View Full Version : Mexico Asks US Senate to register guns in US border states

Doc Safari
02-19-13, 16:29

Mexican lawmakers will ask the U.S. Senate to create a registry of all commercialized firearms in border states, which includes California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. Mexico says it will make it easier to trace guns used in violent attacks.

Some days my ability to contain my anger is borderline failing.

02-19-13, 16:32
I would have figured they would have rather asked the US Department of Justice to stop smuggling guns across the border into their country.

02-19-13, 16:38
Dear Mexico,

Please take care of your cartel and trafficking problems, and it won't even be an issue.

Warmest regards,

02-19-13, 16:45
Dear Mexico,

Please take care of your cartel and trafficking problems, and it won't even be an issue.

Warmest regards,


02-19-13, 16:51
Since us border states already take in and give jobs and residence to the unwanted in that country....i don't think we owe them our gun rights.



02-19-13, 16:53
Dear Mexico,

Please take care of your cartel and trafficking problems, and it won't even be an issue.

Warmest regards,

We created those problems with our war on drugs.

02-19-13, 16:58
We created those problems with our war on drugs.

I don't disagree with that. They offered a useless suggestion, so I was just returning in kind.

Doc Safari
02-19-13, 17:11
The scary thing is that Obama will probably have the ATF collect all the 4473's in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas and give the information to the Mexican government. That information will fall into the hands of the drug cartels, and yours and my homes
will be the target of cartel-led gun thieves for the rest of civilization's history.

Then, of course, Obama will have the justification that Fast & Furious was supposed to have provided for a gun ban in the first place. On top of that, if one of us victims of burglary doesn't happen to report every stinkin' gun and round of ammo stolen then a lot of us will probably find ourselves in prison for gun-running under some trumped up charges.

Stretching it? Maybe. Maybe not.

I would not put it past them.

02-19-13, 17:22
The hypocrisy and audacity of Mexico is astounding.

02-19-13, 17:27
**** MEXICO.

Come get your illegals and drug smugglers. Maybe Mexico should register ****ing Mexicans.

02-19-13, 17:30
**** MEXICO.

Come get your illegals and drug smugglers. Maybe Mexico should register ****ing Mexicans.

This. Mexico can eat my ass kernels.

02-19-13, 18:32
**** MEXICO.

Come get your illegals and drug smugglers. Maybe Mexico should register ****ing Mexicans.

In case they need a refresher . . .

Alex V
02-19-13, 19:37
Dear Mexico,
Why don't you go outside and play hide-and go **** yourself.

02-19-13, 19:39
**** MEXICO.

Maybe Mexico should register ****ing Mexicans.

lol. I really did laugh out loud on that one. I am going to have to borrow that.

02-19-13, 23:42
Perhaps they should register their request with the office of "Go **** Yourself You Miserable Ass-Tards".

3 AE
02-19-13, 23:46
**** MEXICO.

Come get your illegals and drug smugglers. Maybe Mexico should register ****ing Mexicans.

:lol: OMG!!! That quote pardner is as good as it gets. Well done.

02-20-13, 00:50
So wait, their requesting that the same government which gave us F&F, and intentionally facilitated the trafficking of weapons across the U.S./Mexico border take matters a step further and create a registry of who owns what?

I have no response....

Tell me again why those residing in border states don't just start treating the infiltrating illegals as a invasive species and act accordingly?

02-20-13, 03:14
Tell me again why those residing in border states don't just start treating the infiltrating illegals as a invasive species and act accordingly?

Thank the Southern Poverty Law Center for Marxism.

16 illegals sue Arizona rancher (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/feb/9/16-illegals-sue-arizona-rancher/?page=all)

Judge Conlogue rules in favor of illegals; AZ rancher loses (http://seeingredaz.wordpress.com/2011/06/01/judge-conlogue-rules-in-favor-of-illegals-az-rancher-loses/)

2 Illegal Immigrants Win Arizona Ranch in Court (http://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/19/national/19ranch.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0)

02-20-13, 03:19
Am I dreaming?

