View Full Version : Google Smart-Glasses

02-20-13, 23:07

Pretty neat. Seems like there's a big push for ergonomics in a lot of new tech lately. Your wrist watch, your glasses . . . . . they want to get us to the point where we wear our smart gadgets instead of carrying around a touch device. Pretty exciting times.

02-20-13, 23:10
I will buy the shit out of those.

BTW: They should totally give these to some Special Forces dudes. I bet they could find them useful somehow.

02-20-13, 23:20
All we need now is the implantable computer chip at birth. Download data Matrix style. I'm not so excited about all this technology.

02-20-13, 23:37
All we need now is the implantable computer chip at birth. Download data Matrix style. I'm not so excited about all this technology.

There's a big difference between something you choose to wear and something implanted under your skin. This is all still very voluntary. If you don't like the ideas, don't buy any if it.

The second it's made mandatory, that's a whole different ball game. But don't be afraid of new technology just because its new. That's called a Luddite. I will admit that I don't exactly like how I cannot remove the battery from my iPhone, and therefore am never 100% sure it's powered off. But that's as far as my tin foil reaches.

I will buy the shit out of those.

How about the main CPU and "guts" in a wrist watch, and the glasses as your display, camera, earpiece and microphone? All connected back to the watch via Bluetooth or something similar? Awesome.

02-20-13, 23:42
There's a big difference between something you choose to wear and something implanted under your skin. This is all still very voluntary. If you don't like the ideas, don't buy any if it.

The second it's made mandatory, that's a whole different ball game. But don't be afraid of new technology just because its new. That's called a Luddite. I will admit that I don't exactly like how I cannot remove the battery from my iPhone, and therefore am never 100% sure it's powered off. But that's as far as my tin foil reaches.
It's heading that way. Probably before I die. Just sayin'. My foil hat might be on a bit tight but that's how I see it.

02-20-13, 23:45
I guess I'm a ludite. Or maybe I just don't appreciate Google's attempt to monopolize information and technology. And bear in mind, any business you do with those two companies (certainly not the only ones) some money goes in to progressive pockets.

02-20-13, 23:51
some money goes in to progressive pockets.

Then I guess it's a slap in their face is a rightist like me buys it.

Or even bigger for guys on this board to buy it and use it to post shooting videos.

02-20-13, 23:52
How about the main CPU and "guts" in a wrist watch, and the glasses as your display, camera, earpiece and microphone? All connected back to the watch via Bluetooth or something similar? Awesome.

I gotta say I'd prefer it if a smaller company, or a company like Intel made it. Then I'd be all the hell over it. But I would be more likely to buy a Google product, than an Apple or Microsoft product.

02-21-13, 00:07
And bear in mind, any business you do with those two companies (certainly not the only ones) some money goes in to progressive pockets.

That's true, but you can't really avoid that. The "progressives" control most of the newspapers and news media, most of Hollywood, and most of the Internet/ tech innovation/ computer companies. A boycott isn't really feasible unless you're a Mennonite. I certainly keep an eye on which companies are run by assholes and avoid them if I can, but, more often than not I can't.

02-21-13, 01:01
I really don't want to wear a heads up display.

Hell I don't even turn my phone ON unless I need to make a call.

Looks like Bluetooth Asshole 2.0 to me.

02-21-13, 01:26
The augmented reality ("AR" - figure you guys would like that) apps have a lot of potential, and are the main purpose of these glasses. They're currently in the hands of developers who are writing the AR apps you'll see at launch, which as I recall is next year. The glasses cost them $1500 as dev preview units, not sure what they'll go for when they hit the market.

02-21-13, 01:28
LOL. You know the first thing people will use these for is porn.

02-21-13, 01:30
LOL. You know the first thing people will use these for is porn.

Porn and war drive modern technology.

02-21-13, 01:31
Porn and war drive modern technology.

Is that a bad thing?

(And yeah, I know you're right.)

02-21-13, 02:27
Looks like Bluetooth Asshole 2.0 to me.

Thanks for the ab workout . . . :lol:

Seriously though people where in the hell are the Phased Plasma Rifles in 40watt Range and three seashells!? No more cartridges or toilet paper = win win for humanity.

02-21-13, 02:29
No more cartridges or toilet paper = win win for humanity.

Muzzle loaders, and leaves.

02-21-13, 02:36
Muzzle loaders, and leaves.

Nah, I'm talking The Terminator and Demolition Man not The Last of the Mochicans.

02-21-13, 02:44
I'm still waiting for my hover board

02-21-13, 02:59
Nah, I'm talking The Terminator and Demolition Man not The Last of the Mochicans.

We're gonna be stuck in the stone age as long as people are still shooting 1911s. :p

02-21-13, 11:39
All we need now is the implantable computer chip at birth. Download data Matrix style. I'm not so excited about all this technology.


Ask and ye shall receive. Granted its in its infancy, but pretty soon there will be an HD version for enhanced vision.

Nifty idea, but who really needs to become more disconnected from actual people? Good news is maybe more people will walk in front of busses while updating their Facebook or fall off a cliff cause the GPS was just a tad off. The gene pool is in desperate need of a cleansing.

02-21-13, 11:48
Good news is maybe more people will walk in front of busses while updating their Facebook or fall off a cliff cause the GPS was just a tad off. The gene pool is in desperate need of a cleansing.
That is something to look forward to I suppose.

02-21-13, 23:17
I'm still waiting for my hover board


02-21-13, 23:58

02-22-13, 06:11
From promo video looks like this "glass" thing is basically good for any activity... except shooting firearms. Wonder if bringing it to the range will violate license terms or void warranty :ph34r:

02-22-13, 09:34
I have a lot of interest in these trends. I firmly believe that our species has just about reached as far as we can go physically, as there just isn't any competitive drive for survival anymore. Since we don't have to adapt to survive, we have gotten weak and unhealthy.

The future of our development is going to be in how we leverage our minds with technology like this and integrate it into our lives.

02-22-13, 11:06
From promo video looks like this "glass" thing is basically good for any activity... except shooting firearms. Wonder if bringing it to the range will violate license terms or void warranty :ph34r:

Google Safety Glass. Coming 2019.

02-22-13, 17:16
I have a lot of interest in these trends. I firmly believe that our species has just about reached as far as we can go physically, as there just isn't any competitive drive for survival anymore. Since we don't have to adapt to survive, we have gotten weak and unhealthy.

LOL. Tell that to a combat veteran, boxer or actual martial artist.

The future of our development is going to be in how we leverage our minds with technology like this and integrate it into our lives.

This has always been the case. Rocks, sticks, spears and swords were all once high technology.

But it cuts both ways. As we adapt our environment to our needs and become more technologically dependent we actually weaken ourselves in many significant ways.

When our fathers were children and the power went out they didn't have the same level of helplessness that a child today would feel because they were less dependent upon electrical power driven technology.

02-22-13, 17:49

Nevermind. I'm not wearin' them haggard shits.

02-22-13, 18:18
If Apple could (would) do something like this as a venture with Oakley so I could keep my Flak Jackets, I'd be all over it.

For shooting, imagine a ballistic app which is on the glass as you sight in. Or a map of the building or neighborhood you're entering as you're trying to close in on an active shooter.

02-22-13, 18:55
If Apple could (would) do something like this as a venture with Oakley so I could keep my Flak Jackets, I'd be all over it.

For shooting, imagine a ballistic app which is on the glass as you sight in. Or a map of the building or neighborhood you're entering as you're trying to close in on an active shooter.

A legit CoD style HUD?

Gotta say... that'd be kinda cool.

02-22-13, 21:10
If Apple could (would) do something like this as a venture with Oakley so I could keep my Flak Jackets, I'd be all over it.

For shooting, imagine a ballistic app which is on the glass as you sight in. Or a map of the building or neighborhood you're entering as you're trying to close in on an active shooter.

There are real military applications for augmented reality. It won't be long before you see GIS and sensor systems integrated with networked overlay-type glasses along the lines of Google Glass. It's not limited to a birds-eye map view like a video game HUD - this already exists, I worked on a GIS project 10 years ago that accomplished this. With today's tech, you can overlay information directly onto your field of view, like the AR apps you will see on Google Glass. For instance, you might have a marker showing you where a person is, though you can't see them because there are walls in the way. The potential is only limited by what sensor inputs are available, such as thermal imaging or other detectors on drones overhead or robots on the ground.

02-22-13, 22:30
I guess I'm a ludite. Or maybe I just don't appreciate Google's attempt to monopolize information and technology. And bear in mind, any business you do with those two companies (certainly not the only ones) some money goes in to progressive pockets.

A lot of big companies donate to both sides or whoever can get them the best 'deal' come tax time. If politicians are for sale...there will be a buyer out there. Dodd is now a 'lobbyist' and got over 200 million in 'tax credits' sent to Hollywood just last month alone. If they paid him 5 million for it...thats still 195 million of 'free money' in people's hands who are already millionaires.

We have one of the most corrupt systems of government in world history. Don't let anyone fool you otherwise. Everyone in DC is for sale except maybe 1 or 2 die hards like Rand Paul...and who knows. He might have a few deals going himself.

02-22-13, 22:49
As far as Google goes they can go choke on a dick. I've dropped most of their services for other alternatives. They aren't the only kid on the block anymore when it comes to email and web based stuff.

They dropped push email for non-gmail email apps yet don't have a unified inbox in their own gmail app.

$1300 Chromebook Pixel that has to be the WORST PC purchase someone could make in the world right now. I'd rather go to Wal-Mart and buy a $400 whatever brand laptop they have than anything Chromebook. OMG it has higher PPI than Mac Retina but is a 'cloud' based OS that is basically a web browser. Stupidest 'PC' I've ever seen.

I do still watch a lot of Youtube but the new format is sucky. I only have a 15" laptop screen, and the format still only takes up slightly more than 1/2 the screen. The rest is blank white. I guess they think everyone has 8" wide screens or something.

Just subscribed to Office 365, and I get to download the latest office suite on up to 5 computers (including Mac), get 20 GB cloud storage, and Outlook actually does push email to non-windows apps still unlike Google wanting everyone to use their Gmail app which sucks.

I ended up nuking my entire google account and haven't missed it at all. They were very convenient for a few years but now theres a bunch of other options which suck less, and google can keep their now shitty services besides maps and youtube.