View Full Version : Why DHS has been hoarding ammo. The answer. I think.

30 cal slut
02-28-13, 11:18
So, I spoke to a colleague who follows DoD and related stuff for a living.

He seems to think that DHS has been making huge ammo orders ... to get it all in before sequestration takes effect tomorrow (March 1).

In hindsight, that makes a lot of sense, and no tin-foil involved. :cool:

Rule of government budgeting: If you ain't spending your budget, you are being inefficient. You lose it next year if you don't use it now.

02-28-13, 11:28
I think you could be onto to something. Agencies often purchase ammunition for more than one year, sometimes four or five.

How many agencies fall under DHS? How many employees are required to train and qualify with a firearm each year and how many rounds do they expend? I know a Federal Marshall who was complaining that his people were reduced to 1,000 rounds per year for training. 1,000 rounds per year multiplied by the number of sworn in his agency is a lot of ammunition and that's just one Federal agency.

02-28-13, 11:35
It was that way at the end of the fiscal year in the Marine Corps. I was an XO for an artillery battery and always felt the system bred waste and misuse.

Bn CO: "We have 30 days until the end of the fiscal year and $XXXXX left. If we don't spend this then we lose it and they won't give us as much next year. So find out anything the howitzers need, find out what's wrong with any of the trucks, order excess parts, and find out any other office supplies or anything else you might want."

It always caused the most ridiculous ideas to waste money to be brought up. I was never in charge of a battalion or higher's budget so maybe I just don't get why it has to be that way but it seemed wasteful. And it seemed the system being that way was the reason for it.

But to the point of hoarding ammo before the sequestration I completely understand holding on to as much of that as possible. Ammo is something that I would never look at obtaining large quantities of as waste.

02-28-13, 11:41
Not to mention that the Coast Guard is part of the DHS.....

02-28-13, 11:43
Yep. The old 'spend all your money before they close the books.' Has happened every year for decades across the govt. There is plenty of room in the budget cut. I would argue the Army budget could be cut in half and only improve readiness.

02-28-13, 12:13
Makes sense. FUBAR bureaucracy. And don't think its limited to the Federal Govt either, apparently its why we have $1500 water fountains in our capital state house here in Ohio. No, no, those water fountains really do cost $1500............

02-28-13, 12:32
It was that way at the end of the fiscal year in the Marine Corps. I was an XO for an artillery battery and always felt the system bred waste and misuse.

Bn CO: "We have 30 days until the end of the fiscal year and $XXXXX left. If we don't spend this then we lose it and they won't give us as much next year. So find out anything the howitzers need, find out what's wrong with any of the trucks, order excess parts, and find out any other office supplies or anything else you might want."

It always caused the most ridiculous ideas to waste money to be brought up. I was never in charge of a battalion or higher's budget so maybe I just don't get why it has to be that way but it seemed wasteful. And it seemed the system being that way was the reason for it.

But to the point of hoarding ammo before the sequestration I completely understand holding on to as much of that as possible. Ammo is something that I would never look at obtaining large quantities of as waste.

This is very true. I was an XO for an Army artillery battery but we were a separate battery with an independent budget. We had an annual budget and one of my additional duties was the budget officer. Basically, the goal was to spend every last cent of your budget. Let say you were efficient or simply didn't have the need to spend your entire budget then the next year your budget would be reduced to match your actually spending automatically. In addition, you would lose the money that you didn't spend the last fiscal year. Under this system, you are actually punished for trying to save the taxpayer money.

02-28-13, 13:13
I am well aware of the "spend it or lose it" mindset of bureaucratic agencies, and that idea does nothing to loosen my tinfoil.

How many rounds of amunition? How many MRAPs?

Yet they can't afford to hold criminals in jail.

02-28-13, 13:16
We imprison more people than any other nation on earth and it costs us a lot financially, currahee.

02-28-13, 13:22
While that is true, we purchased our ammo 5 years in advance. So we were buying 5 years of ammunition at a time. It would be uncommon to make more than one purchase in a fiscal year. I may be wrong.

Not to mention that the Coast Guard is part of the DHS.....

02-28-13, 13:23
Are prisons under the DHS budget?

02-28-13, 13:34
You mean to tell me the DHS isn't hoarding ammo to institute martial law and kill off anyone who gets in the way of "the administration's" wishes?

Like I said in the carriers thread...


02-28-13, 13:35
Bottom line, there is no rational reason why DHS needs close to 2 billion high end defensive rounds on hand. During the height of the Iraq War ammo consuption averaged 5-6 million rounds per month. Basically the DHS has enough ammo on hand for over 25 years of combat operations in Iraq.

I do understand the budgeting aspect but I do think something else is up.

02-28-13, 13:44
Where are you guys reading that these purchase orders are to be filled in full? All the info I've seen is that they are contract orders UP TO xxx amount meaning when call and want 30 million rounds production gets diverted to fill their request as it takes priority. In the end the artificial demand just keeps supply dried up .

02-28-13, 13:52
1) they're IDIQ contracts and, 2) DHS and agencies under their umberella never have been and still are not the only folks that're gonna be using that ammo...

....there's a lot of wasted tinfoil being cinched down when there's plenty of REAL scariness to be worried about. Lotsa folks wasting energy hand-wringing over this, for no better reason than it being easier to hand-wring than it is to read the contracts....

Point of order: How, precisely, does one hoard stuff that hasn't been made, much less delivered, yet...? :jester:

30 cal slut
02-28-13, 13:54
Having trained alongside a few DHS guys (e.g., BORTAC, etc) ...

I notice they train with their issued duty ammo. :eek:

Makes me cringe.

02-28-13, 14:07
Having trained alongside a few DHS guys (e.g., BORTAC, etc) ...

I notice they train with their issued duty ammo. :eek:

Makes me cringe.

I bet you don't mind picking up the brass :p

30 cal slut
02-28-13, 14:43
I bet you don't mind picking up the brass :p

Shhhh! :p

02-28-13, 15:03
Also keep in mind that it's been over 1,400 days since a real and actual federal budget has been passed. Some of the bureaucratic gymnastics necesary to keep the bus rolling are quite astonishing, to say the least. :D

Straight Shooter
02-28-13, 19:09
Ive a question to ask, BEFORE I relay what was told to me today by a friend of mine who goes to trade shows to buy ammo for my local
favorite gunshop.
My question is this..conspiracy or 5 year purchase or whatever, is or is not this going to affect both availability and price, when the ammo makers start fullfilling those gub-ment contracts?
Tossing all the tin foil b.s. aside for a moment, Im not understanding the 5 year purchase of ammo. If youve got money left over for the year, year after year, do you buy 5 years ahead every year? Or once every 5 years?

02-28-13, 19:19
That makes a lot of sense but I know what everyone is talking about with spending every penny. When I was in a squadron it was not uncommon for the maintenance officer to have the guys seal all the fuel tanks on the hangar queens along with hanging drop tanks. Have fuels come and fill everything up on the last day of the fiscal year and the next day have them defueled. We also did a lot of flying just to burn gas.


02-28-13, 21:47
Ive a question to ask, BEFORE I relay what was told to me today by a friend of mine who goes to trade shows to buy ammo for my local
favorite gunshop.
My question is this..conspiracy or 5 year purchase or whatever, is or is not this going to affect both availability and price, when the ammo makers start fullfilling those gub-ment contracts?
Tossing all the tin foil b.s. aside for a moment, Im not understanding the 5 year purchase of ammo. If youve got money left over for the year, year after year, do you buy 5 years ahead every year? Or once every 5 years?

The contract locks in the price for that time. So the ammo they buy in 2018 is the same price as the ammo they buy now. My dept just ended our 4 year contract with ATK and next years contract is going to be a lot more expensive because of the increase in ammo prices.

03-01-13, 22:37
So just like that we are going to rationalize and forget it? Not me I'm a sceptic for life.

05-04-13, 16:43
Big Sis Seeks Millions MORE Rounds of Ammunition...

The Department of Homeland Security has released a market survey asking companies if they are able to provide 2 million rounds of ammunition within a short time period, increasing concerns that the federal agency is continuing its arms build up in preparation for domestic unrest.
Ammunition is becoming increasingly scarce, with gun stores across the nation forced to resort to bullet rationing in an attempt to satisfy as many customers as they can, while some police departments are having to barter between themselves to meet demand.

The market survey also indicates that the DHS is interested in purchasing ammunition that will safely fragment when fired against an “armor steel plate,” which will only serve to stoke fears that the feds are gearing up to use the ammunition in an offensive manner.

Thing is, if there's any truth to the thinking that we actually control the government and it doesn't control us, we could put a halt to this nonsense.

05-04-13, 16:55
I am well aware of the "spend it or lose it" mindset of bureaucratic agencies, and that idea does nothing to loosen my tinfoil.

How many rounds of amunition? How many MRAPs?

Yet they can't afford to hold criminals in jail.

Clearly the plan is to release the criminals and then expend the ammunition shooting them.

We imprison more people than any other nation on earth and it costs us a lot financially, currahee.

We have, IIRC, more people in prison than China does. Twice as many people in prison, per capita, as Russia. Both of them are police states. If we're not a police state, does that make us a prison state?

So just like that we are going to rationalize and forget it? Not me I'm a sceptic for life.

I see that 'c' in there and think it's supposed to be pronounced 'septic'.

So you're a septic for life?


(I know, it's an archaic spelling of skeptic. But still.)

05-04-13, 17:26
Where are you guys reading that these purchase orders are to be filled in full? All the info I've seen is that they are contract orders UP TO xxx amount meaning when call and want 30 million rounds production gets diverted to fill their request as it takes priority. In the end the artificial demand just keeps supply dried up .
This makes a great deal of sense to me.

Lets see if this goes anywhere:


05-04-13, 18:16
DHS officials said in fiscal year 2012 the agency purchased 103 million rounds and used 88 million rounds for training, and 28 million rounds during actual operations.

Come again? :blink:

05-04-13, 18:18
Then why wont they just say that's why they are buying billions of rounds, and armored vehicles.

The fact that Mr. Napolitano wont fess up makes it fishy.

05-04-13, 19:06
Then why wont they just say that's why they are buying billions of rounds, and armored vehicles.

The fact that Mr. Napolitano wont fess up makes it fishy.

Mind you this is the same woman who said the day of and after the Boston bombing that it was not and is not part of larger cell and no future attacks are going to occur. Sooooo either she is purposely misleading the American people or she is incompetent.

05-04-13, 19:46
It was that way at the end of the fiscal year in the Marine Corps. I was an XO for an artillery battery and always felt the system bred waste and misuse.

Bn CO: "We have 30 days until the end of the fiscal year and $XXXXX left. If we don't spend this then we lose it and they won't give us as much next year. So find out anything the howitzers need, find out what's wrong with any of the trucks, order excess parts, and find out any other office supplies or anything else you might want."

It always caused the most ridiculous ideas to waste money to be brought up. I was never in charge of a battalion or higher's budget so maybe I just don't get why it has to be that way but it seemed wasteful. And it seemed the system being that way was the reason for it.

But to the point of hoarding ammo before the sequestration I completely understand holding on to as much of that as possible. Ammo is something that I would never look at obtaining large quantities of as waste.

Care to mention which Bn?

Not that it's unique to one unit, but I know exactly what you speak of. GSA runs and 4-cards for M777's out the ass around mid-september.

05-04-13, 19:47
Clearly the plan is to release the criminals and then expend the ammunition shooting them.

My friend, the real criminals the government wants to shoot are not in jails, they are on this message board.

05-04-13, 20:28
My friend, the real criminals the government wants to shoot are not in jails, they are on this message board.

I didn't know there were criminals on this board. Although, I suppose with the world's highest incarceration rate, I really shouldn't be that surprised.

05-04-13, 20:47
I didn't know there were criminals on this board. Although, I suppose with the world's highest incarceration rate, I really shouldn't be that surprised.

I think your missing the point he was trying to make lol

05-04-13, 20:58
I think your missing the point he was trying to make lol

I think Fjallhrafn's point is that the point the other fellow was making was mistaken.

05-04-13, 21:02
I think Fjallhrafn's point is that the point the other fellow was making was mistaken.


05-04-13, 21:09


05-04-13, 21:25
So, I spoke to a colleague who follows DoD and related stuff for a living.

He seems to think that DHS has been making huge ammo orders ... to get it all in before sequestration takes effect tomorrow (March 1).

In hindsight, that makes a lot of sense, and no tin-foil involved. :cool:

Rule of government budgeting: If you ain't spending your budget, you are being inefficient. You lose it next year if you don't use it now.

I'm not buying it(no pun intended), DHS is going to be an agency to rival any of the infamous totalitarian political police ever turned loose on an unsuspecting populace.

It is not tinfoil in the least to turn a wary eye upon that evil entity, which by the way, routinely conditions & trains its jackboots to look upon conservative America as the enemy.

It needs to be eliminated, period!

05-04-13, 21:27
My friend, the real criminals the government wants to shoot are not in jails, they are on this message board.