02-20-13, 04:39
This whole idea is unreal. My god, our guns are the problems? Ha, how many people there get cold blood murder one'd by the police? Mexico is a toxic, poisonous byproduct of the US border being too far north.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

02-20-13, 05:01
thanks to the current administration and its apology tour

things like this and the bear Bombers sadly show how the world is looking at us now like a PC weenie bent over at the knees and pre lubed

I bet some anti gun dems are thinking hey this is a great idea !!!

02-20-13, 06:07
thanks to the current administration and its apology tour

things like this and the bear Bombers sadly show how the world is looking at us now like a PC weenie bent over at the knees and pre lubed

I bet some anti gun dems are thinking hey this is a great idea !!!

Feinstein probably has got to have some involvement in this, it smacks of her stupidity.

02-20-13, 15:12
Tell me again why those residing in border states don't just start treating the infiltrating illegals as a invasive species and act accordingly?

To add to Steyr's respones . . .

The benevolent U.N. would consider this a "human rights" violation and an international incident.

02-20-13, 15:15
**** MEXICO.

Come get your illegals and drug smugglers. Maybe Mexico should register ****ing Mexicans.

hell yeah you nailed it

02-20-13, 15:41
I say that any border state residing resident should be paid $8 an hour if they voluntarily patrol the boarder. Armed.

They can just roll right on up to whatever boarder patrol office is near them. Sign up, punch their time card, and get assigned a region.

02-20-13, 15:44
watching border wars makes my blood pressure go up so many places to come across and the Border agents are basically helpless .
arrest them, feed them, send them back ,see them in a week it is a never ending cycle

Doc Safari
02-20-13, 15:48
I say that any border state residing resident should be paid $8 an hour if they voluntarily patrol the boarder. Armed.

If I had the time and a good retirement income, I'd do it for free since I'm more or less there already.

They can just roll right on up to whatever boarder patrol office is near them. Sign up, punch their time card, and get assigned a region.

Thanks, but I'm assigning myself the region nearest my ranch. :blink:

02-20-13, 15:57
**** MEXICO.

Come get your illegals and drug smugglers. Maybe Mexico should register ****ing Mexicans.

Geez Louise and to think I got a strike when I asked how long it would be until the Mexican flag was flying over the Post Office.:suicide2:

nobody knows
02-20-13, 16:00
If I had the time and a good retirement income, I'd do it for free since I'm more or less there already.

Thanks, but I'm assigning myself the region nearest my ranch. :blink:

Why so the us government can give it to some Mexicans because you scared them are hurt their feelers.

02-20-13, 16:33
**** MEXICO.

Come get your illegals and drug smugglers. Maybe Mexico should register ****ing Mexicans.

They are doing that now, Their just registering them in America instead of Mexico!:secret:

02-20-13, 16:35
Do you think Mexico really did this? Without the request of some asshat on the north side of the border? Smells like some one who has a secret agenda here in this country, politician/news agency.

02-20-13, 16:55

...this is fitting:rolleyes:

02-20-13, 17:27
**** MEXICO.

Come get your illegals and drug smugglers. Maybe Mexico should register ****ing Mexicans.

I almost spit out my coffee.

It would be great though. This way we can trace them to their origin and promptly slap a "return to sender" sticker on them.

02-20-13, 17:45
If I had the time and a good retirement income, I'd do it for free since I'm more or less there already.

Thanks, but I'm assigning myself the region nearest my ranch. :blink:

You know it's a good idea though. Like if there was a 20 hour per week limit, so that you don't blow the state budget or something.

It'd give some people some extra money, and help out the boarder cops.

02-22-13, 09:38
We created those problems with our war on drugs.

The Federal government abdicating its responsibility to secure and regulate our southern border is the proximate cause.

02-22-13, 09:41
The Federal government abdicating its responsibility to secure and regulate our southern border is the proximate cause.

No, it's our citizen's demand for illegal drugs and the illegality of said drugs making them so profitable that causes the problem. Ever wonder why there wasn't a problem with Mexico before our nation's hunger for drugs? For further reading see "Prohibition."

It beats me how "conservatives" want to throw millions of dollars at "securing" the border along with growing militarized gov't agencies but I don't think many conservatives understand the definition of their own self proclaimed ehtos.

02-22-13, 09:56
DID the U.S. Senator in question, tell the Mayheecin official HOW far to shove it, and proscribe the proper number of RPMs to acheive WHILE twirling on it? :confused:

Because I would have... :mad:

02-22-13, 10:28
Why doesn't Mexico just have us register our guns with their Goverment? :)

Doc Safari
02-22-13, 10:56
No, it's our citizen's demand for illegal drugs and the illegality of said drugs making them so profitable that causes the problem. Ever wonder why there wasn't a problem with Mexico before our nation's hunger for drugs? For further reading see "Prohibition."

It beats me how "conservatives" want to throw millions of dollars at "securing" the border along with growing militarized gov't agencies but I don't think many conservatives understand the definition of their own self proclaimed ehtos.

I'm a conservative and I agree with you 100%, but I also agree that it's the government's responsibility to secure the borders regardless of other mitigating circumstances.

G.W. Bush should have tightened border security, even to the point of putting troops and forts on the border just like in the Indian Wars days right after 9/11. He should also have greatly beefed up security at our seaports.

What we have for security is a joke...and not a very funny one at that. To have TSA thugs fondling little old ladies while an Al Qaeda operative may have already sneaked the materials to make a dirty bomb into the country through one of the drug-smuggling tunnels is inexcusable.

The problem is this: both the conservatives and liberals at the top want illegals. The big business people want cheap labor, and the big government people want more union members. Both factions want more voters.

That is the fundamental reason neither side will ever secure the borders or do anything substantive about illegal immigration until something like a dirty bomb goes off in Phoenix and the American public literally starts demanding that heads roll.

I firmly believe this administration will try to find a way to give the Mexican government what it's asking for. I am that cynical about this government these days.

02-22-13, 11:06
No, it's our citizen's demand for illegal drugs and the illegality of said drugs making them so profitable that causes the problem. Ever wonder why there wasn't a problem with Mexico before our nation's hunger for drugs? For further reading see "Prohibition."

It beats me how "conservatives" want to throw millions of dollars at "securing" the border along with growing militarized gov't agencies but I don't think many conservatives understand the definition of their own self proclaimed ehtos.

Agree on the demand, profitability and illegality statement but those drugs easily smuggled in could be better managed if the border was more secured. Seems a two-pronged issue.

02-22-13, 12:06
The problem is this: both the conservatives and liberals at the top want illegals. The big business people want cheap labor, and the big government people want more union members. Both factions want more voters.

The entire immigration issue right there, summarized in one succinct paragraph.

02-22-13, 15:10
Ever wonder why there wasn't a problem with Mexico before our nation's hunger for drugs?


Could you clarify this statement?

02-22-13, 17:51

Could you clarify this statement?

Have you not seen the violence problems in Mexico and the border states in the past 10 or so years? More specifically, after Felipe Calderon vowed to get tough on drug and use militarized force against drug runners?

We have lost the drug war and so has Mexico. Just like Prohibition.

02-22-13, 17:54
So people beheading and killing other is now our fault ! Pathetic statement !

02-22-13, 17:57
So people beheading and killing other is now our fault ! Pathetic statement !

OK......what do you not understand about where the demand for Mexico's drugs is and why it is so profitable to be in the drug business that people are willing to break the law and kill in order to grow rich selling drugs? I mean, I've spelled it out but maybe I can further help break it down a bit more.

02-22-13, 18:08
OK......what do you not understand about where the demand for Mexico's drugs is and why it is so profitable to be in the drug business that people are willing to break the law and kill in order to grow rich selling drugs? I mean, I've spelled it out but maybe I can further help break it down a bit more.

I guess then when a chick gets raped its her fault for the guy raping her after all if she did not create the desire the rapist would be great folks

Guess when you have valuable stuff and get robbed its not the burglars fault its yours for creating the demand !

You cant pass off what people do and say its someone elses fault !

I understand perfectly the drug problem

02-22-13, 18:20
I guess then when a chick gets raped its her fault for the guy raping her after all if she did not create the desire the rapist would be great folks

Guess when you have valuable stuff and get robbed its not the burglars fault its yours for creating the demand !

You cant pass off what people do and say its someone elses fault !

I understand perfectly the drug problem

You still don't get it and that's fine. Keep on advocating throwing money, guns, and cops at the war on drugs. It has worked so well since Nixon declared war on drugs, eh?

02-22-13, 18:52
I get it just fine :)
Fact is you want to blame others actions onto someone else ?

Amazing how many here fall into the pathetic progressive traps of passing blame instead of just owning up to the facts every person is responsible for their own actions !

You ever lived in Central America ? Or lived in a border state last ten years ?

Yes drug trade is violent and maybe gotten worse over the years but its always been around in one form or the other and we are not the only country who uses drugs

Maybe we should actually go to war with drug dealers ! True war kill them all !
Their is no war on drugs ? Its a BS statement used for political reasons

Fact is criminals are criminals and drugs are just a excuse for them !

Have you not seen the violence problems in Mexico and the border states in the past 10 or so years? More specifically, after Felipe Calderon vowed to get tough on drug and use militarized force against drug runners?

We have lost the drug war and so has Mexico. Just like Prohibition.

No, it's our citizen's demand for illegal drugs and the illegality of said drugs making them so profitable that causes the problem.

You still don't get it and that's fine. Keep on advocating throwing money, guns, and cops at the war on drugs. It has worked so well since Nixon declared war on drugs, eh?

02-22-13, 20:09
Mexico can kiss my pasty white ass!!

02-22-13, 20:33
Have you not seen the violence problems in Mexico and the border states in the past 10 or so years? More specifically, after Felipe Calderon vowed to get tough on drug and use militarized force against drug runners?

We have lost the drug war and so has Mexico. Just like Prohibition.

I'm no proponent of the WOD, well at least in its current form anyway.

I agree that the violence (as documented by alternative news sources such as Borderlandbeat.com) has intensified in recent years due to the wars between the Cartels as they vie for power. However Mexico has always been a shit hole with one despot or another keeping the people under his boot heel. They’ve been in turmoil long before the likes of Hernán Cortés and the conquistadores arrived.

02-22-13, 20:43
You still don't get it and that's fine. Keep on advocating throwing money, guns, and cops at the war on drugs. It has worked so well since Nixon declared war on drugs, eh?

That's partially our govts fault for waging the war in drugs. Its not the fault if all Americans. You make it sound like that. Also, the blame goes in the ****ing illegal ****s bringing in drugs to the US. You make it sound like they are blameless because Americans have a want for drugs. Lastly, you constantly come off as a know it all better than everyone, smarter than all. Can you talk without being above everyone? If you know something we don't, through education, explain it. Don't say.."we'll I guess you just don't know about..."

02-22-13, 22:23
You still don't get it and that's fine. Keep on advocating throwing money, guns, and cops at the war on drugs. It has worked so well since Nixon declared war on drugs, eh?

CDG got its start bootlegging during prohibition...you can try to explain it, but can't make them understand.

02-22-13, 22:58
So explain it to "them"

02-22-13, 23:06
CDG got its start bootlegging during prohibition...you can try to explain it, but can't make them understand.

Nobody is doubting money is to be made and there is massive corruption in our gov even with some agents and agency officials etc... And why drugs and the so called war is hyped !
IMHO there is no war against drugs but the wording sure does sound good for political reasons !
If it was war like some officials in Mexico are doing we would see our streets filled with dead bodies like is happening in Mexico !
but blaming Mexico's violence on USA folks who use drugs is stupid !

02-22-13, 23:09
Nobody is doubting money is to be made and there is massive corruption in our gov even with some agents and agency officials etc... but blaming Mexico's violence on USA folks who use drugs is stupid ! And not the cause of the violence

I totally agree. Such allegations are shite

02-22-13, 23:12
Prohibition on something, bet it through law or free market choice, creates alternative markets. Like the grey market mags or products to LEO's in ban states...;)

But....some of these alternative markets have competition from within, and when there is a lot of money to be made dumbass 1 picks up a gun and shoots idiot 0. Idiot 0.1 buys a gun, and shoots dumbass 1. Dumbass 1.1 gets a gun, and shoots idiot 0.1.

Blah blah blah now we are one genius 100, and smarty pants 99.

NONE of the people who get hit up with prison time or asset forfeiture mean shit. Some local dope dealer? Theres 50 dudes behind him ready to step up.

All the WOD has done is take away our rights (LE can seize your shit without ever even filing charges against you, and its up to you to prove you aren't breaking the law). I'd like someone to tell me how you prove a negative.

It's also been used to funnel billions of dollars to LE agencies around the WORLD, yes WORLD. We are funding South American LE and sending US agents to South American jungles.

Id also like to know why banning alcohol took an amendment yet now the FDA and Congress can ban any substance they want at will.

Then we get into thing like no knock raids on for a few pot plants, and whole new attitude LE has in many places. Not all of them...but you can go find examples of what I'm getting at on TV. Not talking about busting guys for child porn or human trafficking or something else. Some LE are flying helo's over rural properties looking for pot plants.

All this is absurd the only reason nothing has been to stop it is because the media is on board with turning us into a police state. The government needs various War on _____ paranoia and crisis to restrict our rights, spend more, and grow in size. The WO_____ terminology came into vogue post WW2, and has been used since to advance government and take away our rights. The idea is to scare people from one crisis to another and the compliant media helps whip people into such a scare they will gladly hand over their rights for some false government promises and protection.

02-22-13, 23:25
You still don't get it and that's fine. Keep on advocating throwing money, guns, and cops at the war on drugs. It has worked so well since Nixon declared war on drugs, eh?

They're not going to get it, man.

A lot of those anti-drug programs created incentive for cartels to expand. Same way prohibition did.

Yeah. Mexico was a shithole. No need to give them a good reason to come here, and kill our people.

02-22-13, 23:32
If you interviewed gang folks in mexico on why they are shooting or beheading other folks it would bot be cause gringos do drugs in the US it would be about power and controlling things !

Anyone who has lived and work in CA (Central America) knows most everything is controlled by who is in power one step down from the gov and/or the gov themselves and often the two are intertwined
From the small mom and pop grocery to getting through airports to taxi drivers and anywhere they can strong arm folks ! Even the police do it and its common knowledge to pay off the police ! Pay off border folks ! Pay off to get your work permits then pay off local officials so you wont be rounded up to be strong armed by officials !
And when someone steps out of line their own justice is served

You don't find 10 people beheaded unless someone is making a point about control and who has it
And its not cause of someone in the US using drugs its about their system and how its ran

Were conflicts in places like Nicaragua about us folks doing drugs ? Recent presidential issues in Honduras etc...

Easy to explain and understand IMHO at least !

When our local police chief in Honduras got to out of line and started strong arm on tourists he was hacked into pieces and they called and said send a new chief tell him to bring a garbage bag as he was walking picking up pieces the folks who ran the town told him remember our town our rules and you don't pinch the tourists !
Needless to say he stayed in line !
Radical violence Its just the way its done through most of CA to get power respect and keep it !

02-23-13, 00:10
No, it's our citizen's demand for illegal drugs and the illegality of said drugs making them so profitable that causes the problem. Ever wonder why there wasn't a problem with Mexico before our nation's hunger for drugs? For further reading see "Prohibition."

It beats me how "conservatives" want to throw millions of dollars at "securing" the border along with growing militarized gov't agencies but I don't think many conservatives understand the definition of their own self proclaimed ehtos.

Somebody doesn't remember Pancho Villa.


02-23-13, 00:20
They're not going to get it, man.

A lot of those anti-drug programs created incentive for cartels to expand. Same way prohibition did.

Yeah. Mexico was a shithole. No need to give them a good reason to come here, and kill our people.

I grew up in socal, and my mom used to take me and my sister to TJ without any problems. The most we had to deal with was kids selling chicklets at the border crossing.

I went to TJ when I was 16-18 by myself. We took a relative of ours from Holland, and he left his passport at our house. They asked if we were all US citizens, and he said no. Explained the situation, and the BP guy just said basically 'don't do that again!' in a joking manner. No kidding I went to TJ when I was 18. I went to the LCDH and bought Cubans.

Now its a dangerous hellhole, and it's way harder to cross even going into Canada let alone MX. That is the WOT. They will make the checkpoints a ****ing nightmare while 5 miles away you could march a division through and no one would know.

02-23-13, 02:37
I grew up in socal, and my mom used to take me and my sister to TJ without any problems. The most we had to deal with was kids selling chicklets at the border crossing.

I went to TJ when I was 16-18 by myself. We took a relative of ours from Holland, and he left his passport at our house. They asked if we were all US citizens, and he said no. Explained the situation, and the BP guy just said basically 'don't do that again!' in a joking manner. No kidding I went to TJ when I was 18. I went to the LCDH and bought Cubans.

Now its a dangerous hellhole, and it's way harder to cross even going into Canada let alone MX. That is the WOT. They will make the checkpoints a ****ing nightmare while 5 miles away you could march a division through and no one would know.

it seems some US cities are also hell holes now with horrible violent crime ? Philly and other areas I hear about I would never want to go to anymore for any reason either ?

seems bad has gotten really bad ! and some spots are better ?

I had gone to TJ a few times and all the way down through Ensenada (spelling) and never had issues but this was years ago like over 30 :)

02-23-13, 02:50
it seems some US cities are also hell holes now with horrible violent crime ? Philly and other areas I hear about I would never want to go to anymore for any reason either ?

seems bad has gotten really bad ! and some spots are better ?

I had gone to TJ a few times and all the way down through Ensenada (spelling) and never had issues but this was years ago like over 30 :)

It has gotten a lot worse. 30 years ago? pfft. I doubt most roads even had checkpoints. I want to ask my dad because he worked on the Alaska pipeline, and worked in Canada. Drove up there, and the most the border checkpoints were was a quick ID check, and most rural places was just a sign.

In the last 10 years the northern border has gone from simply ID checks to passports, and there was a guy with property who has been in his family for a long time which was ED'd to build a big checkpoint on some rural road.

It's amazing to me we don't have better border crossing relations with Canada.

02-23-13, 03:16
Somebody doesn't remember Pancho Villa.


Villa couldn't hold a candle to the Aztec king Montezuma who praticed human sacrifice and cannibalism.

02-23-13, 03:31
Villa couldn't hold a candle to the Aztec king Montezuma who praticed human sacrifice and cannibalism.

Not just under him but that happened for a LONG time, and the methods used were some of the most grotesque in history. I'd rather have been a Jew in 1940's Germany than an Aztec.

02-23-13, 03:47
It has gotten a lot worse. 30 years ago? pfft. I doubt most roads even had checkpoints. I want to ask my dad because he worked on the Alaska pipeline, and worked in Canada. Drove up there, and the most the border checkpoints were was a quick ID check, and most rural places was just a sign.

In the last 10 years the northern border has gone from simply ID checks to passports, and there was a guy with property who has been in his family for a long time which was ED'd to build a big checkpoint on some rural road.

It's amazing to me we don't have better border crossing relations with Canada.

yeah the Canadian border has changed !!
my wife is from Vancouver so when we first started dating she moved out to Maui but after her visa expired I moved back to the mainland for a bit and did a lot of border crossings !!!
that was over 15 years ago though
whats ironic is when I would drive some nothing vehicle very low profile type vehicle white honda was our daily driver never had issues every time I took a nice car Porsche etc.. I was always stopped and searched questioned etc..
so tended to just drive up a daily rig after a few times getting the whole pull over go in get grilled and my car searched
and they dented the hood one time !! morons

02-23-13, 03:49
Not just under him but that happened for a LONG time, and the methods used were some of the most grotesque in history. I'd rather have been a Jew in 1940's Germany than an Aztec.

