View Full Version : Old (2011) video on gun safes/picking

02-23-13, 13:53
~40 min, very entertaining video from DEFCON 19 on some small gun safes and how unsecure or secure they are.


DEFCON, in case you don't know, is an annual security conference in Vegas, topics often include hacking but also include lock picking, among many many other topics.

If you hear a reference to "you're a fed", it's a game where you try pick out the Federal Employee/LE people in the conference. DEFCON is swarming with Feds, not because the conference is illegal, but because the Gov't has to stay at the cutting edge of security and DEFCON is one of the best places to do so.

This is also a classic video when thinking about security: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Am43kDH4ms

02-23-13, 21:22
Great link. seriously.

Thanks a bunch, I've been considering picking up a small gun safe along these lines, mostly for documents and a couple flash drives (as I already have a big safe) but also thinking about throwing a handgun in to make a complete "oh shit, the apartment is on fire" grab and go box.

02-23-13, 23:12
Here's another vid from Defcon on lock picking:
