View Full Version : OK so I broke down and ordered a BAD-ASS

02-24-13, 07:00
I told myself I wouldn't but I went to check my other thread on ambi controls for righties and discovered that it was closed by IG so I thought I'd share here. A lot of people whom I have the utmost respect for seem to think it's a good idea, or at the very least, not a bad idea. So being the open-minded kind of person that I am, I ordered a BAD-ASS last night for my next build. Not gonna lie though, one of my lever options is the cap, in case it ends up bugging the shit out of me. I will run it through its paces and will report back when I form an opinion based on actual usage and not hypothesis. I mean, I did install a Noveske STS-60 (non-ambi) on a build a coupla nights ago and if you had told me a year ago that I'd be putting a plastic safety held in by a set screw on my gun, I would have told you that you have the wrong Shao. I'm actually really looking forward to checking it out.

02-24-13, 07:13
Its a great product you will be pleased.

(i got in before the lock!)

02-24-13, 07:16
Try different levers. If you like it, you will want an ambi BCM charging handle.

02-24-13, 07:42
Its a great product you will be pleased.

(i got in before the lock!)

Try different levers. If you like it, you will want an ambi BCM charging handle.

It looks like a well-engineered product. I chose the crank, short thin, and cap. I probably will end up a convert. I like that it's machined and not cast. I have a feeling that based on that fact alone, I may have to fit all of my ARs with them.

Littlelebowski - have you tried the Raptor? If so, why do you prefer the BCM more? I've got gunfighters on all of my rifles right now (non-ambi), but I recently assembled an ambi-build for a left-handed friend and used a Raptor and was really impressed with it...

EDIT: I forgot I chose the crank...and LL, I checked out your blog: "Let us not rail about justice as long as we have arms and the freedom to use them. - Duke Leto Atreides" - Anyone who quotes Dune is OK in my book.

02-24-13, 12:12
We appreciate your willingness to be open minded. I figured I should clarify myself since the thread got locked. Your opinions on not caring for ambi controls was not the issue in the other thread. But rather that your suppositions as to why they were bad were not rational and obviously came from a lack of training and personal experiences and you got called on it. So again good for you for being open minded. Just remember that ambi controls are not a necessity and not for everyone. Just because something maybe remotely one in a billion possible is not a good reason to discount an item when it gives a consistent benefit. If the benefit outweighs the negatives and by a good margin then that is a good thing. Also remember that anything new is not necessarily sliced bread the moment you try it. Some items or techniques can actually regress a shooters performance until they gain better mastery of what they are doing or trying to perform. This often causes people to poo poo stuff without a fair shake. Just some things to think about. Hope you enjoy the new part.

02-24-13, 12:30
You won't be disappointed. I got my gun set up ambi but I have not got a ambi charging handle yet. Looking into the Raptor it new BCM.

02-24-13, 12:33
It's good to see that you are willing to take the time and try something out before writing it off as no good. That said, I would encourage you to seek out some quality instruction instead of trying out a bunch of different parts for your guns. Get some quality rounds through your guns and then make changes based on need, not what you see or read on the internet. Ambi controls are a nice luxury but they certainly aren't a necessity.

Check out Alias training for the schedules of some quality instructors that will make you a better shooter and thinker. Also check out the New Magpul classes with Jon C and Yeti, Northern Red/Invictus, Jeff Gonzales and Paul Howe are also from out your way. Quality instruction is well worth the investment and in the long run will probably save you money from putting a lot of shit on your rifle that you don't need. ;)

Look at LL who posted above, great example of someone who trained his ass off with a pretty basic setup, became a great shooter with it the way it was, and then added only the parts that directly benefited his performance.