-13, 16:54
FWIW I think that stupid "advice" is from a standard guideline or pamphlet used nationally, not something special to Colorado College. I remember reading it elsewhere in the past year or so, possibly for Washington DC or some institution in DC.

A quick Google: police rape prevention advice and nearly the same advice applies to Metropolitan Community College (http://www.mccneb.edu/police/Preventingrape.pdf) ladies in Omaha, NE and plenty of other colleges and police departments advocate the same victimization advice as well.

Try to stay calm so that you can gather information and make decisions. Draw attention to yourself — scream, yell "fire" or "help". Resist as long as it is safe to do so. Claim to be sick, pregnant, have a venereal disease or to have AIDS.

02-19-13, 17:19
Take a deep breath... Advice to vomit or defecate is pretty standard in rape prevention curriculums, playing to the natural aversion to vomitus and feces many/most people have.

I would not rely upon the above or menstrual or STD claims, but they are tools in the toolbox.

02-19-13, 17:28
Take a deep breath... Advice to vomit or defecate is pretty standard in rape prevention curriculums, playing to a nature aversion to vomitus and feces many/most people have.

I would not rely upon the above or menstrual or STD claims, but they are tools in the toolbox.

I still prefer the advice of, "Shoot the rapist in the face. Repeatedly." Every criminal I've met had a greater aversion to fast flying lead than feces.

02-19-13, 17:37
HMMMMM..... Fling feces or fling lead. I wonder which is more effective??

Having watched a few out takes from the debates I am now 100% certain that our country is done for. Stupid has reached critical mass and will not be stopped.

02-19-13, 17:50

02-19-13, 18:19
I understand a woman doing whatever she has to do with whatever she has available. I don't think anybody here would want a woman to accept being raped versus doing something...anything. I get the impression the colleges are somehow advocating these are 1st line non lethal defenses? If so what a joke.

What ever happened to good old fashioned mace if you don't want a guns or criminals actually being shot or killed?? OMG! :confused: Are we such a candy ass society that we don't want to harm sex offenders just scare them off and hope the police find them?

I get screaming at the top of her lungs and maybe trying to convince the guy she has VD but defecating or urinating on command? How often is that even going to be possible?

1. Gun
2. Mace
3. Kick, punch, squeeze, jab the nuts
4. Gouge the eyes
5. Bite hard...anywhere
6. Scream

The very last thing on my list would be vomit, do #1 or #2 on myself, or...
Whistle? Really?

02-19-13, 19:15
FWIW I think that stupid "advice" is from a standard guideline or pamphlet used nationally, not something special to Colorado College. I remember reading it elsewhere in the past year or so, possibly for Washington DC or some institution in DC.

Yep. I got death threats in college from some guy stalking my girlfriend (now wife) and when I asked the college if I could carry on campus, they advised "non-violent" means of defense:

"You're far better off using a police call box if you feel endangered, or hide in the dorm rooms. You're in decent shape, I'm sure you can avoid him. Wouldn't you prefer to resolve the situation non-violently? If you're really worried about it, we could get you a radio on the campus police frequency"
"The guy said he was gonna shoot me."
"...Yes, well-"
"With a gun."
"Well, you see, it really isn't advisable to resort to violence-"
"No, far better to contact your unarmed security guards, so they can show up, get shot, then call the real police, then wait another twenty minutes, or half hour, or more?"
"The guards all carry night sticks and we always have at least one guard on patrol with a pistol"
"One guard. And I have to wait how long for him to bike to where ever I happen to be on campus, and dodge bullets for however many minutes, only for him to show up, and do what I could do myself? Given that I'm likely a better shot? What if that one guard is busy? What if he's on the shitter? Then I'm dead."

I tried to join the campus police part-time, but to be able to carry a firearm they wanted me to get some armed guard license, finally I just moved off campus and started carrying a kabar under my jacket, given that they couldn't charge me (at the time) for having a knife on campus, only take my scholarships.

They told my then-girlfriend to get a whistle and a radio. I got her a baton for her purse, and we practiced with it a lot. She's quite scrappy, I would not want to be the perv at the end of that baton.

02-19-13, 19:38
I understand a woman doing whatever she has to do with whatever she has available. I don't think anybody here would want a woman to accept being raped versus doing something...anything. I get the impression the colleges are somehow advocating these are 1st line non lethal defenses? If so what a joke.

What ever happened to good old fashioned mace if you don't want a guns or criminals actually being shot or killed?? OMG! :confused: Are we such a candy ass society that we don't want to harm sex offenders just scare them off and hope the police find them?

I get screaming at the top of her lungs and maybe trying to convince the guy she has VD but defecating or urinating on command? How often is that even going to be possible?

1. Gun
2. Mace
3. Kick, punch, squeeze, jab the nuts
4. Gouge the eyes
5. Bite hard...anywhere
6. Scream

The very last thing on my list would be vomit, do #1 or #2 on myself, or...
Whistle? Really?

Whistles are a joke. I remember during the early 80s that women's self defense advocates told victims to scream "fire" because in NY people wouldn't do anything about screams of "rape."

02-19-13, 20:29
One fellow called in on Beck's show today with the answer to rapes on college campuses:

Wear a shirt with the words this is a 'rape free zone'. Problem solved


02-19-13, 20:37
Cowards... all of them.

Mauser KAR98K
02-19-13, 20:38
Tell me again why people take this crap seriously? If they are afraid that their will be headlines with women shooting rapists, they don't have to worry because the media will never report it anyway.

Didn't CO just get their CCW's on Campus?

What a bunch of ****ing bull-shit.

ETA: All you guys in CO, besides writing your congress critters, write to the damn press in editorials and just flood them with logic, and WTF moments that these retards are vomiting onto the masses.

02-19-13, 21:05
Further proof we are circling the bowl . . .

Hopefully this shit will bring some of the ultra-feminist to the pro-gun side. I can think of nothing more vulgar and offensive than to tell a woman to a.) relax an enjoy it, b.) shit and puke on yourself, or c.) talk to your attacker(s) and reason with them by saying you have the HIV instead of shooting the bastard(s) in the face.

02-19-13, 21:31
What the **** over!?

Dammit to hell, when the **** did this society become full of such passive ass pussies? Do these so called men not have wives, sisters, girlfriends..? I could not fathom how any "man" could tell a woman to use those measures to thwart a potential rape or attack. When did such cowards become so prevalent? I am ashamed..

02-19-13, 22:11
Further proof we are circling the bowl . . .

Hopefully this shit will bring some of the ultra-feminist to the pro-gun side. I can think of nothing more vulgar and offensive than to tell a woman to a.) relax an enjoy it, b.) shit and puke on yourself, or c.) talk to your attacker(s) and reason with them by saying you have the HIV instead of shooting the bastard(s) in the face.

That's in conflict with the larger radical feminist agenda which had a liberal foundation. Same basic brick wall that gun owning members of unions often run in to.

02-20-13, 03:12
What the **** over!?

Dammit to hell, when the **** did this society become full of such passive ass pussies? Do these so called men not have wives, sisters, girlfriends..? I could not fathom how any "man" could tell a woman to use those measures to thwart a potential rape or attack. When did such cowards become so prevalent? I am ashamed..

I know, wtf, over? :help:

02-20-13, 03:20
This just pisses me off to no end. I can't do anything about it either, not being a Colorado resident nor voter.

How can people be so completely and utterly stupid?

02-20-13, 03:31
This just pisses me off to no end. I can't do anything about it either, not being a Colorado resident nor voter.

How can people be so completely and utterly stupid?

I suppose the one positive in all this is that should things eventually go belly up the line between those who have and those who have not will be unmistakeably obvious.

02-20-13, 03:33
The people who released this advise should be forcibly sodomized. The end

02-20-13, 03:43
So just for clarification sake is possession of Marijuana legal on college campuses in Colorado presently?

02-20-13, 06:18
So full of fail I am astonished. "I just shat myself and if you try to rape me, I will vomit you to death!" Whiskey....Tango....Foxtrot.

3 AE
02-20-13, 09:40
Maybe it describes the procedure in the pamphlet, I don't know. Maybe they have classes on how to vomit and shit yourself on demand. Maybe a women's physiology is so different that in stressful situations these acts are initiated automatically. Trying to picture myself advising my wife in the morning to eat a full breakfast, and for heaven's sake don't urinate or take a dump until you're back at home. Yeah, I would get "the look"!

The advice to tell the rapist/attacker about having AIDS or STD. I doubt if they would believe you. Even if they did, maybe they would use a condom. Maybe it would piss them off enough to brutally assault you or just downright take your life.

I could never understand how so many of these "woman organizations" preach about empowering women, to stand up for their rights at home, at work, to be equal in every way. Yet when it comes to actually protecting themselves, to stand up and be equal in defense of their lives, they fallback to being sheep eventually led to slaughter.

There is probably a lot of crimes on campus that are quietly hushed up to preserve the image of a safe haven. If the number of attacks on women and men were reported and dealt with severely and in the public eye. I would have no doubt that parents across the nation would be yanking their sons and daughters out of there. Endowments would drop. Lawsuits would follow. Heads would roll.

Mauser KAR98K
02-20-13, 09:49
"I...I have AIDS!"

"That's cool, so do I."


"Hey, you hear that whistle?"

"Yeah, dude. That's Tony's new ringtone."

So, what are the laws on carrying tazers in CO?

02-20-13, 12:07
Yep. I got death threats in college from some guy stalking my girlfriend (now wife) and when I asked the college if I could carry on campus, they advised "non-violent" means of defense:

"You're far better off using a police call box if you feel endangered, or hide in the dorm rooms. You're in decent shape, I'm sure you can avoid him. Wouldn't you prefer to resolve the situation non-violently? If you're really worried about it, we could get you a radio on the campus police frequency"
"The guy said he was gonna shoot me."
"...Yes, well-"
"With a gun."
"Well, you see, it really isn't advisable to resort to violence-"
"No, far better to contact your unarmed security guards, so they can show up, get shot, then call the real police, then wait another twenty minutes, or half hour, or more?"
"The guards all carry night sticks and we always have at least one guard on patrol with a pistol"
"One guard. And I have to wait how long for him to bike to where ever I happen to be on campus, and dodge bullets for however many minutes, only for him to show up, and do what I could do myself? Given that I'm likely a better shot? What if that one guard is busy? What if he's on the shitter? Then I'm dead."

I tried to join the campus police part-time, but to be able to carry a firearm they wanted me to get some armed guard license, finally I just moved off campus and started carrying a kabar under my jacket, given that they couldn't charge me (at the time) for having a knife on campus, only take my scholarships.

They told my then-girlfriend to get a whistle and a radio. I got her a baton for her purse, and we practiced with it a lot. She's quite scrappy, I would not want to be the perv at the end of that baton.

You should have carried anyway. I did.

02-20-13, 12:08
So full of fail I am astonished. "I just shat myself and if you try to rape me, I will vomit you to death!" Whiskey....Tango....Foxtrot.


02-20-13, 12:34
The advice to tell the rapist/attacker about having AIDS or STD. I doubt if they would believe you. Even if they did, maybe they would use a condom. Maybe it would piss them off enough to brutally assault you or just downright take your life.

I was thinking something similar...
If the guy is a first time offender, maybe he would believe the woman if she says she has an STD but even then I think it's a slim chance. Repeat offender and either he has an STD or maybe doesn't care if he gets one. A guy has already went so far off the impulse scale to rape a woman...what's gonna stop him?
Then she pisses him off by telling him she has an STD or craps herself. She may be signing her death warrant.

02-20-13, 15:16
I remember my 18 year old cousin asking me what I think she should do if somebody tried to rape her.

My advice:

"Relax, take a deep breath, and try to enjoy it... and make sure you don't jerk the trigger"

02-20-13, 15:24
That's in conflict with the larger radical feminist agenda which had a liberal foundation. Same basic brick wall that gun owning members of unions often run in to.


This is why I wish these "activists" would wake up and pull their head out of their collective asses and see the Democratic Party and whatever special interest group they are involved in for what they are . . . limiting liberty and freedom. Straight out of Saul Alinsky's rules for radicals, play to the "victims" of society, the downtrodden, the disenfranchised.

02-20-13, 15:36

This is why I wish these "activists" would wake up and pull their head out of their collective asses and see the Democratic Party and whatever special interest group they are involved in for what they are . . . limiting liberty and freedom. Straight out of Saul Alinsky's rules for radicals, play to the "victims" of society, the downtrodden, the disenfranchised.

Both major parties try to limit liberty and freedom. The Republicans are easily just as guilty of it as the Democrats, but on different liberties and freedoms.

02-20-13, 15:57
Both major parties try to limit liberty and freedom. The Republicans are easily just as guilty of it as the Democrats, but on different liberties and freedoms.

Again true.

But you don't see too many feminists or other special interest groups belonging to the GOP.

02-20-13, 16:23
Both major parties try to limit liberty and freedom. The Republicans are easily just as guilty of it as the Democrats, but on different liberties and freedoms.

I know. We need to reform the GOP badly. Or get a Libertarian in the White House.

02-20-13, 16:26
I know. We need to reform the GOP badly. Or get a Libertarian in the White House.

We never will...especially if it's up to Karl Rove and his establishment Bush era pals.

02-20-13, 16:30
I would not count on Rove stopping a damn thing.

The Tea Party put more people in office than did Rove and his establishment morons in the last mid-term election and many Congressional races. Ted Cruz and Marci Rubio are shining examples.

Rove is a loser....period. A dinosaur and on his way out even if he does not know it.


02-20-13, 16:31
Fox consultant :sarcastic: