View Full Version : Let Facts Be Submitted

03-06-13, 01:33
The History of the Present King of Great-Britain is a History of repeated Injuries and Usurpations, all having in direct Object the Establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid World

Or, in our modern context:

"The History of the Present Federal Oligarchy is a History of repeated Injuries and Usurpations, all having in direct Object the Establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid World"

List your most loathed and insufferable abuses, injuries, and usurpations of constitutional law and natural rights.

- They have attempted, repeatedly, to usurp the 2nd Amendment, for the purpose of establishing a power monopoly on the governments' behalf.

- They have claimed the ability and intention to imprison or assassinate American citizens without any form of constitutional due process.

- They have instituted an Inheritance Tax on deceased persons' assets that have already been taxed.

. . . . . Keep it going.

03-06-13, 01:53
- They have embraced a fiat money system controlled in secret outside congressional control that is the source of inflation, a tax on the poor and middle class who can not avoid it, in order to fund their breaking of Constitutional chains.

03-06-13, 02:21
- They have purposefully armed a neighboring nations' criminal gangs with combat arms, resulting in many hundreds of innocent deaths. And the President has abused his power of Executive Privilege to suppress congressionally- subpoenaed evidence and to obstruct justice in this matter.

03-06-13, 02:28
- They have repeatedly given aid and comfort to professed enemies of America and her allies, to include gifts of advanced weaponry.

03-06-13, 06:03
- They have mandated violations of Americans' fourth amendment right to be secure in their persons against unlawful search and seizure in exchange for the right to air travel.

03-06-13, 08:02
- They have paid off cronies and bribed others using taxpayer dollars.

- They have privately invested public tax money in private corporations.

- They lie, so much that normally the exact opposite of what comes out of their mouths is true.

- In times of economic turmoil the taxpayers have funded their lavish vacations and luxurious appetites.

- They left our people to die in a hell hole called Benghazi, with no attempt to send help.

- They buy votes using tax monies anyway they can dream up.

Mauser KAR98K
03-06-13, 10:28
They have created a health care system that taxes people who do not buy a certain commodity.

03-06-13, 22:22
- They have set up an unsustainable, gargantuan system for public financial assistance which will lead to the bankruptcy of the treasury, once their deficit spending and monetization are no longer possible.

- They have kept the southern border largely unguarded and open, for the purpose of fomenting an immigration crisis.

- They have sought to grant citizenship to tens of millions of illegal immigrants, many of whom do not understand our system, and would use their vote against the constitutional principles of this republic.

- They have resisted and/or rejected reasonable measures to stop voter fraud.

03-06-13, 22:30
- They have manipulated the citizenry of America with fear and scare tactics to gain support for their aims. This is the dictionary definition of terrorism.

the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear

03-06-13, 22:44
- Having suspended Habeas Corpus

- Having levied us with unfair and burdensome taxes upon EVERY facet of our daily lives. From original -For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent

-Having purposefully infringed upon the Right of the People to KEEP and BEAR arms with a labyrinth and web of complicated laws so as to entangle, entrap, confuse and tax the will of the people who wish to legally possess firearms. Having assaulted the 2nd Amendment for the last half century.

From the original Declaration:
For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent

For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments

He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation, and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & Perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.

03-07-13, 01:04
Sent to me via PM

-They have usurped our free press by way of providing privileged access to our elected representation and our President conditioned upon complicit actions and /or upon receipt of large sums of money.

03-08-13, 08:36
I can't believe no one else wants in on this thread. I thought we were experiencing a long train of abuses, but apparently everything is just peachy.

03-08-13, 08:59
Don't forget the Patriot Act, NDAA. Expansion of DHS into a secret police force equipped with 1.6 billion rounds of small arms ammo and 2700 MRAP's/Armored personnel carriers.

03-08-13, 13:12
-Humiliate us with body scanners at airports as well as hands on pat downs of our children.

03-08-13, 13:57
I can't believe no one else wants in on this thread. I thought we were experiencing a long train of abuses, but apparently everything is just peachy.

My God, isn't this enough. George, John, and Ben would already have took action.

03-08-13, 21:47
I can't believe no one else wants in on this thread. I thought we were experiencing a long train of abuses, but apparently everything is just peachy.

Given the fact that Carnivore and Etherpeek are present in this forum, are you surprised?

03-09-13, 22:16
Given the fact that Carnivore and Etherpeek are present in this forum, are you surprised?

Who cares about that spy garbage? If you're not on a list by now, you're a total Benedict Arnold who has no business owning an AR. It's our eternal duty to be a thorn in the side of tyrants.

03-10-13, 03:05
PM Addition

- They have trampled on people of faith by requiring them to violate their consciences in order to pay into a system that supports practices not consistent with their religion.

03-20-13, 20:27
- They have loaned, or "bailed out", major private banks who made bad business decisions (rewarding failure), and then raised the people's taxes to recoup the funds not paid back by the banks. This established a draconian system of privatized profits and socialized losses.