If only you knew just how true that really is...

05-04-13, 21:36
99.9% of the posters here whining about DHS have absolutely no idea what DHS does, what DHS consists of or where DHS came from. Out if ignorance comes a lot of things, none good.

The only agency within DHS that wasn't already part of the Government before the reorganization is TSA. Every other part of DHS existed long before 2003, albeit under a bunch of different hats.

Now, do I think the re-organization of most of the government agencies and the way DHS was organized was the best way to do things? Absolutely not, there are messes created within DHS that will never be fixed in my career but there are have been many improvements in the way the GOV operated within the DHS sphere that are done much better than previously done.

05-04-13, 21:39
So, I spoke to a colleague who follows DoD and related stuff for a living.

He seems to think that DHS has been making huge ammo orders ... to get it all in before sequestration takes effect tomorrow (March 1).

In hindsight, that makes a lot of sense, and no tin-foil involved. :cool:

Rule of government budgeting: If you ain't spending your budget, you are being inefficient. You lose it next year if you don't use it now.

Believe that CRAP if you wish...

"One man with courage makes a majority."

05-04-13, 21:44
99.9% of the posters here whining about DHS have absolutely no idea what DHS does.

We know exactly what DHS does....waste money that we don't have to waste.

Same goes for the Dept. of Education, Energy, EPA, ect, ect,ect.

They do such a great job they cant even catch a Chechen radical that's coming and going from Russia using fake names.....well let me rephrase that...they can catch them...just cant stop them.

05-04-13, 21:50
Perhaps the goal was to allow what happen to happen. Evidence shows that they had been "in contact" with them for some time.

Another drill that "went live".

It allows manner I otherwise sane individuals to demand slavery.

It works...


But cowardly folk scream "tin foil!" and promptly go back to sleep and bitch about all manner of petty things.

If I had a way to escape the carnage with all of my relations I'd find it all quite comical...

"One man with courage makes a majority."

05-04-13, 21:53
Perhaps the goal was to allow what happen to happen. Evidence shows that they had been "in contact" with them for some time.

Another drill that "went live".

It allows manner I otherwise sane individuals to demand slavery.

It works...

But cowardly folk scream "tin foil!" and promptly go back to sleep and bitch about all manner of petty things.

If I had a way to escape the carnage with all of my relations I'd find it all quite comical...

"One man with courage makes a majority."

That's some conspiracy talk....you need to keep your mouth shut and believe what you're told. Now go drink some GMO and wash it down with some tasty Fluoride.

05-04-13, 21:56
Perhaps the goal was to allow what happen to happen. Evidence shows that they had been "in contact" with them for some time.

Another drill that "went live".

It allows manner I otherwise sane individuals to demand slavery.

It works...


But cowardly folk scream "tin foil!" and promptly go back to sleep and bitch about all manner of petty things.

If I had a way to escape the carnage with all of my relations I'd find it all quite comical...

"One man with courage makes a majority."

Not the couwardly but rather the sane scream tin foil because it is freaking crazy BS. The insane will use anything to try to prove their point. They will find plots in ordinary daily happenings. Its called paranoia and its a mental disorder.

05-04-13, 22:48
Not the couwardly but rather the sane scream tin foil because it is freaking crazy BS. The insane will use anything to try to prove their point. They will find plots in ordinary daily happenings. Its called paranoia and its a mental disorder.


But "the Left" is capable of anything. It's "their" doing!

Look! Look!

No fear, dude!

Face it.

What's crazy is thinking that 6.7 billion people are wrong and only the US (or 40% of the voters) is correct. "All of EVERYONE..." Really?

"They" really mean you well, right? Show me the historical evidence.

Stalin. Hitler. Pol Pot. If you're Caucasian YOUR ancestors left Europe for "better opportunity". What snuffed that opportunity?

Yeah, many Americans will deserve the next decade due to childish "thinking" and their fear of their own shadows.

I have a name for them:

WIMPUS AMERICANUS - the New American. 'Cause shit like that cannot possibly ever happen - unless it's in another country, in another time...

"One man with courage makes a majority."

05-04-13, 22:50
That's some conspiracy talk....you need to keep your mouth shut and believe what you're told. Now go drink some GMO and wash it down with some tasty Fluoride.

Yessir. I'm on it.

But can you turn on the lights, please? But not too much because I fear my shadow and I need "warriors" to patrol the street to keep me safe from my very own self.

"One man with courage makes a majority."

05-04-13, 23:36
I think your missing the point he was trying to make lol

I think the term is 'intentionally obtuse'.


But "the Left" is capable of anything. <snip>

Is it?

If it is, why does this website exist? Why do we still have guns? Why can you still walk into a gunstore and walk out that same day with a gun, a case of ammo, and plenty of mags (assuming you can find them on a shelf)? Why are you still posting?

If "the Left" was earnestly capable of anything, this website would be shut down. Or guns would be banned. Or the FBI would be Delay/Denying every 4473 that gets filled out. Or you would be incapable of posting (classified enemy combatant, imprisoned indefinitely at Gitmo, or simply killed by drone strike or more personal methods). Since none of these things are true, we can conclude that "the Left" is limited in its capability to do anything.

05-05-13, 00:56

But "the Left" is capable of anything. It's "their" doing!

Look! Look!

No fear, dude!

Face it.

What's crazy is thinking that 6.7 billion people are wrong and only the US (or 40% of the voters) is correct. "All of EVERYONE..." Really?

"They" really mean you well, right? Show me the historical evidence.

Stalin. Hitler. Pol Pot. If you're Caucasian YOUR ancestors left Europe for "better opportunity". What snuffed that opportunity?

Yeah, many Americans will deserve the next decade due to childish "thinking" and their fear of their own shadows.

I have a name for them:

WIMPUS AMERICANUS - the New American. 'Cause shit like that cannot possibly ever happen - unless it's in another country, in another time...

"One man with courage makes a majority."

Really so you really believe the US Government is behind the bombings in Boston? :rolleyes:

05-05-13, 01:00
Really so you really believe the US Government is behind the bombings in Boston? :rolleyes:

Behind it or just let it happen unchecked; Which is more evil?

05-05-13, 01:21
Really so you really believe the US Government is behind the bombings in Boston? :rolleyes:

I'm not saying that the government was involved in the bombings but are you aware of some of the false flag operations that they have been involved in? Have you heard of or read about Operation Ajax or Operation Northwoods?

Governments all over the world do crazy shit and ours is not immune.

05-05-13, 01:26
Fwiw since Boston the sheep in general don't seem to be as complacent in allowing anymore of our liberties to stripped away from us in the name of security. Sure Baboons like Bloomberg came out in force but I don't see much in the name of ordinary folks clamoring about the need to suppress liberty further, atleast not to the extent that I expected. It's mostly politicians it seems.

I take that as a good thing this go around.

Mauser KAR98K
05-05-13, 01:26
Maybe we should accept that the government are idiots when it comes to protecting his, but ****ing geniuses when it comes to enslaving us.

No, that is not a tin-foil statement...that is a realistic statement.

05-05-13, 01:29
Maybe we should accept that the government are idiots when it comes to protecting his, by ****ing geniuses when it comes to enslaving us.

No, that is not a tin-foil statement...that is a realistic statement.

That's the natural evolution of government don't ya know. And people wonder why our founders created a system that explicitly forbade and constrained what government was only allowed to do and not what it couldn't do. There is reason to their logic... shocking I know :rolleyes:

Mauser KAR98K
05-05-13, 01:29
Fwiw since Boston the sheep in general don't seem to be as complacent in allowing anymore of our liberties to stripped away from us in the name of security. Sure Baboons like Bloomberg came out in force but I don't see much in the name of ordinary folks clamoring about the need to suppress liberty further, atleast not to the extent that I expected. It's mostly politicians it seems.

I take that as a good thing this go around.

+1. Thankfully Boston was not spun cries for government control in its wake. But it frightens me how much people have shrugged it off as a footnote in history. Y'all should be scared of how many of my college classmates have--not--reacted to this.

Mauser KAR98K
05-05-13, 01:31
That's the natural evolution of government don't ya know. And people wonder why our founders created a system that explicitly forbade and constrained what government was only allowed to do and not what it couldn't do. There is reason to their logic... shocking I know :rolleyes:

Thomas Paine was right!!

05-05-13, 01:34
+1. Thankfully Boston was not spun cries for government control in its wake. But it frightens me how much people have shrugged it off as a footnote in history. Y'all should be scared of how many of my college classmates have--not--reacted to this.

I fear your last statement is true... I'm done with grad school in a few weeks and in only one of two classes it has been brought up for formal discussion and that is only because the class is about Terrorism... Had Boston happened sooner that particular topic about a populations relationship between perceived sense of vulnerability and it's influence on National Security related matters would have been good one for my masters thesis but I was to far into another direction.

05-05-13, 03:38
We have, IIRC, more people in prison than China does. Twice as many people in prison, per capita, as Russia. Both of them are police states. If we're not a police state, does that make us a prison state?

This is due in large part to the fact that states like China do not put much value on the lives of their criminals unlike the US. Political prisoners I don't agree with and is another matter unto itself.

How much smaller would our prison population be if we purged murderers, rapists, child molesters, and habitual career criminals who only prosper from ill-gotten gains from our society?

05-05-13, 03:41
This is due in large part to the fact that states like China do not put much value on the lives of their criminals unlike the US. Political prisoners I don't agree with and is another matter unto itself.

How much smaller would our prison population be if we purged murders, rapists, child molesters, and habitual career criminals who only prosper from ill-gotten gains from our society?

If that were to happen, a lot of us on here would be out of a job....

05-05-13, 03:52
Perhaps the goal was to allow what happen to happen. Evidence shows that they had been "in contact" with them for some time.

Another drill that "went live".

It allows manner I otherwise sane individuals to demand slavery.

It works...


But cowardly folk scream "tin foil!" and promptly go back to sleep and bitch about all manner of petty things.

If I had a way to escape the carnage with all of my relations I'd find it all quite comical...

"One man with courage makes a majority."

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/AKS-74/Herrman-Goering_zps89b06ea9.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/AKS-74/media/Herrman-Goering_zps89b06ea9.jpg.html)

05-05-13, 07:19
They want another 2 million rounds within a short time period and that will safely fragment when fired against an “armor steel plate”. What is going on :confused:


05-05-13, 09:21
I'm not saying that the government was involved in the bombings but are you aware of some of the false flag operations that they have been involved in? Have you heard of or read about Operation Ajax or Operation Northwoods?

Governments all over the world do crazy shit and ours is not immune.

I think of the following terms for those who CHOOSE not to know:

Benighted - without light, literally.

Obtuse - the very opposite of intellectually sharp.

Agent provocateur - one of them.

Intellectually & Morally cowardly -
Afraid of what may be uncovered and investigated.

"One man with courage makes a majority."

05-05-13, 09:31
They want another 2 million rounds within a short time period and that will safely fragment when fired against an “armor steel plate”. What is going on :confused:


From the first page:rolleyes:

"The purpose of this sources sought notice is to determine how the Government requirements can be met. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC), Glynco, Georgia is anticipating a purchase of Reduced Hazard Training Ammunition (RHTA) for multiple caliber types for use in the training programs for the FLETC sites. This applies to frangible and non-frangible projectiles and must meet the requirements stated below.

THIS IS A MARKET SURVEY REQUESTING INFORMATION IN SUPPORT OF THE FOLLOWING PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENT. No contract will be awarded from this announcement. This is not a Request for Proposal (RFP) or an Invitation for Bid (IFB), nor is it to be construed as a commitment by the government. Response to this questionnaire is purely voluntary and no reimbursement will be made for any costs associated with providing information in response to this market survey or any follow-on information requests. Data submitted in response to this market survey will not be returned. No solicitation document exists at this time and calls requesting a solicitation will not be answered.

General: FLETC has a requirement for RHTA training ammunition of multiple calibers strictly for law enforcement officer (LEO) training purposes at multiple training sites in the United States"

05-05-13, 09:57
Here's more:


"One man with courage makes a majority."

El Pistolero
05-05-13, 10:12
Bn CO: "We have 30 days until the end of the fiscal year and $XXXXX left. If we don't spend this then we lose it and they won't give us as much next year. So find out anything the howitzers need, find out what's wrong with any of the trucks, order excess parts, and find out any other office supplies or anything else you might want."...............

****ing A! In my unit we would spend the excess on new recliners for the dayroom, TVs (because we needed to upgrade from 42 to 56 inch.:rolleyes: Then LED came out so "upgrade" again), kitchen appliances, useless handtools, pocketknives, and other gadgetry, etc. Just one flight in the AF. And when I think about how many flights per squadron, squadrons per group, groups per wing, and how many AF bases around the world, I can instantly see how we don't get the military we are paying for because so much is going to waste/abuse. Then think of all the other branches plus the civilian .gov agencies!

05-05-13, 10:23
That makes sense, too.

"One man with courage makes a majority."