View Full Version : Columbine Survivor Pens Open Letter To Obama "Who's Side Are You On?"

02-20-13, 16:22

I love it.

02-20-13, 16:28
That completely made my day.

02-20-13, 16:32
He has to ASK who's side Obama is on?


02-20-13, 16:33
Bravo, Mr. Todd.
This, however, will be ignored just like the pleas of Magpul to CO. It has nothing to do with loss of revenue, jobs or in Mr. Todd's case personal safety.

02-20-13, 17:49
Fantastic letter, to bad it will be ignored.

Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2

02-20-13, 20:44
Bravo, Mr. Todd.
This, however, will be ignored just like the pleas of Magpul to CO. It has nothing to do with loss of revenue, jobs or in Mr. Todd's case personal safety.

We may still lose here in Colorado but I think that Magpul has actually made a few democrats and Hickenlooper flinch. We may pull it off yet.

02-20-13, 20:51

I love it.

Some one needs to get this in a full page ad in the Denver Post... like ASAP.

The Colorado/Columbine connection could really help in the fight going on in CO

What does a full page ad cost in the Denver Post????

02-20-13, 21:23
Good for him. I agree, too bad something like this will fall on deaf ears. Hopefully Fox news will pick it up or internet views will increase its circulation.

02-20-13, 22:05
Good find, thanks for sharing it.

3 AE
02-20-13, 22:33
Why the negativity at such an early stage? This well written, coherent letter brings up all the valid points to reduce restrictions and expand the liberties. He has taken the POTUS to task. He asked the POTUS on "what side you on" not because he doesn't already know. It's to see how the POTUS responds to it. To try and get him on the record on a particular question. Good for him. This can grow if the letter is posted to all the social media sites, videos on YouTube, letters to the editors of local newspapers. The NRA should run with this. It only falls on deaf ears if we let it.

02-20-13, 22:36
Mr. Todd hits that ball out of the park, all the way out. If I could make a suggestion:

What each of us needs to do is copy that letter and send it to each seantor, each congressman/woman, each gov., lt. gov, each state senator and each state rep. Not just once, but evey week. Keep that in their face.
I have started.

That was penned to me by a member, who cannot post in GD. I plan on doing this myself.

02-20-13, 22:37
Why the negativity at such an early stage? This well written, coherent letter brings up all the valid points to reduce restrictions and expand the liberties. He has taken the POTUS to task. He asked the POTUS on "what side you on" not because he doesn't already know. It's to see how the POTUS responds to it. To try and get him on the record on a particular question. Good for him. This can grow if the letter is posted to all the social media sites, videos on YouTube, letters to the editors of local newspapers. The NRA should run with this. It only falls on deaf ears if we let it.

Well, it was just released today. So there's time.

3 AE
02-20-13, 22:46
Javadrinkers idea is an excellent low cost way to keep hammering away. Thanks for posting his message. If we can get a lot of members in many of the gun forums to do this grassroots style of protest it can help sway a few if not more key Representatives and Senators in our favor. It's up to us.

02-20-13, 23:13
Some one needs to get this in a full page ad in the Denver Post... like ASAP.

The Colorado/Columbine connection could really help in the fight going on in CO

What does a full page ad cost in the Denver Post????

Agreed. Someone in CO, make a phone call and figure out the price of a full page ad.

02-20-13, 23:15
Agreed. Someone in CO, make a phone call and figure out the price of a full page ad.


02-21-13, 04:52
Here is the Post's switchboard #:


They open at 8 mountain time.

Not sure if I can call b/c of work when they open but will try.

Wonder if a Sunday advertisement would cost more? I would think placing an ad on that day would reach more people


SPQR or RichFitz could probably answer this question. Maybe they'll chime in.

02-21-13, 05:09
Is The Blaze a credible source? Not being a smart ass, I don't know as I never go to it. It might be good to verify the accuracy of Todd's letter, directly with him if possible, first before making a big time mistake that could backfire.

BTW, I like what is said in Todd's letter as published, I just don't want our side to lose credibility by making a big public mistake if the published letter isn't accurate.

02-21-13, 07:06
A full page ad will surely cost thousands. Who's paying?

Time is running out for a quick fund drive.

02-21-13, 07:38
Maybe we can divert some funds from your "M4C Legal Defense Fund" :p

In all seriousness, I hope this gets attention. It may be one of the better "layman's terms" summaries of why gun laws don't work and why we should own them. It's relatively short and to the point so that those with short attention spans can read and understand it!

02-21-13, 07:39

I love it.

Nicely done. We need more of that.

02-21-13, 10:33
Although this guy did write a very well constructed letter...the same problem exists as did when that black doctor "schooled" Obama on govt. run healthcare at that speech.

Obama might get this letter....and he might even read it...however, the letter speaks a different language than does Obama.

It is quite possible that Obama reads this and either does not "get it" or just blows it off entirely.

Mr. Todd and Mr. Obama speak different languages when it comes to guns, period.

One huge reason we find it hard to fight this fight - we simply see things differently than to the anti-gun people.

02-21-13, 11:38
The letter is legit and the author is on FOX discussing it. I hope it makes someone there think before the vote.

02-21-13, 13:08
Well after getting transferred about a 1000 x's I spoke to a nice lady named Shina (pronounced Shine-Ah) and here's the bad news:

-A full page add during the weekday is $18K

-A full page add on Sunday is $21K


02-21-13, 18:15
Well after getting transferred about a 1000 x's I spoke to a nice lady named Shina (pronounced Shine-Ah) and here's the bad news:

-A full page add during the weekday is $18K

-A full page add on Sunday is $21K


Holy shit.

02-21-13, 18:19
Yeah.....floored me as well.


02-21-13, 18:21
Kinda makes me wonder if they are making it unaffordable for us gun loving folks....
Call and ask if you can put an add in for Pro-Choice...

02-21-13, 18:24
Call and ask if you can put an add in for Pro-Choice...

You're probably right. :\

02-21-13, 18:27

Unless she heard my southern accent and automatically deemed me a gun freak and jacked up the quote she didn't know.

The only question she asked was what type of add this was going to be.

I sweated bullets for a about 3/4 of a second and said, political. Nothing more.


02-21-13, 18:29
... may seem far fetched...

But maybe we can pitch an M4C/AR15.com fund to actually get it put in an add?

Maybe see if Magpul likes the idea?

I feel like that because Columbine was (obviously) in CO, then it'll hit close to home.

02-21-13, 18:36
Any high ups on here that are high ups on AR15.com?

I rarely visit there so don't know.

Anybody want to really give this a shot?

I am going to email Haley Strategic and see if they'd be interested in helping.

We/Colorado needs 'opposing views'.

Good idea Magic.


02-21-13, 18:40
Good idea Magic.


Thanks. What about Kickstarter? I just looked on their site for like two seconds, and they have a "publishing section". Would this qualify?

02-21-13, 18:43
Any high ups on here that are high ups on AR15.com?

I rarely visit there so don't know.

Anybody want to really give this a shot?

I am going to email Haley Strategic and see if they'd be interested in helping.

We/Colorado needs 'opposing views'.

Good idea Magic.


Have an old and very good friend in NY from my days at TOS who is friends with Avila. I would ask him to relay but how long until the vote? Is there even enough time?

02-21-13, 18:45
Don't we need Mr. Todd's consent to get his letter published in a Denver paper?

I'll see if i can dig up an e-mail for him.

02-21-13, 19:05
Don't we need Mr. Todd's consent to get his letter published in a Denver paper?

I'll see if i can dig up an e-mail for him.

Good point. Cart before the horse maybe. Just sent HSP an email.


02-21-13, 19:10
To just diametrically oppose my cart and horse comment, if this does get green lighted by Mr. Todd what other big names in the firearms community located in Colorado could we contact?

Off the top of my head comes HSP and of course Magpul. That's it. Who else?


02-21-13, 19:17
To just diametrically oppose my cart and horse comment, if this does get green lighted by Mr. Todd what other big names in the firearms community located in Colorado could we contact?

Off the top of my head comes HSP and of course Magpul. That's it. Who else?


I'm not sure.

I actually need some help in contacting this guy. I can't find an e-mail for him directly.

I do know that he's a public speaker though, which probably means he does have a lot of ways we can reach him.

(Also, it is an "open" letter, which technically means we don't need consent. But it feels kind of wrong to me not to have it.)



02-21-13, 19:18
To just diametrically oppose my cart and horse comment, if this does get green lighted by Mr. Todd what other big names in the firearms community located in Colorado could we contact?

Off the top of my head comes HSP and of course Magpul. That's it. Who else?


Not a gun company but Otterbox is in Ft. Collins CO.

02-21-13, 19:33
I like Magic's idea.

Just a reach... but here's an idea:

The forum currently reports 64,865 members.

Email contact is a component of membership.

Generate a solicitation for all member to donate $5 for the 2A fight.

Obtaining a 10% rate of return = $32K = Colorado ad is purchased.

Regardless of our outcome, it does bring to light the opportunity for M4C to consider some type of war chest fund to mount both offense and defense regarding our 2A rights.

02-21-13, 19:37
Wonder what Otterbox's stance would be? They have nothing to lose.

Here are some:





Bingo, another big one:


02-21-13, 19:46
I'm not sure.

I actually need some help in contacting this guy. I can't find an e-mail for him directly.

I do know that he's a public speaker though, which probably means he does have a lot of ways we can reach him.

(Also, it is an "open" letter, which technically means we don't need consent. But it feels kind of wrong to me not to have it.)



Maybe go through Beck/The Blaze and see if they'll send us contact info??


ETA: Emailed Beck. I bet he gets 1000s of emails a day but we'll see.

02-21-13, 19:49
To just diametrically oppose my cart and horse comment, if this does get green lighted by Mr. Todd what other big names in the firearms community located in Colorado could we contact?

Off the top of my head comes HSP and of course Magpul. That's it. Who else?


Michael Bane is located in CO.

02-21-13, 20:10
Michael Bane is located in CO.

Email sent.


02-21-13, 20:14
Wonder what Otterbox's stance would be? They have nothing to lose.

From what I have heard, Otterbox got started through learning Magpul's injection processes. They should be tight with Magpul.

02-21-13, 20:18
From what I have heard, Otterbox got started through learning Magpul's injection processes. They should be tight with Magpul.

Interesting! I'll send them an email tomorrow. Thanks Cory,


02-22-13, 07:48
Has anyone heard anything back yet?

Michael Bane emailed me back. Nice guy wants to help.


Have you gotten in contact with Avila?

Anyone else have a POC on there?


Any headway on finding some way of contacting Mr. Todd?


02-22-13, 09:12

I haven't yet, the reason is because first and foremost we need to know how much time we have until the vote. Remember we must obtain the funds and then also have the article paid for and ready to go by the paper's deadline for the next available full page spot. In some cases this could be weeks ahead of time.

All of this must happen allowing the letter to run at least one or two days before the vote, although more like 3-4+ days before would be ideal to get more talking about it. Not saying it can't happen and I'd bet anything Todd would be delighted, but we need more information here first such as exactly when this vote is likely to take place and how long after until it's signed.

02-22-13, 09:17
I know they probably aren't that big, but Impact Weapon Components is out of Colorado also.

02-22-13, 17:09

Any headway on finding some way of contacting Mr. Todd?


I've been looking off and on since about 9am this morning. I can't find any direct e-mail.

I'm going to see if I can find an e-mail for the author of that Blaze add, and see if he can help me contact Mr. Todd.

If anybody else has some leads, let me know.

02-22-13, 17:12

This is the dude who wrote the article about that dude's open letter, by the way.

There's a little button that says "EMAIL" next to his picture, but it won't function on my computer.

02-22-13, 18:41

The email option went through and I sent him one. Thanks brother.


02-22-13, 18:54

The email option went through and I sent him one. Thanks brother.


Thanks a million, man.

02-23-13, 22:24
Please don't let this die. I'm still serious about trying to get people to fund this add.

02-24-13, 11:35