View Full Version : Oh look! Oregon is at it, too!

02-22-13, 21:59
HB3200 - Oregon AWB

Uses same definitions as the NY law (banning barrel shrouds on rifles, really?), 10 round magazine limits, etc....

But, the interesting stuff....

Current owners of assault weapons and large capacity magazines will have to remove them from the state, render them inoperable, or turn them in. However, they will be allowed a 120 day window to register them with the state after the passing of the bill.

BUT...you can only register ONE assault weapon and THREE magazines.

And, for the bonus round, the registrant MUST comply with safe storage requirements and MUST allow the police department to perform inspections to verify compliance.

I really hate that these things keep cropping up. But every time they do, the anti guys I've been debating with can no longer claim that "nobody wants to do that!"

nobody knows
02-23-13, 00:56
Did it pass or is it just a proposal??

02-23-13, 01:00
I thought that shit just got shot down?

02-23-13, 08:21
The original one got shot down, this is a new one that just got proposed yesterday.

I imagine it will get shot down as well, since it is even worse. But the fact that they keep proposing these just continues to show their hand.

3 AE
02-23-13, 11:25
Received the "Alert" yesterday. Talk about a being two faced and getting stabbed in the back! Here is the link to the proposed bill. For all the Oregonians that are members here, PLEASE READ! For our fellow Washingtonians please read also since these type of proposed bills tend to migrate to other states. Just a heads up on what you can expect. I'm going to post this in the Regional Subforum also, with more info on how to help.


02-23-13, 12:23
That warrantless search clause makes me absolutely ****ing sick to my stomach. That is not a bill, that's a call out for a god damn revolution against their own citizens. Does the bill say who would be up to the task of being the first Monarch of Oregon?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

nobody knows
02-23-13, 16:58
Well i hope it go's nowhere because im moving to Oregon in about a month. But if this passes i sure as hell wont be.

3 AE
02-23-13, 17:45
Well i hope it go's nowhere because im moving to Oregon in about a month. But if this passes i sure as hell wont be.

You can help in a small way by clicking the blue highlighted link "automailer" in the last paragraph of the article I provided the link to in my post. They only require you list your name and email address. They already have a preformed letter ready to submit. Pick all of the Senators and Representatives in the columns listed. Takes no time at all. :help:

nobody knows
02-23-13, 19:25
Done. Thanks

02-23-13, 20:22
Brig and 24 - thank you for calling this to my attention.

What I think is critical to understand is - the overwhelming odds are a bill like this will never even see a vote. However, if the bill generates a level of anger that prompts a violent response, it may be enough to gain traction and pass - not just in the subject state, but nationally.

The part that is most concerning is - this came down from upon high. Strategists at the national level of the liberal left called this caucus - after they'd said "we don't have votes" and channel stuffed this bill. This is being orchestrated in many states from the national level right now because they know they don't have the votes at the national level either.

If one is paying close attention to what is going on with the Econ, the stock market, the PM market, currency wars, Europe, the FED, and actions from the International Bank of Settlements as well as every other central bank - seeing such radical laws (that strip 2A and the 4th in fell swoop) put forth in a centralized fashion - should give all cause for REAL concern.

Good luck

3 AE
02-24-13, 02:01
Reading the proposed bill gives you an insight on how "they" are trying to bypass the Fourth Amendment. They are claiming that the situation calls for an emergency enactment of their bill. It goes into effect IMMEDIATELY upon passage. It's basically claiming "Martial Law" in the State of Oregon, and therefore you are subject to immediate compliance to an "Official Inspector" who can just bypass the Fourth Amendment and require you to allow him to come in at any time to make sure you are in compliance. No mention in the bill of probable cause. Required registration of ONE semi-automatic rifle and THREE magazines. Not in compliance, you face a Class B Felony. Prison time and fines to follow. Basically acting like Hitler's henchmen for the sake of "Public Safety".

Please, all of our members go to the link in my other post referencing the Oregon Firearms Federation, and send your opposition message to any or all legislator listed.This is no bullshit. This is going to happen in many other States. Doesn't matter if the bill has any chance to pass or not. It's like a cancer. If we don't cut it out at the earliest opportunity, it will grow and fester to the malignant stage. Then it's a real bitch to survive. You might live, or you might die. We can't allow this to gain momentum. Am I worked up over this? You're damn right I am.

