View Full Version : The stupidity of urban hipsters is unlimited

Alpha Sierra
02-24-13, 15:45
Sign up to pick up complete strangers in your car. What could go wrong?


02-24-13, 16:14
Sign up to pick up complete strangers in your car. What could go wrong?


LOL, maybe this type of activity will help "thin the herd." ;)


02-24-13, 17:18
I saw 3 100% hipsters in the wild today. Teal colored vans, sailor tats, all 3 on fixie bikes, one had gages big enough to drive a mat-v thru, thrift store t shirts etc etc. This is expected with the warmer temps.

sent from mah gun,using my sights

02-24-13, 17:21
This has been going on in the DC area for a while and is a near necessity due to the HOV lanes and horrible traffic out here. I would caution against sneering at this and also sneering at folk out of hand because of the way they dress.

Alpha Sierra
02-24-13, 17:24
Whatever the reasons, I will not pick up complete strangers to ride with me under any circumstances. I also actively plan my life to not live in places where doing so is seen as necessary.

As to the hipster angle, that's all I saw in the video segment. Call them hipsters, young urbanites, whatever you like, they are not like me and I am not like them. On purpose.

02-24-13, 17:26
Whatever the reasons, I will not pick up complete strangers to ride with me under any circumstances. I also actively plan my life to not live in places where doing so is seen as necessary.

As to the hipster angle, that's all I saw in the video segment. Call them hipsters, young urbanites, whatever you like, they are not like me and I am not like them. On purpose.

You win internet situational awareness points and style points. You rock.

02-24-13, 17:27
This has been going on in the DC area for a while and is a near necessity due to the HOV lanes and horrible traffic out here. I would caution against sneering at this and also sneering at folk out of hand because of the way they dress.

Hipsters are soo much more then how they dress.

sent from mah gun,using my sights

Alpha Sierra
02-24-13, 17:36
You win internet situational awareness points and style points. You rock.

Subtlety has never been a quality of mine.

02-24-13, 18:11
Hipsters are soo much more then how they dress.

sent from mah gun,using my sights

Every one I've ever conversed with, are well, the complete opposite of me.

02-24-13, 18:48
Porno Movies and Horror Movies both start this way.........knowing my luck I'd get the psycho instead of the VW bus full of cheerleaders.:angry:

02-24-13, 18:57
Porno Movies and Horror Movies both start this way.........knowing my luck I'd get the psycho instead of the VW bus full of cheerleaders.:angry:


02-24-13, 21:12
my BIL does that. He seems to enjoy it. . . . though I was supprised by the fact that the driver only gets paid tips. Passengers can stiff them. And they have their rating system. The drivers AND the passengers rate each other.

Now what I'd want my family doing, but it is honest work.

02-25-13, 02:18
What a bunch of horeshit.

I didn't buy a car so random ****heads can bum a ride and then possibly "tip" me. Sounds as stupid as Craigslist ads which want you to bring your expensive jewelry to a shopping mall parking lot to complete the deal.

02-25-13, 02:53
My POV is a temporary sanctuary that provides brief alleviation from the oxygen thieves I suffer daily, no way in hell I'd give that up.

02-25-13, 06:46
Seems like a big risk in many ways. What happens when you are in a wreck and the person you are giving a ride to sues you into the poor house?

Straight Shooter
02-25-13, 10:47
The first time something horrible happens...this feel-good hippy shit will disappear.
Myself, I wouldnt be caught dead in a car that had a ****in fuzzy pink moustache and a "dream catcher" hanging from the mirror.:rolleyes:

02-25-13, 12:31
I saw 3 100% hipsters in the wild today.

I don't think I'd know one if I saw one. :confused:

02-25-13, 12:40
Anyone else see the affiliation between "Lyft" & Left"?

They can have their trendy, lib, social orgies. I'll stay at home & be antisocial.

02-25-13, 13:16
I seem to recall one of the benefits of the "good old days" (as related by my safety conscious parents) was hitchhiking without fear, as either passenger or driver.

02-25-13, 13:51
I seem to recall one of the benefits of the "good old days" (as related by my safety conscious parents) was hitchhiking without fear, as either passenger or driver.

Those good ol' days ended about 30 years ago. Hollywood was even making movies to that effect in 1986.


Anyone who accepts random passengers off the street is nuts - even by San Fran standards.

02-25-13, 15:58
I seem to recall one of the benefits of the "good old days" (as related by my safety conscious parents) was hitchhiking without fear, as either passenger or driver.

Ah, yes...I remember bumming my way to California for spring break in'81...Good times...
I would not hitch-hike anywhere by choice anymore. I've had to do it when thru-hiking, and I'm always scared of who will pick me up.
As for picking up others...only if I had another armed friend in the vehicle with me. Too many sketchy people out there.
This whole thing sounds like a good way to get mugged or kidnapped...

02-25-13, 16:27
I don't think I'd know one if I saw one. :confused:

Google image search or youtube "hipster".They have a distinct style for sure. Im not exactly sure the concentration in west desert area, but they usually stay in highly urban areas, downtown in apartments above shops. If its a converted warehouse apartment, even better chance a hipster will be found.

The next best place is any non chain coffee shop where they can be found blogging for hours on the free wifi. Like wise, most claim to be in "media" reguardless of actual source of income.


sent from mah gun,using my sights

02-25-13, 21:18
Those good ol' days ended about 30 years ago. Hollywood was even making movies to that effect in 1986.


Anyone who accepts random passengers off the street is nuts - even by San Fran standards.