Correct, the Aztecs were late bloomers as other Mesoamerican civilizations predated them. Again, Mexico has been a shit hole for thousands of years, way before America's counter culture/drug culture took root.

02-23-13, 06:25
Somebody doesn't remember Pancho Villa.


Someone absolutely does and Villa's exploits pale in comparison to what has been going on in Mexico in them past few years. It boggles the ****ing mind, hearing folks in this thread proclaim that America's hunger for illegal drugs has nothing to do with Mexico's violence problem. As in proclaiming the earth is flat.....

02-23-13, 06:42
I get it just fine :)
Or lived in a border state last ten years ?

Yes and still own a house near the border.

Just so we're sure, are you advocating for more militarized govt agencies along the border? Do you think that WILL work? Do you have any idea how much that will cost us fiscally as a nation?

What I'm saying is that we have LOST the war on drugs a long time ago. I've never done illegal drugs and have no plan to ever but the writing is on the wall, except to the big government "conservatives" and big government liberals. We have lost the war on drugs and no amount of militarization and spending money we don't have will change that fact.

Never fails to surprise me how "conservatives" are so pro big government.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD

02-23-13, 15:50
no not for more folks on the border at all :)
just allow the ones we have to be armed to the hilt and act like its a war !
I just think we should be able to use the laws we have with no recourse coming back on us !
if its a war on drugs when we see drug mules carrying guns we can shoot to kill them and throw them back over the border !
we get people coming over illegal kick them back over maybe pass a law we tattoo their hand the first time the second their forehead ! might stop a lot of them !

those that put out water stations and try to alert them treat them as traitors in the war !!!! and put them in jail and fine the crap out of them so they quit helping the enemy :)
I am just sick of the pussy footing around with illegals like they are saints !
they are breaking the law and should be dealt with as criminals !

I dont blame the illegals either I would be doing what I could and break the law to get out of a country like that to save my families life
but at the same time I would have first tried to take legal channels to do so ! and if the risks were huge I would have to take that risk if I chose and know its my responsibility if something happens !

just sick of the OK you cant deport them they are working OK you cant enforce a law OK they are caught drunk driving have to let them go etc..

about the war again I say there never was a war !!!
so we cant loose what we dont fight or something that never was or was not ever started :) !

the WAR on drugs is a pure political BS thing if it was a war when we see illegals carrying drugs and guns we should do like we did in WWII and be at war then which means we meet them with equal force

I agree you could put 100,000 troops in tanks ! would not matter until we are willing to enforce the laws we have and truly shut down illegals from entering and only way to come or go is through border crossings and do so legally
and if they want to call it war we should be able to treat it as such and treat them as the enemy

I hope that makes sense the WAR on drugs was never a war and is just political BS so the dumb folks think OH good politicians want to stop this but we know they dont and wont !!!!

I am not pro big gov myself I think it should be cut way back and again while maybe over the top when they find dead bodies of drug smugglers along our border maybe they will think twice

I just dont buy its our fault !

I do think a visiting work program could be made to work and everyone would win in some ways
make it legal so we collect some tax the workers have certain rights certain wage conditions and working conditions and we crack down on business folks who hire these folks make sure they are following the law !
they come in work and can stay for so long and then go back !
having decent work barracks at some places like youth hostels :) good enough for travelers good enough for workers or they can rent off property
again more to it but we could do something about it but as mentioned to many are making to much money off it and as said its about control on our side and votes on our sides and business making money etc..

Yes and still own a house near the border.

Just so we're sure, are you advocating for more militarized govt agencies along the border? Do you think that WILL work? Do you have any idea how much that will cost us fiscally as a nation?

What I'm saying is that we have LOST the war on drugs a long time ago. I've never done illegal drugs and have no plan to ever but the writing is on the wall, except to the big government "conservatives" and big government liberals. We have lost the war on drugs and no amount of militarization and spending money we don't have will change that fact.

Never fails to surprise me how "conservatives" are so pro big government.

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