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View Full Version : Getting Really Tired of "Uncle Joe's Home Defense Advice"

02-20-13, 10:11
This is apparently the continuing talking point of "our" administration on gun control, and it's chock full of lies. :mad:


"How can I say this politely?" Biden responded. He can't. "The Constitution does allow the government to conclude that there are certain types of weapons that no one can legally own. It does not. Now, if that were not the case, then you should be able to go buy a flame-thrower that the military has. The military doesn't use flame throwers anymore, but you can legally own one as a Destructive Device. You should be able to go, if you're a billionaire, buy an F-15 [jet fighter] loaded with ordnance. Not an F-15, because they won't sell one to you, but Mike Dillon has a retired Navy jet with a live 20MM cannon. You should be able to buy an M1 tank. Not an M1, because they won't sell one to you, but you can buy a retired military tank with a live cannon, so long as it was registered Pre-May and all live projectiles are registered DD's as well. You should be able to buy a machine gun. You can. You should be able to buy a grenade launcher. You can.And you can't do those things." Complete lie.

The vice president said if one accepts those limitations, the question becomes balancing the right to weapons for self-defense, sporting, and those outlawed. The Constitution says nothing about "sporting use".

In a particularly offbeat moment today, he (Biden) explained an imaginary scenario where trouble would come to his Delaware home: "I said, 'Jill, if there's ever a problem, just walk out on the balcony here, walk out and put that double-barrel shotgun and fire two blasts outside the house." Stupidest home defense advice, ever. This is a good way to get your wife killed.

Continuing the trope, Biden stated a shotgun would be easier to fend off an intruder than the civilian variant of an M-16 assault rifle. Lie. "You don't need an AR-15," Need hasn't a damn thing to do with it. he said. "It's harder to aim, It's not. it's harder to use It's not., and in fact you don't need 30 rounds to protect yourself," he said. How the hell does he know that? Multiple intruders anyone? "Buy a shotgun," he concluded.

The vice president said the debate wasn't a matter of gun control but "gun safety." No, it's about people control.

Addressing the issue of weapons already in the hands of owners that would become banned, Biden likened the situation to cars burning leaded gasoline.

"In the early '70s when we banned leaded gasoline. Everybody said, why would you do that? You still have all these cars out there, all these cars out there that use leaded gasoline and have to use leaded gasoline for the engines to function. The answer was, over time - over time, they will be off the market." Dumb analogy. Guns don't wear out at the same rate as cars and there are already 270 million of them out there. There will be semi-auto sporting rifles in the population for hundreds of years.

All in all, I'd have to classify Biden as a lying, magnificently ignorant douchebag, and that's being nice about it! :mad:

02-20-13, 10:42
+1 to you sir!

02-20-13, 10:50
I find your dissection of Biden's discussion, and of him, to be spot on. Thank you. When Biden has walked a mile in my shoes, been the victims of the crimes that I've been a victim of, and taken the firearms training classes that I've taken, THEN I would entertain some firearms advice from him. As it stands now, my five year old gives better advice than him.

02-20-13, 10:52
I've already abused Joe on Facebook for suggesting that people should negligently fire indiscriminately off their porches and that they don't have to aim shotguns. It's like the worst of all the gunshop lore at once.

02-20-13, 11:10
I've already abused Joe on Facebook for suggesting that people should negligently fire indiscriminately off their porches and that they don't have to aim shotguns. It's like the worst of all the gunshop lore at once.

This has been the only time I've wished I had Facebook. I want to do the same. Great job to the OP.

02-20-13, 11:14
So AR's make it easier to kill people in a shooting spree. However, they are inferior in home defense, for they are hard to use and aim? Who the hell listens to this guy and takes him seriously?

Just shoot the shotgun randomly to scare the people off, is that what he meant for his wife?

The shotgun does not need to be aimed?

So to follow proper home defense advice, I will randomly fire my shotgun- of course, after racking it which would make them shit their pants, right?- I have no balcony so it would have to be up through my roof. Then I will put my 870 at my hip and fire. I should be able to hit my target, as the buckshot has target seeking capabilities right?

02-20-13, 11:19
This is apparently the continuing talking point of "our" administration on gun control, and it's chock full of lies. :mad:


All in all, I'd have to classify Biden as a lying, magnificently ignorant douchebag, and that's being nice about it! :mad:

"Buy a shotgun," And when will they come for the shotguns? 10 years from now, it will be "you don't need a shotgun to defend yourself"

02-20-13, 11:25
Ummm...last time I checked...the job of the VP is NOT to advise citizens on what firearms they need or do not need for self defense.

Whenever any of that "you don't need to aim a shotgun" type of talk comes out of someone's mouth...that is your signal to completely write them off as a moron on the subject....is it not?


02-20-13, 11:35
Flamethrowers aren't regulated.

There is no such thing as a pre sample DD

02-20-13, 13:02
I like how he insists that women are too stupid or too feeble to operate an AR-15....

Tell me where does he stand on women in combat again?

Larry Vickers
02-20-13, 13:12
Joe Biden in my opinion is the biggest Jabronie to hold that office in my lifetime- lord knows we have had some real winners as VP but in my opinion he is the worst - complete and total tool in every sense of the word

I go out of my way to never hear a word he speaks - Ronald McDonald would be a better VP than him- and a better POTUS for that matter

Pork Chop
02-20-13, 13:20
Ronald McDonald would be a better VP than him- and a better POTUS for that matter

Agreed. After I heard this latest gem of wisdom from Joe I was thinking, God forbid something happens to POTUS and we end up with this colossal retard as CIC. :(

02-20-13, 13:27
What the hell does Biden know about self defense, how long has the man had a professional security detail????

This guy puts Dan Quayleto shame.....open mouth - insert foot.

Doc Safari
02-20-13, 13:37
You guys are just haters. Jumpin' Joe is an SME.

Except in this case "SME" stands for "Somebody's Monkey Escaped."


02-20-13, 14:20
I think Shotgun Joe words of wisdom is going to make me change my home defense plans. Instead of investing in a AR pattern rifle and handguns as well as training, I'm going to buy a double barrel shotgun and shoot it off my porch every night to scare potential intruders.

On a serious note, it never ceases to amaze me the pure idiocy coming from the political class in America.

02-20-13, 14:43
I think Joe may be on to something. I've played several video games with double barreld shotguns. They seem to work really well there. . . . . .

02-20-13, 14:51
I've already abused Joe on Facebook for suggesting that people should negligently fire indiscriminately off their porches and that they don't have to aim shotguns. It's like the worst of all the gunshop lore at once.

Yup..absolutely brilliant to advocate emptying your double-barreled shotgun towards an unknown noise in the night.

02-20-13, 14:58
Joe Biden in my opinion is the biggest Jabronie to hold that office in my lifetime- lord knows we have had some real winners as VP but in my opinion he is the worst - complete and total tool in every sense of the word

I go out of my way to never hear a word he speaks - Ronald McDonald would be a better VP than him- and a better POTUS for that matter

Joe Biden is insurance that nothing bad will happen to Obama.


02-20-13, 15:10
Joe Biden is insurance that nothing bad will happen to Obama.


That's the scariest truth I've ever heard.

02-20-13, 15:16
Here is the video if anyone wants to see it. Its pretty damn funny if you ask me. Be prepared for a women's voice coming out of a man.


D. Christopher
02-20-13, 15:42
I'd rather have Biden in charge than what we've got. Seriously. I would much prefer a slightly evil complete moron than The Anti-American.

02-20-13, 15:47
Joe Biden is insurance that nothing bad will happen to Obama.


Sounds great as an American. For the hostile foreign interests it makes Obama an even more appealing target.

02-20-13, 16:52
Yeah...and how sad is it that we've gotten to the point where we SAY we would prefer the buffoon to the anti-American?



02-20-13, 16:59
I'd rather have Biden in charge than what we've got. Seriously. I would much prefer a slightly evil complete moron than The Anti-American.

So you'd rather go with the anti-American's slobbering with envy, always loyal and always misinformed sidekick?

nobody knows
02-20-13, 17:12
Phuck it im going to sell my AR and buy a samurai sword so i can open a can of samurai woopass when my house is under attack.

D. Christopher
02-20-13, 17:24
So you'd rather go with the anti-American's slobbering with envy, always loyal and always misinformed sidekick?

Yes. And I'm not just saying that, I actually mean it. Joe is misguided, a moron, and wants to take away some of my rights. But I don't think he hates much of America, misunderstands its people and their traditions, or wants to "fundamentally change it." Even if he did he'd screw it up.

Joe's problem is that he is stupid and hangs out with bad people. His boss is a Chicago thug with a dangerous cult behind him. Lesser of two evils.

02-20-13, 17:59
Joe's problem is that he is stupid and hangs out with bad people. His boss is a Chicago thug with a dangerous cult behind him. Lesser of two evils.

I'll simply resort to asking you to carefully review again what you just wrote. If I could see your forest through the trees I would, but I live right next to DE and after 43 years of seeing his nonsense on the news there is no way in hell that I would endorse him over anyone anywhere. Except for maybe that Alvin fellow who was running down south a couple years ago.

Biden is laughed at, ridiculed and far less respected than Obama overseas. What Obama signs or envisions he can't endorse quickly enough. And finally he insists that the shotgun is all any citizen needs for self defense.

Honestly there is no conceivable benefit to his empowerment whatsoever that I can fathom, but if you can specify something beyond the above I'll sure listen.

02-20-13, 18:40
Be prepared for a women's voice coming out of a man.

Yeah, I had a wtf moment on that one myself....

but not to worry guys... Whoopie Goldberg has Joe's back... she says damn right, you rack that "chk chk" and the bad guy is out of there.

02-20-13, 19:16
Joe Biden is insurance that nothing bad will happen to Obama.

You got me there, that be funny!

D. Christopher
02-20-13, 19:32
I'll simply resort to asking you to carefully review again what you just wrote. If I could see your forest through the trees I would, but I live right next to DE and after 43 years of seeing his nonsense on the news there is no way in hell that I would endorse him over anyone anywhere. Except for maybe that Alvin fellow who was running down south a couple years ago.

Biden is laughed at, ridiculed and far less respected than Obama overseas. What Obama signs or envisions he can't endorse quickly enough. And finally he insists that the shotgun is all any citizen needs for self defense.

Honestly there is no conceivable benefit to his empowerment whatsoever that I can fathom, but if you can specify something beyond the above I'll sure listen.

Octavio I'm not asking you to agree, or even understand. You are entitled to your opinion. This is mine. It means nothing, but it's mine. I didn't arrive at it by applying your logic and life experiences. It's not worth anyone wasting their time wondering about. It's non-negotiable.

Now please go back to forming your opinions and leave mine alone. Thanks.

02-20-13, 20:21
Octavio I'm not asking you to agree, or even understand. You are entitled to your opinion. This is mine. It means nothing, but it's mine. I didn't arrive at it by applying your logic and life experiences. It's not worth anyone wasting their time wondering about. It's non-negotiable.

Now please go back to forming your opinions and leave mine alone. Thanks.

You know what, you're absolutely right and I made the same mistake with TXbob recently. Tension accompanied by frustration and worry with a little concern mixed in adds up to ill-advised commentary.

Now I still don't care for Biden mind you, but your opinions are no less respected.

02-20-13, 20:33
Now if Joe could just share with the women in this country his counter rape techniques like The University of Colorado at Colorado Springs has done . . .

02-20-13, 22:48
Joe Biden is insurance that nothing bad will happen to Obama.


I had not considered that, but since Dear Leader may some day be more valuable to his puppet masters as a martyr, perhaps there is truth in what you jest. Joe as POTUS would scare the crap out of anyone, unpredictable and guaranteed to do the most stupid option.

I would like to see him make his security detail adopt this strategy: here a noise in the night outside VP household:
1) Call for their wives (they are unarmed as befitting serious PC security)
2) Wives arrive with shotguns
3) Proceed to porch, shoot both barrels in general direction of "outside"
4) Depart, as now the VP household is secure

02-20-13, 23:03
I am quoting the OP for facebook. Excellant post. I couldn't have said it any better myself.

D. Christopher
02-20-13, 23:33
You know what, you're absolutely right and I made the same mistake with TXbob recently. Tension accompanied by frustration and worry with a little concern mixed in adds up to ill-advised commentary.

Now I still don't care for Biden mind you, but your opinions are no less respected.

Thanks very much, I appreciate it. And I agree with you completely, I CAN'T ****ING STAND JOE BIDEN! I feel like he is the biggest moron to ever hold higher office, and a career politician. Besides that he's a liar, a blowhard, and a plagiarist. But I would prefer a moron at the helm than what we've had for the last 4 years, with 4 more to go. I'm convinced Biden's boss will cause more damage on purpose than Biden ever could on purpose or by accident.

3 AE
02-21-13, 01:27
glocktogo, Have you considered emailing your quote of Biden's advice along with your counterpoints to your Reps.? Just to let them know what a dumbass we've got for a VP? The Reps that support us could use this for a beatdown on the retard. Professional instructors,SMEs, could also ridicule his advice on self defense in letters to the editors, Facebook, Twitter, etc. He is the posterboy for irresponsible gun ownership with his comments.
Can you imagine if citizens across the country were to fire off a couple of rounds from their balconies, backporches, bedroom windows, out the front door whenever they "thought" that trouble comes a knockin? I know that I'm laughing thinking about that scenario, but my neighbors would not be pleased. :D

02-21-13, 01:32
glocktogo, Have you considered emailing your quote of Biden's advice along with your counterpoints to your Reps.? Just to let them know what a dumbass we've got for a VP? The Reps that support us could use this for a beatdown on the retard. Professional instructors,SMEs, could also ridicule his advice on self defense in letters to the editors, Facebook, Twitter, etc. He is the posterboy for irresponsible gun ownership with his comments.
Can you imagine if citizens across the country were to fire off a couple of rounds from their balconies, backporches, bedroom windows, out the front door whenever they "thought" that trouble comes a knockin? I know that I'm laughing thinking about that scenario, but my neighbors would not be pleased. :D

You'd get arrested for public endangerment or something. Or for firing a gun in city limits if there wasn't even anybody there.

02-21-13, 01:52
Who the hell listens to this guy and takes him seriously?
Unfortunately, way too many do. This is what make his comments so dangerous to us and to those that listen to him.

Do not assume the greater masses have the same knowledge of firearms and firearm laws that we do. We are the very small minority.

3 AE
02-21-13, 01:54
You'd get arrested for public endangerment or something. Or for firing a gun in city limits if there wasn't even anybody there.

You bet we would and that's my point. Biden's advice would actually endanger society. Basically we would all be labeled "loose cannons" for heeding his expertise on self defense. That's why he needs to be ridiculed in the public eye for giving such flippant advice in a possible life and death situation. He appears to be the "voice" of the administration on this matter. I hope and pray that he continues with his SME advice. If he's the best that they've got, we have a realistic chance to achieve victory.

02-21-13, 01:59
You bet we would and that's my point. Biden's advice would actually endanger society. Basically we would all be labeled "loose cannons" for heeding his expertise on self defense. That's why he needs to be ridiculed in the public eye for giving such flippant advice in a possible life and death situation. He appears to be the "voice" of the administration on this matter. I hope and pray that he continues with his SME advice. If he's the best that they've got, we have a realistic chance to achieve victory.

The GOP needs to really get used to the word "exploit".

Doc Safari
02-21-13, 16:26

“Common sense facts are these assault weapons are unnecessary and dangerous weapons that put our law enforcement personnel at risk,” Biden said. “You guys know a lot of departments around the country. I’ve been working with the police agencies for 35 years. I am going to say something outrageous: You’ve had no better friend over the last 35 years than me.”


02-21-13, 17:59
Keep polarizing Joe. Just keep it up.


02-21-13, 18:58
I sure like the idea of Idgit Joe getting giddy thinking of his run for the presidency in 2016. Maybe he will hire a dancing bear as a running mate to ring somber intellectual weight to the ticket.

02-21-13, 19:12
I’ve been working with the police agencies for 35 years. I am going to say something outrageous: You’ve had no better friend over the last 35 years than me".


02-21-13, 19:14
Absolutely epic Moose!

Needed that laugh!


02-21-13, 20:05
Hahahahahahhahah...hah! Good one, moose

3 AE
02-21-13, 20:31
The Trooper sitting next to Bidet: "WTF?!!

The Trooper in the upper right corner: "You even think about it, and people will be calling you Claw Bidet. That is the "Evil Eye" if I ever saw one.

02-21-13, 20:56
So that's why Alaskapoppo has been so quiet lately.

*Joke disclaimer

02-22-13, 07:37
Thanks very much, I appreciate it. And I agree with you completely, I CAN'T ****ING STAND JOE BIDEN! I feel like he is the biggest moron to ever hold higher office, and a career politician. Besides that he's a liar, a blowhard, and a plagiarist.

And Dan Quayle set a pretty high (low) standard. :sarcastic:

02-22-13, 23:02
Per a relative of mine, after reading the original statement-

"They should make a comic book for this guy- the Grand Mythical Adventures of Joe Biden."

I'll bet it would sell too...

02-25-13, 23:27


This guy seems to have a lot of good videos.