I love that movie !!! Never picked up a hitchhiker after that :)


Alpha Sierra
02-25-13, 21:24
Google image search or youtube "hipster"




02-25-13, 21:31
This is expected with the warmer temps.

sent from mah gun,using my sights

Summer makes them more identifiable. They are the ones wearing flap-eared wool hats, and vintage jackets while I'm sweating my balls off in a Tshirt and shorts.

As far as the hitching goes, meh, I pick them up now and then. Usually no more danger than talking to someone in close proximity n the street.

02-25-13, 21:35
I seem to recall one of the benefits of the "good old days" (as related by my safety conscious parents) was hitchhiking without fear, as either passenger or driver.

No, no. We should be afraid that anyone we don't know will murder us at any second, but also be able to walk down Main Street USA with a slung long arm without anyone batting an eyelash.

02-25-13, 22:23
**** politically correctness. Fags.

That is all.

02-25-13, 22:29
My favorite


02-26-13, 07:20
**** politically correctness. Fags.

That is all.

Yeah... I mean.. If I saw those idiots.. I'd just be like... "there's some homos. That's nice... I wonder if Bravo has BCGs available. :confused:"

02-26-13, 11:35
Wow. I'm guessing this was slightly less risky of a product idea than lawn darts for the blind.

So does Yahoo not have any assets anymore, cause I'm guessing that the first person to get gang raped by a bunch of dorky looking gay guys is going to be suing the shit out of them.

02-26-13, 14:50
Yeah... I mean.. If I saw those idiots.. I'd just be like... "there's some homos. That's nice... I wonder if Bravo has BCGs available. :confused:"

That's funny!

02-26-13, 17:47
I live 20 mins away from SF, and I'm there a few times a week.

When I first noticed these cars going around with the pink mustaches, I honestly thought it was some gay subculture thing (as they're pretty open about that here).

Then I heard it as a social-media fueled service. My understanding is that this service sprung up because taxi licenses were either impossible or prohibitively expensive or both so that it made getting taxi rides a pain in the ass or something like that. So these private cars are an alternative to that. The reason they take "tips" is so that they aren't technically taking fares like regular taxis thus circumventing applicable regulations.

02-26-13, 18:08
For those of you have never seen Portlandia (http://www.ifc.com/shows/portlandia), it's a sketch comedy series making fun of the eco-hipsters (combination of crunchy, granola, hippie with hipster overtones) that inhabit the greater Portland area.

Suwannee Tim
02-26-13, 20:35
The last stranger I gave a ride to pulled a knife on me. My GF was in the back seat and pointed a Star PD at knife chick's ear. Knife chick bailed out at 50 mph. I would have gladly stopped the car to let her out.

02-26-13, 21:37
Yeah... I mean.. If I saw those idiots.. I'd just be like... "there's some homos. That's nice... I wonder if Bravo has BCGs available. :confused:"

I would have looked at who ever I was with and just shook my head and carried on with a conversation about guns or something and yelled "man law!" randomly.

02-26-13, 21:42
Who the **** cares what clothes people wear or how thick their glasses frames are or what coffee shops they go to.

02-26-13, 21:47
Who the **** cares what clothes people wear or how thick their glasses frames are or what coffee shops they go to.

No one should but it doesn't mean it isn't head shake worthy.

02-26-13, 23:31
So you can take your personal car, and give people rides, and your not a "Taxi" IF, you only take tips, and don't "Charge"? But a taxi has to pay taxes, and meet a whole set of regulations and licenses. If I owned a taxi company, I would be either finding a way around paying taxes and buying "Permission Slips", or pushing for a bill/law to ban these rides.

02-27-13, 00:04
So you can take your personal car, and give people rides, and your not a "Taxi" IF, you only take tips, and don't "Charge"? But a taxi has to pay taxes, and meet a whole set of regulations and licenses. If I owned a taxi company, I would be either finding a way around paying taxes and buying "Permission Slips", or pushing for a bill/law to ban these rides.

Well I for one applaud people finding ways to get around paying taxes. I don't see how you can ban people giving each other rides...

02-27-13, 00:08
For those of you have never seen Portlandia (http://www.ifc.com/shows/portlandia), it's a sketch comedy series making fun of the eco-hipsters (combination of crunchy, granola, hippie with hipster overtones) that inhabit the greater Portland area.

That show is hilarious.

Also, I have given rides to vets if they're clearly in distress. That's about as far as I go though.

02-27-13, 01:13
Who the **** cares what clothes people wear or how thick their glasses frames are or what coffee shops they go to.

Hmm, southeast georgia. . . . .

Savannah Hipster!

02-27-13, 02:40
Hmm, southeast georgia. . . . .

Savannah Hipster!

And a SCAD student! You caught me.

02-27-13, 05:08
Nearly every hipster I've known has stabbed me in the back some how.
**** 'em.

02-27-13, 10:04
And a SCAD student! You caught me.

What is up with homeless population there man it was worse then DC.

02-27-13, 11:12
This has been going on in the DC area for a while and is a near necessity due to the HOV lanes and horrible traffic out here. I would caution against sneering at this and also sneering at folk out of hand because of the way they dress.

Good point.

I have picked up slugs many times in order to get my son to Walter Reed in time for appointments.

I choose lines depending on what I feel like discussing. If it's military type stuff, I'll stop by the Pentagon or Navy Yard line. If it is international news I'll pick up at the State Department line.

Tomas & I once picked up a Brigadier General for the Pentagon....another time I picked up a woman born in the Central African Republic that was related to one of our Marine Drivers from 93. Turns out he now lives in the states.

Has nothing to do with 'hipsters' or anything else like that, it is method of travel that 99% time involves professionals. Hipsters generally don't want to be sharing rides wityh non hipsters.

Here's some info on slugging:


Here's a bad slug:
