View Full Version : Screw Netflix...

03-02-13, 02:50
I have an account I use to only pay bills, and forgot to deposit enough on time to cover their meager fee. What do they do? Hit my account so many times for their 8.99 or whatever it is fee so many times the USAA rep said it was in the HUNDREDS in one single day. I deposited $2000 into that account, and they have hit it so many times over their 8.99 a month fee that I can't even use the card associated with that account at all.

03-02-13, 02:52
That's ****ing rediculous. They tried to charge me for having two accounts, that I didn't have, about a year ago.

03-02-13, 02:57
On the bright side. Netflix has Surviving The Cut. Which is my favorite show that Discovery ever aired. (That I've seen.)

03-02-13, 03:01
On the bright side. Netflix has Surviving The Cut. Which is my favorite show that Discovery ever aired. (That I've seen.)

Really? Better than Shark Week? I find that hard to believe. Nothing is better than Shark Week.

03-02-13, 03:05
Wow props to USAA. Just called and got an American at 3AM central time. She cleared all their charges and the card on that account now works. Person before said to call back and they would look into it. Did just that, and it was painless process.

03-02-13, 03:13
Wow props to USAA. Just called and got an American at 3AM central time. She cleared all their charges and the card on that account now works. Person before said to call back and they would look into it. Did just that, and it was painless process.

Glad to see you got your problem resolved. :)

(And yes. STC is better than Shark Week, although I'm a sucker for Shark Week.)

03-02-13, 03:41
You guys are missing out. My Strange Addiction on TLC is way better than Shark Week or STC.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

03-02-13, 03:58
You guys are missing out. My Strange Addiction on TLC is way better than Shark Week or STC.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

What is this "TLC" you speak of?

There is nothing better than sharks, except maybe dinosaurs. I say maybe, because dinosaurs failed at life while sharks survived. Ok some became birds but come on, that's lame.

03-02-13, 04:17
What is this "TLC" you speak of?

There is nothing better than sharks, except maybe dinosaurs. I say maybe, because dinosaurs failed at life while sharks survived. Ok some became birds but come on, that's lame.

Yeah but birds talk.

03-02-13, 05:11
Yeah but birds talk.

"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent." - Qui Gon Jinn.

I'm sure that somehow applies to the reason why Sharks > Birds > TLC.

03-02-13, 05:38
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent." - Qui Gon Jinn.

I'm sure that somehow applies to the reason why American Special Forces > Sharks > Birds > TLC.


03-02-13, 09:23

The favorite prey of the great white shark is a seal. Just saying.

03-02-13, 14:06
Yeah but does TLC or Netflix have Whale Wars? If not then you all fail...

03-02-13, 14:10
Yeah but does TLC or Netflix have Whale Wars? If not then you all fail...

Actually, Netflix does have Whale Wars, first 4 seasons.

03-02-13, 14:33
Wow props to USAA. Just called and got an American at 3AM central time. She cleared all their charges and the card on that account now works. Person before said to call back and they would look into it. Did just that, and it was painless process.

USAA is the shit. They get all of our business.

03-02-13, 20:31
Actually, Netflix does have Whale Wars, first 4 seasons.

Ive never really understood the appeal of shark week.

But whale wars. Nothing like watching a bunch of berkeley hippies fail at everything they do. Its a riot.

03-02-13, 21:41
Ive never really understood the appeal of shark week.

But whale wars. Nothing like watching a bunch of berkeley hippies fail at everything they do. Its a riot.

Have you seen shark week?

03-02-13, 21:58
Ive never really understood the appeal of shark week.

But whale wars. Nothing like watching a bunch of berkeley hippies fail at everything they do. Its a riot.

You forgot, "while wasting MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN DONATIONS in the process."


At first the blatant propaganda aspect of the show (especially the so called "shooting" from the Japanese vessel) angered me. But then when I realized what walking ****ups everyone was, it was hilarious. Watching them hatch Lucy Ricardo quality schemes and destroy equipment they have no business trying to operate was comedy gold.

The show however is unfortunate. My sympathies are with whale conservationists and I don't think the Japanese should be as opportunistic as they sometimes are. But watching the show will absolutely have you switching sides to the Japanese team. So even the show is a colossal failure for the "save the whales" crowd.

30 cal slut
03-03-13, 05:36
Check out "Room in Rome."

It's a real tear-jerker. :cool:

03-03-13, 07:49
Check out "Room in Rome."

It's a real tear-jerker. :cool:

I like High School of the Dead better.

03-03-13, 08:21
Have you watched house of cards yet? It's a Netflix exclusive....awesome show.

03-03-13, 11:08
I have an account I use to only pay bills, and forgot to deposit enough on time to cover their meager fee.......

so your mad at netflix because YOU made the MISTAKE of not putting YOUR money into YOUR account to clear YOUR bills???


thats like saying your mad at the bank for charging you a $30 fee because your wrote a bad check to pay for your netflix subscription.....

03-03-13, 13:44
I have an account I use to only pay bills, and forgot to deposit enough on time to cover their meager fee.......

so your mad at netflix because YOU made the MISTAKE of not putting YOUR money into YOUR account to clear YOUR bills???


thats like saying your mad at the bank for charging you a $30 fee because your wrote a bad check to pay for your netflix subscription.....

My thoughts exactly. I realize overdraft charges and fees can be annoying, especially if they ping your account multiple times, but if you didnt pay your own bills then stop bitching.

03-03-13, 13:58
My thoughts exactly. I realize overdraft charges and fees can be annoying, especially if they ping your account multiple times, but if you didnt pay your own bills then stop bitching.

glad im not the only one...

03-03-13, 18:37
Have you watched house of cards yet? It's a Netflix exclusive....awesome show.

That show is so badass.

03-03-13, 21:04
I have an account I use to only pay bills, and forgot to deposit enough on time to cover their meager fee.......

so your mad at netflix because YOU made the MISTAKE of not putting YOUR money into YOUR account to clear YOUR bills???


thats like saying your mad at the bank for charging you a $30 fee because your wrote a bad check to pay for your netflix subscription.....

No I didn't get charged over draft fees. What happened is they tried to charge my card so many times USAA basically froze all activity. If they just tried a few times that would not have happened.

Btw Netflix is on a month to month subscription. It's not a bill I owe for services already rendered.

03-04-13, 01:32
You forgot, "while wasting MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN DONATIONS in the process."


At first the blatant propaganda aspect of the show (especially the so called "shooting" from the Japanese vessel) angered me. But then when I realized what walking ****ups everyone was, it was hilarious. Watching them hatch Lucy Ricardo quality schemes and destroy equipment they have no business trying to operate was comedy gold.

The show however is unfortunate. My sympathies are with whale conservationists and I don't think the Japanese should be as opportunistic as they sometimes are. But watching the show will absolutely have you switching sides to the Japanese team. So even the show is a colossal failure for the "save the whales" crowd.

I agree. I find myself actually rooting for the japs as well. While I do commend the sea sheperd crew for standing up for what they believe in, they're extremely incompetent.

They're all more than likely that same special type of liberal, basing everything off emotion, and ruining this country. Wouldnt be surprised if most if not all are heavily anti 2A.

03-04-13, 11:54
Amazon Prime is a great way to go for online/streaming video, well worth the 80 bucks a year as it also carries over to the online store and you get free 2 Day shipping as well. Just the shipping savings alone from Christmas last year paid for the membership.

Yes, they do have Surviving the Cut ;)

03-04-13, 11:58
Amazon Prime is a great way to go for online/streaming video, well worth the 80 bucks a year as it also carries over to the online store and you get free 2 Day shipping as well. Just the shipping savings alone from Christmas last year paid for the membership.

Yes, they do have Surviving the Cut ;)

Sold me, with that one. I hate that there's only like 14 episodes. They need to keep that show goin'. For real.