We are at a critical stage of just preserving what we have. And yet I see a whole lot of posts about bitching what you can't get. I can't get this rail. I can't get this lower. I can't get this magazine. I can't get this ammo. There's thousands of posts in the "Where Can I Find This" thread, and very few "Here's what's happening to our "Bill of Rights", and here is what we can do about it. We're walking around in a fog, reacting to what's going on like a bunch of "scissorbills" looking for crumbs. Get your head out of your rectum. Our focus should be putting together a battle plan to fight this to the end. And yet we're screwing around wondering when the "Panic" buying will end. Guess what? It's not going to end unless you get your ass off the chair and start pounding the keyboard to your legislators and demand accountability. If you haven't joined the NRA and your State associations and spread the word to your friends, associates, grand children, priests, ex-wives, etc. and donated money to the cause, then you're just another loser with a gun. Grab your wife's lipstick and write "2A Loser" on your bathroom mirror. If the shoe fits, so be it.

A whole lot of people figure "Hey, I'll let the NRA or some other organization carry the fight. That's what I paid my dues for." Well, it takes more than that. It takes commitment, money, and active participation. So take your wild ass dreams about being some high speed ,low drag operator on a forum and park it. You better "Cowboy Up", less you want to be the sheep/cattle led to a slow death on the 2A Apathy Merry Go Round.

02-24-13, 02:05
Makes you start to wonder who is pulling the string behind all of these bill proposals at the state level, unless they all thing their doing to try and impress the prospective fatherland leaders in exchange for career advancement. I mean do they really want armed insurrection to happen?

Their making deals with the devil I tell ya.

3 AE
02-24-13, 02:29
Makes you start to wonder who is pulling the string behind all of these bill proposals at the state level, unless they all thing their doing to try and impress the prospective fatherland leaders in exchange for career advancement.

Their making deals with the devil I tell ya.

Why waste time wondering? Obama doesn't have to make it a national agenda to get the results he and his administration seeks. It doesn't matter if you think you live in a state that has a strong pro gun tradition. All he has to do is direct his cabinet to withdraw/delay funding to any state that tells him to go pack sand.That means funding for infrastructure, healthcare, education, housing, military bases, small business loans, corporate tax relief, the list goes on. That would put the squeeze on any state legislature to pressure them to comply. If we don't counter attack and put pressure on our state and national representatives to shitcan his agenda, they'll take the easy way out. We need to make it clear to the politicians that they will suffer at the polls when election time comes around. If they get enough feedback from us that we are strong in numbers and in money, they'll have to tell the administration that they can't take the chance of not being reelected. Then the house of cards will fall. It's so important right now to send your opposition to any bill that restricts our 2A rights. It doesn't matter what state you live in. Show your support to any state that is having to fight for their gun rights. Whether it be yours or some other state. The two things that most career politicians worry about, and it gives them nightmares,

1) Whether they have enough money to get reelected.
2) Who's watch dogging me on issues.

They can't stand oversight by the public.
They can readily sway oversight committees, but it's a lot tougher at the voting booth. We are the unknown quantity in the formula. It scares the bejeezus out of them. We have to pick up the pace and be proactive.

02-24-13, 08:18
Makes you start to wonder who is pulling the string behind all of these bill proposals at the state level, unless they all thing their doing to try and impress the prospective fatherland leaders in exchange for career advancement. I mean do they really want armed insurrection to happen?

Their making deals with the devil I tell ya.

This IS WELL coordinated. They had these bills ready and were waiting for a catalyst. What a bunch of sick ****s.

02-24-13, 08:34
they have enough man power and Money to go and inspect your home for safe keeping :angry: why don't they Put that to taking crooks of the streets instead WTF????

Mauser KAR98K
02-24-13, 11:48
This IS WELL coordinated. They had these bills ready and were waiting for a catalyst. What a bunch of sick ****s.

You know, we should really be pushing that. Since these type of shootings are rare, the cry for control is only screamed when these events happen, which seem to be in long cycles, not day to day business to push the agenda.

brushy bill
02-24-13, 13:02
You can help in a small way by clicking the blue highlighted link "automailer" in the last paragraph of the article I provided the link to in my post. They only require you list your name and email address. They already have a preformed letter ready to submit. Pick all of the Senators and Representatives in the columns listed. Takes no time at all. :help:

Sent. Thanks for post and good luck.

02-24-13, 22:32
Why waste time wondering? Obama doesn't have to make it a national agenda to get the results he and his administration seeks. It doesn't matter if you think you live in a state that has a strong pro gun tradition. All he has to do is direct his cabinet to withdraw/delay funding to any state that tells him to go pack sand.That means funding for infrastructure, healthcare, education, housing, military bases, small business loans, corporate tax relief, the list goes on. That would put the squeeze on any state legislature to pressure them to comply. If we don't counter attack and put pressure on our state and national representatives to shitcan his agenda, they'll take the easy way out. We need to make it clear to the politicians that they will suffer at the polls when election time comes around. If they get enough feedback from us that we are strong in numbers and in money, they'll have to tell the administration that they can't take the chance of not being reelected. Then the house of cards will fall. It's so important right now to send your opposition to any bill that restricts our 2A rights. It doesn't matter what state you live in. Show your support to any state that is having to fight for their gun rights. Whether it be yours or some other state. The two things that most career politicians worry about, and it gives them nightmares,

1) Whether they have enough money to get reelected.
2) Who's watch dogging me on issues.

They can't stand oversight by the public.
They can readily sway oversight committees, but it's a lot tougher at the voting booth. We are the unknown quantity in the formula. It scares the bejeezus out of them. We have to pick up the pace and be proactive.

This IS WELL coordinated. They had these bills ready and were waiting for a catalyst. What a bunch of sick ****s.

My statement was rhetorical for the most part, I was trying to limit the tin-foil hatness lol

Thus far this is the only response I've gotten from the earlier mentioned email submission system

Thank you for your letter about HB 3200. I am not one of the co-sponsors of the bill and I do not serve on a committee that considers gun related bills, so I have not had time to look at it carefully since it was introduced on Friday. It is my understanding that gun bills are unlikely to receive hearings this session. In the event the bill does come out of committee, I will remember your concerns as I evaluate the bill in its final format.

Thanks again for writing.


Representative Sara Gelser
Chair, House Education Committee
House District 16 (Corvallis/Philomath)
(503) 986-1416

3 AE
02-24-13, 23:51

"My statement was rhetorical for the most part, I was trying to limit the tin-foil hatness lol"

I understand now. Pardon my soapbox rant. This attack on the 2A from the various states has got me worked up. I too received the single reply from Rep. Gelser. I received a bunch of "unable to send" emails in my mailbox. Could very well be that those legislators' mailboxes are overflowing. OFF has done a great job of keeping the membership up to date and keeping the pressure on our legislators. Carry on the good fight.

02-24-13, 23:59

"My statement was rhetorical for the most part, I was trying to limit the tin-foil hatness lol"

I understand now. Pardon my soapbox rant. This attack on the 2A from the various states has got me worked up. I too received the single reply from Rep. Gelser. I received a bunch of "unable to send" emails in my mailbox. Could very well be that those legislators' mailboxes are overflowing. OFF has done a great job of keeping the membership up to date and keeping the pressure on our legislators. Carry on the good fight.

10-4, I got a spam folder filled with 70 or so of those bounce back notification too.

3 AE
02-25-13, 21:01

This is what can happen when you put the word out and respond. I guess this past weekend caused some legislators to take a time out. They started this shit storm and we're doing everything we can to put an end to it. The battle isn't over, but it goes to show you that your involvement no matter how small can start to make a difference. We will continue to keep up the pressure.

I also want to salute the members, Oregonians and non residents alike, who took the time to respond. YOU are making a difference and I want to thank you for stepping up to the plate and taking your cuts. We can't take a breather like our enemies are. No donation is too small, no email is unimportant, and no alert goes unheard. Every little bit counts. This Bill isn't dead yet, they will try again soon in a revision. We will need your help again for the next battle.

02-25-13, 23:01
In before Noveske decides to flip GP the bird.

02-26-13, 07:20
Emails sent from your brother in CA.